


< %@ Language = " VBScript "  CODEPAGE = " 936 " % >
< Option   Explicit  % >
=   True
Dim  startime
= timer ()
Dim  hx
Set  hx  =   New  Cls_AspCheck

class Cls_AspCheck

Public  FileName,WebName,WebUrl,SysName,SysNameE,SysVersion

' 检查组件是否被支持
     Public   Function  IsObjInstalled(strClassString)
On   Error   Resume   Next
Dim  xTestObj
Set  xTestObj  =  Server.CreateObject(strClassString)
If  Err  Then
=   False
=   True
end   if
Set  xTestObj  =   Nothing
End Function

' 检查组件版本
     Public   Function  getver(Classstr)
On   Error   Resume   Next
Dim  xTestObj
Set  xTestObj  =  Server.CreateObject(Classstr)
If  Err  Then
= ""
= xTestObj.version
end   if
Set  xTestObj  =   Nothing
End Function

Public   Function  GetObjInfo(startnum,endnum)
dim  i,Outstr
for  i = startnum  to  endnum
=  Outstr  &   " <tr class=""item_tr1""><td> "   &  theTestObj(i, 0 &   ""
if  theTestObj(i, 1 <>   ""   then  Outstr  =  Outstr  &   " <span class=""font_1""> " & theTestObj(i, 1 ) & " </span> "
=  Outstr  &   " </td> "
If   Not  IsObjInstalled(theTestObj(i, 0 ))  Then  
=  Outstr  &   " <td><span class=""font_2""><b>×</b></span></td> "
=  Outstr  &   " <td><span class=""font_3""><b>√</b></span>  "   &  getver(theTestObj(i, 0 ))  &   " </td> "
End   If
=  Outstr  &   " </tr> "   &  vbCrLf
End Function

Private   Sub  Class_Initialize()
= " IT学习者 "
= " "
= " ASP探针 "         
= " AspCheck "
= " V1.3 "
= Request.ServerVariables( " SCRIPT_NAME " )
if   InStr (FileName, " / " then  FileName  =   right (FileName, len (FileName) - InStrRev (FileName, " / " ))
End Sub

Public   Function  dtype(num)
Select   Case  num
Case   0 : dtype  =   " 未知 "
Case   1 : dtype  =   " 可移动磁盘 "
Case   2 : dtype  =   " 本地硬盘 "
Case   3 : dtype  =   " 网络磁盘 "
Case   4 : dtype  =   " CD-ROM "
Case   5 : dtype  =   " RAM 磁盘 "
End   Select
End Function

Public   Function  formatdsize(dsize)
if  dsize >= 1073741824   then
= Formatnumber (dsize / 1073741824 , 2 &   "  GB "
elseif  dsize >= 1048576   then
= Formatnumber (dsize / 1048576 , 2 &   "  MB "
elseif  dsize >= 1024   then
= Formatnumber (dsize / 1024 , 2 &   "  KB "
= dsize  &   " B "
end   if
End Function

Public   Function  formatvariables(str)
on   error   resume   next
=   cstr (server.htmlencode(str))
= replace (str, chr ( 10 ), " <br> " )
End Function

Public   Sub  ShowFooter()
dim  Endtime,Runtime,OutStr
= timer ()
=   " <div id=""bottom""> "
=  OutStr  &   " <p>此程序是<a href="""" target=""_blank"">ITlearner</a>以<a href="""" target=""_blank"">Ajiang</a>和<a href="""" target=""_blank"">COCOON</a>的ASP探针的代码为原型,结合部分自已原创的代码精心编写而成。</p> "
=  OutStr  &   " <p>欢迎访问★<a href="""" target=""_blank"">IT学习者</a>★,<a href="""" target=""_blank"">下载最新版程序</a><br> "   &  vbcrlf
= FormatNumber ((endtime - startime) * 1000 , 2
if  Runtime > 0   then
if  Runtime > 1000   then
=  OutStr  &   " 页面执行时间:约 " &   FormatNumber (runtime / 1000 , 2 &   " "
=  OutStr  &   " 页面执行时间:约 " &  Runtime  &   " 毫秒 "
end   if     
end   if
=  OutStr  &   " &nbsp;&nbsp; "
=  OutStr  &   " <a href=' "   +   "' target='_blank'>ITlearner AspCheck  "   &  SysVersion  &   " </a> "                                 
=  OutStr  &   " </p></div> "
End Sub
Public   Function  getEngVerVBS()
= ScriptEngineMajorVersion ()  & " . " & ScriptEngineMinorVersion ()  & " . "   &   ScriptEngineBuildVersion ()  &   "   "
End Function
End  class

