
Answers are in blue.

Computer Science Illuminated, Seventh EditionNell Dale, PhD; John Lewis, PhD



For Exercises 1–18, mark the answers true and false as follows:
  1. True
  2. False
    1. An operating system is an example of application software. B系统软件
    2. An operating system provides a basic user interface that allows the user to use the computer.

    1. A computer can have more than one operating system, but only one OS is in control at any given time.


    1. Multiprogramming is the technique of using multiple CPUs to run programs.


    1. In the 1960s and 1970s, a human operator would organize similar computer jobs into batches to be run.


    1. Batch processing implies a high level of interaction between the user and the program.


    1. A timesharing system allows multiple users to interact with a computer at the same time.


    1. A dumb terminal is an I/O device that connects to a main- frame computer.


    1. A logical address specifies an actual location in main memory. B
    2. An address in a single contiguous memory management sys- tem is made up of a page and an offset.


    1. In a fixed partition system, main memory is divided into sev- eral partitions of the same size.


    1. The bounds register contains the last address of a partition. B It contains the length of the partition.
    2. The first page in a paged memory system is page 0. A
    3. A process in the running state is currently being executed by the CPU.


    1. The process control block (PCB) is a data structure that stores all information about a process.


    1. CPU scheduling determines which programs are in memory. B
    2. The first-come, first-served scheduling algorithm is provably optimal.


    1. A time slice is the amount of time each process is given before being preempted in a round-robin scheduler.

















边界寄存器包含分区的最后地址。B 它包含分区的长度。









For Exercises 19–23 , match the operating system with information about it.

  1. MacOS
  2. UNIX
  3. Linux
  4. DOS
  5. Windows
    1. Which is the operating system of choice for Apple Computers?


    1. Historically, which is the operating system of choice for seri- ous programmers?


    1. Which is the PC version of Unix? C
    2. What is the Microsoft operating system family provided on PCs called?


    1. What is the original PC operating system called? D







For Exercise 24–26, match the following software type with its definition.

      1. Systems software
      2. Operating system
      3. Application software
    1. Programs that help us solve real-world problems. C
    1. Programs that manage a computer system and interact with hardware.


    1. Programs that manage computer resources and provide an interface for other programs.


Exercises 27–72 are problems or short answer questions.

    1. Distinguish between application software and system software.

Systems software are tools to help others write programs; they manage a computer system and interact with hard- ware. Application software are programs to solve specific problems.


    1. What is an operating system?

An operating system is a piece of software that manages a computer’s resources and provides an interface for system interaction.


    1. Explain the term multiprogramming.

Multiprogramming is the technique of keeping multiple pro- grams in main memory at the same time, each competing for time on the CPU.

多道程序设计是一种在主内存中同时保留多个程序的技术,每个程序都竞争获取 CPU 时间。

    1. The following terms relate to how the operating system man- ages multiprogramming. Describe the part each plays in this process.
      1. Process

A process is a program in execution.


      1. Process management

Process management is keeping track of necessary information for active processes.


      1. Memory management

Memory management is keeping track of how and where programs are loaded into main memory.


      1. CPU scheduling

CPU scheduling is determining which process in mem- ory is given access to the CPU so that it may execute.

CPU 调度是确定哪个内存中的进程获得对 CPU 的访问权以便执行的过程。

    1. What constitutes a batch job?批处理作业的单词混个眼熟

A batch job was made up of the program and the instructions regarding the system software and other resources needed to execute the job.



    1. Describe the evolution of the concept of batch processing from the human operator in the 1960s and 1970s to the oper- ating systems of today.

Originally, the instructions regarding the system software needed for a program were given to the human operator. Today, the instructions are given directly to the computer through OS commands that are part of the file containing the program. Today, batch processing has come to mean a system in which programs and system resources are coordi- nated and executed without interaction between the user and the program.

    1. Define timesharing.

Timesharing is a technique by which CPU time is shared among multiple interactive users at the same time.

分时操作是一种技术,通过它在同一时间内将 CPU 时间共享给多个交互式用户。


What is the relationship between multiprogramming and timesharing?

Multiprogramming allows multiple processes to be active at once. Timesharing allows the multiple processes to be inter- active ones.



    1. Why do we say that users in a timesharing system have their own virtual machine?

Users have the illusion of having the computer all to themselves.


