第3章 Apache可移植运行期库《The Apache Modules Book Application Development with Apache》


《The Apache Modules Book:Application Development with Apache》Nick Kew
第一版 2007-05-19
第3章 Apache可移植运行期库(翻译)
The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Utilities (APR-UTILS or APU) are a pair
of libraries used by the Apache httpd, but autonomously developed and maintained
within the ASF. Although many core developers are involved in both httpd
(the webserver) and APR, the projects are separate. These libraries provide core
functions that are not specific to webserving but are also useful in more general
Apache可移植运行期库(APR)和实用库(APR-UTILS或者APU)是被Apache httpd使用的一对库文件,但是由ASF(Apache Software Foundation)开发和维护.尽管很多核心开发人员都在httpd(web服务器)和APR项目中,但是这两个项目还是独立的.这些库文件提供的核心功能不仅仅为web服务器也为更多普通的应用程序.
Apart from the webserver, the best-known APR application is Subversion, a revision
and change control management system. Another is Site Valet, a suite of software
for QA and accessibility audit on the Web; Site Valet was developed by this book s
除web服务器之外,大家都知道的APR程序采用的是Subversion版本控制系统.另一个是Site Valet软件,用来在web上进行质量和访问控制.Site Valet由本书的作者开发.
This chapter discusses the APR as it applies to Apache modules. It does not go into
subjects such as application initialization, which are necessary but are handled
internally by the Apache core code. For developers working outside the webserver
context, this usage is documented clearly within APR itself, and it is covered in
the tutorial at http://dev.ariel-networks.com/apr/apr-tutorial/html/
本章讨论APR对Apache模块的应用.不会探究诸如程序初始化之类的话题, 程序初始化是必须的,但是已经被Apache内部核心代码处理了.在web服务器之外进行开发,这个库的使用在APR自身的文档有清晰的说明.在http://dev.ariel-networks.com/apr/apr-tutorial/html/
3.1 APR
The main purpose of APR is to provide a portable, platform-independent layer for
applications. Functions such as filesystem access, network programming, process
and thread management, and shared memory are supported in a low-level, crossplatform
library. Apache modules that use exclusively APR instead of native system
functions are portable across platforms and can expect to compile cleanly or at
worst with a trivial amount of tidying up on all platforms supported by Apache.
APR的主要目的是为应用程序提供可移植的,平台独立的层.像诸如文件系统的访问,网络编程,进程线程管理和共享内存的功能由底层的,跨平台的库支持. 使用APR库函数代替本地系统函数的Apache模块能在apache支持的平台间移植,也能按期望顺利编译一一或者最坏也只需要一点点的处理.
Each APR module comprises an application programming interface (API) shared
between all platforms, together with implementations of the functions defined in
the API. The implementations are often wholly or partly platform-specific,
although this issue is of no concern to applications.
At the core of APR is Apache s resource management (pools), which are discussed in
more detail later in this chapter. Table 3-1 provides a full list of the APR modules.
APR Modules
Name                           Purpose
apr_allocator              Used internally for memory allocation
apr_atomic               Atomic operations
apr_dso                        Dynamic loading of code (.so/.dll)
apr_env                       Reading/setting environment variables
apr_errno                     Defines error conditions and macros
apr_file_info                 Properties of filesystem objects and paths
apr_file_io                    Filesystem I/O
apr_fnmatch                Filesystem pattern matching
apr_general                  Initialization/termination; useful macros
apr_getopt                   Command arguments
apr_global_mutex         Global locking routines
apr_hash                      Hash tables
apr_inherit                   File handle inheritance helpers
apr_lib                         Odds and ends
apr_mmap                   Memory mapping
apr_network_io            Network I/O (sockets)
apr_poll                       Poll routines
apr_pools                     Resource management
apr_portable                 APR to native mapping conversion
apr_proc_mutex           Process locking routines
apr_random                 Random numbers
apr_ring                       Ring data struct and macros
apr_shm                             Shared memory
apr_signal                    Signal handling
apr_strings                   String operations
apr_support                 Internal support function
apr_tables                    Table and array functions
apr_thread_cond           Thread conditions
apr_thread_mutex         Thread mutex routines
apr_thread_proc           Threads and process functions
apr_thread_rwlock        Reader/writer locking routines
apr_time                      Time/date functions
apr_user                             User and group ID services
apr_version                  APR version
apr_want                     Standard header support
名字                             功能
apr_allocator              用来内部内存分配
apr_atomic               原子操作
apr_dso                         动态加载 (.so/.dll)
apr_env                       读取和设置环境变量
apr_errno                     定义错误条件和宏
apr_file_info                 文件和路径的属性
apr_file_io                    文件系统 I/O
apr_fnmatch                文件系统格式匹配
apr_general                  初始化/结束; 有用的宏
apr_getopt                   命令行参数
apr_global_mutex         全局锁例程
apr_hash                      哈希表
apr_inherit                   File handle inheritance helpers
apr_lib                         零碎的东西
apr_mmap                   内存映射
apr_network_io            网络I/O (sockets)
apr_poll                       询问例程
apr_pools                     资源管理
apr_portable                 APR到本地映射的转换
apr_proc_mutex           进程锁例程
apr_random                 随机数
apr_ring                       令牌环数据结构和宏
apr_shm                             共享内存
apr_signal                    信号处理
apr_strings                   字符串操作
apr_support                 内部支持函数
apr_tables                    表和数组函数
apr_thread_cond           线程环境
apr_thread_mutex         线程互斥例程
apr_thread_proc           线程和进程函数
apr_thread_rwlock        读写锁例程
apr_time                      时间日期函数
apr_user                             用户和组ID服务
apr_version                  APR 版本
apr_want                     Standard header support
APR-UTIL (also known as APU) is a second library in the APR project. It provides
a small set of utilities, based on the APR and with a unified programming interface.
APU doesn t have separate per-platform modules, but it does adopt a similar
approach to some other commonly used resources, such as databases.
Table 3-2 provides a complete list of APU modules.
APU Modules
Name                          Purpose
apr_anylock                 Transparent any lock flavor wrapper
apr_base64                  Base-64 encoding
apr_buckets                 Buckets/bucket brigades
apr_date                             Date string parsing
apr_dbd                       Common API for SQL databases
apr_dbm                      Common API for DBM databases
apr_hooks                    Hook implementation macros
apr_ldap                             LDAP authentication APIs
apr_ldap_init                LDAP initialization APIs used mainly when initializing
secure connections to the LDAP server
apr_ldap_option            APIs for setting LDAP options
apr_ldap_url                 APIs for parsing and handling the LDAP URL
apr_md4                      MD4 encoding
apr_md5                      MD5 encoding
apr_optional                 Optional functions
apr_optional_hooks       Optional hooks
apr_queue                    Thread-safe FIFO queues
apr_reslist                    Pooled resources
apr_rmm                     Relocatable managed memory
apr_sdbm                    SDBM library
apr_sha1                      SHA1 encoding
apr_strmatch                String pattern matching
apr_uri                        URI parsing/construction
apr_uuid                      User identification
apr_xlate                      Charset conversion (I18N)
apr_xml                       XML parsing
表 3-2
APU 模块
名字                           功能
apr_anylock                 Transparent any lock flavor wrapper
apr_base64                  Base-64 编码
apr_buckets                 Buckets/bucket brigades
apr_date                             日期字符串解析
apr_dbd                       SQL 数据库通用API
apr_dbm                      数据库管理的常用API
apr_hooks                    拦截实现宏
apr_ldap                             LDAP 认证 API
apr_ldap_init                在初始和LDAP 服务器进行安全连接的时候主要使用的LDAP
apr_ldap_option            设置LDAP 选项的API
apr_ldap_url                 解析处理LDAP URL的API
apr_md4                      MD4 编码
apr_md5                      MD5 编码
apr_optional                 可选函数
apr_optional_hooks       可选拦截
apr_queue                    线程安全FIFO 队列
apr_reslist                    缓冲池资源
apr_rmm                     可重定位的被管理资源
apr_sdbm                    SDBM 库
apr_sha1                      SHA1 编码
apr_strmatch                字符串样式匹配
apr_uri                        URI 解析/构造
apr_uuid                      用户识别
apr_xlate                      字符集转换 (I18N)
apr_xml                       XML解析
3.3 Basic Conventions
3.3 基本协定
APR and APR-UTIL adopt a number of conventions that give them a homogenous
API and make them easy to work with.
