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原创 AIX平台下安装svn 1.7.3客户端

AIX平台下安装svn 1.7.3客户端安装下载svn二进制安装包 通过rpm批量安装二进制安装包 检查 其他问题代理设置 乱码 安装为了方便使用rpm安装包安装svn,不用源代码安装了。下载svn二进制安装包包括svn需要的rpm包和unrar等包。oss4aix上有很多linux port到aix上的rpm包,有空可以多看看,如lsof、unra

2012-03-23 12:30:32 8095

原创 DELL e6400在xp下将硬盘模式从IRRT修改为AHCI

      水果操作系统要求硬盘开启AHCI模式安装,而e6400模式是intel的IRRT模式,但是本子就一块硬盘,从eSTAT口备份用得也不多,用IRRT模式也没有什么用,相反在vista下还出现声卡爆音的情况。 3步搞定AHCI: 1)在dell的网站上下载intel matrix storage manager并安装dell的网站上找驱动实在是太麻烦了,经常找不到需

2010-05-29 14:58:00 9709 1

原创 在shell的循环中将变量传入perl

用 单引号双引号$i双引号单引号 这样的写法从shell的循环中传入变量 具体如下: for i in `lssrc -a|grep "cics/."|grep -v grep|grep -v ABC|awk {print substr($1,6)}`;doecho ===$i===perl -p -i -e s/ABC/"$i"/g /var/cics_r

2010-03-09 09:54:00 1306

原创 在suse上配置ntp

在suse上配置ntp$vim /etc/ntp.conf#增加时间源server$chkconfig ntp on   # 在系统重启时启动服务$service ntp start  # 启动ntp$service ntp status # 查看ntp状态问题:1)为什么在故意改了一个错误的时间,ntpd没有更新时间?如果

2010-02-22 11:10:00 27676

原创 在suse11上安装配置vsftpd,允许local的root和oracle用户ftp

在suse11上安装配置vsftpd,允许local的root和oracle用户ftp花了半个下午搞定了suse11中的vsftpd配置,在suse11下搞个ftp server怎么就这么麻烦,默认没有安装vsftpd,安装了还有一堆的地方配置,sigh。因为只是需要让local的user可以ftp,就只介绍如何配置local方式,virtual user方式用不着就不介绍了,请goo

2010-01-06 18:19:00 11060

原创 在linux下如何把一个lvm的文件系统减小

在linux下如何把一个lvm的文件系统/home减到1G。比aix下麻烦,aix下直接把文件系统缩到某个值,对应的lv自动就减少了,不像linux要先缩小文件系统,再缩小lv。 suse1:~ # df -mFilesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/syste

2010-01-06 14:36:00 7690

原创 intel的cpu跑websphere 7居然比ibm的power pc更快

好久没有写文章了,有空也扫扫blog上的灰尘,记录一下遇到的问题。先占个坑,说说websphere 7的那些事。 先说说不同os平台上的问题。 去年5月份公司命令各个局点必须将jdk升级到6,于是拉着客户将生产系统几十个机器从was 32bit for ppc升级到was 64bit(当时比较新的pack,没有bug就不打新的pack了,千万不能没

2010-01-05 22:31:00 1535

原创 gspace不能使用问题

现在是不能用了 2010-01-06 firefox:3.0.8gspace:0.5.98webmail notifier:1.2.1gspace很长一段时间都有问题,要不就是登录后自动跳转到gmail上,要不就是无法上传文件,上传成功了在gmail中找不到。google了一把以后终于找到了gspace不能用的解决办法。1)设置setting -> browser

2009-04-14 12:55:00 11588 1

原创 iptrace占用/dev/bpf0导致tcpdump报 BIOCSETIF: en1: Do not specify an existing file

iptrace占用/dev/bpf0导致tcpdump无法访问/dev/bpf0而报错。 在aix下可以用truss tcpdump看见在访问/dev/bpf0时报errno=EEXIST #define EEXIST  17      /* File exists                          */ 用下面2步解决问题:1)找到iptrace的pi

2009-03-30 17:52:00 4267 1

原创 using for loop in ssh

 for i in server1 server2;dossh $i "for j in /`find / -name data.out.20081211*/`;docount=/`grep Count /$j|wc -l|awk {print /$1}/`((row=/$count % 2 ))if (( /$row == 1 ))thenecho /$jfidone"done几点需

2008-12-20 05:43:00 854

原创 sqlldr处理格式化数据

 server每天都产生一大批日志需要导入test数据库user用户下。本来想在机器上用shell直接分析,但是量太大了,一天1千多万条,不方便统计汇总,用sqlldr导入比较方便。就拿来用了。sqlldr主要用了direct=true的选项,速度和不用没法比。^_^,1个文件100多万条记录就几秒钟。-- 每天code统计表create table code_stat(pid VARCHAR2(