    1. In Chapter 6, we defined a virtual machine as a hypothetical machine designed to illustrate important features of a real machine. In this chapter, we define a virtual machine as the illusion created by a timesharing system that each user has a dedicated machine. Relate these two definitions.

The illusion created in a timesharing situation is that the user owns a single hypothetical machine. The hypotheti- cal machine illustrates the important features of the single machine the user needs.



    1. How does the timesharing concept work?

Each user is represented by a login process that runs on the mainframe. When the user runs a program, another process is created that competes for CPU time with other processes. The rationale is that the computer is so fast that it can handle multiple users without anyone having to wait.

每个用户由在主机上运行的登录进程表示。当用户运行程序时,会创建另一个进程,与其他进程竞争 CPU 时间。其基本原理是计算机运算速度非常快,可以处理多个用户而无需等待。

    1. What is a real-time system?

A real-time system is a system in which the speed of an answer is crucial.


    1. What is response time?

Response time is how long it takes to get an answer. The expression comes from the delay between receiving a stimu- lus (asking a question) and producing a response (answering the question).

    1. What is the relationship between real-time systems and response time?

Time is critical in many real-time situations, so the response time must be kept to a minimum.

    1. In a multiprogramming environment, many processes may be active. What are the tasks that the OS must accomplish in order to manage the memory requirements of active processes?

The OS must keep track of where and how a program resides in memory and convert logical program addresses into actual memory addresses.

    1. Distinguish between logical addresses and physical addresses.

A physical address is an actual address in the computer’s main memory device. A logical address is an address relative to the program. A logical address is sometimes called a rela- tive address for obvious reasons.

    1. What is address binding?

Address binding is the mapping of a logical address into a physical address.

    1. Name three memory management techniques and give the general approach taken in each.

Single contiguous memory management: Only the OS and one application program are loaded into memory at the same time.

Static and dynamic partitions: More than one program is loaded into memory with the OS at the same time. Each application program is given its own partition of memory.

Paging: Main memory is divided into fixed-sized blocks called frames and processes are divided into fixed-sized blocks called pages. Any number of programs can be loaded with the OS, but a process does not necessarily have to be in contiguous memory and not all of a process need be in memory at the same time.


    1. When is a logical address assigned to a variable? When the program is compiled.
    2. 逻辑地址分配在编译时候
    3. When does address binding occur?

When the program is loaded into memory.


    1. How is memory divided in the single contiguous memory management approach?

Memory is divided into two sections: one for the operating system and one for the application program.


    1. When a program is compiled, where is it assumed that the program will be loaded into memory? That is, where are log- ical addresses assumed to begin?

At location 0.



    1. If, in a single contiguous memory management system, the program is loaded at address 30215, compute the physical addresses (in decimal) that correspond to the following log- ical addresses:
      1. 9223


      1. 2302


      1. 7044


    1. In a single contiguous memory management approach, if the logical address of a variable is L and the beginning of the application program is A, what is the formula for binding the logical address to the physical address?

L + A

    1. If, in a fixed partition memory management system, the current value of the base register is 42993 and the current value of the bounds register is 2031, compute the physical addresses that correspond to the following logical addresses:
      1. 104


      1. 1755


      1. 3041

Address out of bounds of partition

    1. If more than one partition is being used (either fixed or dynamic), what does the base register contain?

The base register contains the beginning address of the cur- rent partition.


    1. Why is the logical address compared to the bounds register before a physical address is calculated?

The bounds register contains the length of the current parti- tion. If the logical address is greater than the bounds register, then the physical address is not within the current partition.

54. 为什么在计算物理地址之前要将逻辑地址与边界寄存器进行比较?


    1. If, in a dynamic-partition memory management system, the current value of the base register is 42993 and the current value of the bounds register is 2031, compute the physical addresses that correspond to the following logical addresses:
      1. 104


      1. 1755


      1. 3041

Address out of bounds of partition.

Exercises 55 and 56 use the following state of memory.