3.3.1 Reference Manual: API Documentation and Doxygen
3.3.1 参考手册:API文档和Doxygen
All of APR/APU is very well documented at the code level. Every public function
and data type is documented in the header file that defines it, in doxygen1-friendly
format. The header files themselves, or the doxygen-generated documentation, provide
a full API reference for programmers. If you have doxygen installed, you can
generate your own copy of the APR reference manual from the source code with the
command make dox.
3.3.2 Namespacing
3.3.2 命名空间
All APR/APU public interfaces are prefixed with the string apr_ (data types and
functions) or APR_ (macros). This defines APR s reserved namespace.
Within the APR namespace, most of the APR and APU modules use secondary
namespacing. This convention is often based on the name of the module in question.
For example, all functions in module apr_dbd are prefixed with the string
apr_dbd_ . Sometimes an obviously descriptive secondary namespace is used. For
example, socket operations in module apr_network_io are prefixed with
apr_socket_ .
所有的APR/APU公共接口有着”apr”(数据类型和函数)或”APR”(宏)的前缀.这个定义了APR的”保留”命名空间.在APR的命名空间里,大多数APR和APU模块使用第二级命名空间.这个协定常常基于模块名字.例如,apr_dbd模块中的所有函数有着”apr_dbd_”的前缀.有时使用有着明显说明的二级命名空间.例如, 操作socket 的模块有着apr_network_io前缀.
3.3.3 Declaration Macros
Public functions in APR/APU are declared using macros such as APR_DECLARE,
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_initialize(void);
On most platforms, this is a null declaration and expands to
apr_status_t apr_initialize(void);
On platforms such as Windows with Visual C++, which require their own nonstandard
keywords such as _dllexport to enable other modules to use a function,
these macros will expand to the required keywords.
       APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_initialize(void);
       apr_status_t apr_initialize(void);
在如windows平台的Visual C++,需要用他们自己的非标准关键字,如_dllexport,来让其他模块使用这个函数,这些宏会被替换为需要的关键字.
3.3.4 a pr_status_t and Return Values
3.3.4 apr_status_t和返回值
A convention widely adopted in APR/APU is that functions return a status value
indicating success or an error code to the caller. The type is apr_status_t, which
takes integer values defined in apr_errno.h. Thus the usual prototype for an APR
function is
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_do_something(...function args...);
Return values should routinely be tested, and error handling (recovery or graceful
failure) should be implemented. The return value APR_SUCCESS indicates success,
and we can commonly handle errors using constructs such as
apr_status_t rv;
rv = apr_do_something(... args ...);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* log an error */
return rv;
       APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_do_something(...function args...);
返回值应该在调用之后被检查,应该有错误处理(恢复或者优雅的报错). APR_SUCCESS返回值表示成功,我们能够用下面这个结构通用的处理错误
apr_status_t rv;
rv = apr_do_something(... args ...);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* log an error */
return rv;
Sometimes we may do more. For example, if do_something was a nonblocking I/O
operation and returned APR_EAGAIN, we will probably want to retry the operation.
Some functions return a string value (char* or const char*), a void*, or void.
These functions are assumed to have no failure conditions or to return a null
pointer on failure as appropriate.
有时候我们需要做更多的工作.例如,做的事情是非阻塞的I/O操作,返回一个APR_EAGAIN,这样我们可能希望在重试一次.有些函数返回字符串(char* 或者 const char*), void *, 或者void.这些函数被认为不会发生错误或者返回一个空指针表示失败.
3.3.5 Conditional Compilation
3.3.5 条件编译
By their very nature, a number of features of APR may not be supported on every
platform. For example, prior to version 5.x, FreeBSD had no native thread implementation
considered suitable for Apache; hence threads were not supported in
APR (unless the relevant options were set manually for compilation).
由于现实环境,一些APR的功能不可能在每一个平台都支持.例如, FreeBSD 5.x以前的版本不支持线程,为了适合Apache,因此APR中也不支持线程(除非在编译的时候手动修改相关的选项).
To enable applications to work around this issue, APR provides APR_HAS_* macros
for such features. When an application is concerned with such a feature, it should
use conditional compilation based on these macros. For example, a module performing
an operation that could lead to a race condition in a multithreaded environment
might want to use something like this:
rv = apr_thread_mutex_lock(mutex);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* Log an error */
/* Abandon critical operation */
/* ... Execute critical section of code here ... */
3.4 Resource Management: APR Pools
3.4 资源管理:APR池
The APR pools are a fundamental building block that lie at the heart of APR and
Apache; they serve as the basis for all resource management. The pools allocate
memory, either directly (in a malloc-like manner) or indirectly (e.g., in string
manipulation), and, crucially, ensure that memory is freed at the appropriate time.
But they extend much further, to ensure that other resources such as files or mutexes
can be allocated and will always be properly cleaned up. They can even deal with
resources managed opaquely by third-party libraries.
NOTE It is common practice in Apache to assume that pool
memory allocation never fails. The rationale for this assumption
is that if the allocation does fail, then the system is not recoverable,
and any error handling will fail, too.
APR池是位于APR和Apache心脏部位的基础构建部分;为所有的资源管理提供基本服务. APR池直接地(像malloc形式的)或者间接地(例如字符串的操作)分配内存,最重要地确保了在适当的时候释放内存.除此之外,它们还进一步的确保文件或互斥量这类资源的分配和正确的释放.它们甚至也能处理被第三方库不透明管理的资源.
       提示: 我们通常假设在Apache中内存分配不会失败.因为如果内存分配失败,系统已经是不稳定的了,错误处理也是无用的.
3.4.1 The Problem of Resource Management
3.4.1 资源管理的问题
Every programmer knows that when you allocate a resource, you must ensure that
it is released again when you ve finished with it. For example:
char* buf = malloc(n) ;
... check buf is non null ...
... do something with buf ...
free(buf) ;
FILE* f = fopen(path, "r") ;
... check f is non null ...
... read from f ....
fclose(f) ;
char* buf = malloc(n) ;
... check buf is non null ...
... do something with buf ...
free(buf) ;
FILE* f = fopen(path, "r") ;
... check f is non null ...
... read from f ....
fclose(f) ;
Clearly, failure to free buf or to close f is a bug. In the context of a long-lasting program
such as Apache, it would have serious consequences, up to and including
bringing the entire system down. Obviously, it is important to get resource management
In trivial cases, this is straightforward. In a more complex case with multiple error
paths, in which even the scope of a resource is uncertain at the time it is allocated,
ensuring that cleanup takes place in every execution path is much more challenging.
In such circumstances, we need a better way to manage resources.
Constructor/Destructor Model
One method of resource management is exemplified by the C++ concept of objects
having a constructor and a destructor. Many C++ programmers make the destructor
responsible for cleanup of all resources allocated by the object. This approach
works well provided all dynamic resources are clearly made the responsibility of an
object. But, as with the simple C approach, it requires a good deal of care and attention
to detail for example, where resources are conditionally allocated or shared
between many different objects and it is vulnerable to programming bugs.
资源管理的一种方法是模仿C++中的对象概念,有一个构造器和析构器.许多C++程序员用析构器来负责清除对象分配的资源.这种方法工作的很好, provided all dynamic resources are clearly made the responsibility of an object.但是,对简单的C语言,需要关注大量的细节一一例如,资源在哪儿有条件的分配或者不同对象间的共享一一这会使程序容易产生一些bug.