Dim  theTestObj( 25 , 1 )

0 , 0 =   " MSWC.AdRotator "
1 , 0 =   " MSWC.BrowserType "
2 , 0 =   " MSWC.NextLink "
3 , 0 =   " MSWC.Tools "
4 , 0 =   " MSWC.Status "
5 , 0 =   " MSWC.Counters "
6 , 0 =   " MSWC.PermissionChecker "
7 , 0 =   " WScript.Shell "
8 , 0 =   " Microsoft.XMLHTTP "
9 , 0 =   " Scripting.FileSystemObject "
9 , 1 =   " (FSO 文本文件读写) "
10 , 0 =   " ADODB.Connection "
10 , 1 =   " (ADO 数据对象) "
11 , 0 =   " SoftArtisans.FileUp "
11 , 1 =   " (SA-FileUp 文件上传) "
12 , 0 =   " SoftArtisans.ImageGen "
12 , 1 =   " (SA 的图像读写组件) "
13 , 0 =   " LyfUpload.UploadFile "
13 , 1 =   " (刘云峰的文件上传组件) "
14 , 0 =   " Persits.Upload "
14 , 1 =   " (ASPUpload 文件上传) "
15 , 0 =   " w3.upload "
15 , 1 =   " (Dimac 文件上传) "
16 , 0 =   " JMail.SmtpMail "
16 , 1 =   " (Dimac JMail 邮件收发) "
17 , 0 =   " CDONTS.NewMail "
17 , 1 =   " (虚拟 SMTP 发信) "
18 , 0 =   " Persits.MailSender "
18 , 1 =   " (ASPemail 发信) "
19 , 0 =   " SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1 "
19 , 1 =   " (SmtpMail 发信) "
20 , 0 =   " PE_Common.Site "
20 , 1 =   " (动易2005组件) "     
< !DOCTYPE HTML  PUBLIC   " -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN "   >
< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type "  content = " text/html; charset=gb2312 " >
< title > ASP探针 </ title >
< style type = " text/css " >
< ! --
body        {font
- size:12px;margin - left :50px;background:#FFF;line - height: 1.5 ;font - family:宋体,arial;color:# 000 ;}
td,span {font
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0 ;}
#top        {width:600px;margin:8px 
0 ;text - align:center;}
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183789 ;width:600px;margin - top:10px;text - align:center;padding:5px  0 ;}
h3            {font
- size:30px;margin: 0 ;}
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a       {color:#
000 ; text - decoration:none}
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- size:12px;}
.PicBar {background:#0099CF;border:1px solid #
000 ;height:12px;vertical - align:middle;}
- index: 1000 ;}
0 ;width:600px;margin - top:5px;}
- weight:bold;}
- align:center;color:#FFF;padding:3px;}
.item_title a{color:#FFF;}
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- indent:8px;background:#FFF;}
- align:center;background:#FFF;height:18px;}
888 ;}
080 ;}
</ style >
< script language = " JavaScript "  runat = " server " >
function  getEngVerJs(){
ScriptEngineMajorVersion ()  + " . " + ScriptEngineMinorVersion () + " . " +   ScriptEngineBuildVersion ()  +   "   " ;
" 服务器不支持此项检测 " ;
</ script >
< script language = " JavaScript "  type = " text/javascript " >
< ! --
function  Checksearchbox(form1){
if (form1.classname.value  ==   "" )
" 请输入你要检测的组件名! " );
false ;
function  showsubmenu(sid){
=   eval ( " submenu "   +  sid);
if  (  ==   " none " )
eval ( " submenu "   +  sid  +   " .style.display= " " ; " );
eval ( " txt "   +  sid  +   " .innerHTML= " < span title = ' 关闭此项'>x</span>";");
eval ( " submenu "   +  sid  +   " .style.display= " none " ; " );
eval ( " txt "   +  sid  +   " .innerHTML= " < span title = ' 打开此项'>y</span>";");
</ script >
</ head >
< body >
< a name = " top " ></ a >
< div id = " top " >
< h3 >< a href = " <%=hx.FileName%> " > ASP探针 </ a ></ h3 >
</ div >
< %
dim  action
= request( " action " )
select   case  action
case   " Custom_ObjInfo "
Call  menu2
>< div class = " frame_box " >< % Call  Custom_ObjInfo% ></ div >
< %Response.End
case   " SystemCheck "
Call  menu2
Call  SystemCheck
end   select