2008-12-20 05:19:00 1193

原创 install openssh on aix5.3

Install openssh on AIX 5.3Get openssh and openssl from IBM website or sourceforge. openssh version: openssl version: openssl.9.8.410 Use smitty to install openssl and openssh. G

2008-06-26 00:32:00 1884

原创 在AIX下安装emacs23

在AIX下安装emacs23环境:p595 1c 20G,aix,vacpp7.0,source code from ntemacs 2007.08.19 emacs 23的好处就不用多说了,内部以utf-8编码,对中文支持得好,代码比较新。但是也有问题,必须从cvs上check out source code,最近update的code在家里的ubuntu上不

2007-12-30 00:28:00 1905

原创 我的vim常用命令和script

最近用emacs的时间越来多了,vim用得少了些,写点东西记录一下vim的常用命令。**移动基本移动  kh   l  j  f  光标向前移动一个单词b  光标向后移动一个单词CTRL+F 向前翻页gg 跳转到文件开头G  跳转到文件结尾**编辑o  在normal mode下在当前行下新加入一行,光标移动到下一行的行首dd 删除一行d x d 删除x行,x为一个数字d$ 删除从当前光标到行尾d

2007-12-16 16:15:00 1768

原创 从vim到emacs

 从vim到emacs顺便怀念一下我的hp本本,已经给我干掉了,也许是最后一次在上面用ubuntu了。本文用vim6.3在hp本本上ubuntu5.10+FVWM上完成。此时正在升级到6.06LTS的过程。vim:7.10emacs:,from cvs for windows ,23版内部用utf-8编码,vim早就用utf-8了,emacs还是有点落后啊,23版何时能合到cvs

2007-12-02 16:21:00 4482

原创 cde无法启动问题和aix的x11中文环境包

cde无法启动问题和aix的x11中文环境包 好久没有写blog了,今天又看了看别人的blog感觉是要写点什么来充个门面了。cde无法启动问题cde就是比较怪异,经常有些机器的cde就是无法启动,用xmanager就是登录不上去,连welcome都看不见 没有写对ip。曾经搞过这样的事,ip写错了,死活连不上,还ping不通,居然没有想到ip写错了的问题。都是NAT惹的祸!网

2007-07-01 14:12:00 5474

原创 Config Websphere edge component

$Id: edge_setup.txt,v 1.1 2007/03/25 02:03:41 albert Exp $Config Websphere edge component Use port 80(http) to build a cluster for balanced app server w1a and w1b.cluster server ip address:

2007-03-25 10:02:00 1742

原创 在aix下使用raw device建oracle分配vg和lv的shell

$Id: 20070326_mk_lv.txt,v 1.2 2007/03/25 01:47:36 albert Exp $在aix下使用raw device建oracle分配vg和lv的shell#### 机器上有16个vpath,2T的容量,存储为IBM DS8000。2块光纤卡,2个通道。# 文件系统用2个vpath,数据库用剩下的14个vpath# lspv可以看到有几个vpath## 建

2007-03-25 09:48:00 6131

原创 Install cvs on Ubuntu6.06 LTS

cvs is on my ubuntu again. Some steps and tips are shared on this post. Problems with xinet and lo are special on 6.06. I use lvm for my cvs repository. So the first step is create a lv named l

2006-10-12 11:51:00 1038

原创 ubutun 6.06 LTS下用wine运行windows上的股票软件

 ubutun 6.06 LTS下用wine运行windows上的股票软件一直在linux下玩,唯一不爽的就是没有linux下好用的股票软件。 用了2个都十分之怪异。 都是用wine0.9去虚拟windows2003下的股票软件,不知道是否和用代理服务器有关系,另外一台机器有2块网卡,做代理,自己的连那个机器。同花顺无法连接行情服务器,一连接就挂在那里不动了。应该是liveup

2006-09-21 23:23:00 1827

原创 Websphere jdbc connection pool make the server done

Websphere jdbc connection pool make the server done Symptom: No repsone from WebSphere, no active apache thread and no active web container thread, all are busy waiting for a free jdbc connection bu

2006-09-03 00:18:00 1380

原创 Tips on HttpUnit

Tips on HttpUnit import package. import com.meterware.httpunit.*;import junit.framework.*; Unit test source code of httpunit is primary resource to study how to use it.httpunit-1.6.2/

2006-06-10 21:23:00 1283

原创 Install vacpp 7.0 on AIX5.2

$Id: vacpp7.html,v 1.1 2006/05/06 09:20:31 albert Exp $Install vacpp 7.0 on AIX5.2A few days before I updated vacpp from 6.0 to 7.0, the following step is how to do this.  Use smitty to i

2006-05-06 18:19:00 5402 1

原创 Install Ubuntu 5.10 on external usb hdd driver on HP NX6130

Install Ubuntu 5.10 on external usb hdd driver on HP NX6130Its a success that I had installed ubuntu 5.10 on my external usb hdd driver. My external hdd driver is Samsung MP40H, 40G.