Garbage Collection Model
A high-level method of resource management, typified by Lisp and Java, is garbage
collection. This approach has the advantage of taking the problem away from the
programmer and transferring it to the language itself, thereby completely removing
the danger of crippling programming errors. The drawback is that garbage collection
incurs a substantial overhead even where it isn t necessary, and it deprives the
programmer of useful levels of control, such as the ability to control the lifetime of
a resource. It also requires that all program components including third-party
libraries be built on the same system, which is clearly not possible in an open system
written in C.
3.4.2 A PR Pools
3.4.2 APR池
The APR pools provide an alternative model for resource management. Like
garbage collection, they liberate the programmer from the complexities of dealing
with cleanups in all possible cases. In addition, they offer several other advantages,
including full control over the lifetime of resources and the ability to manage heterogeneous
The basic concept goes like this: Whenever you allocate a resource that requires
cleanup, you register it with a pool. The pool then takes responsibility for the
cleanup, which will happen when the pool itself is cleaned. In this way, the problem
is reduced to one of allocating and cleaning up a single resource: the pool itself.
Given that the Apache pools are managed by the server itself, the complexity is,
therefore, removed from applications programming. All the programmer has to do
is select the appropriate pool for the required lifetime of a resource.
Basic Memory Management
The most basic application of pools is for memory management. Instead of
mytype* myvar = malloc(sizeof(mytype)) ;
/* make sure it gets freed later in every possible execution path */
we use
mytype* myvar = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(mytype)) ;
mytype* myvar = malloc(sizeof(mytype)) ;
/* 在每一可能的执行路径中确保它被释放 */
mytype* myvar = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(mytype)) ;
The pool automatically takes responsibility for freeing this resource, regardless of
what may happen in the meantime. A secondary benefit is that pool allocation is
faster than malloc on most platforms!
Basic memory management takes many forms in APR and Apache, where memory
is allocated within another function. Examples include string-manipulation functions
and logging, where we gain the immediate benefit of being able to use
constructs such as the APR version of sprintf() without having to know the size
of a string in advance:
char* result = apr_psprintf(pool, fmt, ...) ;
APR also provides higher-level abstractions of pool memory for example, in the
buckets used to pass data down the filter chain.
       char* result = apr_psprintf(pool, fmt, ...) ;
Generalized Memory Management
APR provides built-in functions for managing memory, as well as a few other basic
resources such as files, sockets, and mutexes. However, programmers are not
required to use these functions and resources. An alternative is to use native allocation
functions and explicitly register a cleanup with the pool:
mytype* myvar = malloc(sizeof(mytype)) ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, myvar, free,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r") ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, f, fclose, apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
mytype* myvar = malloc(sizeof(mytype)) ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, myvar, free,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r") ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, f, fclose, apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
This code delegates responsibility for cleanup to the pool, so that no further action
from the programmer is required. However, native functions may be less portable
than the APR equivalents from apr_pools and apr_file_io, respectively, and
malloc on most systems will be slower than using the pool.
This method of memory management generalizes to resources opaque to Apache
and APR. For example, to open a MySQL database connection and ensure it is
closed after use, you would write the following code:
MYSQL* sql = NULL ;
sql = mysql_init(sql) ;
if ( sql == NULL ) { log error and return failure ; }
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, sql, mysql_close,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
sql = mysql_real_connect(sql, host, user, pass,
dbname, port, sock, 0) ;
if ( sql == NULL ) { log error and return failure ; }
MYSQL* sql = NULL ;
sql = mysql_init(sql) ;
if ( sql == NULL ) { log error and return failure ; }
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, sql, mysql_close,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
sql = mysql_real_connect(sql, host, user, pass,
dbname, port, sock, 0) ;
if ( sql == NULL ) { log error and return failure ; }
Note that apr_dbd (which is discussed in Chapter 11) provides an altogether better
method for managing database connections.
As a second example, consider XML processing:
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(filename);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, doc, xmlFreeDoc,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
/* Now we do things with doc, which may allocate further memory
* managed by the XML library but will be cleaned by xmlFreeDoc
Integrating C++ destructor-cleanup code provides yet another example. Suppose
we have
class myclass {
virtual ~myclass() { do cleanup ; }
// ....
} ;
We define a C wrapper:
void myclassCleanup(void* ptr) { delete (myclass*)ptr ; }
We then register this wrapper with the pool when we allocate myclass:
myclass* myobj = new myclass(...) ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, (void*)myobj, myclassCleanup,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
// Now we've hooked our existing resource management from C++
// into Apache and never need to delete myobj;
// pool cleanup will do the job for us
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(filename);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, doc, xmlFreeDoc,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
/* 现在开始使用 doc, XML库可能还会在doc中分配内存,但是都会被 xmlFreeDoc释放
class myclass {
virtual ~myclass() { do cleanup ; }
// ....
} ;
定义一个C wrapper:
void myclassCleanup(void* ptr) { delete (myclass*)ptr ; }
myclass* myobj = new myclass(...) ;
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, (void*)myobj, myclassCleanup,
apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
//现在我们用Apache接管了原先的C++资源管理,在不需要去调用delete myobj;pool会
Implicit and Explicit Cleanup
Suppose we want to free our resource explicitly before the end of the request for
example, because we re doing something memory intensive but have objects we can
free. We may want to do everything according to normal scoping rules and just use
pool-based cleanup as a fallback to deal with error paths. However, because we registered
the cleanup, it will run regardless of our intentions. In the worst-case scenario,
it could possibly lead to a double-free and a segfault.
我们想在处理请求结束之前就明确的释放我们的资源一一例如,因为我们在做及其需要内存的操作但是又有对象能被释放.我们可能想根据正常范围规则来做事情, 在错误处理通路上仅仅使用基于pool清除作为一个可靠的处理.可是,因为我们注册了清除操作,它的运行操作不会考虑我们的目的.在最坏的情况下,这个可能导致二次释放和段错误.
Another pool function, apr_pool_cleanup_kill, is provided to deal with this
situation. When we run the explicit cleanup, we unregister the cleanup from the
pool. Of course, we can be a little more clever about how we go about this task.
Here s the outline of a C++ class that manages itself based on a pool, regardless of
whether it is explicitly deleted:
class poolclass {
apr_pool_t* pool ;
poolclass(apr_pool_t* p) : pool(p) {
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, (void*)this,
myclassCleanup, apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
virtual ~poolclass() {
apr_pool_cleanup_kill(pool, (void*)this, myclassCleanup) ;
} ;
If you use C++ with Apache (or APR), you can derive any class from poolclass.
Most APR functions do something equivalent to this, conducting register and kill
operations whenever resources are allocated or cleaned up.
In simple C, we would use the following generic form:
/* Allocate something */
my_type* my_res = my_res_alloc(args) ;
/* Handle errors */
if (my_res == NULL) {
/* Log error and bail out */
/* Ensure it won't leak by registering a cleanup */
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, my_res,
my_res_free, apr_pool_cleanup_null) ;
/* ... Now use it as required ... */
/* OK, we're done with it, and we'd like to release it ASAP */
rv = my_res_free(my_res) ;
/* Since we freed it, we want to kill the cleanup */
apr_pool_cleanup_kill(pool, my_res, my_res_free) ;
/* Now handle errors and continue */
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { /* or whatever test may be appropriate */
/* ... Log error and bail out or attempt recovery ... */
We can also streamline this form by running the cleanup and unregistering it with
the pool using a single function:
apr_pool_cleanup_run(pool, my_res, my_res_free) ;
apr_pool_cleanup_run(pool, my_res, my_res_free) ;
3.4.3 Resource Lifetime
3.4.3 资源生命周期
When we allocate resources by using a pool, we automatically ensure that they get
cleaned up at some point. But when? We need to make sure the cleanup happens at
the right time that is, neither while the resource is still in use, nor long after the
resource is no longer required.
