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翻译 Spark ML Pipelines

提供基于DataFrames的API构建机器学习Pipelines. 主要为了方便将多个算法可以方便地加载到一个工作流或者处理管道中。有几个基本的概念:数据帧DataFrame用做于ML 数据集,可以包含多种数据类型,参见Spark SQL 数据类型,同时可以使用ML向量(vector)类型ML向量由包含整数类型、0开始的索引以及双精度数据组成,其中又分稠密向量(dense)和稀疏(sparse)...

2018-07-06 16:02:17 581

转载 皮尔森卡方检验pearson chi-square 与 费舍尔精确检验fisher's exact test

四格表资料例数大于40,且所有理论数大于5,则用普通的Pearson 检验。例数大于40,所有理论数大于1,且至少一个理论数小于5,则用校正的 检验或Fisher’s确切概率法检验。例数小于40,或有理论数小于2,则用Fisher’s确切概率法检验。2×C表或R×2表资料的统计分析列变量&行变量均为无序分类变量,则(1)例数大于40,且理论数小于5的格子数目<总格子数目的25%,则用普通的P...

2018-07-06 10:42:43 26440

翻译 Spark ML Basic Statistics

相关性Correlation用于计算两组数据之间的相关性, 当前spark.ml支持皮尔森(Pearson)相关系数和斯皮尔曼(Spearman)等级相关系数.皮尔森相关系数受异常数据的影响比较大,比如变量中的值(变量的标注差为0)不能相同。斯皮尔曼等级相关系数则不受限制,经常被称为非参数相关系数,包含两层含义:1.只要在X和Y具有单调的函数关系的关系,那么X和Y就是完全Spearman相关的,这...

2018-07-06 10:11:22 611

翻译 Spark Machine Learning Library(MLlib)

MLlib: Spark机器学习(ML)库, 包含:ML 算法:分类classification, 回归regression, 聚类clustering, 协同过滤 collaborative filtering特征化:特征提取,转换,降维度,选择性管道Pipeline: 用于构造、评价以及调节Pipeline持久化:保存、加载算法、模型以及管道工具:线性代数、统计、数据处理等基于DataFram...

2018-07-05 15:45:43 378

翻译 Practical Multithreading for Client Apps (.net客户端程序使用多线程的实践)

转自 MSDN Magazine Jan. 2004 原作者 Jason Clark内容 线程原理 为什么使用多线程 线程与Windows 用户界面 管理线程池(Thread Pool) 最简单的线程同步 细节 - 实现取消按钮 更多的细节 - 计时器(Timers) 愿景   通常认

2007-10-18 13:33:00 993

ASP.Net 3.5 Enterprise Application Development with Visula Studio 2008

This book provides a step-by-step guide for developing an ASP.NET 3.5 application using the latest features in Visual Studio 2008. The Problem Design Solution series by Wrox is unique because it describes a large case study and builds an entire solution chapter by chapter for each incremental step. This book uses a wide variety of new features in Visual Studio 2008, explains each in detail, and produces a solution that you can use as a starting point for your own applications.


Professional DotNetNuke 5

wrox Professional DotNetNuke 5


Microsoft Application Architecture Guide 2.0



Apress - Pro ASP NET MVC Framework Apr 2009

Product Description Steven Sanderson has seen the ASP.NET MVC framework mature from the start, so his experience, combined with comprehensive coverage of all the new features, including those in the official MVC development toolkit, offers the clearest understanding of how this exciting new framework could improve your coding efficiency—and you’ll gain invaluable up–to–date awareness of security, deployment, and interoperability challenges. The ASP.NET MVC Framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It introduces a radically new high–productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test–driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET 3.5. An integral benefit of this book is that the core Model–View–Controller architectural concepts are not simply explained or discussed in isolation, but demonstrated in action. You’ll work through an extended tutorial to create a working e–commerce web application that combines ASP.NET MVC with the latest C# 3.0 language features and unit–testing best practices. By gaining this invaluable, practical experience, you can discover MVCs strengths and weaknesses for yourself—and put your best learned theory into practice. What you’ll learn Gain a solid architectural background to ASP.NET MVC, including Model–View–Controller and REST concepts. Explore the ASP.NET MVC framework with detailed coverage of all aspects of the framework and the official MVC development toolkit. See how it works with test–driven development in action. Capitalize on your existing knowledge quickly and easily through translation and comparison of features in classic ASP.NET to those in ASP.NET MVC. Learn about the latest security and deployment issues, including IIS 7.0. Who is this book for? This book is for web developers with a basic knowledge of ASP.NET and C# who want, or need, to start using the new ASP.NET MVC framework.



Hufman算法的C#实现代码:Huffman (1952年) 研究出一种基于信源符号概率 Pi (1 <= i <= L) 的变长 码编码算法。Huffman 码是最佳码。所谓最佳性,是指对于某个给定信源,在 所有可能的惟一可译码中,此码的平均码长最短。 下面给出二元 Huffman 码的编码方法,算法步骤如下: i). 将q 个信源符号按概率分布 Pi 的大小,从大到小排列: P1 >= P2 >= P3 >= ... >= Pq ii). 用0 和1 分别表示概率最小的两个信源符号,并将这两个概率最小的 符号合并为一个符号,得到只包含 q-1 个符号的新信源,称为 S 信源 的缩减信源 S1.



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