
D4.3 Datasets for CANTATA project

In the context of the European CANTATA project, partners involved in multi content analysis validation methods combined their efforts to create a webpage to share knowledge about datasets (sets & metadata & ground truth & metrics...) for three different domains: surveillance, consumer electronic and medical. Datasets should fall into three categories (Surveillance, Medical, Consumer Applications)

Please follow the template below to provide detailed information:

  • Name
    • Website: Webpage link (if any)
    • Description of Dataset: (Content, size, etc)
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: (if any)
    • Contextual info:environment conditions (calibration, scene...)
    • Results from metrics and ground truth:
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Licence, Cost, etc.
    • Contact person from Cantata: contact person to get more info.

If you want to add a new dataset, or if you have any comments, please contact Cédric Marchessoux (cedric.marchessoux@barco.com).


  • PETS
    • Websitehttp://www.cvg.rdg.ac.uk/slides/pets.html
    • Description of Dataset: Each year PETS run an evalaution frameowork on specific datasets with specific objecttive. 2000: 2001.... (more on duration and theme)
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Ground truth depends on the theme of each year's workshop.
    • Contextual info:
    • Results from metrics and ground truth:
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download from website
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk

  • PETS 2000
    • Website: ftp://ftp.pets.rdg.ac.uk/pub/PETS2000/
    • Description of Dataset:  Outdoor people and vehicle tracking (single camera). Two sequences: a) training sequence of 3672 frames at 25 Hz (146.88 secs) and b) test sequence of 1452 frames (58.08 secs). The sequences are available in 2 formats: a) QuickTime movie format with Motion JpegA compression (training.mov and test.mov)  b) Individual Jpeg files (training_images/*.jpg and test_9images/*.jpeg).
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: No Ground Truth provided.
    • Contextual info: Camera Calibration provided. 
    • Results from metrics and ground truth: Tracking Information
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
PETS 2000 Dataset: 

  • PETS 2001
    • Websitehttp://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/PETS2001/pets2001-dataset.html
    • Description of Dataset: Outdoor people and vehicle tracking (two synchronised views; includes omnidirectional and moving camera). PETS'2001 consists of five separate sets of training and test sequences, i.e. each set consists of one training sequence and one test sequence. All the datasets are multi-view (2 cameras) and are significantly more challenging than for PETS'2000 in terms of significant lighting variation, occlusion, scene activity and use of multi-view data.
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Tracking information on image plane and ground plane can be found at:http://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/PETS2001/ANNOTATION/
    • Contextual info: Camera Calibration provided
    • Results from metrics and ground truth: Centroid and bounding box coordinates on image plane, object class (person, vehicle, other), position on ground plane and object orientation.
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download from website
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
PETS 2001 Dataset 1: 
PETS 2001 Dataset 2: 
PETS 2001 Dataset 3: 
PETS 2001 Dataset 4: 
PETS 2001 Dataset 5: 

  • PETS 2002- VISOR BASE: Moving People
    • Websitehttp://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/PETS2002/pets2002-db.html
    • Description of Dataset: Indoor people tracking (and counting). Two training and four testing sequences consist of people moving in front of a shop window. Sequences are provided as both MPEG movie format and as individual JPEG images.
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: People tracking, counting and activity recognition.
    • Contextual info: No calibration
    • Results from metrics and ground truth:  How many people are passing in front of the shop window,  how many people stop and look into the window,  how many people are looking into the window at each instant (frame) in time,  the trajectories of people passing in front of the store,  the time spent per frame (processing time):  a histogram of the microseconds spent processing each frame.
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download from website
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
PETS 2002 - VISOR BASE Dataset: 


