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转载 tomct启动过程 bootstrap catalina

Tomcat中各个组件的生命周期是由server控制的。那么server的生命周期由谁控制呢? 我们先来看下使用脚本启动tomcat的时候,首先会发生什么。java应用要运行,需要一个main方法。tomcat启动的时候调用的是bootstrap中的main方法。01/**02 * Main

2013-07-22 08:32:04 914

转载 How to verify ntp service properly or not in linux/unix

This article is all about verifying that your NTP setup is working properly. Normally I use some monitoring tool like nagios to monitor NTP status and alert me if time on my server goes out of sync. H

2013-07-13 21:50:26 1083

转载 Basics of telnet and http

Basics of telnet and HTTPSay you want to request a webpage…  Normally, one would use a web browser, right?  But sometimes you just need to see what is really going on…  In this blog post I will sh

2013-07-06 00:12:52 904

转载 Linux之RHEL6的开机流程分析


2013-05-26 12:40:47 1307

转载 Configure Shared Storage for Redhat Linux Servers using iSCSI Technology

Networking between Target and Initiator Nodes:Edit '/etc/hosts':Edit '/etc/hosts' of both the iSCSI Target(SAN) and iSCSI Initiator(RACNODE1) and add the following entries:192.168.15

2013-05-22 14:24:26 803

转载 Linux NFS服务器的安装与配置

一、NFS服务简介  NFS 是Network File System的缩写,即网络文件系统。一种使用于分散式文件系统的协定,由Sun公司开发,于1984年向外公布。功能是通过网络让不同的机器、不同的操作系统能够彼此分享个别的数据,让应用程序在客户端通过网络访问位于服务器磁盘中的数据,是在类Unix系统间实现磁盘文件共享的一种方法。  NFS 的基本原则是“容许不同的客户端及服务端

2013-05-21 17:31:20 525

转载 Disk Quotas

Disk Quotas: This feature of Linux allows the system administrator to allocate a maximum amount of disk space a user or group may use. It can be flexible in its adherence to the rules assigned and i

2013-05-17 07:43:47 855

转载 Checking a server’s SSH host fingerprint with the web console

Before you dismiss that error message about your server’s SSH host key changing, follow this simple procedure to make sure all is as it should be.Explaining the host keyOne of the fundamen

2013-05-06 09:01:20 1608

转载 Apache HTTP Server 与 Tomcat 的三种连接方式介绍

简介: 整合 Apache Http Server 和 Tomcat 可以提升对静态文件的处理性能、利用 Web 服务器来做负载均衡以及容错、无缝的升级应用程序。本文介绍了三种整合 Apache 和 Tomcat 的方式。首先我们先介绍一下为什么要让 Apache 与 Tomcat 之间进行连接。事实上 Tomcat 本身已经提供了 HTTP 服务,

2013-04-23 09:59:27 511

转载 How to Install Apache 2.4.2 from Source on CentOS 6.2 with SSL

http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/05/install-apache-2-on-centos-6/f you try to follow the how to install Apache with SSLarticle that we discussed a while back, you’ll face an issue during “make”

2013-04-19 11:53:11 1024

转载 CentOS reset root password

You forgot your root password. Nice work. Now you'll just have to reinstall the entire machine. Sadly enough, I've seen more than a few people do this. But it's surprisingly easy to get on the machine

2013-04-09 09:17:08 891

转载 iptables usage

1. Delete Existing RulesBefore you start building new set of rules, you might want to clean-up all the default rules, and existing rules. Use the iptables flush command as shown below to do this

2013-04-07 22:48:38 632

转载 tcpdump usage

tcpdump command is also called as packet analyzer.tcpdump command will work on most flavors of unix operating system. tcpdump allows us to save the packets that are captured, so that we can use it

2013-03-31 22:05:22 715

转载 Log file and logwatch

Chapter 4. Analyzing and Managing System Log Files¶Contents4.1. System Log Files in /var/log/4.2. Viewing and Parsing Log Files4.3. Managing Log Files with logrotate4.4. Monitoring Log Files w

2013-03-26 09:54:14 733

转载 Top 30 Nmap Command Examples For Sys/Network Admins

by NIXCRAFT on NOVEMBER 26, 2012 · 8 COMMENTS· LAST UPDATED DECEMBER 11, 2012in COMMAND LINE HACKS, HOWTO, NETWORKING, SECURITYNmap is short for Network Mapper. It is an open sourc