Call  menu
Call  SystemTest
Call  ObjTest
Call  CalculateTest
Call  DriveTest
Call  SpeedTest
Set  hx =   nothing

< % Sub  menu% >
< a href = " #SystemTest " > 服务器有关参数 </ a >  |  < a href = " #ObjTest " > 服务器组件情况 </ a >  |  < a href = " #CalcuateTest " > 服务器运算能力 </ a >  
< a href = " #DriveTest " > 服务器磁盘信息 </ a >  |  < a href = " #SpeedTest " > 服务器连接速度 </ a >< br >  
< a href = " ?action=SystemCheck " > 系统用户(组)和进程检测 </ a >< br >
< % End Sub
Sub  menu2
" <p>返回<a href="" " & hx.FileName & " "">主界面</a></p> "
End Sub
Sub  GoTop
"  <a href=""#top"" title=""返回顶部""><font face=""Webdings"">5</font></a> "
End Sub
< % Sub  smenu(i)% >
< font face = " Wingdings " >< span class = " item_title_other "  onClick = " showsubmenu(<%=i%>) "  id = " txt<%=i%> " >< span title = " 关闭此项 " > x </ span ></ span ></ font >
< % End Sub % >
< % Sub  SystemTest
on   error   resume   next
< a name = " SystemTest " ></ a >  

< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 服务器有关参数 </ span >< % Call  GoTop% >  
< % Call  smenu( 0 )% >     
</ div >
< div class = " item_content "  id = ' submenu0'>
         < table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td width = " 110 " > 服务器名 </ td >
< td width = " 185 " >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " SERVER_NAME " )% ></ td >
< td width = " 110 " > 服务器操作系统 </ td >
< td width = " 185 " >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " OS " )% ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 服务器IP </ td >
< td >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " LOCAL_ADDR " )% ></ td >
< td > 服务器端口 </ td >
< td >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " SERVER_PORT " )% ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 服务器时间 </ td >
< td >< % = now % ></ td >
< td > 服务器CPU数量 </ td >
< td >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS " )% >  
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > IIS版本 </ td >
< td >< % = Request.ServerVariables( " SERVER_SOFTWARE " )% ></ td >
< td > 脚本超时时间 </ td >
< td >< % = Server.ScriptTimeout% >  秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > Application变量 </ td >
< td >< %Response.Write(Application.Contents.Count  &   " 个  " )
if  Application.Contents.count > 0   then  Response.Write( " [<a href=""?action=showapp"">遍历Application变量</a>] " )% >
</ td >
< td > Session变量 </ td >
< td >< %Response.Write(Session.Contents.Count & " 个  " )
if  Session.Contents.count > 0   then  Response.Write( " [<a href=""?action=showsession"">遍历Session变量</a>] " )% >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< a href = " ?action=showvariables " > 所有服务器参数 </ a ></ td >
< td >< %Response.Write(Request.ServerVariables.Count & " 个  " )
if  Request.ServerVariables.Count > 0   then  Response.Write( " [<a href=""?action=showvariables"">遍历服务器参数</a>] " )% >
</ td >
< td > 服务器环境变量 </ td >
< td >< %
dim  WshShell,WshSysEnv
Set  WshShell  =  server.CreateObject( " WScript.Shell " )
Set  WshSysEnv  =  WshShell.Environment
if  err  then
" 服务器不支持WScript.Shell组件 " )
& " 个  " )
if  WshSysEnv.count > 0   then  Response.Write( " [<a href=""?action=showwsh"">遍历环境变量</a>] "
end   if
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 服务器解译引擎 </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " > JScript:  < % =  getEngVerJs() % >  | VBScript:  < % = hx.getEngVerVBS()% ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 本文件实际路径 </ td >
< td colspan = " 3 " >< % = server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables( " SCRIPT_NAME " ))% ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< %
if  action = " showapp "   or  action = " showsession "   or  action = " showvariables "   or  action = " showwsh "   then
end   if
</ div >
</ div >
< %
End Sub