Apache Pools
Apache Pools
Fortunately, Apache makes this process quite easy, by providing different pools for
different types of resource. These pools are associated with relevant structures of the
httpd, and they have the lifetime of the corresponding struct. Four general-purpose
pools are always available in Apache:
The request pool, with the lifetime of an HTTP request
The process pool, with the lifetime of a server process
The connection pool, with the lifetime of a TCP connection
The configuration pool
• 请求pool,一个HTTP请求的生命周期
• 进程pool,服务器进程的生命周期
• 连接pool,一次TCP连接的生命周期
• 配置pool
The first three, which are associated with the relevant Apache structs, are accessed
as request->pool, connection->pool, and process->pool, respectively. The
fourth, process->pconf, is also associated with the process, but differs from the
process pool in that it is cleared whenever Apache rereads its configuration.
头三个绑定在Apache的相关结构,能各自通过request->pool, connection->pool, and process->pool访问.第四个, process->pconf,绑定在进程上,和进程pool不同的是在Apache读取它的配置的时候被清除.
The process pool is suitable for long-lived resources, such as those that are initialized
at server start-up. The request pool is suitable for transient resources used to
process a single request.
The connection pool has the lifetime of a connection, which normally consists of
one or more requests. This pool is useful for transient resources that cannot be associated
with a request most notably, in a connection-level filter, where the
request_rec structure is undefined, or in a non-HTTP protocol handler.
In addition to these standard pools, special-purpose pools may be created for other
purposes, such as configuration and logging, or may be created privately by modules
for their own use.
Using Pools in Apache: Processing a Request
All request-processing hooks take the form
int my_func(request_rec* r) {
/* implement the request processing hook here */
This hook puts the request pool r->pool at our disposal. As discussed earlier, the
request pool is appropriate for the vast majority of operations involved in processing
a request. We pass it to Apache and APR functions that need a pool argument
as well as our own.
这个拦截传入请求pool r->pool由我们支配,已经在前面谈到,请求pool适合在处理一个请求过程中的大量操作.我们为需要pool参数的Apache和APR函数也为我们自己传入这个参数.
The process pool is available as r->server->process->pool for operations that
need to allocate long-lived resources for example, caching a resource that should
be computed once and subsequently reused in other requests. However, this process
is a little more complex, and it is generally preferable to derive a subpool from the
process pool, as discussed in Chapters 4 and 10.
The connection pool is r->connection->pool.
Using Pools in Apache: Initialization and Configuration
The internal workings of Apache s initialization are complex. As far as modules are
concerned, however, the initialization can normally be treated as a simple procedure:
Just set up a configuration, and everything is permanent. Apache makes that
easy, because most of the relevant hooks have prototypes that pass the relevant pool
as their first argument.
Configuration Handlers
static const char* my_cfg(cmd_parms* cmd, void* cfg, /* args */ )
Use the configuration pool, cmd->pool, to give a configuration the lifetime of the
static const char* my_cfg(cmd_parms* cmd, void* cfg, /* args */ )
Pre-configuration and Post-configuration Hooks
These hooks are unusual in having several pools passed:
static int my_pre_config(apr_pool_t* pool,
apr_pool_t* plog, apr_pool_t* ptemp)
For most purposes, just use the first pool argument. ptemp is suitable for resources
used during configuration, but will be destroyed before Apache goes into operational
mode. plog remains active for the lifetime of the server, but is cleaned up each time
the configuration is read.
static int my_pre_config(apr_pool_t* pool,
apr_pool_t* plog, apr_pool_t* ptemp)
对大多数情况,仅仅使用第一个pool参数就够了. ptemp适合配置阶段的资源使用,但是在Apache进入运行模式之前会被销毁. plog在整个服务的阶段都是有效的,但是在每一次配置被读取的时候被清除.
Child init
子pool 的初始化
static void my_child_init(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* s).
The child pool is the first argument.
static void my_child_init(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* s).
static int my_monitor(apr_pool_t* pool)
The monitor is a special case: It runs in the parent process and is not tied to any
time-limited structure. For this reason, resources allocated in a monitor function
should be explicitly freed. If necessary, a monitor may create and free its own subpool
and manage it as discussed in Chapter 4. Few applications will need to use the
monitor hook.
static int my_monitor(apr_pool_t* pool)
Using Pools in Apache: Other Cases
Most Apache modules involve the initialization and request processing we have
already discussed. There are two other cases to deal with, however: connection functions
and filter functions.
Connection Functions
The pre_connection and process_connection connection-level hooks pass a
conn_rec object as their first argument; they are directly analogous to request functions
as far as pool resources are concerned. The create_connection connectioninitialization
hook passes the pool as its first argument. Any module implementing
this hook takes responsibility for setting up the connection.
Filter Functions
Filter functions receive an ap_filter_t as their first argument. This object
ambiguously contains both a request_rec and a conn_rec as members, regardless
of whether it is a request-level or a connection-level filter. Content filters should
normally use the request pool. Connection-level filters will get a junk pointer in
f->r (the request doesn t exist outside the protocol layer; see Chapter 8) and must
use the connection pool. Be careful: This can be a trap for the unwary.
3.4.4 Limitations of Pools
3.4.4 Pools的限制
So far, we have seen the advantages of using pools for resource management.
Naturally, there are also some limitations:
Managing resources that have a lifetime that doesn t correspond to any of
Apache s main objects requires more work. This issue is discussed further in
Chapter 4.
Allocating resources from a pool is not thread safe. This is rarely an issue,
because most pool allocation by modules when Apache is running on a multithreaded
basis uses a pool owned by an object (HTTP request or TCP connection)
that is thread private at the time of use. Chapter 4 discusses some
cases where thread safety is an issue.
APR pools never return memory to the operating system until they are
destroyed (they do, of course, reuse memory, so pool-based applications don t
grow indefinitely). Thus it may sometimes make sense to use malloc rather
than pools when allocating very large blocks of memory. Conversely, using
malloc in your code may affect binary compatibility. On Windows, it may
prevent your code from being linked with a binary compiled using a different
version of Visual C++, due to incompatibilities in the runtime libraries.
• 管理生命周期和Apache主要对象不一直的资源需要更多工作.在第4章中进一步讨论这个情况.
• 从pool分配的资源不是线程安全的.在很少情况下会有问题,因为当Apache运行在一个多线程环境下,在模块大多数pool分配的操作中,基本只有一个对象(HTTP请求或者TCP连接)使用pool,也只在一个线程内部.第4章讨论一些有线程安全问题的一些情况.
• APR pools从不释放内存给操作系统直到它们被销毁(当然,他们这样做,让基于pool的应用程序不会无限制的消耗内存).因此在分配非常大块的内存的时候,我们使用 malloc要比pool好.相反,在你的代码中使用 malloc可能会影响二进制文件的兼容性.在Windows上,由于不兼容的运行期库,这个可以阻止你的代码被链接到使用不同Visual C++版本编译的二进制文件上.
3.5 Selected APR Topics
3.5 谈到的APR话题
APR provides a direct alternative to functions that are familiar and almost certain
to be available on your system without any need for APR. Nevertheless, there are
good reasons to use the APR versions of these functions:
APR functions are platform independent and provide for better portability.
APR functions get the benefit of APR s pool-based resource management
for free.
APR提供了一个直接可选择的调用函数, 在你的系统上没有APR几乎也是可以的.然而,这里有很好理由去使用APR版本的这些函数:
• APR函数是平台独立的,提供了更好的可以移植性.
• APR函数能从基于pool的资源管理获得免费的好处.
We won t go into detail here. For more information, see the excellent documentation
in the header files.
