
In this post I would like to explain the meaning of the Hadoop counters (the ones which you can generally see after the job completion). I have been analyzing the starvation of long running jobs in our relatively small cluster and Hadoop counters were of extreme importance in this investigation. Unfortunantely I could not find any resource which would explain in detail the meaning of those. In the table presented below, I am trying to describe in clear way what each of the counters means in  Hadoop 2.6  release.

Counter Name Counter Display Name Detailed explanation
File System Counters
FILE_BYTES_READ FILE: Number of bytes read Amount of data read from local filesystem.
FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN FILE: Number of bytes written Amount of data written to local filesystem.
FILE_READ_OPS FILE: Number of read operations Number of read operations from local filesystem.
FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS FILE: Number of large read operations Number of read operations of large files from local filesystem (the ones which does not fit entirely into memory).
FILE_WRITE_OPS FILE: Number of write operations Number of write operations from local filesystem.
HDFS_BYTES_READ HDFS: Number of bytes read Amount of data read from HDFS.
HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN HDFS: Number of bytes written Amount of data written to HDFS.
HDFS_READ_OPS HDFS: Number of read operations Number of read operations from HDFS.
HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS HDFS: Number of large read operations Number of read operations of large files from HDFS (the ones which does not fit entirely into memory).
HDFS_WRITE_OPS HDFS: Number of write operations Number of write operations to HDFS.
Job Counters
TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS Launched map tasks Total number of launched map tasks.
TOTAL_LAUNCHED_REDUCES Launched reduce tasks Total number of launched reduce tasks.
DATA_LOCAL_MAPS Data-local map tasks Number of map tasks which were launched on the nodes containing required data.
SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms) Total time map tasks were executing.
SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms) Total time reduce tasks were executing.
MILLIS_MAPS Total time spent by all map tasks (ms) Wall-time resources were occupied by mappers.
MILLIS_REDUCES Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms) Wall-time resources were occupied by reducers.
VCORES_MILLIS_MAPS Total vcore-seconds taken by all map tasks Aggregated number of vCores that the mappers have allocated times the number of seconds the mappers have been running.
VCORES_MILLIS_REDUCES Total vcore-seconds taken by all reduce tasks Aggregated number of vCores that the reducers have allocated times the number of seconds the reducers have been running.
MB_MILLIS_MAPS Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks Aggregated amount of memory (in megabytes) mappers have allocated times the number of seconds mappers have been running.
MB_MILLIS_REDUCES Total megabyte-seconds taken by all reduce tasks Aggregated amount of memory (in megabytes) reducers have allocated times the number of seconds reducers has have running.
Map-Reduce Framework
MAP_INPUT_RECORDS Map input records Total number of records processed by all pf the mappers. Updated when the record is passed from the RecordReader to the mapper.
MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS Map output records Total number of records produced by by all of the mappers. Updated when the record is passed to OutputCollector.
MAP_OUTPUT_BYTES Map output bytes Total amount of data produced by mappers (uncompressed). Updated when the record is passed to OutputCollector.
MAP_OUTPUT_MATERIALIZED_BYTES Map output materialized bytes The amount of data which was actually written to disk (if the compression is enabled).
SPLIT_RAW_BYTES Amount of data consumed for metadata representation during splits.  
COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS Combine input records Total number of records processed by combiners(if implemented in the application). Updated every time when the value is read from combiner's iterator.
COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS Combine output records Total number of records produced by combiners(if implemented in the application). Updated when the record is passed to OutputCollector.
REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS Reduce input groups Total number of unique keys (the number of distinct key groups processed by all reducers).
REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES Reduce shuffle bytes  
REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS Reduce input records Total number of records processed by all reducers.
REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS Reduce output records Total number of records produced by all reducers.
SPILLED_RECORDS Spilled Records Total number of records (by mappers and reducers) which were spilled to disk (happens when there is not enough memory).
SHUFFLED_MAPS Shuffled Maps Total number of mappers which undergone through shuffle phase.
FAILED_SHUFFLE Failed Shuffles Total number of mappers which failed to undergo through shuffle phase.
MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS Merged Map outputs Total number of mapper output files undergone through shuffle phase.
GC_TIME_MILLIS GC time elapsed (ms) Wall-time spent for Garbage Collection.
CPU_MILLISECONDS CPU time spent (ms) Cumulative CPU time for all tasks.
PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES Physical memory (bytes) snapshot Total physical memory used by all tasks including spilled data.
VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot Total virtual memory used by all tasks.
COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES Total committed heap usage (bytes) Total amount of memory available for JVM.
Shuffle Errors
BAD_ID BAD_ID Total number of errors related with the intepretations of IDs from shuffle headers (mapper ID for example).
CONNECTION CONNECTION Source code does not reveal any usage for this counter.
IO_ERROR IO_ERROR Total number of errors related with reading and writing intermediate data.
WRONG_LENGTH WRONG_LENGTH Total number of errors relared with missbehaving compression and decompression of intermediate data.
WRONG_MAP WRONG_MAP Total number of errors related to duplication of the mapper output data (when framework tries to process already processed mapper output).
WRONG_REDUCE WRONG_REDUCE Total number of errors related to the attempts of shuffling data for wrong reducer (when shuffle for determined reducer tries to shuffle the data for different reducer).
File Input Format Counters
BYTES_READ Bytes Read Amount of data read by every tasks for every filesystem.
File Output Format Counters
BYTES_WRITTEN Bytes Written Amount of data written by every tasks for every filesystem.

The sources of the information:

  • Hadoop sources - class




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