  • PETS-ICVS'2003 - FGnet
    • Website: http://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/PETS-ICVS/pets-icvs-db.html
    • Description of Dataset: Smart meeting, that includes facial expressions, gaze and gesture/action. The environment consists of three cameras: one mounted on each of two opposing walls, and an omnidirectional camera positioned at the centre of the room. The dataset consists of four scenarios.
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: a) Eye positions of people in Scenarios A, B and D. (every 10th frame is annotated). b)  Facial expression and gaze estimation for Scenarios A and D, Cameras 1-2. c) Gesture/action annotations for Scenarios B and D, Cameras 1-2.
    • Contextual info: Camera Calibration provided. 
    • Results from metrics and ground truth: For each frame, the requirement is to perform:face localisation (centre location of eyes), recognition of facial expression, recognition of face/hand gesture, estimation of face/head direction (gaze),  recognition of actions.
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
PETS-ICVS'2003 - FGnet Dataset: 

  • VS-PETS'2003 - INMOVE
    • Websitehttp://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/VSPETS/vspets-db.html
    • Description of Dataset: Outdoor people tracking - football data (three synchronised views). The datasets consists of football players moving around a pitch.
    • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Tracking information on image plane for camera 3 can be found at:http://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/VSPETS/Camera3Xml.zip.  An AVI file of the ground truth for camera view 3 is also available athttp://www.cvg.cs.rdg.ac.uk/VSPETS/Cam3_Gt.avi
    • Contextual info
    • Results from metrics and ground truth: The location of each player on the pitch, for each frame of the sequence. For each player, the bounding box (with origin bottom left) in pixels should be determined.  The position of the player is defined as the middle bottom of the bounding box (in pixels).
    • Comments:
    • Information on Copyright: Free download from website
    • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
VS-PETS'2003 - INMOVE Camera Setting: 
VS-PETS'2003 - INMOVE Dataset Views:  

    • PETS-ECCV'2004 - CAVIAR
      • Websitehttp://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/vision/CAVIAR/CAVIARDATA1/ or http://www-prima.inrialpes.fr/PETS04/caviar_data.html
      • Description of Dataset: A number of video clips were recorded acting out the different scenarios of interest. These include people walking alone, meeting with others, window shopping, fighting and passing out and last, but not least, leaving a package in a public place. All video clips were filmed with a wide angle camera lens. The resolution is half-resolution PAL standard (384 x 288 pixels, 25 frames per second) and compressed using MPEG2. The file sizes are mostly between 6 and 12 MB, a few up to 21 MB.A number of video clips were recorded acting out the different scenarios of interest. These include people walking alone, meeting with others, window shopping, fighting and passing out and last, but not least, leaving a package in a public place. All video clips were filmed with a wide angle camera lens. The resolution is half-resolution PAL standard (384 x 288 pixels, 25 frames per second) and compressed using MPEG2. The file sizes are mostly between 6 and 12 MB, a few up to 21 MB.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata:  Person/Group Tracking, Person/Group Activity Recognition, Scenario/Situation Recognition 
      • Contextual info:  3D coordinates of points for calibration purposes provided.
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:  For each frame and object/group : bounding box and behaviour label. Also, for each frame, labels for situations/scenarios for the whole image.
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Free download from website. If you publish results using the data, please acknowledge the data as coming from the EC Funded CAVIAR project/IST 2001 37540, found at URL: http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/homes/rbf/CAVIAR/
      • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
    PETS-ECCV'2004 - CAVIAR Datasets:     

    • WAMOP-PETS'2005
      • Websitehttp://www.vast.uccs.edu/~tboult/PETS05/
      • Description of Dataset: Challenging detection/tracking scenes on water.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Object Detection/Tracking.
      • Contextual info:
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: Bounding Box
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Free download from website, but registration is required.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk

    • PETS'2006 - ISCAPS
      • Websitehttp://pets2006.net/
      • Description of Dataset: Surveillance of public spaces, detection of left luggage events. Scenarios of increasing complexity, captured using multiple sensors.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: All scenarios come with two XML files. The first of these files contains camera calibration parameters, these are given in the sub-directory 'calibration'. See the previous section (Calibration Data) for information on this XML file format. The second XML file (given in the sub-directory 'xml') contains both configuration and ground-truth information.
      • Contextual info: Calibration provided.
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: The radii distances, luggage location, warning / alarm triggers etc
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Free download from website . The UK Information Commisioner has agreed that the PETS 2006 data-sets described here may be made publicly available for the purposes of academic research. The video sequences are copyright ISCAPS consortium and permission is hereby granted for free download for the purposes of the PETS 2006 workshop.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
    PETS'2006 - ISCAPS Dataset: 

