11个日常实用 Shell 脚本,运维人员先收藏起来~_常用的shell脚本(1)










PROGPATH=echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]\*$,,'
[ -f KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 12: PROGPATH ] &̲& PROGPATH="." …PROGPATH/log"
[ -e $LOGPATH ] || mkdir L O G P A T H R E S U L T F I L E = " LOGPATH RESULTFILE=" LOGPATHRESULTFILE="LOGPATH/HostDailyCheck-$IPADDR-date +%Y%m%d.txt"

report_DateTime=“” #日期 ok
report_Hostname=“” #主机名 ok
report_OSRelease=“” #发行版本 ok
report_Kernel=“” #内核 ok
report_Language=“” #语言/编码 ok
report_LastReboot=“” #最近启动时间 ok
report_Uptime=“” #运行时间(天) ok
report_CPUs=“” #CPU数量 ok
report_CPUType=“” #CPU类型 ok
report_Arch=“” #CPU架构 ok
report_MemTotal=“” #内存总容量(MB) ok
report_MemFree=“” #内存剩余(MB) ok
report_MemUsedPercent=“” #内存使用率% ok
report_DiskTotal=“” #硬盘总容量(GB) ok
report_DiskFree=“” #硬盘剩余(GB) ok
report_DiskUsedPercent=“” #硬盘使用率% ok
report_InodeTotal=“” #Inode总量 ok
report_InodeFree=“” #Inode剩余 ok
report_InodeUsedPercent=“” #Inode使用率 ok
report_IP=“” #IP地址 ok
report_MAC=“” #MAC地址 ok
report_Gateway=“” #默认网关 ok
report_DNS=“” #DNS ok
report_Listen=“” #监听 ok
report_Selinux=“” #Selinux ok
report_Firewall=“” #防火墙 ok
report_USERs=“” #用户 ok
report_USEREmptyPassword=“” #空密码用户 ok
report_USERTheSameUID=“” #相同ID的用户 ok
report_PasswordExpiry=“” #密码过期(天) ok
report_RootUser=“” #root用户 ok
report_Sudoers=“” #sudo授权 ok
report_SSHAuthorized=“” #SSH信任主机 ok
report_SSHDProtocolVersion=“” #SSH协议版本 ok
report_SSHDPermitRootLogin=“” #允许root远程登录 ok
report_DefunctProsess=“” #僵尸进程数量 ok
report_SelfInitiatedService=“” #自启动服务数量 ok
report_SelfInitiatedProgram=“” #自启动程序数量 ok
report_RuningService=“” #运行中服务数 ok
report_Crontab=“” #计划任务数 ok
report_Syslog=“” #日志服务 ok
report_SNMP=“” #SNMP OK
report_NTP=“” #NTP ok
report_JDK=“” #JDK版本 ok
function version(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “系统巡检脚本:Version $VERSION”

function getCpuStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ CPU检查 #############################”
Physical_CPUs= ( g r e p " p h y s i c a l i d " / p r o c / c p u i n f o ∣ s o r t ∣ u n i q ∣ w c − l ) V i r t _ C P U s = (grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo| sort | uniq | wc -l) Virt\_CPUs= (grep"physicalid"/proc/cpuinfosortuniqwcl)Virt_CPUs=(grep “processor” /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
CPU_Kernels=$(grep “cores” /proc/cpuinfo|uniq| awk -F ': ’ '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲') CPU\_Type=(grep “model name” /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F ': ’ '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲' | sort | uniq…(uname -m)
echo “物理CPU个数: P h y s i c a l _ C P U s " e c h o " 逻辑 C P U 个数 : Physical\_CPUs" echo "逻辑CPU个数: Physical_CPUs"echo"逻辑CPU个数:Virt_CPUs”
echo “每CPU核心数: C P U _ K e r n e l s " e c h o " C P U 型号 : CPU\_Kernels" echo " CPU型号: CPU_Kernels"echo"CPU型号:CPU_Type”
echo " CPU架构:KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 12: CPU\_Arch" #̲报表信息 report\_CP…Virt_CPUs #CPU数量
report_CPUType=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 11: CPU\_Type #̲CPU类型 report\_A…CPU_Arch #CPU架构

function getMemStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 内存检查 ############################”
if [[ KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 52: …lse free -h fi #̲报表信息 MemTotal=(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo| awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲') #KB MemFree=(grep MemFree /proc/meminfo| awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲') #KB let MemU…(awk “BEGIN {if(KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …rintf \"%.2f\",MemUsed*100/KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 9: MemTotal}̲}") report\_Mem…((MemTotal/1024))”“MB” #内存总容量(MB)
report_MemFree=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 23: …ee/1024))""MB" #̲内存剩余(MB) report…(awk “BEGIN {if(KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …rintf \"%.2f\",MemUsed*100/$MemTotal}}”)”“%” #内存使用率%
function getDiskStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 磁盘检查 ############################”
df -hiP | sed ‘s/Mounted on/Mounted/’> /tmp/inode
df -hTP | sed ‘s/Mounted on/Mounted/’> /tmp/disk
join /tmp/disk /tmp/inode | awk '{print $1,$2,“|”,$3,$4,$5,$6,“|”,$8,$9,$10,$11,“|”,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 3: 12}̲'| column -t #报…(df -TP | sed ‘1d’ | awk 'KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 21: …mpfs"{print}') #̲KB disktotal=(echo “$diskdata” | awk '{total+=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲END{print total…(echo “$diskdata” | awk '{total+=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 4}̲END{print total…((disktotal-diskused)) #KB
diskusedpercent=$(echo $disktotal $diskused | awk '{if($10){printf 100}else{printf “%.2f”,$2*100/KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 1}̲}') inodedata=(df -iTP | sed ‘1d’ | awk ' 2 ! = " t m p f s " p r i n t ′ ) i n o d e t o t a l = 2!="tmpfs"{print}') inodetotal= 2!="tmpfs"print)inodetotal=(echo “$inodedata” | awk '{total+=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲END{print total…(echo “$inodedata” | awk '{total+=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 4}̲END{print total…((inodetotal-inodeused))
inodeusedpercent=$(echo $inodetotal $inodeused | awk '{if($1
0){printf 100}else{printf “%.2f”,$2*100/KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 1}̲}') report\_Dis…((disktotal/1024/1024))“GB” #硬盘总容量(GB)
report_DiskFree=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 28: …024/1024))"GB" #̲硬盘剩余(GB) report…diskusedpercent"“%” #硬盘使用率%
report_InodeTotal=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 24: …otal/1000))"K" #̲Inode总量 report\…((inodefree/1000))“K” #Inode剩余
report_InodeUsedPercent=“$inodeusedpercent”“%” #Inode使用率%


function getSystemStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 系统检查 ############################”
if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/i18n ];then
default_LANG=“$(grep “LANG=” /etc/sysconfig/i18n | grep -v “^#” | awk -F '”’ '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲')" else defaul…LANG
export LANG=“en_US.UTF-8”
Release= ( c a t / e t c / r e d h a t − r e l e a s e 2 > / d e v / n u l l ) K e r n e l = (cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null) Kernel= (cat/etc/redhatrelease2>/dev/null)Kernel=(uname -r)
OS= ( u n a m e − o ) H o s t n a m e = (uname -o) Hostname= (unameo)Hostname=(uname -n)
SELinux=$(/usr/sbin/sestatus | grep “SELinux status: " | awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲') LastReboot=(who -b | awk '{print $3,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 4}̲') uptime=(uptime | sed ‘s/.*up ([^,]*), .*/\1/’)
echo " 系统: O S " e c h o " 发行版本: OS" echo " 发行版本: OS"echo"发行版本:Release”
echo " 内核: K e r n e l " e c h o " 主机名: Kernel" echo " 主机名: Kernel"echo"主机名:Hostname"
echo " SELinux: S E L i n u x " e c h o " 语言 / 编码: SELinux" echo "语言/编码: SELinux"echo"语言/编码:default_LANG"
echo " 当前时间: ( d a t e + ′ e c h o " 最后启动: (date +'%F %T')" echo " 最后启动: (date+echo"最后启动:LastReboot"
echo " 运行时间:KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 9: uptime" #̲报表信息 report\_Da…(date +“%F %T”) #日期
report_Hostname=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 11: Hostname" #̲主机名 report\_OSR…Release” #发行版本
report_Kernel=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 9: Kernel" #̲内核 report\_Lang…default_LANG” #语言/编码
report_LastReboot=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 13: LastReboot" #̲最近启动时间 report\_…uptime” #运行时间(天)
report_Selinux=“ S E L i n u x " e x p o r t L A N G = " SELinux" export LANG=" SELinux"exportLANG="default_LANG”


function getServiceStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 服务检查 ############################”
echo “”
if [[ c e n t o s V e r s i o n > 7 ] ] ; t h e n c o n f = centosVersion > 7 ]];then conf= centosVersion>7]];thenconf=(systemctl list-unit-files --type=service --state=enabled --no-pager | grep “enabled”)
process=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 84: …ep ".service") #̲报表信息 report\_Se…(echo "KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 17: …onf" | wc -l)" #̲自启动服务数量 report\…(echo "KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 20: …ess" | wc -l)" #̲运行中服务数量 else co…(/sbin/chkconfig | grep -E “:on|:启用”)
process=KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 70: …running|正在运行") #̲报表信息 report\_Se…(echo "KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 17: …onf" | wc -l)" #̲自启动服务数量 report\…(echo “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 20: …ess" | wc -l)" #̲运行中服务数量 fi echo…conf” | column -t
echo “”
echo “正在运行的服务”
echo “--------------”
echo “$process”


function getAutoStartStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 自启动检查 ##########################”
conf=KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '^' at position 11: (grep -v "^̲#" /etc/rc.d/rc…/d’)
echo “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 7: conf" #̲报表信息 report\_Se…(echo $conf | wc -l)” #自启动程序数量

function getLoginStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 登录检查 ############################”
last | head

function getNetworkStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 网络检查 ############################”
if [[ $centosVersion < 7 ]];then
/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep -v packets | grep -v collisions | grep -v inet6
#ip a
for i in $(ip link | grep BROADCAST | awk -F: ‘{print $2}’);do ip add show $i | grep -E “BROADCAST|global”| awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲' | tr '\n' ' '…(ip route | grep default | awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲') DNS=(grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf| grep -v “#” | awk ‘{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲' | tr '\n' ','…//’)
echo “”
echo “网关: G A T E W A Y " e c h o " D N S : GATEWAY " echo " DNS: GATEWAY"echo"DNSDNS”
IP=$(ip -f inet addr | grep -v | grep inet | awk ‘{print $NF,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲' | tr '\n' ','…//’)
MAC=$(ip link | grep -v “LOOPBACK|loopback” | awk ‘{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲' | sed 'N;s/\n…//’)
report_IP="KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 5: IP" #̲IP地址 report\_MA…MAC #MAC地址
report_Gateway=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 10: GATEWAY" #̲默认网关 report\_DN…DNS” #DNS

function getListenStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 监听检查 ############################”
TCPListen= ( s s − n t u l ∣ c o l u m n − t ) e c h o " (ss -ntul | column -t) echo " (ssntulcolumnt)echo"TCPListen"
report_Listen=“ ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"TCPListen”| sed ‘1d’ | awk ‘/tcp/ {print $5}’ | awk -F: ‘{print $NF}’ | sort | uniq | wc -l)"

function getCronStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 计划任务检查 ########################”
for shell in $(grep -v “/sbin/nologin” /etc/shells);do
for user in ( g r e p " (grep " (grep"shell" /etc/passwd| awk -F: ‘{print $1}’);do
crontab -l -u KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 19: …r >/dev/null 2>&̲1 status=?
if [ s t a t u s − e q 0 ] ; t h e n e c h o " status -eq 0 ];then echo " statuseq0];thenecho"user"
echo “--------”
crontab -l -u u s e r l e t C r o n t a b = C r o n t a b + user let Crontab=Crontab+ userletCrontab=Crontab+(crontab -l -u KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 36: …" fi done done #̲计划任务 find /etc/…(find /etc/cron* -type f | wc -l)
report_Crontab=“$Crontab” #计划任务数
function getHowLongAgo(){


datetime=“KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \* at position 1: \̲*̲" [ -z "datetime” ] && echo "错误的参数:getHowLongAgo() KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \* at position 1: \̲*̲" Timestamp=(date +%s -d “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 12: datetime") #̲转化为时间戳 Now\_Tim…(date +%s)
Difference_Timestamp= ( ( (( ((Now_Timestamp- T i m e s t a m p ) ) d a y s = 0 ; h o u r s = 0 ; m i n u t e s = 0 ; s e c _ i n _ d a y = Timestamp)) days=0;hours=0;minutes=0; sec\_in\_day= Timestamp))days=0;hours=0;minutes=0;sec_in_day=((60*60*24));
while (( ( ( (( ((Difference_Timestamp-$sec_in_day)) > 1 ))
let Difference_Timestamp=Difference_Timestamp-sec_in_day
let days++
while (( ( ( (( ((Difference_Timestamp- s e c _ i n _ h o u r ) ) > 1 ) ) d o l e t D i f f e r e n c e _ T i m e s t a m p = D i f f e r e n c e T i m e s t a m p − s e c i n h o u r l e t h o u r s + + d o n e e c h o " sec\_in\_hour)) > 1 )) do let Difference\_Timestamp=Difference_Timestamp-sec_in_hour let hours++ done echo " sec_in_hour))>1))doletDifference_Timestamp=DifferenceTimestampsecinhourlethours++doneecho"days 天 $hours 小时前”