Sub  showvariable(action)
< table width = " 100% "  border = " 0 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  cellspacing = " 1 "  bgcolor = " #0099CC " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 2 " >
< %
' on error resume next
     dim  Item,xTestObj,outstr
" <font face='Webdings'>4</font>  " )
if  action = " showapp "   then
" 遍历Application变量 " )
set  xTestObj = Application.Contents
elseif  action = " showsession "   then
" 遍历Session变量 " )
set  xTestObj = Session.Contents
elseif  action = " showvariables "   then
" 遍历服务器参数 " )
set  xTestObj = Request.ServerVariables
elseif  action = " showwsh "   then
" 遍历环境变量 " )
dim  WshShell
Set  WshShell  =  server.CreateObject( " WScript.Shell " )
set  xTestObj = WshShell.Environment
end   if
" (<a href="" " & hx.FileName & " "">关闭</a>) "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr bgcolor = " #FFFFFF " >  
< td width = " 125 " > 变量名 </ td >
< td width = " 470 " > </ td >
</ tr >
< %
if  err  then
=   " <tr bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""><td colspan=""2"">没有符合条件的变量</td></tr> "
dim  w
if  action = " showwsh "   then
for   each  Item in xTestObj
= split (Item, " = " )
=  outstr  &   " <tr bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""> "
=  outstr  &   " <td> "   &  w( 0 &   " </td> "  
=  outstr  &   " <td> "   &  w( 1 &   " </td> "  
=  outstr  &   " </tr> "          
dim  i
for   each  Item in xTestObj
=  outstr  &   " <tr bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""> "
=  outstr  &   " <td> "   &  Item  &   " </td> "      
=  outstr  &   " <td> "  
if   IsArray (xTestObj(Item))  then         
for  i = 0   to   ubound (xTestObj(Item)) - 1
if   IsArray (xTestObj(Item)(i))  then
=  outstr  &   " 数组 "   &   " <br> "                     
=  outstr  &  hx.formatvariables(xTestObj(Item)(i))  &   " <br> "
end   if
=  outstr  &  hx.formatvariables(xTestObj(Item))
end   if     
=  outstr  &   " </td> "
=  outstr  &   " </tr> "  
end   if
end   if
set  xTestObj = nothing
</ table >
< % End Sub % >
< % Sub  ObjTest% >
< a name = " ObjTest " ></ a >
< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 服务器组件情况 </ span >< % Call  GoTop% >
< % Call  smenu( 1 )% >
</ div >
< div class = " item_content "  id = ' submenu1'>
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 2 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> IIS自带的ASP组件</td>
         </ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td width = " 450 " > 组 件 名 称 </ td >
< td width = " 150 " > 支持及版本 </ td >
</ tr >
< %hx.GetObjInfo  0 , 10 % >
</ table >
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 2 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 网站常用组件 </td>
         </ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td width = " 450 " > 组 件 名 称 </ td >
< td width = " 150 " > 支持及版本 </ td >
</ tr >
< %hx.GetObjInfo  11 , 20 % >
</ table >
< % Call  Custom_ObjInfo()% >
</ div >
</ div >
< %
End Sub
Sub  Custom_ObjInfo% >
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "   bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 其他组件支持情况检测 </td>
         </ tr >         
< tr >  
< td height = " 30 "  bgcolor = " #FFFFFF " >
< form action = " ?action=Custom_ObjInfo "  method = " post " >             
< input class = " input "  type = " text "  value = ""  name = " classname "  size = " 40 " >  
< input type = " submit "  value = " 确定 "  class = " btn_c "  name = " submit1 "  onClick = " return Checksearchbox(this.form); " >
</ form >  
</ td >
</ tr >
< %
Dim  strClass
=   Trim (Request.Form( " classname " ))
If  strClass  <>   ""   then
" <tr><td height=""30"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"">您指定的组件的检查结果: "
If   Not  hx.IsObjInstalled(strClass)  then  
" <span class=""font_3"">很遗憾,该服务器不支持 "   &  strclass  &   " 组件!</span> "
" <span class=""font_3""> "
"  恭喜!该服务器支持 "   &  strclass  &   " 组件。 "
If  hx.getver(strclass) <> ""   then
"  该组件版本是: "   &  hx.getver(strclass)
End   if
" </span> "
End   If
" </td></tr> "   
end   if
</ table >
< % End Sub

