RealMedia Analyzer (rma)中英混合版用户手册


删除Program Files/Real/RealPlayer/rpplugins/rpwe3260.dll文件




   0音频流 RealAudio
   1视频流 RealVideo
   2事件流 RealEvents
再抛弃2事件流(RealEvents)把0音频流 RealAudio 和 1视频流 RealVideo组合成一个完整的视频文件(rm.rmvb)


rma -d file.rm 查看指定文件的信息
rma -sx0 file.rm | -----------0,音频流 RealAudio
rma -sx1 file.rm |- 一般情况而言都是-   1,视频流 RealVideo
rma -sx2 file.rm | -----------2,事件流 RealEvents

分离后在rma 所在文件夹位置得到 file.000 , file.001 , file.002

分离以后手工把file.001 file.002 改后缀为video.rm audio.rm

这些文件现在是可以播放的。但是不能拖放。多余的实件流如果改为rm文件的话也可以播放,不过没有什么声音和视频,就是播发事件 (弹出网页,讨厌死)

rma -j/video.rm//audio.rm/ file.rm  注意.这里的-j/和//之间都没有空格
rma -i file.rm 重建文件索引


具体的更多的功能和参数,请到这里浏览 RealMedia Analyzer (rma)中英混合版用户手册 
{}{}const helplines=120;helpdata:array[1..helplines] of pchar=(‘RealMedia Analyzer, Version ‘+Version+‘ build ‘+_DATETIME_,‘Copyleft (C) 2000-2003 Virtual Research‘,‘‘,‘Usage: rma [command] <filename>‘,‘‘,‘Command must start with a hyphen.‘,‘All commands and arguments are case-sensitive.‘,‘Available commands are:‘,‘‘,‘ -c[arguments] = check file integrity (default)‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ d<n> = set maximum allowed timestamp difference to n (0..32767)‘,‘ milliseconds, 0 means don‘‘t care, default is 2000‘,‘ s<n> = set maximum allowed packet size to n (1..32767) kilobytes,‘,‘ default is don‘‘t care‘,‘ t = disable timestamps checking‘,‘ v = lower verbosity level (disable packets counter)‘,‘ z = stop on timestamp errors‘,‘‘,‘ -f[arguments] = try to fix broken file‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ a<n> = exclude n (0..64) packets after first found intact packet‘,‘ (but not more than the number used with ‘‘c‘‘ argument),‘,‘ default is 0‘,‘ b<n> = exclude n (0..64) packets before last intact packet, default is 0‘,‘ c<n> = use minimal size of n (2..32767) packets chain when searching for‘,‘ unbroken stream parts, default is 4‘,‘ d<n> = set maximum allowed timestamp difference to n (0..32767)‘,‘ milliseconds, 0 means don‘‘t care, default is 2000‘,‘ m[suppresion level] = suppress logging, 1 means do not update log,‘,‘ 2 means mark only, 3 means suppress completely (default)‘,‘ n<n> = only fix n (1..32767) broken packets, default is all‘,‘ p<n> = force maximum packet size (intact packet criterion) to‘,‘ n (16..32767) bytes, default is take from header‘,‘ s<n> = set maximum allowed packet size (broken packet criterion) to‘,‘ n (1..32767) kilobytes, default is don‘‘t care‘,‘ t = disable timestamps checking‘,‘ v = lower verbosity level (disable packets counter)‘,‘ z = try to fix timestamp errors‘,{ __UNIX__}‘ undo filename = create an undo file with the specified pathname‘,{}‘ /undo filename/ = create an undo file with the specified pathname‘,{}‘‘,‘ -d[argument] = dump some information about the file‘,‘ arguments (mutually exclusive):‘,‘ b = dump brief information about the file‘,‘ g = dump general information (default)‘,‘ l = display operations log only‘,‘ i = dump file index‘,‘‘,‘ -i[arguments] = rebuild index sections‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ a = index all keyframe packets‘,‘ m[suppression level] = suppress logging‘,‘ v = lower verbosity level (disable packets counter)‘,‘‘,‘ -j[arguments] = join (multiplex) two RealMedia streams‘,‘ arguments:‘,{ __UNIX__}‘ firstfilename = pathname of the file containing first stream,‘,‘ default is stream00.rm‘,‘ secondfilename = pathname of the file containing second stream,‘,‘ default is stream01.rm‘,{}‘ /firstfilename/ = pathname of the file containing first stream,‘,‘ default is stream00.rm‘,‘ /secondfilename/ = pathname of the file containing second stream,‘,‘ default is stream01.rm‘,{}‘ i = build index after join‘,‘ m[suppression level] = suppress logging‘,‘ o = write old-style file header‘,‘ p = paste instead of multiplex‘,‘ s = try to synchronize streams‘,‘ q[l]<time> = set relative stream 0 to stream 1 skew in milliseconds‘,‘ (0..10000, signed). ql means set logical skew,‘,‘ otherwise set physical skew‘,‘ v = lower verbosity level (disable packets counter)‘,‘‘,‘ -l = strip operations log and RealMedia Analyzer mark, if any‘,‘‘,‘ -p = display RealMedia Analyzer use and (re)distribution policy‘,‘‘,‘ -s[arguments] = split (demultiplex) stream‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ m[suppression level] = suppress logging‘,‘ o = write old-style file header‘,{ __UNIX__}‘ p<directory prefix> = use specified drive/directory for output files‘,‘ (default is current directory)‘,{}‘ p</directory prefix/> = use specified drive/directory for output files‘,‘ (default is current directory)‘,{}‘ x<n> = extract n‘‘th stream from the file‘,‘ v = lower verbosity level (disable packets counter)‘,‘‘,‘ -u[arguments] = discard changes according to specified undo file‘,‘ (in this case, <filename> is the undo file pathname)‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ m[suppression level] = suppress logging‘,‘‘,‘ -x[arguments] = extract part of stream‘,‘ (this command only works with the single-stream files)‘,‘ arguments:‘,‘ /<start time> (default is 00:00:00.00)‘,‘ <end time> (default is end of stream)‘,‘ d = delete part of stream instead of extract‘,‘ k = ignore keyframes‘,‘ m[suppression level] = suppress logging‘,‘ o = write old-style file header‘,{ __UNIX__}‘ p<directory prefix> = use specified drive/directory for output file‘,‘ (default is current directory)‘,{}‘ p</directory prefix/> = use specified drive/directory for output file‘,‘ (default is current directory)‘,{}‘ t = ignore timestamps‘,‘‘,‘examples:‘,‘‘,‘ rma test.rm‘,‘ check integrity of test.rm‘,‘‘,‘ rma -f test.rm‘,‘ try to fix errors in test.rm with default settings‘,‘‘,‘ rma -fb2n1 test.rm‘,‘ try to fix errors in test.rm, seek two packets back‘,‘ when broken packet is found, only fix first broken packet‘,‘‘,‘ rma -sx1 test.rm‘,‘ extract stream 1 from test.rm‘,‘‘,{ __UNIX__}‘ rma -jaudio.rmvideo.rm test.rm‘,{}‘ rma -j/audio.rm//video.rm/ test.rm‘,{}‘ join streams from audio.rm and video.rm and write‘,‘ multiplexed stream to test.rm.‘,‘‘);




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