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原创 UIButton上image和title的位置调整

UIButton上image和title的位置调整方法:  //UIEdgeInsetsMake(top left bottom right)  [button setImageEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0)]; //将image的位置向右移动100个像素  [button setTitleEdgeInsets:UIEdg

2012-12-21 14:00:45 2596




Getting Started with MATLAB, Simulink, and ROS

This entry contains files for the "Getting Started with MATLAB and ROS", "Getting Started with Simulink and ROS", "Deploying Algorithms to ROS", and "Designing Distributed Systems with ROS" episodes of the MATLAB and Simulink Robotics Arena. You will find MATLAB and Simulink templates to help you get started with common programming and modeling practices for connecting MATLAB and Simulink to the Robot Operating System (ROS). In addition, this entry contains an object tracking example implemented


Custom Colormap

The function defines a customized colobar given the positions and the colors that are going to generate the gradients. A Live Script example is also provided to understand the following parameters: - positions: Vector of positions, from 0 to 1. Note that the first position must be 0, and the last one must be 1. - colors: Colors to place in each position. This parameter can be specified as a RGB matrix (n_colors x 3), or as a cell vector, containing HTML values.


xml2struct Convert an xml file into a MATLAB structure for easy

Convert an xml file into a MATLAB structure for easy access to the data.


KeePass A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager Windows

KeePass Password Safe is a free, open source, lightweight, and easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, with ports for Android, iPhone/iPad and other mobile devices. With so many passwords to remember and the need to vary passwords to protect your valuable data, it’s nice to have KeePass to manage your passwords in a secure way. KeePass puts all your passwords in a highly encrypted database and locks them with one master key or a key file. As a result, you only have to remem


Tesseract OCR For Operating Systems Linux, Mac, Windows

Tesseract is an open source OCR or optical character recognition engine and command line program. OCR is a technology that allows for the recognition of text characters within a digital image. With the latest version of Tesseract, there is a greater focus on line recognition, however it still supports the legacy Tesseract OCR engine which recognizes character patterns.


JADX for Linux Dex to Java decompiler

Command-line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and apk files. Decompile Dalvik bytecode to java classes from APK, dex, aar, aab and zip files. Decode AndroidManifest.xml and other resources from resources.arsc. Deobfuscator included. Be aware, Android Studio can interfere with jadx debugger, so it is better to close it before attaching to the process in jadx. Smali debugger, check wiki page for setup and usage. View decompiled code with highlighted syntax.


JADX for Windows Dex to Java decompiler

Command-line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and apk files. Decompile Dalvik bytecode to java classes from APK, dex, aar, aab and zip files. Decode AndroidManifest.xml and other resources from resources.arsc. Deobfuscator included. Be aware, Android Studio can interfere with jadx debugger, so it is better to close it before attaching to the process in jadx. Smali debugger, check wiki page for setup and usage. View decompiled code with highlighted syntax.


Jupyter Notebook for linux

The notebook extends the console-based approach to interactive computing in a qualitatively new direction, providing a web-based application suitable for capturing the whole computation process: developing, documenting, and executing code, as well as communicating the results. The Jupyter notebook combines two components. A web application, which is a browser-based tool for interactive authoring of documents which combine explanatory text, mathematics, computations and their rich media output. A


Talos Linux is a modern Linux distribution built for

Talos Linux is Linux designed for Kubernetes – secure, immutable, and minimal. Supports cloud platforms, bare metal, and virtualization platforms. All system management is done via an API. No SSH, shell or console. Production-ready supports some of the largest Kubernetes clusters in the world. Open source project from the team at Sidero Labs. It only takes 3 minutes to launch a Talos cluster on your laptop inside Docker. Talos reduces your attack surface. It's minimal, hardened and immutable. Al


Notion for Linux

Native Notion packages for Linux, built from Notion's Windows installer. To install Notion with Notion Enhancer mods applied, replace notion-desktop with notion-enhanced in the commands provided. notion-desktop is the vanilla Notion package. notion-enhanced is the Notion package with Notion Enhancer mods applied. Notion Desktop builds with Notion Enhancer for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Direct port of Notion is also available for Linux.


