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原创 how to check errors automatic at word2007

Because of the WORLD cannot check the error automatic, so I reinstall the OFFICE2007, but the macros were disabled. I do not know how to do except repair it, but it was useless after I repaired it. Se

2009-05-31 21:09:00 378

原创 shaved head

Football, the lost key, the bareheaded and what? This morring I came back to school and played football with colleagues, I fall and blooded, althought we played very worse. Maybe I need more sports.

2009-05-30 18:14:00 637


i reinstalled my system just right now. but i cant backup, i will refresh my virs database and use ghost to backup my system, my qq had been stolen, someone correct the secret. i have to find it back

2009-05-27 21:38:00 469

原创 nothing

I found my system is more and more slowly, I want to rebuilt it because I were hysterical.Tomorrow I must reinstall the system, ok, that is all.

2009-05-25 22:50:00 323

原创 the live

This afternoon I went home, knowing this wasted lots of time, but this is entailed to do it, because there has a word:子欲孝而亲不在, so I have to go home, not for nothing but 血浓于水.Today mom argue with gra

2009-05-24 20:53:00 348

原创 whatever happens, please don't think less of me

Today I phoned to shanghai, but the reply is the people not in, she talked me phoning again at Monday. I felt sad very much, asking my classmate HUANGYUE gave me the QQ of his friend, but he told me

2009-05-23 19:45:00 1033

原创 i promise

The first time to think the 数据结构is so interesting. If something you don’t understanding even you have known it is will be so good feeling.This evening Mr. HE said it would shock all South China if w

2009-05-22 21:42:00 328

原创 movie

Today have watched a movie , saw the young Lindsay Lohan, very lovely.I really don’t know how to hold out, looking the time fly away and I become more and more old.I only feel happy when I watch t

2009-05-21 22:45:00 396

原创 just going

Today I decide not go to the classes-《算法分析》and《软件测试》, I don’t know it will be good for me or not. The only thing I know is I have no way to go, can’t look backward, go in this way meaning I must give

2009-05-20 19:30:00 429

原创 i believe

This afternoon I watched the video about 余世维, his speech was filled with passion, I have learned a lot. I repented I haven’t study hard at past time, but it is useless, the time can’t back.I also wa

2009-05-19 19:40:00 406


Today I got up very earlier, but I felt tied, so return to the bed, do this again and again.I knew I was wasting time, seeing my report card of CET4, it was only 378, I smiled.Three times, next mo

2009-05-18 21:01:00 336

原创 next stop

<br />Because of programming, so I haven’t wrote daily. have ended today, seeing the anthology which I waiting for 3 years I feel something don’t know how to said. No matter what thing have a end, but I don’t know my love when is end. Maybe it is next stop

2009-05-17 21:16:00 348

原创 next stop

Because of programming, so I haven’t wrote daily.have ended today, seeing the anthology which I waiting for 3 years I feel something don’t know how to said. No matter what thing have a end, but I do

2009-05-17 21:14:00 533

原创 i will take bite of you although i can't fight you

Thinking the problem about the ball still don’t know how to count.This afternoon I were talked about the future about us with 君, I talked him I will do my favorite things before 30, no matter how mu

2009-05-15 20:02:00 587

原创 god with me

What is the most afraid thing for me?The lonely. I can survive hungry, thirsty and emotional damage, but can’t survive the lonely.Because of this I watch AV again and again, I can’t stop it.Taki

2009-05-14 16:53:00 766

原创 my way

Today I have known one thing that unless you knowing someone at the school which you want to go, you exam for that was very hard. In this afternoon I talk to 辉煌哥, now he was a doctor of 西安电子科技大学, I ha

2009-05-13 18:34:00 318

原创 beginnig or ending

The examination has gone, I lost one problem. But in a word, I did it perfect. Now I must do my job, which it is important for me, the math and my subject. I am feel the math is hard, maybe I haven’t

2009-05-12 22:29:00 411

原创 brand new day

Only when I am trying to study the time is been spent enough.Yesterday I went to bed on time. But this morning I get up also at 7:30.This is time to exam tomorrow, so I must reading books until 12

2009-05-11 21:51:00 433

原创 The butterfly effect

Yesterday, also is today, I searching the internet until 4:00.So I get up at 11:00 this morning. I hate myself very much.Because of angel I try to do best, now I missed, this procedure is too hard

2009-05-10 17:58:00 419

原创 prospactive future

Today I am very sad because when I am writing the report of the ASP programming language I don’t know how to write. Maybe I am not sure for the computer subject, I haven’t the perseverance, for exampl

2009-05-09 19:57:00 412

原创 七磅

七磅 昨天又玩了一个晚上,感觉距离我的目标已经越来越远,现在感觉很迷茫。刚刚看了《独立日》和《七磅》。感觉我能像威尔史密斯一样死得有意义该多好。如果我能那样死去的话我不会有丝毫犹豫。这个世界现在没有我可以留恋的。现在只有在考研路上坚持走下去。

2009-05-08 21:57:00 409

原创 如果没有电脑?


2009-05-07 20:56:00 435

原创 清零?


2009-05-06 23:35:00 367

原创 从今天开始,从现在开始!


2009-05-05 21:09:00 354


rk dts usb设置文档








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