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原创 What is the different btw Object and Variable?
A variable is nothing but a named stored location which holds known or an unknown value.A variable can be initialized in a standard manner.The name variable is given, as a variable can be assigned any value; even const variables are initialized while decla
2023-03-16 15:32:34 53
原创 Abstract,Override
在上面的例子中,`Cat` 类继承了 `Animal` 抽象类,并重写了其中的 `sound` 方法。总之,`abstract` 和 `override` 是 Java 中常用的关键字,用于定义抽象类和抽象方法,以及重写父类的方法。它们的使用可以让程序更加灵活和可维护。在 Java 中,`abstract` 和 `override` 是两个关键字,分别用于定义抽象类和方法,以及重写父类的方法。- 子类重写父类方法时,需要使用`@Override`注解来标识,这样可以确保方法名和签名与父类方法一致。
2023-03-15 11:53:43 214 1
原创 Print & Println
Print - output in one linePrint - output will Separate different line
2023-03-12 20:12:35 57 1
原创 Start Java
1. Download the Java software. (JDK)2. structure of a Java-methods -- Class ---classes, variables, methods....3. Write simple Java programs.-Print "Hello, World",-do basic calculations,-convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.Compile and run programs to get comfort
2023-03-12 20:10:39 52
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