docker-java Java Docker API Client. To start using docker-java

Java Docker API Client. To start using docker-java , you need to add at least two dependencies. You will need an instance of DockerClientConfig to tell the library how to access Docker, which credentials to use to pull from Docker registries, etc. The builder is available and allows you to configure every property of the client. Should you need to customize the Jackson's ObjectMapper used by docker-java, you can create your own DockerClientConfig. Once you decided which transport to use, you wil


GraphQL Java

GraphQL Java implementation. It requires a little Spring and Java knowledge. GraphQL is a query language to retrieve data from a server. It is an alternative to REST, SOAP or gRPC. One very important property of GraphQL is that it is statically typed: the server knows exactly the shape of every object you can query and any client can actually "introspect" the server and ask for the "schema". The schema describes what queries are possible and what fields you can get back. (Note: when we refer to


Java API for GitHub

This library defines an object oriented representation of the GitHub API. By "object oriented" we mean there are classes that correspond to the domain model of GitHub (such as GHUser and GHRepository), operations that act on them as defined as methods (such as GHUser.follow()), and those object references are used in favor of using string handle (such as GHUser.isMemberOf(GHOrganization) instead of GHUser.isMemberOf(String)) The library supports both github.com and GitHub Enterprise. Most of the


ChatGPT Java

A Java client for the ChatGPT API ChatGPT Java is a Java client for the ChatGPT API. Use official API with model gpt-3.5-turbo.


Java Tablesaw

Tablesaw is a dataframe and visualization library that supports loading, cleaning, transforming, filtering, and summarizing data. If you work with data in Java, it may save you time and effort. Tablesaw also supports descriptive statistics and can be used to prepare data for working with machine learning libraries like Smile, Tribuo, H20.ai, DL4J. Import data from RDBMS, Excel, CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, or Fixed Width text files, whether they are local or remote (http, S3, etc.) Tablesaw supports da



google-java-format is a program that reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style. The formatter can act on whole files, on limited lines, on specific offsets, passing through to standard-out (default) or altered in-place. There is no configurability as to the formatter's algorithm for formatting. This is a deliberate design decision to unify our code formatting on a single format. The formatter can be used in software that generates java to output more legible java code. Just inc


JavaVi - vi/vim editor clone

jVi is a vi/vim editor clone built on top of the javax.swing.text package. Available for NetBeans and JBuilder. jVi is designed to quickly and easily integrate into many disparate java based desktop apps, from IDE's to mail-news readers.


Shaded area error bar plot

This function plots the mean and standard deviation of a set of data filling the space between the positive and negative mean error using a semi-transparent background, completely customizable. Input parameters: - data: Data matrix, with rows corresponding to observations and columns to samples. - options: (Optional) Struct that contains the customized params. * options.handle: Figure handle to plot the result. * options.color_area: RGB color of the filled area. * options.color_line: RGB color


OpenStreetMap Functions

This software package includes functions for working with OpenStreetMap XML Data files (extension `.osm`), as downloaded from http://www.openstreetmap.org, to: 1) Import and parse the XML data file and store the parsed data in a MATLAB structure. This data represents the graph of the transportation network. 2) Plot the MATLAB structure to get a visualization of the transportation network, its nodes and their labels. 3) Extract the adjacency matrix of the directed graph representing the network'


Plot Groups of Stacked Bars Source code

Plot a set of stacked bars, but group them according to labels provided. Params: stackData is a 3D matrix (i.e., stackData(i, j, k) => (Group, Stack, StackElement)) groupLabels is a CELL type (i.e., { 'a', 1 , 20, 'foo' };)


rgb2hex and hex2rgb Convert colors between rgb and hex values

Simply convert between hex color values and rgb color values. These two functions can handle arrays as inputs. Default rgb values are scaled from 0 to 1 to match Matlab's syntax. However, if you'd like to use RGB values scaled from 0 to 255, that'll work too. SYNTAX: rgb = hex2rgb(hex) returns rgb color values in an n x 3 array. Values are scaled from 0 to 1 by default. rgb = hex2rgb(hex,255) returns RGB values scaled from 0 to 255.