function getUserLastLogin(){


很遗憾last命令不支持显示年份,只有"last -t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"表示某个时间之间的登录,我



u s e r n a m e : = " ‘ w h o a m i ‘ " t h i s Y e a r = {username:="`whoami`"} thisYear= username:="‘whoami‘"thisYear=(date +%Y)
oldesYear=$(last | tail -n1 | awk ‘{print $NF}’)
while(( $thisYear >= o l d e s Y e a r ) ) ; d o l o g i n B e f o r e T o d a y = oldesYear));do loginBeforeToday= oldesYear));dologinBeforeToday=(last $username | grep u s e r n a m e ∣ w c − l ) l o g i n B e f o r e N e w Y e a r s D a y O f T h i s Y e a r = username | wc -l) loginBeforeNewYearsDayOfThisYear= usernamewcl)loginBeforeNewYearsDayOfThisYear=(last $username -t $thisYear"0101000000" | grep $username | wc -l)
if [ $loginBeforeToday -eq 0 ];then
echo “从未登录过”
elif [ $loginBeforeToday -gt l o g i n B e f o r e N e w Y e a r s D a y O f T h i s Y e a r ] ; t h e n l a s t D a t e T i m e = loginBeforeNewYearsDayOfThisYear ];then lastDateTime= loginBeforeNewYearsDayOfThisYear];thenlastDateTime=(last -i KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …++)printf"%s ",i}')" KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 11: thisYear" #̲格式如: Sat Nov 2 …(date “+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” -d “ l a s t D a t e T i m e " ) e c h o " lastDateTime") echo " lastDateTime")echo"lastDateTime”


function getUserStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 用户检查 ############################”
#/etc/passwd 最后修改时间
pwdfile=" ( c a t / e t c / p a s s w d ) " M o d i f y = (cat /etc/passwd)" Modify= (cat/etc/passwd)"Modify=(stat /etc/passwd | grep Modify | tr ‘.’ ’ ’ | awk ‘{print $2,$3}’)

echo “/etc/passwd 最后修改时间: M o d i f y ( Modify ( Modify((getHowLongAgo $Modify))”
echo “”
echo “特权用户”
echo “--------”
for user in ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"pwdfile" | awk -F: ‘{print $1}’);do
if [ $(id -u u s e r ) − e q 0 ] ; t h e n e c h o " user) -eq 0 ];then echo " user)eq0];thenecho"user"
RootUser=“ R o o t U s e r , RootUser, RootUser,user”
echo “”
echo “用户列表”
echo “--------”
echo “$(
echo “用户名 UID GID HOME SHELL 最后一次登录”
for shell in $(grep -v “/sbin/nologin” /etc/shells);do
for username in ( g r e p " (grep " (grep"shell” /etc/passwd| awk -F: ‘{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 1}̲');do userLastL…(getUserLastLogin u s e r n a m e ) " e c h o " username)" echo " username)"echo"pwdfile" | grep -w “ u s e r n a m e " ∣ g r e p − w " username" |grep -w " username"∣grepw"shell”| awk -F: -v lastlogin=“ ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"userLastLogin” | tr ’ ’ ‘_’)" ‘{print $1,$3,$4,$6,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 12: 7,lastlogin}̲' done let USER…(echo “ p w d f i l e " ∣ g r e p " pwdfile" | grep " pwdfile"∣grep"shell”| wc -l)
)" | column -t
echo “”
echo “空密码用户”
echo “----------”
for shell in $(grep -v “/sbin/nologin” /etc/shells);do
for user in ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"pwdfile" | grep “ s h e l l " ∣ c u t − d : − f 1 ) ; d o r = shell" | cut -d: -f1);do r= shell"∣cutd:f1);dor=(awk -F: '$2==”!!"{print $1}’ /etc/shadow | grep -w $user)
if [ ! -z $r ];then
echo r U S E R E m p t y P a s s w o r d = " r USEREmptyPassword=" rUSEREmptyPassword="USEREmptyPassword,“ r f i d o n e d o n e e c h o " " e c h o " 相同 I D 的用户 " e c h o " − − − − − − − − − − − − " U S E R T h e S a m e U I D = " " U I D s = r fi done done echo "" echo "相同ID的用户" echo "------------" USERTheSameUID="" UIDs= rfidonedoneecho""echo"相同ID的用户"echo""USERTheSameUID=""UIDs=(cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd | sort | uniq -c | awk ‘$1>1{print $2}’)
for uid in U I D s ; d o e c h o − n " UIDs;do echo -n " UIDs;doechon"uid”;
USERTheSameUID=“ u i d " r = uid" r= uid"r=(awk -F: 'ORS=”“; 3 = = ′ " 3=='" 3=="uid”’{print “:”,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 1}̲' /etc/passwd) …r"
echo “”
USERTheSameUID=“$USERTheSameUID KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 10: r," done #̲报表信息 report\_US…USERs” #用户
report_USEREmptyPassword=$(echo U S E R E m p t y P a s s w o r d ∣ s e d ′ s / , / / ′ ) r e p o r t _ U S E R T h e S a m e U I D = USEREmptyPassword | sed 's/^,//') report\_USERTheSameUID= USEREmptyPasswordseds/,//)report_USERTheSameUID=(echo U S E R T h e S a m e U I D ∣ s e d ′ s / , USERTheSameUID | sed 's/, USERTheSameUIDseds/,//')
report_RootUser=$(echo $RootUser | sed ‘s/^,//’) #特权用户

