Spring Data Redis 进一步认识

为什么使用 Why Spring Data Redis?

The Spring Framework is the leading full-stack Java/JEE application framework. It provides a lightweight container and a non-invasive programming model enabled by the use of dependency injection, AOP, and portable service abstractions.
Spring架构主导了全栈的 Java/JEE 应用框架。通过依赖注入、AOP和便携式的服务抽象包装,提供了轻量级的容器和无侵入式的编程模式。

NoSQL storages provide an alternative to classical RDBMS for horizontal scalability and speed. In terms of implementation, Key Value stores represent one of the largest (and oldest) members in the NoSQL space.
在水平扩展和速度的要求方面,NoSQL 存储为替代传统关系型数据库系统提供了一个新的选择。K-V存储是NoSQL 最大的也是最老的一员。

The Spring Data Redis (or SDR) framework makes it easy to write Spring applications that use the Redis key value store by eliminating the redundant tasks and boiler plate code required for interacting with the store through Spring’s excellent infrastructure support.
Spring Data Redis(简称SDR)框架,通过Spring优秀的基础架构支持,消除了与存储交互所必需的冗余任务和死板代码(boiler plate code),使得编写使用Redis KV存储的Spring应用变的更加简单。

基础要求 Requirements

Spring Data Redis 1.x binaries requires JDK level 6.0 and above, and Spring Framework 4.3.9.RELEASE and above.
Spring Data Redis 1.x 版本要求: JDK 6.0及以上版本,Spring 4.3.9及以上版本。

In terms of key value stores, Redis 2.6.x or higher is required. Spring Data Redis is currently tested against the latest 3.2 release.
依照KV存储的要求,Redis 需要 2.6.x 或更高的版本。Spring Data Redis 当前测试使用的是最新的 3.2 release。

新特性 New Features

New and noteworthy in the latest releases.

1.1. New in Spring Data Redis 1.8

Upgrade to Jedis 2.9.
Jedis需要升级到 2.9 或以上版本。
Upgrade to Lettuce 4.2 (Note: Lettuce 4.2 requires Java 8).
Support for Redis GEO commands.
Support for Geospatial Indexes using Spring Data Repository abstractions (see Geospatial Index).
MappingRedisConverter based HashMapper implementation (see Hash mapping).
Support for PartialUpdate in repository support (see Persisting Partial Updates).
SSL support for connections to Redis cluster.
Support for client name via ConnectionFactory when using Jedis.

1.2. New in Spring Data Redis 1.7

Support for RedisCluster.
Support for Spring Data Repository abstractions (see Redis Repositories).

1.3. New in Spring Data Redis 1.6

The Lettuce Redis driver switched from wg/lettuce to mp911de/lettuce.
Support for ZRANGEBYLEX.
Enhanced range operations for ZSET s including +inf / -inf.
Performance improvements in RedisCache now releasing connections earlier.
Generic Jackson2 RedisSerializer making use of Jackson’s polymorphic deserialization.

1.4. New in Spring Data Redis 1.5

Add support for Redis HyperLogLog commands PFADD, PFCOUNT and PFMERGE.
Configurable JavaType lookup for Jackson based RedisSerializers.
PropertySource based configuration for connecting to Redis Sentinel (see: Redis Sentinel Support).




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