Sub  CalculateTest
>< a name = " CalcuateTest " ></ a >
< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 服务器运算能力 </ span >< % Call  GoTop% >
< % Call  smenu( 2 )% >
</ div >
< div class = " item_content "  id = ' submenu2'>
             < table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 3 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 让服务器执行50万次加法(整数运算)和20万次开方(浮点运算),记录其所使用的时间。 
           </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr2 " >  
< td width = " 400 " > 可 供 参 考 的 服 务 器 列 表 </ td >
< td width = " 100 " > 整数运算 </ td >
< td width = " 100 " > 浮点运算 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > ITlearner的电脑 & nbsp; (CPU:Celeron 2G & nbsp; 内存:512M) </ td >
< td > 242.19  毫秒 </ td >
< td > 191.41  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > ITlearner的服务器 & nbsp;(CPU:P4  3 .0G(1M) 内存: 1 .5G) </ td >
< td > 187.50  毫秒 </ td >
< td > 171.88  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< a href = " "  target = " _blank " > 中国频道虚拟主机 </ a >& nbsp; [ 2005 / 08 / 08 ] </ td >
< td > 375.00  毫秒 </ td >
< td > 328.13  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< a href = " "  target = " _blank " > 东南数据虚拟主机 </ a >& nbsp; [ 2005 / 08 / 08 ] </ td >
< td > 343.75  毫秒 </ td >
< td > 312.50  毫秒 </ td >       
</ tr >  
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< a href = " "  target = " _blank " > 伊瓦科技虚拟主机 </ a >& nbsp; [ 2005 / 08 / 08 ] </ td >
< td > 203.13  毫秒 </ td >
< td > 187.50  毫秒 </ td >       
</ tr >                           
< %
dim  i,t1,t2,tempvalue,runtime1,runtime2
' 开始计算50万次加法所需时间
    t1 = timer ()
for  i = 1   to   500000
=   1   +   1
= timer ()
= formatnumber ((t2 - t1) * 1000 , 2 )
' 开始计算20万次开方所需时间
    t1 = timer ()
for  i = 1   to   200000
=   2 ^ 0.5
= timer ()
= formatnumber ((t2 - t1) * 1000 , 2 )
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< span class = " font_3 " > 您正在使用的这台服务器 </ span >& nbsp;  < input name = " button "  type = " button "  class = " btn_c "  onClick = " document.location.href='<%=hx.FileName%>' "  value = " 重新测试 " >  
</ td >
< td >< span class = " font_3 " >< % = runtime1% >  毫秒 </ span ></ td >
< td >< span class = " font_3 " >< % = runtime2% >  毫秒 </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< %
End Sub
Sub  DriveTest
On   Error   Resume   Next
Dim  fo,d,xTestObj
set  fo = Server.Createobject( " Scripting.FileSystemObject " )
set  xTestObj = fo.Drives
< a name = " DriveTest " ></ a >
< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 服务器磁盘信息 </ span >< % Call  GoTop% >
< % Call  smenu( 4 )% >     
</ div >
< div class = " item_content "  id = ' submenu4'>
         < % if  hx.IsObjInstalled( " Scripting.FileSystemObject " then % >
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 7 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 服务器磁盘信息</td>
         </ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td width = " 90 " > 磁盘类型 </ td >
< td width = " 35 " > 盘符 </ td >
< td width = " 35 " > 可用 </ td >
< td width = " 100 " > 卷标 </ td >
< td width = " 80 " > 文件系统 </ td >
< td width = " 130 " > 可用空间 </ td >
< td width = " 130 " > 总空间 </ td >
</ tr >
< %
for   each  d in xTestObj
" <tr class=""item_tr1""> "
" <td> " & hx.dtype(d.DriveType) & " </td> "
" <td> " & d.DriveLetter & " </td> "         
if  d.DriveLetter  =   " A "   then
" <td colspan=""5"">为防止影响服务器,不检查软驱</td> "
" <td> "
if  d.isready  then
" "
" </td> "
" <td> " & d.VolumeName & " </td> "
" <td> " & d.FileSystem & " </td> "     
" <td> " & hx.formatdsize(d.FreeSpace) & " </td> "
" <td> " & hx.formatdsize(d.TotalSize) & " </td> "