Global Optimization with MATLAB

* Peaks Minimization * Nonlinear Curve Fitting GlobalSearch Demos * Peaks Minimization * Volumentric Efficiency Maximization Simulated Annealing Demos * Peaks Minimization * Eight Queens Problem * Galactic Traveling Salesman Pattern Search Demos * Peaks Minimization * Mount Washington Demo Genetic Algorithm Demos


Toolbox Fast Marching A toolbox for the computation of the Fast

A toolbox for the computation of the Fast Marching algorithm in 2D and 3D. The Fast Marching algorithm, introduced by Sethian (1996) is a numerical algorithm that is able to catch the viscosity solution of the Eikonal equation |grad(D)|=P. The level set {x \ F(x)=t} can be seen as a front advancing with speed P(x). The resulting function D is a distance function, and if the speed P is constant, it can be seen as the distance function to a set of starting points.


DataHash Version 1.7.1 (12 KB) MD5 or SHA hash for array

DATAHASH - Hash for Matlab array, struct, cell or file Hash = DataHash(Data, Opts, ...) Data: Array of built-in types (U)INT8/16/32/64, SINGLE, DOUBLE (real or complex) CHAR, LOGICAL, CELL, STRUCT (scalar or array, nested), function_handle. Options: List of char vectors: Hashing method: 'SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384', 'SHA-512', 'MD2', 'MD5'. Output format: 'hex', 'HEX', 'double', 'uint8', 'base64' Input type: 'array': The contents, type and size of the input [Data] are considered for the crea...


MATLAB实例大全 Complete GUI Examples Version (108 KB)

This is a collection of GUIs meant to serve either to answer specific questions about writing GUIs or as a teaching tool to aid in learning how to write MATLAB GUIs without GUIDE. Many of these are inspired directly from the newsgroup. The questions/files are written in approximate order of complexity, so intermediate users may want to skip the first several files. The questions answered include: 1.How do I manipulate the strings in a uicontrol? GUI_1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 3


Toolbox Graph A toolbox to perform computations on graph.

This toolbox contains useful functions to deal with graph and triangulation. The basic representation of a graph of n vertices is the adjacency matrix A where A(i,j)=1 if vertex i is linked to vertex j. A graph often comes with a geometric realization in R^d which an (d,n) matrix where vertex(:,i) is the position of the ith vertex. A triangulation of m faces and n vertex is represented through: * a set of faces which is a (3,m) matrix where face(:,i) are the vertices indexes of the ith face.


arrow Draw a line with an arrowhead for Matlab

ARROW (5/02/2023) Draw a line with an arrowhead. ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3 columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s). By itself, ARROW will use the mouse to allow selection. ARROW DEMO & ARROW DEMO2 show 3-D & 2-D demos of the capabilities of ARROW. ARROW PROPERTIES shows the properties that can be set (length, base angle, tip angle, width, which ends have arrowheads, etc.)


JSONLab: a toolbox to encode/decode JSON files 源码

A toolbox to encode/decode JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack files in MATLAB/Octave JSONLab is a free and open-source JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack encoder and decoder written in the native MATLAB language. It can be used to convert a MATLAB data structure (array, struct, cell, struct array, cell array, and objects) into JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack formatted strings and files, or to parse a JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack file into MATLAB data structure. JSONLab supports both MATLAB and GNU Octave


TDMS Reader For Matlab 源码

Reads TDMS files into Matlab. Simplest usage is: data = TDMS_getStruct(filename.tdms); Advantages: - supports reading v2 files - doesn't require the NI DLL, thus it doesn't require 32bit windows - supports interleaved data - allows only reading names & properties to get a quick feel for what is in the file - allows reading specific subsets of the data for limited memory usage


findjobj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects

Find all java objects contained within a java container or Matlab GUI handle If no output parameter is specified, then an interactive GUI window will be displayed with a tree-view of all container components, their properties and callbacks. Syntax: [handles,levels,parentIds,listing] = findjobj(container,'PropName',PropValue(s),...) Inputs: - container - optional GUI handle. If unsupplied then current figure will be used - 'PropName',PropValue - optional list of case insensitive property pairs. P