3.5.1 Strings and Formats
3.5.1 字符串和格式化
The apr_strings module provides APR implementations of
Common string functions: comparisons, substring matches, copying, and
stdio-like functions: sprintf and family, including vformatters
Parsing, including thread-safe strtok
Conversion to and from other data types (e.g., atoi)
• 通用字符串函数:比较,子串匹配,拷贝和联接.
• 像stdio函数: sprintf和同一样的一类,包括v格式.
• 解析,包括线程安全的strtok.
• 和其他数据类型的互转(例如atoi).
APR string handling is based on pools. This scheme brings with it a substantial simplification,
as we very rarely need to worry about the size of a buffer. For example,
to concatenate an arbitrary number of strings, we can use
result = apr_pstrcat(pool, str1, str2, str3, ..., NULL);
without the need to compute the length of result and allocate a buffer in advance.
result = apr_pstrcat(pool, str1, str2, str3, ..., NULL);
result = apr_psprintf(pool, fmt, ...) ;
requires altogether less tedious housekeeping than
length = [compute length here] ;
buf = malloc(length) ;
sprintf(buf, fmt, ...) ;
result = apr_psprintf(pool, fmt, ...) ;
length = [compute length here] ;
buf = malloc(length) ;
sprintf(buf, fmt, ...) ;
There is no regular expression support in APR (although there is in Apache), but
the apr_strmatch module provides fast string matching that deals with the issues
of case-insensitive (as well as case-sensitive) searches and non-null-terminated
在APR中不支持正则表达式(在Apache中支持),但是 apr_strmatch模块提供了一个字符串快速匹配,用来处理大小写不敏感(同样,大小写敏感)的字符串搜索和非null结束的字符串.
3.5.2 Internationalization
3.5.2 国际化
The apr_xlate module provides conversion between different character sets.
At the time of this book s writing, apr_xlate on the Windows platform relies on
a third APR library, apr_iconv, because Windows lacks (or lacked) native internationalization
support. This dependency is expected to be removed in the future.
apr_xlate模块为不同字符集间提供了转换.在本书编写期间, windows平台的apr_xlate依靠一个第三库apr_iconv,因为windows本地的国际化支持.希望将来这个依赖被去掉.
3.5.3 Time and Date
3.5.3 时间和日期
The apr_time module provides a microsecond timer and clock. Because APR
works in microseconds, its fundamental data type apr_time_t is a 64-bit integer
and is not interchangeable with time_t. Macros provided for conversion include
the following:
/** @return apr_time_t as a second */
#define apr_time_sec(time) ((time) / APR_USEC_PER_SEC)
/** @return a second as an apr_time_t */
#define apr_time_from_sec(sec) ((apr_time_t)(sec) * APR_USEC_PER_SEC)
Other data types include time intervals and a struct tm -like type apr_time_exp_t.
APR time functions include
Time now
Any time as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), local time, or a selected time zone
Time arithmetic
Time formatted as a ctime or RFC822 string
The apr_date module provides additional functions for parsing commonly used
time and date formats.
其它时间类型包括时间间隔和像” struct tm”类型的apr_time_exp_t.
• 现在时间
• 格林威治时间(GMT),当地时间,或者被选择的时区
• 时间计算
• 休眠
• ctime形式的时间格式或者RFC822中规定的字符串
3.5.4 Data Structs
3.5.4 数据结构
Apache provides four data struct modules:
apr_table provides tables and arrays.
apr_hash provides hash tables.
apr_queue provides first in, first out (FIFO) queues.
apr_ring provides a ring struct, which is also the basis for APR bucket
apr_ring提供了一个环结构, 环结构也是APR bucket brigade的基础结构.
3.5.4 .1 Arrays 数组
APR arrays are provided by the apr_array_header_t type, and can hold either
objects or pointers. The array data type also serves as a stack. An array has a default
size that is set when the array is created. Although it works most efficiently when it
remains within that size, the array can grow as required. The most common operations
supported are append (push) and iteration:
/* Allocate an array of type my_type */
apr_array_header_t* arr = apr_array_make(pool, sz, sizeof(my_type));
/* Allocate an uninitialized element on the array*/
my_type* newelt = apr_array_push(arr) ;
/* Now fill in the values of elt */
newelt->foo = abc ;
newelt->bar = "foo" ;
/* Pop the last-in element */
my_type* oldelt = apr_array_pop(arr) ;
/* Iterate over all elements */
for (i = 0; i < arr->nelts; i++) {
/* A C++ reference is the clearest way to show this */
my_type& elt = arr->elts[i] ;
Other array operations include the pop stack operation, copying (shallow copy),
lazy copy, concatenation, append, and conversion to a string value (the latter is
obviously meaningful only when the contents of the array are string values).
3.5.4 .2 Tables 表
The apr_table_t is an intuitive, higher-level data type built on the array for storing
key/value pairs. It supports adding elements (several variants), deleting elements
(not efficient), lookup, iteration, and clearing an entire table. It also supports merge
and overlay operations, and merging or elimination of duplicate entries.
apr_table_t是直观的,更高级别的数据类型, 构建在存储key/value对的数组之上.它支持增加元素(多个变量),删除元素(没有效率),查找,遍历和清除整个表.它也支持合并和覆盖操作,合并或者清除重复元素.
Table keys are always case insensitive (in contrast to the keys in APR hash tables).
/* Allocate a new table */
apr_table_t* table = apr_table_make(pool, sz) ;
/* Set a key/value pair */
apr_table_setn(table, key, val) ;
/* Allocate a new table */
apr_table_t* table = apr_table_make(pool, sz) ;
/* Set a key/value pair */
apr_table_setn(table, key, val) ;
Variants on apr_table_set include apr_table_setn, apr_table_add,
apr_table_addn, apr_table_merge, and apr_table_mergen:
apr_table_setn sets a value, overwriting any existing value for the key.
apr_table_addn adds a new value, leaving duplicate keys if there was an
existing value for the key.
apr_table_mergen adds a new value, merging it with any existing value for
the key.
apr_table_set copies the data as they are entered in the table;
apr_table_setn doesn t (and is therefore more efficient when the values are
persistent or allocated on the same pool as the table). The same applies to the
other functions.
/* Retrieve an entry */
val = apr_table_get(table, key) ;
/* Iterate over the table (see Chapter 5) */
apr_table_do(func, rec, table, NULL) ;
/* Clear the table */
apr_table_clear(table) ;
/* Merge tables */
newtable = apr_table_overlay(pool, table1, table2) ;
/* Prune duplicate entries */
apr_table_compress(table, flags) ;
apr_table_set包括apr_table_setn, apr_table_add,apr_table_addn,apr_table_merge和apr_table_mergen:
apr_table_setn 设置一个值,修改key对应的值.
apr_table_addn 增加一个新值,如果key已经有对应的值的话,就不处理.
apr_table_mergen 增加一个新值,覆盖key已经对应的值.
apr_table_set从表中已有的数据条目拷贝; apr_table_setn没有这个功能(因此当数据是
/* Retrieve an entry */
val = apr_table_get(table, key) ;
/* Iterate over the table (see Chapter 5) */
apr_table_do(func, rec, table, NULL) ;
/* Clear the table */
apr_table_clear(table) ;
/* Merge tables */
newtable = apr_table_overlay(pool, table1, table2) ;
/* Prune duplicate entries */
apr_table_compress(table, flags) ;
The high-level API and the availability of functions such as apr_table_merge and
apr_table_overlap provide the ideal foundations for manipulation of HTTP
headers and environment variables in Apache.
更高级别的API和可用的函数像apr_table_merge, apr_table_overlap提供了漂亮的HTTP的操作.
3.5.4 .3 Hash Tables 哈希表
apr_hash_t also stores key/value pairs, but is a lower-level data type than
apr_table_t. It has two advantages:
1. Keys and values can be of any data type (and, unlike with tables, are case
2. Hash tables scale more efficiently as the number of elements grows.
1. key和value可以是随意的数据类型(不像表是大小写敏感的).