2006-04-02 11:41:00 1595

原创 Install Ubuntu Linux On External HDD Driver

Still failed to install Ubuntun Linux on my HP NX6310 laptop with my samsung 40G HDD. After modify menu.lst and rebuild the image, reboot my laptop, there is no response. Solution: change bo

2006-03-25 14:47:00 1009

原创 My new box

Just buy a new box to run 64bit linux at Feb 25th, 2006The following is the list:Mainboard: biostar tforce6100cpu: AMD sempron 2800+ 64bit ( can overlock to 330MHz)Package: socket 754, Technology: 90n

2006-02-26 22:55:00 1224 1

原创 Some commands on AIX

1 Some commands on AIX, just list here as a reminder. 2 3 I hope this will be useful for my latter work. 4 5 1. 6 $du -ks 7 $du -ks * 8 $df -k 9 $df -m1011 2.12 $ls -F1314 3.15 $su - root1

2005-12-11 00:36:00 1138

原创 Vim6.4 on AIX5.2

1 Install Vim6.4 on AIX 5.2 2 3 1. Decompress vim64.tar.bz2 4 $bzip2 -d vim64.tar.bz2 5 $tar xvf vim64.tar 6 7 2. Config makefile. 8 $cd vim64 9 $./configure --enable-gui=athena --enable-multi

2005-12-04 19:38:00 1548

原创 Install cvsnt

Install cvsntInstall cvs server. Create cvsroot and cvstemp directory on NTFS file system. Initilize cvsroot and set cvs temp dir to cvstemp. Set cvs repositorys privilege. Modify $CVSR

2005-11-13 22:27:00 1244

原创 Reinstall cygwin

$Id: cygwin_reinstall.html,v 1.2 2005/10/07 03:39:20 george Exp $ Reinstall cygwinYesterday I wanted to reinstall cygwin on my notebook. I just copied the whole cygwin directory from desktop to

2005-10-07 11:36:00 2637 1

原创 sys_fork() in os161

$Id: os161-sys_fork.html,v 1.5 2005/10/07 02:43:44 george Exp $ sys_fork() in os161Descriptionfork duplicates the currently running process. The two copies are identical, except that one (the "n

2005-10-06 20:00:00 9180

原创 condition variable in os161

Im learning a operating system course from Harvards cs course cs161. And I find that this url is useful for the ASST1 which is tips on implement lock and condition variable. http://www.cs.toro

2005-06-13 14:23:00 2467

原创 subversion and cvs

subversion and cvsDifferences between subversion and cvs. filessvn has only a single repository file but cvs is based on RCS file arch. branch and tagsIn cvs, we use cvs tag and cvs branch

2005-06-07 20:28:00 948

原创 Backup cvs repository regularly

Last modified at $Date: 2005/04/11 07:07:54 $ Backup cvs repository regularlyRegular backup is important for cvs administrator. We can use some simple tech to make our life easier. We are going

2005-04-11 15:04:00 1013

原创 annotated imagedb

Last modified: $Date: 2005/04/06 07:15:38 $ Annotated imagedbImagedb is a example from spring framework. Motivation Demostrate how to retrieve picture from database and display it on pages.

2005-04-06 10:57:00 901

原创 Install cvs on Redhat Linux9

Modified at $Date: 2005/03/09 07:24:56 $ Install cvs on Redhat Linux9cvs server doesnt work even we restart xinetd several times, port 2401 is not available. We check everything and they are ok

2005-03-09 15:20:00 939

原创 Can't believe it takes me so long to do a so easy thing in sql

Modified at $Date: 2005/03/09 07:11:12 $ Cant believe it takes me so long to do a so easy thing in sql.I have to do something to make myself the best. I forgot so much... Luckily I still can wr

2005-03-09 15:14:00 1609 1

原创 New setting in foobar2k v0.83 with Xfire1723

$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/02/21 07:03:27 $New setting in foobar2k v0.83 with Xfire1723Last day, I set my foobar2k again after I discussed with some guru in www.erji.net. I knew how to tune my

2005-02-21 14:57:00 1073

原创 Setting kernel stream mode in foobar2000 v0.83 on Xfire1723.

$Id: foobar2k_ks.html,v 1.1 2005/02/20 02:19:25 george Exp $ Setting kernel stream mode in foobar2000 v0.83 on Xfire1723.Preferences->Play back->DSP Manager->Active DSPs, add Resampler(S

2005-02-20 10:21:00 1997

原创 Spring Framework.NET

$Header: D://cvsroot/blog/pattern/spring.html,v 1.1 2005/01/26 05:57:35 george Exp $What can we find in Spring FrameWork .NETI knew spring framework from Java community from a long time. A f

2005-01-26 14:00:00 1057



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