GoogleMap plot-google​-map 源码

plot_google_map.m uses the Google Maps API to plot a map in the background of the current figure. It assumes the coordinates of the current figure are in the WGS84 datum, and uses a conversion code to convert and project the image from the coordinate system used by Google into WGS84 coordinates. The zoom level of the map is automatically determined to cover the entire area of the figure. Additionally, it has the option to auto-refresh the map upon zooming in the figure, revealing more details as


matlab2tikz/matlab2​tikz 源码

This is matlab2tikz, a MATLAB(R) script for converting MATLAB figures into native TikZ/Pgfplots figures. matlab2tikz supports the conversion of most MATLAB figures, including 2D and 3D plots. For plots constructed with third- party packages, your mileage may vary. The workflow is as follows. a. Place the matlab2tikz scripts (contents of src/ folder) in a directory where MATLAB can find it (the current directory, for example). b. Make sure that your LaTeX installation includes the packages


MATLAB Schemer 源码

MATLAB Schemer makes it easy to change the color scheme (a.k.a. theme) of the MATLAB display and GUI. You can use Schemer to import a predefined color scheme, transfer your color settings between installations, or create your own color scheme. The MATLAB interface has customisable colours for displaying text and highlighting syntax, but no way to easily export these settings and share them with others users, or import them to other machines. In fact, the vast majority of users do not even know


export-fig for Matlab 源码

This function saves a figure or single axes to one or more vector and/or bitmap file formats, and/or outputs a rasterized version to the workspace, with the following features: Figure/axes reproduced as it appears on screen Cropped/padded borders (optional) Embedded fonts (vector formats) Improved line and grid line styles Anti-aliased graphics (bitmap formats) Render images at native resolution (optional for bitmap formats) Transparent background supported (pdf, eps, png, tiff, gif)


geom3d for Matlab 源码

The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It provides low-level functions for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms. Note: the project has merged with the geom2d library (FeX 7844-geom2d), and is now hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/mattools/matGeom. The whole package can be retrieved from the matGeom toolbox contribution.


GUI Layout Toolbox For Matlab

This toolbox provides tools to create sophisticated MATLAB graphical user interfaces that resize gracefully. The classes supplied can be used in combination to produce virtually any user interface layout. * Arrange MATLAB user interface components horizontally, vertically or in grids * Mix fixed- and variable-size components * Resize components interactively by dragging dividers * Show and hide components using tabs and panels * Show part of a large component in a scrollable panel


FEATool Multiphysics - MATLAB FEA Physics Simulation Toolbox 源码

免费开源 FEATool Multiphysics(有限元分析工具箱的缩写)是一个完全集成的工具箱,用于对耦合物理现象、偏微分方程 (PDE)、连续介质力学和工程问题进行建模和仿真。 该工具箱旨在为各种多物理分析提供真正易于使用且全面的一体式集成仿真平台,包括 OpenFOAM GUI (CFD)、SU2 Code (CFD) 和 FEniCS 的内置接口 GUI (FEA) 求解器。 特征 - 易于使用的图形用户界面 (GUI) - 内置几何和 CAD 建模工具(支持 STEP、IGES、STL CAD 文件) - 自动网格和网格生成 - 后处理和可视化(包括一键Plotly和ParaView导出) - 使用 MATLAB 完全可编程和可编写脚本(包括支持在自定义应用程序和工具箱中集成和嵌入仿真应用程序)


FPGA-Adaptive-Beamforming-and-Radar-Examples 源码

该存储库包含 FPGA/HDL 演示了多种波束成形和雷达设计。 提供 Simulink 模型和 MATLAB 参考代码来展示各种雷达和阵列处理算法的高级仿真和 HDL 设计。 演示列表: 适用于 RFSoC ZCU111 的 MVDR 4x4 自适应波束形成 ZCU111 上的距离多普勒 HDL 模拟和硬件测试/瞄准 This repository contains FPGA/HDL demonstrations several beamforming and radar designs. Simulink models and MATLAB reference code are provided to showcase high-level simulation and HDL designs of various radar and array processing algorithms. List of demos: MVDR 4x4 adaptive beamforming for RFSoC ZCU111


PIVlab - 带 GUI 的粒子图像测速 (PIV) 工具 源码

PIVlab - 带 GUI 的粒子图像测速 (PIV) 工具 易于使用、基于 GUI 的工具,用于分析、验证、后处理、可视化和模拟(微)PIV 数据。 可选的并行计算。 PIVlab - particle image velocimetry (PIV) tool with GUI Easy to use, GUI based tool to analyze, validate, postprocess, visualize and simulate (micro) PIV data. Optional parallel computing.


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