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转载 response.end 在 jsp下的代替

问:程序终止与输出终止   答:   程序中止:return;   输出中止:out.close();这一句相当于ASP的response.end

2006-01-22 17:53:00 2991

转载 jsp问题集

1. 问:在JAVA与JSP中要调用一个LINUX上的脚本程序,或WINDOWS上的脚本程序,该怎么写?   答:System.getRuntime().exec("bash   2. 问:java中用什么表示双引号    答:"/""  3. 问:如何在JSP程序里另起一个线程?   答:   JSP本身就是独立线程运行而不象CGI都是独立进程.   一般:   Thread t = new T

2006-01-22 17:51:00 1929

转载 在JSP中编写监听器,仿效ASP中的GLOBAL.ASA功能

经过应用中发现原来在JSP上实现类似ASP中的Global.asa 这样具有系统事件监听功能的程序并不难,我想这也是很多JSP朋友所关注的问题,那么本人就将实现过程展示如下:1.实现监听类package Bean.Sample;import java.util.Date;import java.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent;import

2006-01-08 10:09:00 1336

转载 关于asp下的global.asa在jsp下的实现

在JSP中没有global.asa的对应物。但可以有一个workaround来运行。例如,如果你需要存储或存取application scope变量,你总是可以创建一个Javabean,并在页面中需要这些变量的地方将它包含进来。 <jsp:useBean id="globals" scope="application" class="com.xxx.GlobalBean"/>   但是,也有一些产

2006-01-08 10:07:00 871

转载 JSP Session处理(关于global.asa在jsp下的处理)


2006-01-08 10:05:00 990

转载 Eclipse基础--使用links方式安装Eclipse插件

2006-01-02 10:55:00 712

转载 Eclipse基础--java环境变量设置

Eclipse基础--java环境变量设置document.title="Eclipse基础--java环境变量设置 - "+document.title 我是一名java的爱好者,理所当然装了不少java方面的软件,大部分是开放源码的,而且多数是绿色软件,只要解压,设置一下环境变量即可使用。     由于软件本身升级比较频繁,经常需要重新设置使用的环境变量,而且我常常同时安装同一软件的不

2006-01-02 10:53:00 1030


一款好用的免费RDP客户端管理工具,mRemote1.5 EN,优点是小巧,系统资源占用小,相比remote desktop manager要更加轻量。





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最新版unlocker 补丁。 Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware ============================ 1. Introduction --------------- The package is a combination of the Unlocker code written by Zenith432 plus some fixes and scripts written by myself that wrap the actual unlocker code. It has been tested against: * Workstation 8/9/10 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Player 4/5/6 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Fusion 4/5/6 on Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion and Mavericks * ESXi 5.0/5.1/5.5 The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during creation * Copy darwin.iso if needed to VMware folder Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation. Also Player is missing vmware-vmx-debug and vmware-vmx-stats files and so an error is shown during patching as the files are not found. This can be safely ignored. OS X guests on ESXi patched hosts cannot be controlled from vCenter, only from the ESXi host itself. This means power operations have to be run directly on the server. The vmwarebase code does not need to be patched on ESXi or OS X so you will see a message on those systems telling you that it will not be patched. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. 2. Windows ---------- On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". install.cmd - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.cmd - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 3. Linux --------- On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. You may need to ensure the contents of the linux folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 4 files. install.sh - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 4. Mac OS X ----------- On Mac OS X you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of Mac OS X. You may need to ensure the contents of the osx folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware 5. ESXi ------- You will need to transfer the zip file to the ESXi host either using vSphere client or SCP. Once uploaded you will need to either use the ESXi support console or use SSH to run the commands. Use the unzip command to extract the files. <<< WARNING: use a datastore volume to run the scripts >>> Please note that you will need to reboot the host for the patches to become active. The patcher is embbedded in a shell script local.sh which is run at boot from /etc/rc.local.d. You may need to ensure the contents of the esxi folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware Note: 1. System should have a persistent scratch partition - should be OK except for stateless and USB boot on drives less than 4GB http://kb.vmware.com...ernalId=1033696 http://www-01.ibm.co...id=isg3T1013015 http://www.vreferenc...ch-persistence/ 2. Any changes you have made to local.sh will be lost. If you have made changes to that file, you will need to merge them into the supplied local.sh file. 3. This option runs at boot time to patch the releavant files and it now survives an upgrade or patch to ESXi as local.sh is part of the persisted local state. 6. Zenith432's Unlocker ----------------------- In all cases the unlocker can be run without the scripts but you would need to carry out additional actions which the scripts encapsulate for you especially on ESXi. If you want to run the unlocker directly the parameters are: Usage: Unlocker [-h] [-u] [target_directory] -h: print help -u: remove the patch target_directory: customize location of vmx executables On all platforms you must run it with administrator or root privileges. The source code is provided and Zenith432 makes it freely available for modification. I have modified the code and it is available as per Zenith432's original statement. Thanks to Zenith432 for building the unlocker and Mac Son of Knife for all the testing and support. History ------- 11/10/11 1.0.0 - First release 07/11/11 1.0.1 - Fixed typo in Windows command files 07/12/11 1.0.2 - Updated patcher and tools for latest release WKS 8.0.1 & FUS 4.1.1 10/05/12 1.1.0 - Changed the patching mechanism for vmwarebase .dll or .so & tested against ESXi 5.0 U1 and Tech Previews. 13/07/13 1.1.1 - Changed ESXi scripts to ensure not deleting root /bin folder - Fixed vmwarebase patching on 32-bit Linux - Some other code clean-up in Unlocker.cpp 18/09/13 1.2.0 - Updated vmwarebase pattern matching for WKS 10.0.0 & FUS 6.0.0 25/03/14 1.3.0 - New method to run patcher on ESXi - Fixes crashes when using vCenter - Tested against ESXi 5.5 - Darwin guest tools from Fusion 6.0.2 - Zip file preserves file attributes for Posix based systems © 2011-2014 Dave Parsons


BIT400 SAP 标准教材 课程号 BIT400 part2

BIT400 SAP 标准教材 课程号 BIT400 ,第二部分,配合第一部分解压缩即可。可以搜索我的用户名来找到第一部分的包


BIT100 - 2005-Q4 - A4 - Integration Technology part2

SAP Exchange Infrastructure 标准教材 BIT100,由于大小限制,分了两个包传上来,这是第二部分


BIT100 - 2005-Q4 - A4 - Integration Technology

SAP Exchange Infrastructure 标准教材,课程号BIT100,SAP XI入门教材,由于上传限制,现在打成了两个包,此为part1



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