    • PETS'2007 - REASON
      • Websitehttp://pets2007.net/
      • Description of Dataset: The datasets are multisensor sequences containing the following 3 scenarios, with increasing scene complexity: 1. loitering, 2. attended luggage removal (theft), 3. unattended luggage.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Event Detection
      • Contextual info: Calibration provided
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: Event Details (type, location, time)
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Free download from website . The UK Information Commisioner has agreed that the PETS 2007 datasets described here may be made publicly available for the purposes of academic research. The video sequences are copyright UK EPSRC REASON Project consortium and permission is hereby granted for free download for the purposes of the PETS 2007 workshop.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
    PETS'2007 - REASON Dataset: 

    • BEHAVE
      • Websitehttp://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/vision/BEHAVEDATA/INTERACTIONS/
      • Description of Dataset: The dataset comprises of two views of various scenario's of people acting out various interactions. Ten basic scenarios were acted out. These were called  InGroup (IG), Approach (A), WalkTogether (WT), Split (S), Ignore (I), Following (FO), Chase (C), Fight (FI), RunTogether (RT), and Meet (M).The data is captured at 25 frames per second. The resolution is 640x480. The videos are available either as AVI's or as a numbered set of JPEG single image files.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Tracking, Event detection.
      • Contextual info: 3D coordinates of points for calibration purposes provided.
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: Bounding boxes (VIPER XML format). Event labels for persons and frame span
      • Comments: The site will be updated when more of the ground truth becomes available.
      • Information on Copyright: Free download from website.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Dimitrios Makris, d.makris@kingston.ac.uk
    BEHAVE dataset with ground truth bounding boxes: 

    • Level Crossing
      • Websitehttp://www.multitel.be/~va/selcat/
      • Description of Dataset:  These datasets are composed of 24 Hours of real sequences, showing a level crossing where some vehicles stop due to its particular configuration: on the right side of the LC, there is an avenue, parallel to the LC. So a traffic light is located just after the LC. Consequently, sometimes, vehicles stopped on the LC due to this traffic light. The Total Amount of data is about 7 GigaBytes. For each video files, there is a corresponding ground truth file.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: For each video files, there is a corresponding ground truth file in XML that give the timestamp of events "stopped vehicles"
      • Contextual info:environment conditions (calibration, scene...)
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Licence, Cost, etc.
      • Contact person from Cantata:  Caroline Machy, machy\a\multitel.be 


    • ETISEO:
      • Websitehttp://www-sop.inria.fr/orion/ETISEO/
      • Description of Dataset: 86 video clips. These sequences constitute a representative panel of different video surveillance areas. 
        They merge indoor and outdoor scenes, corridors, streets, building entries, subway station... 
        They also mix different types of sensors and complexity levels.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: 5 different levels: Object Detection, Object Localization, Object Tracking, Object Classification.
      • Contextual info: zone of interest, calibration matrix
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: bounding box, object class, events
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Free download but registration and user agreement is required.
      • Contact person from Cantatafrancois.bremond@sophia.inria.fr 


    • SPEVI: Audiovisual people dataset
      • Websitewww.spevi.org
      • Description of Dataset :  This is a dataset for uni-modal and multi-modal (audio and visual) people detection tracking. Thedataset consists of three sequences recorded in different scenarios with a video camera and a two microphones. Two sequences(motinas_Room160 and motinas_Room105) are recorded in rooms with reverberations. The third sequence (motinas_Chamber) isrecorded in a room with reduced reverberations. The camera is placed in the centre of a bar that supports two microphones. Total number of images: 3271, Format of images: 8-bit color AVI 360 x 288 pixels 25 fps, audio sampling rate: 44.1 kHz.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata:  The ground truth data are provided together with the sequences in the corresponding .zip file, as list of XML files representing the positions of the objects in the field of view.
      • Contextual info: No
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Requested citation acknowledgment Courtesy of EPSRC funded MOTINAS project (EP/D033772/1)
      • Contact person from Cantata: Xavier Desurmont, desurmont\a\multitel.be 