Unlike the array and table, the hash table has no initial size. The most commonly
used operations are insertion and lookup. Other operations supported include iteration,
copy, overlay, and merge.
apr_hash_t* hash = apr_hash_make(pool) ;
/* key and value are pointers to arbitrary data types */
apr_hash_set(hash, key, sizeof(*key), value) ;
value = apr_hash_get(hash, key, sizeof(*key)) ;
There is one special case we commonly encounter: where the key is a character
string. To ensure the proper string comparison semantics are used, we should use
the macro APR_HASH_KEY_STRING in place of the size argument.
apr_hash_t* hash = apr_hash_make(pool) ;
/* key and value are pointers to arbitrary data types */
apr_hash_set(hash, key, sizeof(*key), value) ;
value = apr_hash_get(hash, key, sizeof(*key)) ;
3.5.4 .4 Queues 队列
The apr_queue_t is a thread-safe, FIFO bounded queue. It is available only in
threaded APR builds, and it enables multiple threads to cooperate in handling jobs.
A queue has a fixed capacity, as set in apr_queue_create. The main queue operations
are blocking and nonblocking push and pop.
3.5.4 .5 Rings 环
APR_RING is not, in fact, a data type, but rather a collection of macros somewhat like
a C++ template; these macros implement cyclic, doubly linked lists. The main ring
example in Apache is the bucket brigade, which we ll introduce in Section 3.5.5 and
discuss at length in Chapter 8. The bucket is an element in the ring, while the
brigade is the ring structure itself. The following declarations implement the ring
struct apr_bucket {
/** Links to the rest of the brigade */
APR_RING_ENTRY(apr_bucket) link;
/** and, of course, the bucket's data fields */
/** A list of buckets */
struct apr_bucket_brigade {
/** The pool to associate the brigade with. The data is not allocated out
* of the pool, but a cleanup is registered with this pool. If the
* brigade is destroyed by some mechanism other than pool destruction,
* the destroying function is responsible for killing the cleanup.
apr_pool_t *p;
/** The buckets in the brigade are on this list. */
* The apr_bucket_list structure doesn't actually need a name tag
* because it has no existence independent of the struct apr_bucket_brigade.
* The ring macros are designed so that you can leave the name tag
* argument empty in this situation, but apparently the Windows compiler
* doesn't like that.
APR_RING_HEAD(apr_bucket_list, apr_bucket) list;
/** The freelist from which this bucket was allocated */
apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc;
事实上APR_RING不是一个数据类型,是一系列的宏,有些像C++模板;这些宏实现了循环链表和双向链表.Apache中主要的环例子是bucket brigade,我们将在3.5.5节介绍,在第8章中详细讨论. bucket是环中的一个元素,同时brigade是环结构自身.下面是环结构的声明:
struct apr_bucket {
/**指向brigade 的其他部分*/
APR_RING_ENTRY(apr_bucket) link;
/** bucket的数据字段 */
/** 一系列bucket */
struct apr_bucket_brigade {
/** brigade的pool. 数据分配不超出pool,但是会注册pool清除.如果通过一些方法销毁
* brigade,除了pool析构,销毁函数负责解除清除过程.
apr_pool_t *p;
/**brigade中的buckets在这个链表上. */
* apr_bucket_list结构不需要一个实际的名字,因为独立于apr_bucket_brigade结构,它就不
* 存在.环的宏被设计成在这样情况下你可以不用名字参数,但是显然的,Windows编译器
* 不希望那样.
APR_RING_HEAD(apr_bucket_list, apr_bucket) list;
/** bucket从这个链表上分配 */
apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc;
3.5.5 Buckets and Brigades
3.5.5 Buckets和Brigades
Here s a one-sentence, buzzword-laden overview: Bucket brigades represent a complex
data stream that can be passed through a layered I/O system without unnecessary
这里有一句很烦恼的话,Bucket Brigades代表复杂的数据流,这个数据流能在系统I/O层传递,没有不必要拷贝操作.
Buckets and brigades form the basis of Apache s data handling, I/O, and filter chain
(which are really three ways of saying the same thing). Use and manipulation of
these is fundamental to filter modules, as is discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
A bucket brigade is a doubly linked list (ring) of buckets, so we aren t limited to
inserting elements at the front and removing them at the end. Buckets are passed
around only as members of a brigade, although singleton buckets can occur for
short periods of time.
bucket brigade是buckets的一个双向链表(环),因此我们不被限制只在链表前面插入元素和在链表尾部删除元素. Buckets仅仅以brigade的成员传递,尽管单一的buckets能短时间的存在.
Buckets are data stores of various types. They can refer to data in memory, or part
of a file or mmap area, or the output of a process, among other things. Buckets also
have some type-dependent accessor functions:
The read function returns the address and size of the data in the bucket. If the
data isn t in memory, then it is read in and the bucket changes type so that it
can refer to the new location of the data. If all of the data cannot fit in the
bucket, then a new bucket is inserted into the brigade to hold the rest of it.
The split function divides the data in a bucket into two regions. After a split,
the original bucket refers to the first part of the data and a new bucket inserted
into the brigade after the original bucket refers to the second part of the data.
Reference counts are maintained as necessary.
The setaside function ensures that the data in the bucket has an adequate lifetime.
For example, sometimes it is convenient to create a bucket referring
to data on the stack in the expectation that it will be consumed (e.g., output to
the network) before the stack is unwound. If that expectation turns out not
to be valid, the setaside function is called to move the data somewhere safer.
The copy function makes a duplicate of the bucket structure as long as it s possible
to have multiple references to a single copy of the data itself. Not all
bucket types can be copied.
The destroy function maintains the reference counts on the resources used by
a bucket and frees them if necessary.
Buckets用来多种数据类型的存储.涉及内存中的数据,或者文件的一部分或内存映射,或进程输出,还有一些其它东西. Buckets也有一些和类型相关的访问函数:
内存中来, Buckets会去修改数据类型来保证它能引用新的数据地址.如果在一个Buckets
这个希望不是有效的, setaside函数在某个安全地方被调用来销毁这些数据.
NOTE All of these functions have wrapper macros
[apr_bucket_read(), apr_bucket_destroy(), and so on]. The
wrapper macros should be used rather than using the function
pointers directly.
To write a bucket brigade, we first turn the data into an iovec, so that we don t
write too little data at one time. If we really want good performance, then we need
to compact the buckets before we convert the data to an iovec, or possibly while
we are converting to an iovec.
向bucket brigade中写数据,我们必须先把数据转成iovec,因此我们不会在一次写太少的数据.如果我们真正想要好的性能,在我们转换数据到iovec之前或者可能的话,在我们正在转换的时候,我们需要紧密的buckets.
The following bucket types are supported natively in APR:
File bucket contents are a file. Commonly used when serving a static file.
Pipe bucket contents are a pipe (filesystem FIFO).
Socket bucket contents are a socket. Most commonly used by the network
Heap bucket contents are heap memory. Used for stdio-like buffered I/O.
Mmap bucket contents are an mmapped file.
Immortal bucket contents are memory, which is guaranteed to be valid for
at least the lifetime of the bucket.
Pool bucket contents are allocated on a pool.
Transient bucket contents may go out of scope and disappear.
Flush (metadata) the brigade s contents should be flushed before continuing.
In Apache, that means passing whatever data is available to the next filter in
the chain.
EOS (metadata) end of data.
Other types may also be implemented indeed, additional metadata types are used
internally in Apache. This author has implemented bucket types for SQL queries
(using apr_dbd) and for script fragments; both of these types execute and convert
data to another bucket type when read. A third-party library implementing a wide
range of bucket types is serf.2
File bucket内容是文件.通常在服务一个静态文件时候使用.
