To log onto this remote computer, you must be granted the Allow Log on through Terminal Services Right.



There are a few places that need to be configured properly for TS to work.

1) The "allow logon through terminal services" right must be assigned to the user or group in question. This can be done through group policy or local policy. By default, remote desktop users is granted this right locally, you can do the same with a domain policy for good group organization.

2) Permissions to the RDP protocol must be added in (admin tools->Terminal services config->connections->RDP-tcp properties->Permissions). Usually remote desktop users is already listed but you may have to add it.

3) The "HKLM/system/currentcontrolset/control/terminal server/fDenyTSConnections" dword must be set to "0". This can also be accessed by right clicking "my computer" and choose properties, go to the "remote" tab, and check the box for "enable remote desktop on this computer.

Typically, I add "authenticated users" to the local remote desktop group, then grant remote desktop users permissions to the RDP-tcp protocol. I then grant the "allow logon through terminal services" right via group policy to the terminal server(locally or domain) to "authenticated users". This method allows all users to logon, you would have to use a security group if you only want to grant specific users access.

You can define the permissions for the user's/groups however you want. It is usually easiest to add the users you wish to allow to the domain group "remote desktop users", add the domain group to the local "remote desktop users" on the server for good measure, then reference the domain group in RDP permissions and the "allow logon.." policy setting


### 回答1: The error message suggests that there is a syntax error in your MySQL query that involves the keyword "INSERTE ONTO". The correct syntax for the INSERT statement in MySQL is: ``` INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); ``` Make sure that you have spelled the keyword correctly (it should be "INSERT INTO", not "INSERTE ONTO") and that you have specified the correct table name and column names/values. Also, check if there are any missing or extra parentheses or quotation marks in your query. ### 回答2: 这段代码中的语法错误是在使用关键字 "INSERTE",正确的关键字应该是 "INSERT"。此外,代码中缺少操作的目标表的名称,应该在 "INSERT" 关键字之后的 "INTO" 关键字之后提供表的名称,例如 "INSERT INTO student1 VALUES..."。如果表的名称是 "student1",那么这个语句的正确形式应该是: INSERT INTO student1 VALUES... 但是需要注意的是, "INSERT INTO" 语句的正确用法还取决于表的结构和数据类型。我们需要参考与所使用的 MySQL 服务器版本对应的手册,以便使用正确的语法来插入数据到 "student1" 表中。 ### 回答3: 根据你的MySQL服务器版本,请查阅相应的手册,获取在使用 "INSERTE ONTO student1 VALUES" 语句中正确的语法。 这个错误提示表明你在执行MySQL数据库操作时的语法是有误的,导致无法识别或理解你的操作意图。通常情况下,错误提示会给出在哪个位置出现语法错误。根据这个提示,你需要找到相应的MySQL服务器版本的操作手册,以查找正确的语法。 在MySQL中,应该使用 "INSERT INTO" 语句来插入数据,而不是 "INSERTE ONTO"。另外,需要指定表的名称和数据值,例如"INSERT INTO student1 VALUES (value1, value2, ...)",注意括号中的各个值需要与表中的列一一对应。若要指定特定列插入数据,可以使用"INSERT INTO student1 (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...)"。 总结来说,你需要查阅你所使用的MySQL服务器版本的操作手册,找到正确的语法,并根据手册中的指示进行相应的更改,以确保你的操作语法正确且能被MySQL服务器正确解析和执行。




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