    • SPEVI: Single face dataset
      • Websitewww.spevi.org
      • Description of Dataset: This is a dataset for single person/face visual detection and tracking. The dataset is composed of five sequences with different illumination conditions and resolutions. Three sequences (motinas_toni, motinas_toni_change_illand motinas_nikola_dark) are shot with a hand held camera (JVC GR-20EK). In motinas_toni the target moves under a constant bright illumination; in motinas_toni_change_ill the illumination changes from dark to bright; the sequencemotinas_nikola_dark is constantly dark. Two sequences (motinas_emilio_webcam and motinas_emilio_webcam_turning) are shot with a webcam (Logitech Quickcam) under a fairly constant illumination.Total number of images: 3018, DivX 6 compression, 640 x 480 pixels and  25 Hz (motinas_toni, motinas_toni_change_ill, motinas_nikola_dark),  320 x 240 pixels and 10 Hz (motinas_emilio_webcam and motinas_emilio_webcam_turning)  
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: The ground truth data is available in the .zip files for the sequences motinas_toni andmotinas_emilio_webcam. In the ground truth files each line of text describes the objects' position and size in a frame. Thesyntax of a line is the following: frame  number_of_objects  obj_1_name  x  y  half_width  half_height  angle  obj_2_name  x  y  half_width  half_height  angle ...  
      • Contextual info: No
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:  No
      • Comments: No
      • Information on Copyright: Requested citation acknowledgment E. Maggio, A. Cavallaro, "Hybrid particle filter and mean shift tracker with adaptive transition model", in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005), Philadelphia, 19-23 March 2005, pp. 221 - 224.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Xavier Desurmont, desurmont\a\multitel.be 


    • SPEVI: Multiple faces dataset.
      • Websitehttp://www.spevi.org/
      • Description of Dataset:  This is a dataset for multiple people/faces visual detection and tracking. The dataset is composedof 3 sequences (same scenario); 4 targets repeatedly occlude each other while appearing and disappearing from the field ofview of the camera. The sequence motinas_multi_face_frontal shows frontal faces only; in motinas_multi_face_turning the faces are frontal and rotated; in motinas_multi_face_fast the targets move faster that in the previous two sequences. Total numberof images: 2769, DivX 6 compression,640 x 480 pixels,25 Hz.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: No
      • Contextual info: No
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: No
      • Comments: No
      • Information on Copyright: Requested citation acknowledgment: E. Maggio, E. Piccardo, C. Regazzoni, A. Cavallaro. "Particle PHD filter for multi-target visual tracking", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007), Honolulu (USA), April 15-20, 2007
      • Contact person from Cantata: Xavier Desurmont, desurmont\a\multitel.be


    • i-Lids:

    i-LIDS Abandoned Package Scenario: 
    i-LIDS Doorway Surveillance Scenario: 
    i-LIDS Parked Vehicle Scenario Scenario: 
    i-LIDS Sterile Zone Scenario: 

    IBM Indoor Dataset: 

