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转载 C++编译、链接过程

C++程序从编译到链接然后再到调用的整个过程如下。  只是个人最近观点,希望能与志同道合的同学一起讨论。  注:这里只是研究C++的主流编译过程,与Java没有任何关系,因为使用的技术完全不一样(Java是编译和解释结合的语言)。并且由于不同的编译器厂商对于程序的编译过程不尽相同,但是主要流程还是一样的。  其实长久以来我就一直很不清楚obj文件的内容到底是什么,有人说是汇编,有人说

2013-05-28 13:46:50 590

转载 Math中的round/ceil/floorf方法总结

这三个方法是在让人头疼,经过一阵搜索之后,特总结如下: Math.round:如果参数是小数,则求本身的四舍五入。 Math.ceil:如果参数是小数,则求最小的整数但不小于本身. Math.floor:如果参数是小数,则求最大的整数但不大于本身.     同时注意他们的返回类型: long round(double a)   int round(float a)

2013-05-27 16:53:09 1931

转载 std list/vector sort 排序就这么简单

【转载】std list/vector sort 排序就这么简单 转自 http://blog.csdn.net/marising/article/details/4567531 原作者 marising  原发布日期 2009/09/18   评述: 原作者使用了一个例子程序就把stl中的排序三种实现方式解析清楚,十分具有指导意义。   原文:

2013-05-13 20:49:10 728

URP Debug Views 1.0.4.zip

Do you wish you had debug views in LWRP / URP? Do you wish it was easy to add custom debug views? That it was accessible in game view and in builds? URP Debug Views - A unique plugin that adds debug views support for LWRP / URP and more! TLDR URP Debug Views adds must have features for anyone that uses LWRP / URP: - most of the debug views from the built-in renderer (including Shaded Wireframe!) - works in scene view, game view and in builds - add your own debug view with a single shader Available debug views - Shaded Wireframe - World normals - World tangents - Shadow cascades - Overdraw - Vertex color R - Vertex color G - Vertex color B - Vertex color RGB - Vertex color A - UV0 Checker - UV1 Checker Available everywhere Debug views work in scene view, game view but also in builds. It has been tested on various PCs, Mac, Android and VR. Custom Adding custom debug views is very easy, a single shader is enough! You can then plug the newly created debug view in an editor menu, shortcuts or a custom in-game menu. Time saver Being able to check problems and iterate on them quickly is very important, especially if you are an indie game developper. "Why is this vertex color not working? Is the problem coming from the mesh, Unity or the shader?" "What is this visual bug, is it coming from the geometry or the textures?" Any of theses questions and many more can be answered in one click by using the correct view. Without any debug view, it can take 10 minutes, an hour, or more. Less time fixing problems means more time working on your game. Your time is important, value it! Full source code included! Support I'm dedicated to make this asset a must-have for LWRP / URP. I answer to email and do my best to fix bugs and implement feature request. Please don't hesitate to contact me for feedback, ideas or bug report at ph.graphics.unity@gmail.com You can also come and chat on Discord at https://discord.gg/ksURBah If you are not convinced yet, you can look at reviews for



自我介绍 • 3D引擎渲染系统概述 • 虚幻4渲染系统架构 – 游戏线程&渲染线程 – 场景管理与渲染数据管理 – Deferred Shading Scene Renderer • 虚幻4的VR渲染 – 以Google VR HMD插件为例



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