Operating system

Process 1

Empty 60 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

Empty 52 blocks

Empty 100 blocks

    1. If the partitions are fixed and a new job arrives requiring 52 blocks of main memory, show memory after using each of the following partition selection approaches:
      1. First fit
      2. Best fit
      3. Worst fit
  1. First fit

Operating system

Process 1

New process

Process 2

Process 3

Empty 52 blocks

Empty 100 blocks

  1. Best fit

Operating system

Process 1

Empty 60 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

New process

Empty 100 blocks

  1. Worst fit

Operating system

Process 1

Empty 60 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

Empty 52 blocks

New process

    1. If the partitions are dynamic and a new job arrives requiring 52 blocks of main memory, show memory after using each of the following partition selection approaches:
      1. First fit
      2. Best fit
      3. Worst fit
  1. First fit

Operating system

Process 1

New process

Empty 8 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

Empty 52 blocks

Empty 100 blocks

  1. Best fit

Operating system

Process 1

Empty 60 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

New process

Empty 100 blocks

  1. Worst fit

Operating system

Process 1

Empty 60 blocks

Process 2

Process 3

Empty 52 blocks

New process

Empty 48 blocks

    1. If a logical address in a paged memory management system is <2, 133>, what do the values mean?

This address means the 133rd byte on page 2.



Exercises 58–60 refer to the following PMT.











    1. If the frame size of 1024, what is the physical address associ- ated with the logical address <2, 85>?


    1. If the frame size of 1024, what is the physical address associ- ated with the logical address <3, 555>?


    1. If the frame size of 1024, what is the physical address associ- ated with the logical address <3, 1555>?

Illegal address. The offset is larger than the page size.


    1. What is virtual memory and how does it apply to demand paging?

Virtual memory is the illusion that memory is limitless and thus there is no limit on the size of a program. Demand pag- ing is the technique where pages are brought into memory only when they are referenced (needed). Demand paging allows programs of any size, thus giving the illusion of infinite memory.


    1. What are the conceptual stages through which a process moves while being managed by the operating system? New, ready, running, waiting, and terminated
    2. 新建、就绪、运行、等待和终止。
    3. Describe how a process might move through the various pro- cess states. Create specific reasons why this process moves from one state to another.

A new process begins in the new state. When the process has no bars to its execution, it moves into the ready state. It waits in the ready state until it gets time in the running state. It runs for a while and issues a command for file input. The process is moved into the waiting state until the I/O has been com- pleted, at which time it moves into the ready state to await another turn in the running state. Eventually it gets back to the CPU and runs until it needs access to a part of the pro- gram that is on secondary storage. It moves into the waiting state until the needed pages are brought in; then it moves back to the ready state. It gets its third shot at the CPU and finishes, and moves into the terminated state.


    1. What is a process control block?

A process control block (PCB) is a data structure that contains information about a process. A PCB is created for each new process. When a process moves from one state to another, its PCB is moved with it.


    1. How is each conceptual stage represented in the OS?

Each conceptual stage is represented by a list of the PCBs in that stage.



    1. What is a context switch?

When a process is moved out of the CPU, the current con- tents of the registers, including the program counter, must be saved in the process’s PCB. When a new process moves into the CPU, the contents of the registers from this process’s PCB are restored. This process of saving and restoring regis- ters is called a context switch.


    1. Distinguish between preemptive scheduling and nonpre- emptive scheduling.

With nonpreemptive scheduling, once a process is in the running state, it remains there until it voluntarily leaves. With preemptive scheduling, the OS can move a process from the running state to the waiting state or ready state.

    1. Name and describe three CPU scheduling algorithms.

First-come, first-served: The processes are moved into the running state in the order in which they arrive in the ready.

Shortest job next: When the CPU is ready for anther job, the process in the ready state that takes the shortest time is


moved into the running state. The estimated length of time that a process needs the CPU may or may not be accurate.

Round robin: Each process stays in the running state for a predetermined amount of time, called a time slice. When a process’s time slice is over, it is moved back into the ready state, where it stays until it is its turn again for the CPU.

Use the following table of processes and service time for Exercises 69 through 71.







Service time






    1. Draw a Gantt chart that shows the completion times for each process using first-come, first-served CPU scheduling.


    1. Draw a Gantt chart that shows the completion times for each process using shortest-job-next CPU scheduling.


    1. Draw a Gantt chart that shows the completion times for each process using round-robin CPU scheduling with a time slice of 60.


    1. Distinguish between fixed partitions and dynamic partitions. The sizes of the partitions are fixed in a fixed-partition scheme, although they are not necessarily the same size. In

a dynamic-partition scheme, the partitions are allocated as needed.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