    • OVVV:
      • Websitehttp://development.objectvideo.com/
      • Description of Dataset: The ObjectVideo Virtual Video provides the ability to generate virtual video sequences. These video sequences can then be used to test VCA algorithms.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: The automatically generated ground truth is generated in a propriety binary format. The format is open, and a conversion program can be created to convert metadata to any format. A simple bounding box scheme is available, for more powerful validation a “blob��� video can be created.
      • Contextual info: Virtual environment, the user can make his own environment from the internet. Several camera settings can be changed to simulate real-world cameras more closely. 
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: results from metrics and ground truth are not applicable for OVVV. 
      • Comments: This is not a dataset as is but using these tools, very powerful and tailored; test video’s can be created. 
      • Information on Copyright: The ObjectVideo Virtual Video Tool is provided free for non-commercial use, for your own research and development purposes. If you publish or distribute images, videos or derivative results based on this software, you must acknowledge ObjectVideo by including "ObjectVideo Virtual Video Tool".
        To use the ObjectVideo Virtual Video tool a licence for the commercial game Half-Life 2 is needed (www.steampowered.com).
      • Contact person from Cantata: Rick Koeleman, VDG-Security bv. rick@vdg-security.com 


    • CANDELA:
      • Website: http://www.multitel.be/~va/candela/ 
      • Description of Dataset: "Indoor abandonned object" and "road intersection"
        • Scenario 1:  Abandoned object.vThe detection of abandoned objects is more or less the detection of idle (stationary or non-moving) objects that remain stationary over a certain period of time. The period of time is adjustable. In several types of scenes, idle objects should be detected. In a parking lot e.g., an idle object can be a parked car or a left suitcase. For this scenario we are not looking at the object types "person" or "car", but at unidentified objects, called "unknown objects". An unknown object is any object that is not a person or a vehicle. In general, unknown objects cannot move. What should be detected? : Whenever an unknown object appears in the scene and remains stationary for some amount of time person, an alarm needs to be generated. This alarm must remain active, as long as the unknown object remains stationary.
        • Scenario 2: Persons are allowed to cross the street at zebra crossings, a crossing controlled with lights. Alarms should be generated when persons are not allowed to be on the crossing, or when dangerous scenarios occur (cars driving when people crossing). Since the external signal from the traffic light is not available (when the crossing is regulated by traffic lights), detection needs to be done automatically. Detection of persons on the crossing itself is pretty easy, but alarms should only be given when persons are on the crossing, and cars are driving.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: no
      • Contextual info: no
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: Criteria for verification/ : -Is the alarm generated (yes/no)? -How correct is the timing of the alarm (start delay, overall time overlap) Position correctness
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: public domain
      • Contact person from Cantata: Xavier Desurmont, desurmont\a\multitel.be


    • Traficon dataset:
      • Website: no.
      • Description of dataset: Traffic jam.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: no.
      • Contextual info: Calibration: Camera height 12m, Camera: inch sensor, 4 mm lens.
      • Comments: Information: Period of road markings is 12m (9+3).
      • Information on Copyright: license (no), cost (free): When dataset is used refer and give credit to Traficon N.V. as follows: " www.traficon.com".
      • Contact person from Cantata: Wouter Favoreel, wf@traficon.com


    • Traffic datasets from Institut fur Algorithmen und Kognitive Systemes


    • Visor :
      • Websitehttp://imagelab.ing.unimore.it/visor/
      • Description of Dataset: 4 types of video clips. These sequences constitute a representative panel of different video surveillance areas. 
        They merge indoor and outdoor scenes, such as Indoor Domotic Unimore D.I.I. setup.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Object Detection and Tracking.
      • Contextual info:
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: (Viper-GT) bounding box,
      • Comments: mostly simple videos
      • Information on Copyright: Free download
      • Contact personvezzani.roberto@unimore.it


    • BEHAVE :
      • Websitehttp://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/vision/BEHAVEDATA/
      • Description of Dataset: crowd, people acting out various interactions.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Object Detection and Tracking.
      • Contextual info: calibration info
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: (Viper-GT) bounding box, object class,
      • Comments: some complex videos (added by François Brémond)
      • Information on Copyright: Free download
      • Contact person: Bob Fisher : rbf@inf.ed.ac.uk


