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原创 C语言|Project 10: Graph Search

Graphs are often used to generate interesting games.In this assignment, you will implement depth-first and breadth-first search algorithms. Given a problem, your implementation will not only find a goal, but find a complete solution — a path to a goal. You

2024-06-24 14:23:47 1691

原创 软件开发|COMP2013-Developing Maintainable Software Coursework

Assessment: The marks will be split as follows: 15% for git use (e.g. push, branch, merge, providing .gitignore) 30% for refactoring 30% for additions 15% for documentation (Readme file + source code documentation) 10% for the demonstration vide

2024-06-22 15:16:33 375

原创 计算机建模| FIT3139 Computational Modelling and Simulation – PAPER 1

Question 1 [10 marks = 5 + 5 ]This question is about errors and computer arithmetic.A) Determine an expression that approximates the condition number for the followingfunction:f(x) = e3x2+1B) Explain what are the implications of the condition number b

2024-06-22 10:21:25 445

原创 Python | PHYS2320 Computing 2 2019-20 Assessed Coursework

PHYS2320 Computing 2 2019-20 Assessed CourseworkCoursework1 IntroductionThis document will give you all the details for the main project part of your Computing 2 AssessedCoursework. This project carries a total of 85% of the credit for the overall modu

2024-06-21 14:34:37 854

原创 COMP9727: Recommender Systems

COMP9727: Recommender SystemsAssignment: Content-Based Movie RecommendationDue Date:Week 4, Friday, June 21, 5:00 p.m.Value:30%This assignment is inspired by a typical application of recommender systems. The task is tobuild a content-based “movie

2024-06-21 14:15:24 800

原创 数据库| CSCI235/CSCI835 Database Systems Assignment 2

这个作业是完成与数据库事务的实现有关的任务CSCI235/CSCI835 Database SystemsAssignment 227 April 2020ScopeThis assignment includes the tasks related to implementation of database transactions.The outcomes of the laboratory work are due by Saturday 16 May, 2020, 7.00 pm(sh

2024-06-20 17:12:54 357

原创 Excel| BISM7202 MS Office Assignment – Office 365 Excel 2019

This assignment requires you to create a professional business application using MicrosoftExcel 2019 / Microsoft Excel 365. The assignment is worth 40% of your grade in this course.This is an individual assignment – group work or any collaboration on the

2024-06-20 15:02:10 458

原创 R|Final Coursework Introduction to Quantitative Methods (PUBL0055)

Presentation (10 marks)Points will bedeductedfor bad presentation, which includes (but is not limited to):Section 1:Corruption Incidence and Local Health Councils in BrazilThe relationship between well-functioning local institutions and corruptio

2024-06-20 10:47:19 423

原创 Python| ACS6101: Foundations of Control Systems

ACS6101: Foundations of Control SystemsPeriod: Weeks 1-3Dr Viktor Fedun, v.fedun@sheffield.ac.uk, Room C9 Amy Johnson BuildingProfessor George Panoutsos, g.panoutsos@sheffield.ac.uk, Room B15 Amy Johnson BuildingAssignment weighting50% of moduleAssig

2024-06-19 17:27:41 612

原创 数据库 | CSCI235/CSCI835 Database Systems Assignment 2

CSCI235/CSCI835 Database SystemsAssignment 227 April 2020ScopeThis assignment includes the tasks related to implementation of database transactions.The outcomes of the laboratory work are due by Saturday 16 May, 2020, 7.00 pm(sharp).Please read very

2024-06-19 15:06:24 870

原创 C++|Assignment 1 – Task-Oriented Project

Submission Instructions:Your project must be submitted as a Visual Studio project OR Visual Studio Code, including your project files, and any appropriate text files to ensure the program compiles and runs.You may complete the tasks in your preferred I

2024-06-19 11:40:56 632

原创 CS9053 Section I Assignment 7

Introduction to JavaCS9053 Section IThursday 6 PM – 8:30 PMProf. Dean ChristakosAssignment 7March 16th, 2024Due: March 28th, 2024 11:59 PMPart I: Working with stacks and queues1.A stack parameterized with the type E has the following metho

2024-06-18 17:59:50 485

原创 Python| XJCO3011 Coursework 2 – Building a Search Tool

In this project, you will develop a search tool that can:1) Crawl the pages of a website.2) Create an inverted index of all word occurrences in the pages of a website.3) Allow the user to find pages containing certain search terms.The website you will