" × "
" <td colspan=4>&nbsp;可能是磁盘有问题,或者程序没有读取权限</td> "             
end   if              
end   if          
next % >
</ table >
< %
Dim  filePath,fileDir,fileDrive
=  server.MapPath( " . " )
set  fileDir  =  fo.GetFolder(filePath)
set  fileDrive  =  fo.GetDrive(fileDir.Drive)
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 6 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 当前文件夹信息 (<%=filePath%>)</td>
         </ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr2 " >  
< td width = " 100 " > 已用空间 </ td >
< td width = " 100 " > 可用空间 </ td >
< td width = " 70 " > 文件夹数 </ td >
< td width = " 70 " > 文件数 </ td >
< td width = " 130 " > 创建时间 </ td >
< td width = " 130 " > 修改时间 </ td >
</ tr >
< %
" <tr class=""item_tr2""> "
" <td> " & hx.formatdsize(fileDir.Size) & " </td> "
" <td> "
        Response.write hx.formatdsize(fileDrive.AvailableSpace)
if  err  then
" 没有权限读取 "
error .clear
end   if
" </td> "
" <td> " & fileDir.SubFolders.Count & " </td> "
" <td> " & fileDir.Files.Count & " </td> "                         
" <td> " & fileDir.DateCreated & " </td>  "
" <td> " & fileDir.DateLastModified & " </td>  "
Dim  i,t1,t2,runtime,TestFileName
Dim  tempfo
=   timer ()
= server.mappath( " ITlearner_Test.txt " )
for  i = 1   to   30
set  tempfo = fo.CreateTextFile(TestFileName, true )
" It's a test file. "
set  tempfo = nothing
set  tempfo = fo.OpenTextFile(TestFileName, 8 , 0 )
" It's a test file. "
set  tempfo = nothing
set  tempfo = fo.GetFile(TestFileName)
set  tempfo = nothing     
=      timer ()
= formatnumber ((t2 - t1) * 1000 , 2 )         
</ table >
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 2 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 磁盘文件操作速度测试 (重复创建、写入、追加和删除文本文件30次,记录其所使用的时间)</td>
         </ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr2 " >  
< td width = " 400 " > 可 供 参 考 的 服 务 器 列 表 </ td >
< td width = " 200 " > 完成时间 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > ITlearner的电脑 & nbsp; (CPU:Celeron 2G & nbsp; 内存:512M) </ td >
< td > 203.13  ~  250.00  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > ITlearner的服务器 & nbsp;(CPU:P4  3 .0G(1M) 内存: 1 .5G) </ td >
< td > 140.63  ~  157.23  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 中国频道虚拟主机 & nbsp; [ 2005 / 08 / 08 ] </ td >
< td > 656.25  ~  718.75  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 东南数据虚拟主机 & nbsp; [ 2005 / 08 / 08 ] </ td >
< td > 500.25  ~  578.13  毫秒 </ td >
</ tr >         
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td >< span class = " font_3 " > 您正在使用的这台服务器 </ span >& nbsp;  < input name = " button2 "  type = " button "  class = btn_c onClick = " document.location.href='<%=hx.FileName%>' "  value = " 重新测试 " >  
</ td >
< td >< span class = " font_3 " >< % = runtime% >  毫秒 </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< %
" &nbsp;您的服务器或租用的空间不支持FSO组件,无法进行此项测试! "
end   if % >
</ div >
</ div >
< %
End Sub
Sub  SpeedTest
< a name = " SpeedTest " ></ a >
< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 服务器连接速度 </ span >< % Call  GoTop% >< % Call  smenu( 3 )% >
</ div >
< %     if  action = " SpeedTest "   then % >
< div id = " txt_speed " > 网速测试中,请稍候... </ div >
< %     end   if % >     
< div class = " item_content "  id = ' submenu3'>
             < table width = " 100% "  border = " 0 "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td width = " 80 " > 接入设备 </ td >
< td width = " 405 " > 连接速度(理想值) </ td >
< td width = " 115 " > 下载速度(理想值) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 56k Modem </ td >