2013-03-26 09:28:20 1103

转载 screen

sing Linux Screen for Session ManagementLost your shell connection? Need multiple shell sessions?You are logged into your remote server via SSH and happily plucking along at your keyboard and

2013-03-17 23:27:49 794

转载 linux NFS suage

These are systems administration type tasks and must be done as root (su - to root, or sudo)   http://www.wikihow.com/Share-Files-Between-Linux-Computers-Using-NFS    http://tldp.org/HOW

2013-03-15 19:41:42 755

转载 LINUX下多路径(multi-path)介绍及使用


2013-03-14 11:56:04 7038

转载 Add new disk via LVM in linux

An Overview of Logical Volume Management (LVM)LVM provides a flexible and high level approach to managing disk space. Instead of each disk drive being split into partitions of fixed sizes onto whi

2013-03-13 22:11:08 1029

转载 How to add new partition in centos

Mounted File Systems or Logical VolumesThere are two ways to configure a new disk drive into a CentOS system. One very simple method is to create one or more Linux partitions on the new drive, c

2013-03-13 16:24:48 1164

转载 X Over SSH2 - A Tutorial

Introduction:Have you ever wanted to run a graphical application securely and remotely with Linux or Unix?  How about from a Microsoft Windows PC to a Linux/UNIX host?  This tutorial is about X, S

2013-03-12 09:11:30 1473

转载 mod_jk vs mod_

Apache Tomcat mod_jk Connector Configuration Made SimpleIn this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the Apache mod_jk connector, including configuration information, use scenarios, s

2013-03-07 11:07:01 600

转载 Understanding Tomcat Connectors http vs ajp

Connector elements are Tomcat's links to the outside world, allowing Catalina to receive requests, pass them to the correct web application, and send back the results through the Connector as dynami

2013-03-06 14:00:43 835

转载 正向代理 反向代理

套用古龙武侠小说套路来说,代理服务技术是一门很古老的技术,是在互联网早期出现就使用的技术。一般实现代理技术的方式就是在服务器上安装代理服务软件,让其成为一个代理服务器,从而实现代理技术。常用的代理技术分为正向代理、反向代理和透明代理。本文就是针对这三种代理来讲解一些基本原理和具体的适用范围,便于大家更深入理解代理服务技术。一、正向代理(Forward Proxy)一般情

2013-03-06 12:36:26 555

转载 perl check_jmxProxy tomcat

Monirot#check_jmxproxy## Contacts a JMX proxy (like that which Apache Tomcat provides)# and compares the return value to the warning and critical values# provided as parameters to this script.#

2013-03-03 12:38:31 411

转载 grep practise

First create the following demo_file that will be used in the examples below to demonstrate grep command.$ cat demo_fileTHIS LINE IS THE 1ST UPPER CASE LINE IN THIS FILE.this line is the 1st low

2013-03-02 09:36:19 405

转载 How to Install RSyslog+MySQL with LogAnalyzer on CentOS

Gathering information message is important on Data Center, in some situations you’ll want to store all entries of logfiles on another server. If a server crashes or gets hacked it will be able to trac

2013-03-01 07:31:28 624

转载 DNS Queries & Resolution Process and Response

IntroductionThis section will help you understand how the DNS queries work on the Internet and your home network. There are two ways to use the domain name system in order to resolve a host or dom

2013-02-27 17:01:21 1151

转载 Bash Scripting and Nagios plugin

ntERLab at AIT: Network Management WorkshopPart 1: Create a a Nagios Plug-in Part 2: Set Up Nagios Notification for our New Plug-in Part 3: Update Our Plug-in for any Number of Hosts

2013-02-16 15:36:56 413

转载 nagios python template

Python Nagios Plugin TemplateArchivado en: python, nagios — Etiquetas: python, bash — Ruben @ 11:51This is a very simple nagios plugin template.Just run it this way:$ python template.p

2013-02-15 15:42:03 712

转载 witre nagios plugin with python

Our Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor has a problem rendering custom reports on occasion. For something like that, there isn't an existing plugin for Nagios. Writing these plugins is easy. All th