2024-06-18 16:43:43 308

原创 CISC 360 Assignment 3

In this assignment, we represent a logical formula as the data type Formula. Every Formula has one of the following forms:type Variable = Stringdata Formula = Top — truth (always true)| Bot — falsehood (contradiction)| And Formula Formula — conjunc

2024-06-18 16:25:03 572

原创 数据结构代写 | CS261 Data Structures Assignment 3

CS261 Data StructuresAssignment 3Your Very Own Linked List and Binary Search PracticePart 1 – Summary and Specific Instructions1. Implement Deque and Bag ADT interfaces with a Singly Linked List data structure bycompleting the skeleton code provided

2024-06-17 17:25:34 357

原创 ACCT10002 Introduction to Financial Accounting

ACCT10002 Introduction to Financial AccountingSummer 2023Final Exam PreparationGeneral InformationoPrepare your notesoAsk questionsoDon’t panicoRead the Exam paper questions then read them againoShow workings on Answer sheetoTopic 1

2024-06-17 17:16:41 415

原创 pythonComputation for the Social Sciences

Please solve the exercises below and submit your solutions to our GitHub Classroom until Dec, 18th midnight. Submit all your code in one executable file (py/ipynb) and your list in one delimited text file (csv).This assignment sheet is graded accordin

2024-06-17 11:21:53 292

原创 Advanced Derivatives FI830

Team Size: 2. You can use all resources and discuss the problems with other teams, but the problems should be solved and written up by each team. There will be penalties for not complying with this regulation,

2024-06-15 14:43:48 474

原创 COMP2017 COMP9017 Assignment 2

COMP2017 COMP9017 Assignment 2Task DescriptionDue: 11:59PM Tuesday 28 March 2023 local Sydney timeThis assignment is worth 5% + 30% of your final assessmentAh, yes, because what the world really needs right now is yet another virtual machine. But

2024-06-15 11:54:41 615

原创 java-数据结构

his programming assignment is for individual work only. You are not allowed to use someone's codes or copy from internet, except for Web Crawler codes. Code plagiarism checker tools (Jplag, MOSS, etc.) will be used to check the similarity of codes. Please

2024-06-14 17:29:43 698

原创 -Software Metrics

To generate control flow graphs and understand how they are used to determine the complexity of program code.Understand how software metrics can be used to measure and improve the quality of software.

2024-06-14 16:07:16 604

原创 MATH 437/537–Assignment 2 Due Feb 9, 2023

rof. A. Khadra1. Consider the following physical quantities and their associated unitsVariables Radius r Energy E Time tAir density ρ Air pressure PUnits (Dimensions)L ML2T−2 TML−3 ML−1T−2 Table 1: M represents the unit of mass.(a) Use

2024-06-14 11:50:24 419

原创 Final project F23 - HackMD Final project

2023/12/4 02:20Final project F23 - HackMDFinal projectOverviewWe have reached the end of the course, congratulations! Take a deep breath. You’ve made it.In this course, we have discussed some of the core protocols and concepts that power the Inte

2024-06-13 17:48:22 772

原创 -DDES9920

DDES9920Information Architecturefor Immersive AestheticsAssessment 1Summary of InformationTitle: Assessment 1 – Information Architecture Analysis andWeighting: Critique 40%Assessment type: Written ReportGroup work: NoSubmission requiremen

2024-06-13 15:49:17 497

原创 -FINC 2011

You should be able to complete this practicefinal exam in 120 minutes plus 10 minutes ofreading time.FINC 2011 Practice Final Exam – S1 2024 Page 2 of 15Question 1 (20 marks)Answer BOTH of the following two questions:A) Most tradition

2024-06-12 16:55:55 688

原创 一篇文章学完所有python知识

实例1:Hello World实例2:计算两数之和实例3:判断奇偶数实例4:使用循环打印乘法表实例5:列表推导式生成平方数列表

2024-06-12 10:48:44 122

原创 python-Artificial Neural Network Script

The first step to creating some complex Artificial Intelligence programs is to first understand how to program a basic Artificial Neural Network (ANN)! ANN’s are brain-inspired systems which replicate the way in which humans learn.

2024-06-11 17:55:34 1607

原创 python-sqlite3使用案例

You will be creating a python module that emulates the behaviour of the built-in module, "sqlite3". Your module will be able to execute SQL statements corresponding to: creating tables, inserting rows, and selecting rows.

2024-06-11 14:25:31 1344

原创 python-Programming Task

You work as a consultant and have been asked by a client to design and implement an algorithm that estimates rainfall adjusted flow rates in a region of interest. The client would like to see a simple example algorithm that can calculate flow with random i

2024-06-11 10:09:13 639



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