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原创 SWT学习笔记(一)-在项目中加入swt.jar
原文出处:http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/1-Install.pdf 1 .swt.jar所在的位置 win32: INSTALLDIR/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32_3.0.0/ws/win32/ gtk: INSTALLDIR/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.gtk_3.0.
2004-07-12 09:16:00 2447
原创 Getting Started with the SWT
去www.swt-designer.com下载SWT Designer的时候发现了这个页面,赶紧做个标记。 1. Installing Eclipse and running a simple SWT program tutorial (or in postscript) and workspace zip file. 2. Basic widgets tutorial (or in
2004-07-09 14:36:00 925
原创 Eclipse插件开发学习笔记(二)
弹出菜单 Pop-up Menus1)MONKEY SEE/MONKEY DO RULE Always start by copying the structure of a similar plug-in. 寻找相似的plug-in的方法 通过查看现有文件中已经定义好的 extension points. Since the popupMenus extension point is
2004-07-08 18:47:00 1560 2
原创 Eclipse插件开发学习笔记 (一)
起步1)访问Eclipse插件源文件的方法 File > Import... > External Plug-ins and Fragments > 进入下一页接受默认选项 > 在第三页中" Add All " > Finish. 其中"Workspace set up with binary projects but linked contents"的意思是说: PDE 在workspace中
2004-07-08 18:44:00 1590
原创 Sun announced today the Beta 2 release of the J2SE 5.0 software development kit (JDK)
Sun announced today the Beta 2 release of the J2SE 5.0 software development kit (JDK), which includes tools such as compilers and debuggers necessary for developing applets and applications a
2004-06-29 14:01:00 1039
原创 (转)追MM与设计模式
创建型模式 1、FACTORY一追MM少不了请吃饭了,麦当劳的鸡翅和肯德基的鸡翅都是MM爱吃的东西,虽然口味有所不同,但不管你带MM去麦当劳或肯德基,只管向服务员说“来四个鸡翅”就行了。麦当劳和肯德基就是生产鸡翅的Factory 工厂模式:客户类和工厂类分开。消费者任何时候需要某种产品,只需向工厂请求即可。消费者无须修改就可以接纳新产品。缺点是当产品修改时,工厂类也要做相应的修改。如:如何创建及如
2004-06-28 11:20:00 771 1
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