Ubuntu:GoldenDict 词典安装


apt-get install goldendict

安装完成以后,需要自己手动加入字典,增加在线翻译网址(例如,有道,金山等),点击 编辑--dictionaries  完成下面工作

GoldenDic中添加在线辞典:科林斯 , 海词,有道,金山词霸,英业达,google,汉典,以下是这些词典的地址

cdict-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN)tarbalGPL, 4.5M, 57510 words
stardict1.3 dictionary(en - zh_CN)tarbalGPL, 1.1M, 51214 words
Sun Dict(en - zh_CN)tarbalGPL, 1M, 33042 words
xdict-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN)tarbalGPL, 3.7M, 177842 words
xdict-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en)tarbalGPL, 2.6M, 160997 words.
oxford-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) 牛津现代英汉双解词典tarbalGPL, 7.6M, 39429 words. 推荐!
牛津英汉双解美化版tarbalGPL, 7.7M, 39429 words.
cedict-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en)tarbalCEDICT LICENCE, 0.7M, 31200 words. 推荐!
langdao-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) 朗道英汉字典tarbalGPL, 9.1M, 435468 words. 推荐!
langdao-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en) 朗道汉英字典tarbalGPL, 7.8M, 405719 words. 推荐!
lazyworm-ec dictionary(en - zh_CN) 懒虫简明英汉词典tarbalGPL, 10M, 452185 words.
lazyworm-ce dictionary(zh_CN - en) 懒虫简明汉英词典tarbalGPL, 1.7M, 119592 words.
ProECCE dictionary 英汉汉英专业词典tarbalGPL, 8.6M, 571998 words.
Hanzi Master (zh_CN - en)tarbalGPL, 427K, 25992 words
XiangYa Medical dictionary 湘雅医学专业词典tarbalGPL, 28M, 1479322 words
Advance Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 高级汉语大词典tarbalGPL, 6.3M, 51675 words
Advance Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 高级汉语大词典(修正版)tarbalGPL, 6.3M, 51675 words
International standard Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 国际标准汉字大辞典tarbalGPL, 1.5M, 45053 words
Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典tarbalGPL, 2M, 24702 words
Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典(修正版)tarbalGPL, 1.9M, 13001 words
汉语成语词典(美化版)tarbalGPL, 2.8M, 13305 words
Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典tarbalGPL, 3.3M, 57643 words
Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典(修正版)tarbalGPL, 3.2M, 57691 words
21 century bidirectional dictionary 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典tarbalGPL, 13M, 213723 words
quick_eng-zh_CN 英汉专业词典tarballGPL, 10.7M, 634008 words
21 century bidirectional science and technology dictionary 21世纪双语科技词典tarballGPL, 15M, 809486 words
ncce-ec 新世纪英汉科技大词典tarbalFree to use, 10.4M, 626953 words
ncce-ce 新世纪汉英科技大词典tarbalFree to use, 10.6M, 621241 words
kdic-ec-11w(en - zh_CN) KDic11万英汉词典tarbalGPL, 2.3M, 112344 words.
kdic-computer-gb dictionary 计算机词汇tarbalGPL, 683K, 6131 words.
FoGuang big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛光大辞典tarbalFree to use, 8.1M, 22555 words
FaXiang dictionary (Buddhism) 法相辞典tarbalFree to use, 3M, 14603 words
FoXue big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛学大辞典tarbalFree to use, 3.7M, 30928 words
Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms(zh_CN - en)tarbalGPL, 1M, 16037 words
Eng-Ch-Eng dic of Buddhist termstarbalGPL, 320K, 3441 words
陈义孝佛学常见辞汇tarbalGPL, 319K, 5850 words
SanZunFaSu (Buddhism) 三藏法数tarbalGPL, 1.3M, 8084 words
Chin-Eng-BuddhisttarbalGPL, 1.2M, 17979 words
yusig 唯識名詞白話新解tarbalGPL, 365K, 1466 words
Bulkwang Fo-KuangtarbalGPL, 8.5M, 22646 words
Various-BuddhisttarbalGPL, 13M, 55342 words
Chinese-Uyghur Dictionary 汉维词典tarbalGPL, 10M, 328902 words.
Uyghur-Chinese Dictionary 维汉词典tarbalGPL, 11M, 385502 words.
Chinese-Uyghur Dictionary (Uyghur Latin Writing Edition)tarbalGPL, 10M, 328902 words
Uyghur-Chinese Dictionary (Uyghur Latin Writing Edition)tarbalGPL, 10M, 385486 words
quick_de-zh_CN 德汉词典tarballGPL, 3.2M, 104542 words
xindehan 新德汉词典tarballGPL, 3.3M, 106118 words
Fundset德汉词典tarballFree to use, 3.1M, 68985 words
HanDeDict 汉德辞典tarballGPL, 1.6M, 62505 words
Chinese-French dictionary 汉法词典tarballGPL, 645K, 25286 words
French-Chinese and Chinese-French dictionary 法汉汉法词典tarballFree to use, 12.5M, 368190 words
English-Chinese dictionary 我爱法语-英汉词典tarballGPL, 338K, 14857 words
English-French dictionary 我爱法语-英法词典tarballGPL, 805K, 43096 words
French-Chinese dictionary 我爱法语-法汉词典tarballGPL, 1.4M, 34159 words
French-English dictionary 我爱法语-法英词典tarballGPL, 938K, 36257 words
French-French dictionary 我爱法语-法法词典tarballGPL, 1.5M, 27068 words
French-Italian dictionary 我爱法语-法意词典tarballGPL, 556K, 34757 words
kdic-cj dictionary 汉日词典tarballGPL, 925K, 28986 words
kdic-jc dictionary 日汉词典tarballGPL, 1.5M, 73827 words
jc-special dictionary 日中简明专业词典tarballGPL, 5M, 277766 words
DrEye4in1词典tarballGPL, 14M, 225226 words. 推荐!
DrEye5in1词典tarballGPL, 13M, 217594 words
DrEye汉日词典tarballGPL, 911K, 40268 words
DrEye日汉词典tarballGPL, 2.7M, 91127 words
本草纲目tarballGPL, 319K, 765 words
英文字根字典tarballGPL, 332K, 7835 words
广东俗语字典tarballGPL, 301K, 7543 words
一典通俄汉词典tarballGPL, 4.9M, 97364 words
UnihantarballFree to use , 4.9M, 71226 words
五笔86tarballFree to use , 835K, 78641 words
五笔98tarballFree to use , 842K, 78597 words
oxfordjm-ec dictionary(en - zh_CN) 牛津简明英汉袖珍辞典tarbalGPL, 3.8M, 142367 words.
康熙字典文字版tarballPublic Domain, 4.3M, 46816 words
康熙字典tarballPublic Domain, 203M, 70205 words
梵高著名作品赏析tarballPublic Domain, 12M, 43 words
廣韻tarballGPL, 162K, 3830 words
廣韻反查tarballGPL, 172K, 20284 words
Han-Viet 汉越tarballGPL, 572K, 49731 words
Viet-Han 越汉tarballGPL, 421K, 29112 words
the MDBG CC-CEDICT Chinese-English dictionarytarballCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License, 3.6M, 144922 words




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