- A. 控制台实用命令——commandline
- B. 常数类——constants
- C. ROP——ROP类
- D. SROP——SigReturnFrame类
- E. FILE结构体——FileStructure类
- F. 格式化字符串漏洞工具——FmtStr类
- G. 数据打包实用函数——pwnlib/util/packing.py
A. 控制台实用命令——commandline
1. asm
命令用法:pwn asm [-h] [-f {raw,hex,string,elf}] [-o file] [-c context] [-v AVOID] [-n] [-z] [-d] [-e ENCODER] [-i INFILE] [-r] [line ...]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f {raw,hex,string,elf}, --format {raw,hex,string,elf}
Output format (defaults to hex for ttys, otherwise raw)
-o file, --output file
Output file (defaults to stdout)
-c context, --context context
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
-v AVOID, --avoid AVOID
Encode the shellcode to avoid the listed bytes (provided as hex)
-n, --newline Encode the shellcode to avoid newlines
-z, --zero Encode the shellcode to avoid NULL bytes
-d, --debug Debug the shellcode with GDB
-e ENCODER, --encoder ENCODER
Specific encoder to use
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
Specify input file
-r, --run Run output
2. checksec
usage: pwn checksec [-h] [--file [elf ...]] [elf ...]
Check binary security settings
positional arguments:
elf Files to check
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file [elf ...] File to check (for compatibility with checksec.sh)
3. constgrep
usage: pwn constgrep [-h] [-e] [-i] [-m] [-c arch_or_os] regex [constant]
Looking up constants from header files.
Example: constgrep -c freebsd -m ^PROT_ '3 + 4'
positional arguments:
regex The regex matching constant you want to find
constant The constant to find
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --exact Do an exact match for a constant instead of searching for a regex
-i, --case-insensitive
Search case insensitive
-m, --mask-mode Instead of searching for a specific constant value, search for values not containing strictly less bits that the given value.
-c arch_or_os, --context arch_or_os
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
这个命令的功能有点意思。我们都知道在C语言标准库中有很多的宏定义常量,如mmap中的映射选项、读写权限选项等,有的时候,这种常量可能很多,在IDA中查看源码的时候,IDA当然是不可能会将函数传入的常数转换为这种宏定义的,这就会让我们阅读代码带来一定的困难,还需要去查阅源码才能知道传入常量的具体含义。而constgrep命令则允许我们通过一定的正则匹配筛选出源码中的常量,然后根据我们给出的值自动进行或操作拼接,最终给出原本的宏定义含义。如输入命令constgrep -c amd64 -m ^PROT_ 7,其输出如下:
#define PROT_NONE 0x0
#define PROT_READ 0x1
#define PROT_WRITE 0x2
#define PROT_EXEC 0x4
4. cyclic
usage: pwn cyclic [-h] [-a alphabet] [-n length] [-c context] [-l lookup_value | count]
Cyclic pattern creator/finder
positional arguments:
count Number of characters to print
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a alphabet, --alphabet alphabet
The alphabet to use in the cyclic pattern (defaults to all lower case letters)
-n length, --length length
Size of the unique subsequences (defaults to 4).
-c context, --context context
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
-l lookup_value, -o lookup_value, --offset lookup_value, --lookup lookup_value
Do a lookup instead printing the alphabet
5. debug
usage: pwn debug [-h] [-x GDBSCRIPT] [--pid PID] [-c context] [--exec EXECUTABLE] [--process PROCESS_NAME] [--sysroot SYSROOT]
Debug a binary in GDB
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x GDBSCRIPT Execute GDB commands from this file.
--pid PID PID to attach to
-c context, --context context
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
--exec EXECUTABLE File to debug
--process PROCESS_NAME
Name of the process to attach to (e.g. "bash")
--sysroot SYSROOT GDB sysroot path
6. disablenx
7. disasm
usage: pwn disasm [-h] [-c arch_or_os] [-a address] [--color] [--no-color] [hex ...]
Disassemble bytes into text format
positional arguments:
hex Hex-string to disassemble. If none are supplied, then it uses stdin in non-hex mode.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c arch_or_os, --context arch_or_os
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
-a address, --address address
Base address
--color Color output
--no-color Disable color output
8. elfdiff
9. elfpatch
usage: pwn elfpatch [-h] elf offset bytes
Patch an ELF file
positional arguments:
elf File to patch
offset Offset to patch in virtual address (hex encoded)
bytes Bytes to patch (hex encoded)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
10. errno
11. hex
12. libcdb
pwn libcdb file [LIBC]:通过给定libc打印其哈希、关键函数偏移等
pwn libcdb lookup [FUNC] [OFFSET]:通过给定函数和偏移查询候选libc,推测是使用LibcSearcher引擎,较新的libc可能搜不到
pwn libcdb hash [HASH_VALUE]:通过给定哈希值获取libc,不常用
13. phd
14. pwnstrip
15. scramble
usage: pwn scramble [-h] [-f {raw,hex,string,elf}] [-o file] [-c context] [-p] [-v AVOID] [-n] [-z] [-d]
Shellcode encoder
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f {raw,hex,string,elf}, --format {raw,hex,string,elf}
Output format (defaults to hex for ttys, otherwise raw)
-o file, --output file
Output file (defaults to stdout)
-c context, --context context
The os/architecture/endianness/bits the shellcode will run in (default: linux/i386), choose from: ['16', '32', '64', 'android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux',
'windows', 'powerpc64', 'aarch64', 'powerpc', 'sparc64', 'mips64', 'msp430', 'alpha', 'amd64', 'riscv', 'sparc', 'thumb', 'cris', 'i386', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 's390',
'none', 'avr', 'arm', 'vax', 'little', 'big', 'be', 'eb', 'le', 'el']
-p, --alphanumeric Encode the shellcode with an alphanumeric encoder
-v AVOID, --avoid AVOID
Encode the shellcode to avoid the listed bytes
-n, --newline Encode the shellcode to avoid newlines
-z, --zero Encode the shellcode to avoid NULL bytes
-d, --debug Debug the shellcode with GDB
这个命令看上去应该是一个shellcode的解码器,支持将shellcode解码成全字母,允许定义黑名单等,但是笔者在全网都没有搜到这个命令的一个使用的例子,试了各种方法命令运行都报错,甚至连new bing返回的结果都是错的。不过想要实现全字母shellcode还能用AE64。若有读者知道这个命令到底是怎么用的,还请不吝赐教。