function getPasswordStatus {
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 密码检查 ############################”
pwdfile=“$(cat /etc/passwd)”
echo “”
echo “密码过期检查”
echo “------------”
for shell in $(grep -v “/sbin/nologin” /etc/shells);do
for user in ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"pwdfile" | grep " s h e l l " ∣ c u t − d : − f 1 ) ; d o g e t _ e x p i r y _ d a t e = shell" | cut -d: -f1);do get\_expiry\_date= shell"∣cutd:f1);doget_expiry_date=(/usr/bin/chage -l $user | grep ‘Password expires’ | cut -d: -f2)
if [[ $get_expiry_date = ’ never’ || $get_expiry_date = ‘never’ ]];then
printf “%-15s 永不过期\n” u s e r r e s u l t = " user result=" userresult="result, u s e r : n e v e r " e l s e p a s s w o r d _ e x p i r y _ d a t e = user:never" else password\_expiry\_date= user:never"elsepassword_expiry_date=(date -d “ g e t _ e x p i r y _ d a t e " " + c u r r e n t _ d a t e = get\_expiry\_date" "+%s") current\_date= get_expiry_date""+current_date=(date “+%s”)
diff= ( ( (( ((password_expiry_date- c u r r e n t _ d a t e ) ) l e t D A Y S = current\_date)) let DAYS= current_date))letDAYS=(($diff/(60*60*24)))
printf “%-15s %s天后过期\n” $user D A Y S r e s u l t = " DAYS result=" DAYSresult="result, u s e r : user: user:DAYS days”
report_PasswordExpiry=$(echo $result | sed ‘s/^,//’)

echo “”
echo “密码策略检查”
echo “------------”
grep -v “#” /etc/login.defs | grep -E “PASS_MAX_DAYS|PASS_MIN_DAYS|PASS_MIN_LEN|PASS_WARN_AGE”


function getSudoersStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ Sudoers检查 #########################”
conf=KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '^' at position 11: (grep -v "^̲#" /etc/sudoers…/d’)
echo “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 15: conf" echo "" #̲报表信息 report\_Su…(echo $conf | wc -l)”

function getInstalledStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 软件检查 ############################”
rpm -qa --last | head | column -t

function getProcessStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 进程检查 ############################”
if [ $(ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | wc -l) -ge 1 ];then
echo “”
echo “僵尸进程”;
echo “--------”
ps -ef | head -n1
ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep
echo “”
echo “内存占用TOP10”
echo “-------------”
$(ps aux | awk '{print $2, $4, $6, KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 3: 11}̲' | sort -k3rn …(ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep|wc -l)”

function getJDKStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ JDK检查 #############################”
java -version 2>/dev/null
if [ KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 32: …ava -version 2>&̲1 fi echo "JAVA…JAVA_HOME""
report_JDK=“$(java -version 2>&1 | grep version | awk '{print $1,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲' | tr -d '"')"…(getState rsyslog)”
echo “”
echo “/etc/rsyslog.conf”
echo “-----------------”
cat /etc/rsyslog.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -v “^#” | grep -v “^\KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '^' at position 11: " | sed '/^̲/d’ | column -t
report_Syslog=”$(getState rsyslog)"
function getFirewallStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ 防火墙检查 ##########################”
if [[ KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 68: …s >/dev/null 2>&̲1 status=?
if [ $status -eq 0 ];then
elif [ $status -eq 3 ];then
elif [ s t a t u s − e q 4 ] ; t h e n s = " p e r m i s s i o n d e n i e d " e l s e s = " u n k n o w n " f i e l s e s = " status -eq 4 ];then s="permission denied" else s="unknown" fi else s=" statuseq4];thens="permissiondenied"elses="unknown"fielses="(getState iptables)"
echo “iptables: KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 114: …es 2>/dev/null #̲报表信息 report\_Fi…s”

function getSNMPStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ SNMP检查 ############################”
status=“ ( g e t S t a t e s n m p d ) " e c h o " 服务状态: (getState snmpd)" echo "服务状态: (getStatesnmpd)"echo"服务状态:status”
echo “”
if [ -e /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf ];then
echo “/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf”
echo “--------------------”
cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -v “^#” | sed '/^KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 8: /d' fi #̲报表信息 report\_SN…(getState snmpd)"

function getState(){
if [[ $centosVersion < 7 ]];then
if [ -e “/etc/init.d/$1” ];then
if [ /etc/init.d/$1 status 2>/dev/null | grep -E "is running|正在运行" | wc -l -ge 1 ];then
#CentOS 7+
r=“$(systemctl is-active KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 5: 1 2>&̲1)" fi echo "r”

function getSSHStatus(){
echo “”
echo “”
echo “############################ SSH检查 #############################”
pwdfile=“ ( c a t / e t c / p a s s w d ) " e c h o " 服务状态: (cat /etc/passwd)" echo "服务状态: (cat/etc/passwd)"echo"服务状态:(getState sshd)”
Protocol_Version=$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Protocol | awk '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 2}̲') echo "SSH协议版…Protocol_Version"
echo “”
echo “信任主机”
echo “--------”
for user in ( e c h o " (echo " (echo"pwdfile" | grep /bin/bash | awk -F: '{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 1}̲');do authorize…(echo “$pwdfile” | grep -w $user | awk -F: '{printf KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 26: …thorized\_keys"}̲') authorized\_…(cat $authorize_file 2>/dev/null | awk ‘{print KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 2: 3}̲' | tr '\n' ','…//’)
if [ ! -z a u t h o r i z e d _ h o s t ] ; t h e n e c h o " authorized\_host ];then echo " authorized_host];thenecho"user 授权 "KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at position 19: …horized\_host\" ̲无密码访问" fi let a…(cat $authorize_file 2>/dev/null | awk ‘{print $3}’|wc -l)

echo “”
echo “是否允许ROOT远程登录”
echo “--------------------”
config= ( c a t / e t c / s s h / s s h d _ c o n f i g ∣ g r e p P e r m i t R o o t L o g i n ) f i r s t C h a r = (cat /etc/ssh/sshd\_config | grep PermitRootLogin) firstChar= (cat/etc/ssh/sshd_configgrepPermitRootLogin)firstChar={config:0:1}
if [ KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 15: firstChar == "#̲" ];then Permit…(echo $config | awk ‘{print $2}’)
echo “PermitRootLogin $PermitRootLogin”

echo “”
echo “/etc/ssh/sshd_config”
echo “--------------------”
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v “^#” | sed ‘/^$/d’

report_SSHAuthorized=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 13: authorized" #̲SSH信任主机 report\…Protocol_Version” #SSH协议版本
report_SSHDPermitRootLogin=“KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 18: …rmitRootLogin" #̲允许root远程登录 } fu…(getState ntpd)”
echo “”
echo “/etc/ntp.conf”
echo “-------------”
cat /etc/ntp.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -v “^#” | sed '/^KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 8: /d' fi #̲报表信息 report\_NT…(getState ntpd)"

function uploadHostDailyCheckReport(){
“DateTime”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …\"Hostname\":\"report_Hostname”,
“OSRelease”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …, \"Kernel\":\"report_Kernel”,
“Language”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …LastReboot\":\"report_LastReboot”,
“Uptime”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …\", \"CPUs\":\"report_CPUs”,
“CPUType”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …\", \"Arch\":\"report_Arch”,










ptime":“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …\", \"CPUs\":\"report_CPUs”,
“CPUType”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected group as argument to '\"' at end of input: …\", \"Arch\":\"report_Arch”,












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