    • Standard Digital Image Database from JSRT
      • Websitehttp://www.jsrt.or.jp/web_data/english03.html 
      • Description of dataset: around 5 datasets of 250 images, x-ray chest healthy and diseased with nodules. 2048x2048, white is zero, big endian.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: per image, clinical metadata in txt file for each image with patient information age,sexe and images in itf with nodule, cancer, infection position.
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...): X-ray system
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:none
      • Comments: THe dataset should be ordered by email with a Visa card number. The dataset is delivered by post after oe week. The price per dataset is more than reasonable.
      • Information on Copyright: For publication credit should be given by citing in references the following article:
        • J. Shiraishi et al. Development of a Digital Image Database for Chest Radiographs with and without a Lung Nodule: Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Radiologists’ Detection of Pulmonary Nod-ules. AJR, 174(1):71-74, 2000.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Cédric Marchessoux (cedric.marchessoux@barco.com)


    • Real masses, micro calcifications, backgrounds, conventional x-ray mammography data base
      • Website: No official website, via Elizabeth Krupinski (krupinski@radiology.arizona.edu)
      • Description of dataset: _Real masses, micro calcifications, backgrounds, conventional x-ray mammography, bmp images with resolution of 256x256.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: none, signals can be extracted by substraction between backrgrounds alone andbackground+signals at 100% density
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...): X-ray system
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: none
      • Comments: See examples:
        1. Backgrounds,
        2. Signals: masses
        3. Signals: micro calcifications
    Backgrounds Signal: masses       Signals: micro calcifications  

    • The NCIA (National Cancer Imaging Archive from National Cancer Institute) data base
      • Websitehttps://imaging.nci.nih.gov/ncia/
      • Description of dataset: _Description of Dataset (Content, size, etc): CT scans with xml files for the ground truth, and also other modalities.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: groundtruth stored in xml
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...): X-ray scanner system: Brand and acquisition conditions
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: none
      • Comments:
        • Information on Copyright: the user should ask for a login. You may browse, download, and use the data for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. However, you may encounter documents or portions of documents contributed by private institutions or organizations. Other parties may retain all rights to publish or produce these documents. Commercial use of the documents on this site may be protected under United States and foreign copyright laws. In addition, some of the data may be the subject of patent applications or issued patents, and you may need to seek a license for its commercial use. NCI does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information in this archive.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Cédric Marchessoux (cedric.marchessoux@barco.com)

    • MyPACS.net, reference case manager
    • Description of dataset: MyPACS.net is still free, and it now has over 16,500 teaching files contributed by 14,000 registered users.  With 75,000 key images categorized by anatomy and pathology, you can quickly find examples of any disease.   The web-based viewer has been improved with more PACS-like features, and it still works instantly in your browser, requiring nothing to download:

      1. You can now send DICOM directly from your PACS to MyPACS.net.  Full studies are anonymized and sent through your firewall to MyPACS.net, where you can share them with anybody.  See http://www.mypacs.net/dar.
      2. You can now adjust windows/levels on every image in MyPACS, and scroll through series as if you were on a PACS.
      3. Users can rate cases, and highly rated cases show up first in search results.
      4. It's now easier to export your cases to PowerPoint.   Just select "PowerPoint" from the case options menu.
      5. Need a second opinion?  Upload images to MyPACS.net and select "solicit opinions". Hundreds of volunteer radiologists will be invited to comment on your case.
      6. Want to participate in international outreach?  Sign up as a volunteer, and you will receive email whenever cases matching your expertise are submitted by physicians in developing nations.

      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: Description of the pathology by medical doctors.
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...): Medical modality described: Brand and acquisition conditions
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: none