< td >< img src = ""  alt = ""  class = " PicBar "  width = " 1% " >   56  Kbps </ td >< td > 7.0  k / s </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 2M ADSL </ td >
< td >< img src = ""  alt = ""  class = " PicBar "  width = " 10% " >   2000  Kbps </ td >< td > 250.0  k / s </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 5M FTTP </ td >
< td >< img src = ""  alt = ""  class = " PicBar "  width = " 180 " >   5000  Kbps </ td >
< td > 625.0  k / s </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " item_tr1 " >  
< td > 当前连接 </ td >
< td >
< %
if  action = " SpeedTest "   then
dim  i
With  Response
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">var tSpeedStart=new Date();</script> " )    
" <!-- " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )
for  i = 1   to   1000
" ITlearner-AspCheck-v1.3############################################################################# " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )
" --> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">var tSpeedEnd=new Date();</script> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )        
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript""> " )
" var iSpeedTime=0;iSpeedTime=(tSpeedEnd - tSpeedStart) / 1000; " )
" if(iSpeedTime>0) iKbps=Math.round(Math.round(100 * 8 / iSpeedTime * 10.5) / 10); else iKbps=10000 ; " )
" var iShowPer=Math.round(iKbps / 100); " )        
" if(iShowPer<1) iShowPer=1;  else if(iShowPer>82) iShowPer=82; " )
" </script> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )        
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript""> "
" document.write('<img class=""PicBar"" width=""' + iShowPer + '%""> ' + iKbps + ' Kbps'); " )
" </script> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )
" </td><td><a href=""?action=SpeedTest"" title=""测试连接速度""><u> " )
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript""> " )
" document.write(Math.round(iKbps/8*10)/10+ ' k/s'); " )        
" </script> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )                
" </u></a> " )
" <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript""> " )
" txt_speed.innerHTML=""网速测试完毕!""; " )    
"""none""; " )                
" </script> " &   chr ( 13 &   chr ( 10 )        
End   With
" </td><td><a href=""?action=SpeedTest#SpeedTest"" title=""测试连接速度""><u>开始测试</u></a> "
end   if
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< % End Sub % >
< % Sub  SystemCheck()% >
< div class = " frame_box " >
< div class = " item_title " >
< span class = " item_title_head " > 系统用户(组)和进程检测 </ span >
</ div >
< div class = " item_content " >
< table border = " 0 "  width = " 100% "  cellspacing = " 1 "  cellpadding = " 3 "  bgcolor = " #0099CF " >
< tr class = " item_content_head " >  
< td colspan = " 2 " >< font face = ' Webdings'>4</font> 如果下面列出了系统用户(组)和进程,则说明系统可能存在安全隐患。</td>
     </ tr >
< tr bgcolor = " #EFEFEF " >
< td width = " 80 "  align = " center " > 类 型 </ td >< td width = " 400 " > 名称及详情 </ td >
</ tr >
< %     dim  obj
on   error   resume   next
for   each  obj in  getObject ( " WinNT://. " )
< tr bgcolor = " #FFFFFF " >
< td align = " center " >< ! --< % = obj.path% >-->
< %   if  err = 438   then  Response.Write  " 系统用户(组) "  :  else  Response.Write  " 系统进程 " % >
</ td >
< td >< %Response.Write obj.Name
if   not   error   then  Response.Write  "  ( "   &  obj.displayname  &   " )<br> "   &  obj.path% >
</ td >
</ tr >
< %    err.clear        
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< %
End Sub % >
</ body >
</ html >
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


