Bluetooth Core Architecture Blocks (蓝牙核心架构)(一)


HCI之上的协议软件实体运行在主机上,而HCI之下的功能有蓝牙芯片(硬件部分即图中的Bluetooth Controller部分)来完成,两者通过HCI进行交互。




Core System Definition

The Bluetooth core system covers the four lowest layers andassociated protocols defined by theBluetooth specificationas well as one common service layer protocol, theservice discovery protocol (SDP) and the overall profile requirements arespecified in the generic access profile (GAP). A completeBluetooth application requires a number of additional servicesand higher layer protocols that are defined in theBluetooth specification.

(这段话的理解非常重要,为了准确翻译这段话,我还深入研究了“as well as”的用法)



The lowest three layers aresometimes grouped into a subsystem known as the Bluetooth controller. This is a common implementation involvinga standard physical communications interface between theBluetooth controller and remainder of theBluetooth system including the L2CAP, service layers and higherlayers (known as theBluetooth host). Although this interface is optional, the architecture is designedto allow for its existence and characteristics. TheBluetooth specification enables interoperability betweenindependentBluetooth enabledsystems by defining the protocol messages exchanged between equivalent layers,and also interoperability between independentBluetooth sub-systems by defining a common interface betweenBluetooth controllers andBluetooth hosts.




A number of functional blocksare shown and the path of services and data between these. The functionalblocks shown in the diagram are informative; in general theBluetooth specification does not define the details ofimplementations except where this is required for interoperability.


Core System Protocols andSignaling

Standard interactions aredefined for all inter-device operation, where Bluetooth devices exchange protocol signaling according to theBluetooth specification. TheBluetooth core system protocols are the radio (RF) protocol,link control (LC) protocol, link manager (LM) protocol and logical link controland adaptation protocol (L2CAP), all of which are fully defined in subsequentparts of theBluetoothspecification. In addition, the service discovery protocol (SDP) is a servicelayer protocol required by allBluetooth applications.



The Bluetooth core system offers services through a number ofservice access points that are shown in the diagram as ellipses. These servicesconsist of the basic primitives that control theBluetooth core system. The services can be split into threetypes. There are device control services that modify the behavior and modes ofaBluetooth device,transport control services that create, modify and release traffic bearers(channels and links), and data services that are used to submit data fortransmission over traffic bearers. It is common to consider the first two asbelonging to the C-plane and the last as belonging to the U-plane.


Host to ControllerInterface (HCI): Splits Bluetooth Stack Into Controller and Host

A service interface to the Bluetooth controller sub-system is defined such that theBluetooth controller may be considered a standard part. In thisconfiguration theBluetoothcontroller operates the lowest three layers and the L2CAP layer is containedwith the rest of theBluetooth application in a host system. The standard interface is called the hostto controller interface (HCI). Implementation of this standard serviceinterface is optional.



As the Bluetooth architecture is defined with the possibility of aseparate host and controller communicating through an HCI, a number of generalassumptions are made. TheBluetooth controller is assumed to have limited data buffering capabilities incomparison with the host. Therefore the L2CAP layer is expected to carry outsome simple resource management when submitting L2CAP PDUs to the controllerfor transport to a peer device. This includes segmentation of L2CAP SDUs intomore manageable PDUs and then the fragmentation of PDUs into start andcontinuation packets of a size suitable for the controller buffers, andmanagement of the use of controller buffers to ensure availability for channelswith quality of service (QoS) commitments.

既然蓝牙架构可以定义成通过HCI通信的一个主机和一个控制器,所以就须假设一些通用的东西。和主机相比,假设蓝牙控制器有着有限的数据缓存能力。因此就期望在给一个对等的设备传输数据时,当递交L2CAP PDU给控制器过程中,L2CAP层来执行一些简单的资源管理工作。这些工作包括把L2CAP SDU分割成更多的可以管理的PDU以及进一步把PDU细化成更小的部分,这些部分可以适合在控制器缓冲中进行开始和延续大小的包,还有为了却确保信道的QoS责任的可行性进行的对控制器缓冲利用的管理工作。


Error Detection in L2CAP Layer

The baseband layer providesthe basic ARQ protocol in Bluetooth technology. The L2CAP layer can optionally provide a further errordetection and retransmission to the L2CAP PDUs. This feature is recommended forapplications with requirements for a low probability of undetected errors inthe user data. A further optional feature of L2CAP is a window-based flowcontrol that can be used to manage buffer allocation in the receiving device.Both of these optional features augment the QoS performance in certainscenarios.


在蓝牙技术中,基带层提供基本的ARQ协议。L2CAP可以有选择性地提供深层次的错误检测和对L2CAP PDU的重传机制。这个特性对一些应用程序有推荐作用,这些应用程序在对用户数据没有检测到错误存在低的可能性有着一定的要求。L2CAP的的另外一个可能的特性是,基于窗口的流控制在接受设备端可被应用来管理缓冲分配。这两个可选择性的特性在一定场景提高了QoS的性能。


Although these assumptions maynot be required for embedded Bluetooth technology implementations that combine all layers in a single system,the general architectural and QoS models are defined with these assumptions inmind, in effect a lowest common denominator.



Testing Interfaces: RF and Test Control Interface (TCI)

Automated conformance testingof implementations of the Bluetooth core system is required. This is achieved by allowing the tester tocontrol the implementation through the RF interface, which is common to allBluetooth systems, and through the test control interface(TCI), which is only required for conformance testing.




The tester uses exchanges withthe implementation under test (IUT) through the RF interface to ensure thecorrect responses to requests from remote devices. The tester controls the IUTthrough the TCI to cause the IUT to originate exchanges through the RF interfaceso that these can also be verified as conformant.


The TCI uses a differentcommand-set (service interface) for the testing of each architectural layer andprotocol. A subset of the HCI command-set issued as the TCI service interfacefor each of the layers and protocols within theBluetooth controller subsystem. A separate service interface isused for testing the L2CAP layer and protocol. As an L2CAP service interface isnot defined in theBluetooth core specification it is defined separately in the TCI specification.Implementation of the L2CAP service interface is only required for conformancetesting.


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