      1. Cranium and Contents (1205)
      2. Face and Neck (398)
      3. Spine and Peripheral Nervous System (504)
      4. Skeletal System (3433)
      5. Heart (160)
      6. Chest (894)
      7. Gastrointestinal (1271)
      8. Genitourinary (800)
      9. Vascular/Lymphatic (416)
      10. Breast (62)
      11. Other (458) 
      • Information on Copyright: MyPACS.net is still free, you need to be registered.
      • Contact person from Cantata: Cédric Marchessoux (cedric.marchessoux@barco.com)
    • DICOM sample image sets 
      • Websites:
      • Description of dataset: DICOM sample image sets with alias name, the modality, the file size with a short description.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata:
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...):
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: none
      • Comments: mainly CT and MRI, more than 10 GB of data
      • Information on Copyrightclick on the thumbnail images to download the full set of corresponding DICOM images
      • Contact person from Cantata: Cédric Marchessoux (cedric.marchessoux@barco.com)
    • The Volume Library  
      • Websitehttp://www9.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/External/vollib/
      • Description of dataset: Name of the set, Anatomy, resolution, number of bits
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata:
      • Contextual info: environment conditions (calibration, scene...): scanning parameters
      • Results from metrics and ground truth: none
      • Comments: Mainly CT, PET, MRI. Additional comments are available, all the dataset are not only medical content, you could find a scan of a bonzaï.  T he raw data can be extracted easily using the PVM tools distributed with the V^3 volume rendering package available at http://www.stereofx.org/
      • Information on CopyrightCommercial use is prohibited and no warranty whatsoever is expressed, credit should be given to the group who created the dataset.
      • Contact person: Stefan  Roettger ( roettger@cs.fau.de)
      • Contact person from Cantata: Cédric Marchessoux ( cedric.marchessoux@barco.com)

    Consumer Applications

    • Phillips Internal dataset
      • Website: none
      • Description of dataset: _internal video corpus we are using it is not possible to provide the video material for Cantata
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: but we can provide the metadata such as shot, scene cuts, face, eye position, identityetc.
      • Contextual info:
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Information on Copyright:
      • Contact person from Cantata: Sabri Boughorbel (mailto:)


    • Public domain
    • Trictrac:
      • Websitehttp://www.multitel.be/trictrac/?mod=3
      • Description of dataset: Multicamera HD progressive image in jpeg for synthetic video sequence of soccer.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: XML (position is 2D, 3D of objects and camera)
      • Contextual info:  No
      • Results from metrics and ground truth : no
      • Comments: the datasets is fully described in "TRICTRAC Video Dataset: Public HDTV Synthetic Soccer Video Sequences With Ground Truth", X. Desurmont, J-B. Hayet, J-F. Delaigle, J. Piater, B. Macq, Workshop on Computer Vision Based Analysis in Sport Environments (CVBASE), 2006.
      • Information on Copyright: Access / licence: All data is publicly available and downloadable. If you publish results using the data, please acknowledge the data as coming from the TRICTRAC project, found at URL: http://www.multitel.be/trictrac. THE DATASET IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
        • Contact person from Cantata: Xavier Desurmont, desurmont\a\multitel.be
    • RWC Music Database
      • Websitehttp://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/RWC-MDB/
      • Description of Dataset: The RWC (Real World Computing) Music Database is a copyright-cleared music database (DB) that is available to researchers as a common foundation for research.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata: MIDI files, genre, lyrics
      • Contextual info:
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Users who have submitted the Pledge and received authorization may freely use the database for research purposes without facing the usual copyright restrictions, but all of the copyrights and neighboring rights connected with this database belong to the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and are managed by the RWC Music Database Administrator. Persons or organizations that have not submitted a Pledge and that have not received authorization may not use the database.
      • Contact person from Cantata:
    • The International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory (IMIRSEL) Project
      • Websitehttp://www.music-ir.org/evaluation/
      • Description of Dataset: The objective of the International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory project (IMIRSEL) is the establishment of the necessary resources for the scientifically valid development and evaluation of emerging Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Music Digital Library (MDL) techniques and technologies.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata:
      • Contextual info:
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Available on request
      • Contact person from Cantata:
    • Freesound
      • Websitehttp://freesound.iua.upf.edu/
      • Description of Dataset: The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds. Freesoundfocusses only on sound, not songs.
      • Description of Ground Truth/Metadata : No
      • Contextual info:environment conditions
      • Results from metrics and ground truth:
      • Comments:
      • Information on Copyright: Creative Commons
      • Contact person from Cantata:

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