Pipe bucket内容是管道(文件系统FIFO).
Socket bucket内容是套接字.通常被网络过滤器使用.
Heap bucket内容是堆内存.被像stdio缓冲区I/O使用.
Mmap bucket内容是内存映射文件.
Immortal bucket内容是内存,保证这个内存最少在一个bucket的生命周期中有效.
Pool bucket内容是在pool上分配.
Transient bucket内容可能超出作用域,消失.
Flush(元数据) brigade的内容应该在继续前被刷新.
EOS (元数据) 数据的结束.
也能实现其它的数据类型 —— 事实上,附加的元数据类型在Apache内部使用.作者已经实现了SQL查询和脚本片段的bucket类型(使用apr_dbd);这两个类型在读取的时候转换数据到其它bucket类型.一个第三方库正在实现一个更宽泛的bucket类型, serf
2. http://svn.webdav.org/repos/projects/serf/trunk
3.5.6 Filesystem
3.5.6 文件系统
APR modules related to filesystems include the following:
apr_file_io provides standard file operations: open/close, stdio-style
read/write operations, locking, and create/delete/copy/rename/chmod. This
module supports ordinary files, temporary files, directories, and pipes.
apr_file_info provides filesystem information (stat), directory manipulation
functions (e.g., open, close, read), file path manipulation, and relative
path resolution.
apr_fnmatch provides pattern matching for the filesystem, to support wildcard
apr_mmap mmaps a file.
We will see examples of these modules in later chapters.
A third-party extension is apvfs,3 a library that implements a common, APR-based
front end to a wide range of different (virtual) filesystems such as standard files,
APR buckets, archives IPC, and databases.
一个第三方的扩展, apvfs实现了一个通用的,基于APR的从头到尾不同的文件系统(虚拟)例如标准文件,APRbuckets,IPC存档和数据库.
3.5.7 Network
3.5.7 网络
APR provides two modules related to networks:
apr_network_io is a socket layer supporting IPv4, IPv6, and the TCP, UDP,
and SCTP protocols. It supports a number of features subject to underlying
operating system support, and will emulate them where not available. These
features include send file, accept filters, and multicast.
apr_poll provides functions for polling a socket (or other descriptor).
3.5.8 Encoding and Cryptography
3.5.8 编码和加密
APR does not provide a cryptographic library, and Apache s mod_ssl relies on the
external OpenSSL package for implementation of transport-level security. APR
APR 不提供加密库 ,Apache mod_ssl 依赖外部的 OpenSSL 包来实现传输层的安全 .
3. http://apvfs.sourceforge.net/
does support a number of data encoding and hashing techniques in its
apr_base64 , apr_md4, apr_md5, and apr_sha1 modules.
APR提供数据编码和在 apr_base64, apr_md4, apr_md5, 和 apr_sha1中的哈希技术.
3.5.9 URI Handling
3.5.9 URI处理
The apr_uri module defines a struct for URIs/URLs, and provides parsing and
unparsing functions:
* A structure to encompass all of the fields in a URI
struct apr_uri_t {
/** Scheme ("http"/"ftp"/...) */
char *scheme;
/** Combined [user[:password]/@]host[:port] */
char *hostinfo;
/** User name, as in http://user:passwd/@host:port/ */
char *user;
/** Password, as in http://user:passwd/@host:port/ */
char *password;
/** Hostname from URI (or from Host: header) */
char *hostname;
/** Port string (integer representation is in "port") */
char *port_str;
/** The request path (or "/" if only scheme://host was given) */
char *path;
/** Everything after a '?' in the path, if present */
char *query;
/** Trailing "#fragment" string, if present */
char *fragment;
/** Structure returned from gethostbyname() */
struct hostent *hostent;
/** The port number, numeric, valid only if port_str != NULL */
apr_port_t port;
/** Has the structure been initialized? */
unsigned is_initialized:1;
/** Has the DNS been looked up yet? */
unsigned dns_looked_up:1;
/** Has the DNS been resolved yet? */
unsigned dns_resolved:1;
The main functions provided are apr_uri_parse and apr_uri_unparse, which
convert between a string and the apr_uri struct.
提供的主要函数是apr_uri_parse 和 apr_uri_unparse,用来在字符串和apr_uri结构之间转换.
3.5.10 P rocesses and Threads
3.5.10 进程和线程
apr_thread_proc provides process and thread management functions: creation,
parent child relationships including environment propagation, pipes,
rendezvous, and wait.
apr_signal provides basic signal handling.
apr_global_mutex provides global locks that protect the calling thread bothfrom
other threads and processes.
apr_proc_mutex provides locks for the calling process against other
apr_shm provides shared memory segments.
apr_proc_mutex 提供当前执行进程锁,阻止其它进程
apr_shm 提供共享内存段.
apr_thread_mutex and apr_thread_rwlock provide thread locks/mutexes.
apr_thread_cond provides thread conditions for synchronization of different
threads in a process.
apr_thread_mutex apr_thread_rwlock 提供线程锁和互斥量.
apr_thread_cond 提供同一进程中的线程同步条件.
Modules should be able to run in a multiprocess and/or multithreaded environment.
Although they will rarely need to create a new thread, they may need to use
mutexes, shared memory, or other techniques to share resources and avoid race conditions.
Techniques for working with threads and processes in Apache are discussed
in Chapter 4.
3.5.11 Resource Pooling
3.5.11 资源缓存
The apr_reslist module manages a pool of persistent resources.
A database is a fundamental component of many web applications. Unfortunately,
connecting to it incurs an overhead that affects traditional application architectures
such as CGI and the environment commonly known as LAMP (Linux, Apache,
MySQL, [Perl|PHP|Python]). Using apr_reslist (APR s resource pooling module)
with Apache 2’s threaded MPMs, we can achieve significant improvements in
performance and scalability in applications using expensive resources such as databases,
or back-end connections when proxying an application server.
Chapter 11 presents the DBD framework, which is one of the main applications of
connection pooling.
apr_reslist模块管理一个永久存在的资源池.数据库是许多web程序的基础部件.不幸地,连接数据库招致负载,影响传统应用程序结构例如CGI和环境,普遍知道的LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySQL,[Perl|PHP|Python]).使用Apache2线程模式MPM的apr_reslist(APR的资源缓存模块),在使用”昂贵”资源,例如数据库,或者代理应用程序服务的后端连接,的应用程序中,我们能达到显著的性能和平衡性的提升.
3.5.12 A PI Extensions
3.5.12 API扩展
The following modules serve to enable new APIs:
apr_hooks provides Apache s hooks, a mechanism for exporting an API where
an extension (module) can insert its own processing
apr_optional_hooks provides optional hooks, enabling different modules
to use each other s APIs when both are present without creating a dependency.
apr_optional provides optional functions, so that a module can use functions
exported by another module without creating a dependency.
These extensions are discussed in depth in Chapter 10.
apr_hooks 提供Apache拦截,导出API的一种方法,扩展(模块)能够插入自己的处理过程.
apr_optional_hooks 提供可选的拦截,允许不同的模块相互使用各自的API,当这些没有显示的创建依赖.
3.6 Databases in APR/Apache
3.6 APR/Apache中的数据库
Readers of a certain age will recollect a time in the 1980s when every application
for the PC came bundled with hundreds of different printer drivers on ever-growing
piles of floppy disks. Eventually, the operating system implemented the sensible
solution: a unified printing API, so that each printer had a single driver, and each
application had a single print function that works with any driver.
The history of database support in Apache echoes this evolutionary path. At first,
Apache had no database support, so every module needing it had to implement it.
Apache 1.3 offered separate, yet virtually identical modules for authentication with
NDBM and Berkeley DB, and a whole slew of different (third-party) authentication
modules for popular SQL databases such as MySQL. Similarly, every scripting
language such as Perl, PHP and Python had its own database management.