2013-02-15 15:39:40 463

转载 Remotely monitor servers with the Nagios check_by_ssh plugin

Takeaway: If you are using Nagios to monitor remote servers, you have more than one method to execute checks, including the use of the check_by_ssh plugin. Vincent Danen tells you how to set up this

2013-02-10 18:30:06 636

转载 nagios remote monitoring nrpe vs ssh

We use Nagios to monitor quite a few (~130) servers. We monitor CPU, Disk, RAM and a few other things on each server. I've always used SSH to run the remote commands, purely because it requires little

2013-02-10 15:05:21 553

转载 linux 技巧:使用 screen 管理你的远程会话

你是不是经常需要 SSH 或者 telent 远程登录到 Linux 服务器?你是不是经常为一些长时间运行的任务而头疼,比如系统备份、ftp 传输等等。通常情况下我们都是为每一个这样的任务开一个远程终端窗口,因为他们执行的时间太长了。必须等待它执行完毕,在此期间可不能关掉窗口或者断开连接,否则这个任务就会被杀掉,一切半途而废了。元凶:SIGHUP 信号让我们来看看为什么关掉窗口/断

2013-02-08 20:53:41 314

转载 How to change screen resolution in redhat

look for a section called Screen in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, which will have a line likeCode:Mode"800x600" "600x480"change it toCode:Mode "1024x768" "800x600"4) save the file and restart

2013-02-05 09:37:39 335

转载 Install nagios on linux

http://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/docs/Installing_Nagios_Core_From_Source.pdf-----------------------------------The Industry Standard in IT Infrastructure MonitoringPurposeThis d

2013-01-21 11:36:20 374

转载 Ethernet versus ATM

TM has been seen as the ultimate networking technology that will allow true broadband networking for the future. At the time ATM was introduced, it was generally estimated that it is just a matter o

2013-01-18 10:21:52 939

转载 md5sum

md5sum [OPTION]... [FILE]... [功能] linux 下 shell命令 ,制作md5码 也用于软件的md5校验[描述]   MD5算法常常被用来验证网络文件传输的完整性,防止文件被人篡改。MD5 全称是报文摘要算法(Message-Digest Algorithm 5),此算法对任意长度的信息逐位进行计算,产生一个二进制长度为128位(十六进制长度就

2013-01-17 11:56:09 528


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an "Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks. It is used mostly in network management systems to monitor network-attached devices for

2013-01-16 14:30:00 1871

转载 RedHat / CentOS Install and Configure Cacti Network Graphing Tool

Cacti is a network graphing tool similar to MRTG. How do I install and configure common options to collect SNMP data and various other data (such as system load, network link status, hard disk space

2013-01-16 13:54:44 522


用log4j实现日志管理,在E盘生成scstanddd.log的日志文件,用自定义的过滤器实现了权限管理。后台是Ext管理,超酷的界面。后台一个照片管理可以放大图片,超帅,前台的社团申请会在D盘jasper文件夹下生产相应的pdf文件。报表使用的是JasperReports + IReport ,多个社团管理。mysql数据库的用户名与密码root,root.只要在mysql数据库中创建 scs 数据库,然后在发布项目可以在tomcat中发布,hibernate 自动生成表。操作时要先进入后台建立社团,才能进行前台操作。 项目中不含jar包,太大31.8M,有需要jar包的可以联系我.QQ :540720317



页面显示采用jsp部分用struts标签,业务逻辑层采用spring,持久层采用hibernate,数据库采用mysql.(用户名密码都是root),tomcat端口号8080.后台界面采用ajax框架ext非常漂亮。可以管理多个社团网站。采用jfreechart显示社团人数对比。社团申请会在服务器端生成pdf申请表格(带有照片)由于上传限制只能分两次传,请见谅,不过不会让你失望的。这一部分不包括jar包 最近又新上传了一个大学生社团互动平台管理系统,是这个系统的改良版,,多加了用log4j实现的日志系统,项目运行时会打印Debug级别以上的信息到E盘scstnddd.log日志文件中,方便调试与查出错误。还用自定义的过滤器实现后台登陆权限的实现,还改了一部分代码,既能在IE上展现,又能在Firefox下展现同时项目也可以在Weblogic下部署,我已经改好了。(原来是在tomcat下).



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