
请认真准备,下面是一些面试的练习,供参考.Subject : Twenty Questions Frequently Asked in Interviews

1. Tell me about yourself.简单谈谈你自己。Suggestions: For the world's most wide-open questions, your best response might be, "That's a big assignment. Let me briefly outline the things I have done that I think are relevant to this job opening."

2. Why are you interested in our company?为什么你对我们公司感兴趣?Suggestion: Include what you know about the firm. "From what I've learned so far about your approach to customers, I know I can make a contribution to Chris Talarico & Associates, Inc. and be challenged to grow."

3. Why are you interested in this position?那么你对这个职位感兴趣?Suggestion: See above. It's advantageous to know about the job before the interview. If you do not, early in the interview ask: "I have very general information about the job. I wonder if you could give me some more detail."

4. Where do you see yourself going?你对你的发展有什么看法?Suggestion: Be concrete. Try: "I would like to expand my ability to solve technical problems for customers."
4. What special qualities do you bring to this job?你能为这个职位做些什么?Suggestion: Make distinctions between qualities and skills. Emphasize your unique qualities as well as those widely held (ability to learn, creativity, imagination, leadership, etc.)

5. What are your greatest strengths?说说你的长处Suggestion: Respond by describing those strengths that correspond to what the employer is looking for.

6. What are your greatest weaknesses? 说说你有什么短处Suggestion: Emphasize what you are honestly working on and improving. "I am working on improving my ability to prepare formal proposals."

7. Do you perform well under pressure?你能在压力下工作吗?Suggestion: The obvious answer is "Very well." To take greatest advantage of the lead, ask what kind of pressure there is and focus your answer on the response to that question. This will also give you a better picture of the job.
建议:明显的回答是:“当然能。” 更好的是,问对方具体的压力是什么,这也方便你了解你的未来工作。

8. Do you prefer to work on you own or with others?你喜欢自己工作还是和别人一块工作?Suggestion: "I have no problem with either, depending on what needs to be done."
10. I see that you majored in liberal arts. Did you take any business courses.
你是文学专业毕业的,那么你参加过什么商科学习吗?Suggestion: Only narrow thinkers insist that the major field of study should match the job. A liberal arts background can be applied to business when refocused. Try this: "Yes, I did. I enjoyed the business courses I took and did well in them.  Also, given the rapid changes in global business, a strong historical perspective from my liberal arts work should be very useful.


12. Tell me about your extracurricular activities.讲讲你的业余爱好Suggestion: Mention any activities where developed skills and qualities could be useful at work (resolving conflict, organizing projects, budgeting, teamwork, etc.) If you had few or no extracurricular activities, you could say: "Most of my time outside class was spent support school expenses. This experience has helped me build a practical approach that will be useful in this job."

14. Tell me about your last job.讲讲你最近的工作情况。Suggestion: Emphasize the relationship between your past accomplishments and duties and the responsibilities of the prospective job. Stress accomplishments more than the duties required of you.

15. Why did you leave your last job?为什么你想离开最近工作的公司?Suggestion: This is a key question. If you left involuntarily, "The work did not use my best strength, which is working with people. My mistake was that I did not remedy the situation before they did." If you are leaving you last job voluntarily, try something like this: "I liked the job and the people, however, I am interested in a job that allows me to make a bigger contribution, which is why I am talking to you."
16. What were your biggest accomplishments in your last job? 你工作中最大的成就是什么?Suggestion: Be prepared to answer with results you produced rather than duties you were given. Point out specific items from your resume.

17. How would your last boss describe you?你最近的老板怎么评价你?Suggestion: If you performance was excellent: "She is eager to recommend me, although sorry to see me go. Please call her." If there is a problem: "The relationship could have been better. My boss was  a good manager, but we had different ideas about getting the job done. I you would like a reference, contact______" and name a person you know will evaluate you favorably.

18. Looking back at your last job, where do you think your performance could have been improved?纵观你的工作,你觉得还能在什么地方提高自己?Suggestion: Even though you did well, look at where you could have sought greater responsibility and results.  Apply this to what you can do in the future. 

20. Are you interviewing with other companies?你有其他公司正在面试你吗?Suggestion: Let your interviewer know you are competitive and have other opportunities. The wrong answer would be to say, "No, this is the only place I am looking." A better answer: "I am looking at several different opportunities. What I see here so far looks good."





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