In time for the release of Apache 2.0, the apr_dbm module was developed to provide
a unified interface for the DBM (simple key/value lookup) class of databases.
Most recently, the apr_dbd module has been introduced, providing an analogous
API for SQL databases. Just as with the printer drivers, the APR database classes
eliminate the need for duplication and, as such, are the preferred means of database
support for new applications in APR and Apache.
3.6.1 DBMs and apr_dbm
3.6.1 DBM和apr_dbm
DBMs have been with us since the early days of computing, when the need for fast
keyed lookups was recognized. The original DBM is a UNIX-based library and file
format for fast, highly scalable, keyed access to data. It was followed (in order) by
NDBM ( new DBM ), GDBM ( GNU DBM ), and the Berkeley DB. This last is
by far the most advanced, and the only DBM under active development today.
Nevertheless, all of the DBMs from NDBM onward provide the same core functionality
used by most programs, including Apache. A minimal-implementation
SDBM is also bundled with APR, and is available to applications along with the
other DBMs.
在早期,当我们需要快速的基于key查询,我们已经有DBM.原始的DBM是一个基于UNIX的库和格式化文件,这个文件有着快速,高平衡性,通过关键词访问数据的能力.依次是NDBM(“新DBM”),GDBM(“GNU DBM”)和伯克利DB.最后一个是至今最先进的,也是今天仅有的一个还在继续开发.不过,所有从NDBM发展出来的DBM向前提供了一样的核心功能, 被大多数程序员使用,包括Apache.有着最小化实现的SDBM也被捆绑在APR中,连同其他DBM一起都是对应用程序可用的.
Although NDBM is now old like the city named New Town ( Neapolis ) by the
Greeks in about 600 B.C. and still called Naples today it remains the baseline
DBM. NDBM was used by early Apache modules such as the Apache 1.x versions
of mod_auth_dbm and mod_rewrite. Both GDBM and Berkeley DB provide
NDBM emulations, and Linux distributions ship with one or other of those emulations
in place of the real NDBM, which is excluded for licensing reasons.
Unfortunately, the various file formats are totally incompatible, and there are subtle
differences in behavior concerning database locking. These issues led a steady
stream of Linux users to report problems with DBMs in Apache 1.x.
Apache 2 replaces direct access to a DBM with a unified wrapper layer, apr_dbm.
There can be one or more underlying databases; this determination is made at build
time, either through a configuration option or by being detected automatically by
the build scripts (the default behavior). The database to be used by an application
may be passed as a parameter whenever a DBM is opened, so it is under direct programmer
control (or administrator control, if the database is configurable) and can
be trivially switched if that ever becomes necessary. Alternatively, for cases like
authentication that are known to work well with any DBM, it can use a system
default. Apache has to support only a single DBM interface, so, for example, a single
DBM authentication module serves regardless of the underlying DBM used.
The apr_dbm layer, which is similar to the DBM APIs, is documented in
apr_dbm.h. When programming with it, one should not assume any locking,
although update operations are safe if the DBM is either GDBM or the original
NDBM. Using a mutex for critical updates makes it safe in all cases.
The DBM functions supported in APR are basically the same as those common to
all of the DBMs namely, an API essentially equivalent to NDBM, GDBM, and
early versions of Berkeley DB. Advanced capabilities of recent Berkeley DB versions,
such as transactions, are not supported, so applications requiring them have
to access DB directly.
The function fetch_dbm_value in mod_authn_dbm looks up a value in a DBM
static apr_status_t fetch_dbm_value(const char *dbmtype,
const char *dbmfile,
const char *user, char **value,
apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_dbm_t *f;
apr_datum_t key, val;
apr_status_t rv;
rv = apr_dbm_open_ex(&f, dbmtype, dbmfile, APR_DBM_READONLY,
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
return rv;
key.dptr = (char*)user;
key.dsize = strlen(key.dptr);
key.dsize = strlen(key.dptr) + 1;
*value = NULL;
if (apr_dbm_fetch(f, key, &val) == APR_SUCCESS && val.dptr) {
*value = apr_pstrmemdup(pool, val.dptr, val.dsize);
return rv;
3.6.2 SQL Databases and apr_dbd
3.6.2 SQL数据库和apr_dbd
NOTE The apr_dbd module is not available in APR0.x and,
therefore, Apache 2.0. It requires APR 1.2 or higher, or the
current version of CVS.
注意: apr_dbd模块在APR 0.x版本中不可用,因此Apache2.0需要APR1.2或者更高版本,或CVS的当前版本.
SQL is the standard for nontrivial database applications, and many such databases
are regularly used with Apache in web applications. The most popular option is
the lightweight open-source MySQL, but it is merely one choice among many
SQL databases are altogether bigger and more complex than DBMs, and are not in
general interchangeable, except where applications are explicitly designed to be
portable (or in a limited range of simple tasks). Nevertheless, a unified API for SQL
applications brings benefits analogous to the printer drivers.
The apr_dbd module is a unified API for using SQL databases in Apache and other
APR applications. The concept is similar to Perl s DBI/DBD framework or libdbi
for C, but apr_dbd differs from these in that APR pools are used for resource
management. As a consequence, it is much easier to work with apr_dbd in APR
The apr_dbd module is also unusual within APR in terms of its approach. Whereas
the apr_dbd API is compiled into libaprutil, the drivers for individual databases
may be dynamically loaded at runtime. Thus, when you install a new database package,
you can install an APR driver for it without having to recompile the whole of
At the time of this writing, apr_dbd supports the MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite,
and Oracle databases. Drivers for other databases will likely be contributed in due
The MySQL Driver
Apache views MySQL as a special case. Because it is licensed under the GNU
General Public License (GPL), a driver for MySQL must also be distributed under
the GPL (or not at all). This requirement is incompatible with Apache licensing
policy, because it would impose additional restrictions on Apache users.
The author has dealt with this issue by making a MySQL driver available separately4
and licensing it under the GPL. Users requiring this driver should download it into
the apr_dbd directory or folder and build it there. If MySQL is installed in a standard
location, it should then be automatically detected and built by the standard
APR-UTIL configuration process.
Apache把MySQL作为一个特殊的情况,因为MySQL遵守GNU GPL,MySQL数据驱动的开发也必须遵守GPL(或者根本就不).这个和Apache的版权许可有冲突,因为对Apache用户,Apache的版权许可会有一些附加的限制.
Apache modules should normally use apr_dbd through the provider module
3.7 Summary
3.7 总结
This chapter presented a brief overview of the APR and APR-UTIL (APU), focusing
on those modules most likely to be of interest to developers of Apache applications.
Many of the topics introduced here are discussed in more depth in later
chapters where they become relevant indeed essential to the techniques presented
Specifically, this chapter identified the principal roles of APR:
A platform-independent operating system layer
A solution to resource management issues
A utilities and class library
We took a detailed look at the following topics:
APR conventions and style
APR pools and resource management in Apache
The APR database classes
The principal APR types
We also engaged in a brief tour of other APR modules.
• 一个和操作系统层无关的平台.
• 一个资源管理的解决方案.
• 实用集库.
• APR 规定和设计.
• Apache中的APR pool和资源管理.
• APR数据库
• 主要的APR 类型
4. http://apache.webthing.com/database/
An appreciation of the APR is fundamental to all C programming in Apache, and
the remainder of this book will use it extensively. For further reading on the APR,
you can refer to the excellent API documentation generated automatically from the
header files (available for browsing at apr.apache.org) and to INOUE Seiichiro s
所有Apache的C语言开发者感激APR,本书其它部分会更宽泛的使用APR.为了更进一步了解APR,你能够参考从头文件自动生成的非常棒的API文档(可以查看apr.apache.org网站),也可以参考INOUE Seiichiro的指南.
5. http://dev.ariel-networks.com/apr/apr-tutorial/html/apr-tutorial.html




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