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Pro Silverlight 4 in C# for english

Pro Silverlight 4 in C# for english


windows azure platfrom for english

Windows Azure Platform Dec 2009 Introduction As an introduction to our discussion of cloud services, let’s consider a situation that’s typical in today’s medium to large enterprises. Assume a business unit has an immediate need to deploy and maintain an analytics application that it has built internally. The application will provide the business users with valuable business insight that will make the company much more competitive in the marketplace. The business unit has the budget but not the time to implement the solution, and this deployment needs to happen in the next three months. The IT hosting team members understand the requirement, but to deploy an application with IT resources requires coordination among hardware, software, operations, and support teams. Perhaps ordering hardware and preparing the enterprise operating system build itself takes two months. After that, IT has to go through its standard testing process and operations procedures to make sure all the support needs are identified. So, the earliest application delivery date would be in six months. The business owner escalates the urgency of the issue but cannot get past the process boundaries of the enterprise. Ultimately, the business owner establishes an independent IT department funded by the business and delivers the application in three months. Even though the application is delivered, it doesn’t have the enterprise support and operations quality. Now, the CEO and the CTO evaluate the situation at the enterprise level and come to the conclusion that there are too many application instances running redundantly across the enterprise and costing the enterprise millions of dollars in resource and maintenance costs. Therefore, they decide to create a mandate that all the applications need to be migrated to the IT application-hosting infrastructure. Eventually, the business unit ends up creating an exception for its situation and continues running its own IT department, thus costing the overall enterprise on redundant resources. I see these scenarios on a daily basis, and I don’t see a clear solution to the problem unless the entire process and structure in which these organizations operate is revamped, or technology like cloud computing takes off and enterprises embrace it wholeheartedly. How will cloud computing help in this area? To understand, let’s go back to the original business requirement: the business owner has an immediate need to deploy and maintain an analytics application, and the time frame is within three months. The biggest hurdles IT has in deploying this application are not in the application itself but in the dependencies and the process involved in provisioning the infrastructure required to deploy and maintain it. If the cloud computing dream is realized, it will eliminate the need for the application hosting team to be dependent on most of the hardware team requirements, because abstraction of hardware is one of the main tenets of cloud computing, and this abstraction is provided by cloud service providers’ data centers. If the servers’, load balancers’, routers’, and switches’ dependencies are eliminated, the application hosting team could focus solely on deploying the application in the cloud service of its choice, with business approval. In this case, the overall IT agility will improve and better align with the business goals of the enterprise.


Cloud Computing for Dummies for english

了解云计算技术及目前有哪些云计算平台 Introduction Welcome to Cloud Computing For Dummies. You can’t read a technology journal or blog — or even your local newspaper — without coming upon a reference to cloud computing. While there’s been a lot of debate about what cloud computing is and where it’s headed, no one has doubts that it is real. In fact, we think that cloud computing, in all of its forms, is transforming the computing landscape. It will change the way we deploy technology and how we think about the economics of computing. We hope this book provides a perspective on cloud computing and starts your journey of exploration. Cloud computing is more than a service sitting in some remote data center. It’s a set of approaches that can help organizations quickly, effectively add and subtract resources in almost real time. Unlike other approaches, the cloud is as much about the business model as it is about technology. Companies clearly understand that technology is at the heart of how they operate their businesses. Business executives have long been frustrated with the complexities of getting their computing needs met quickly and cost effectively. In a sense, cloud computing has started to become mainstream because these business executives have forced the issue into the forefront. Cloud computing isn’t a quick fix. It requires a lot of thought: Which approach is most appropriate for your company? For example, companies have to decide if they want to use public (external) cloud services or if they want to have private clouds behind their firewalls. How should you architect your internal environment to support the cloud? The cloud environment itself requires a strong foundation of best practices in software development, software architecture, and service management foun- dations. This strong foundation is especially important because most organi- zations combine public and private cloud services. You want to be informed before you start your search. We think this book will give you the context to make informed decisions.


Json.NET simple and library

Json.NET makes working with JSON formatted data in .NET simple. Quickly read and write JSON using LINQ to JSON or serialize your .NET objects with a single method call using the JsonSerializer.


RESTful Web Services 英文版本

你也许曾经建立过可供他人使用的网站,但是,你能否创建可供机器使用的网站?万维网(World Wide Web)不仅仅只是一个巨大的分布式应用——应该把它视为一个分布式计算平台。Web services、聚合(mashup)和Ajax应用都以Web作为平台。而今天的Web services技术早已失去了Web赖以成功的简洁性,它们并不像Web那样工作,并且正日益丧失其原有的优势。\r\n  本书让“Web”回归 Web services。它阐述了如何以你日常所使用的技术访问可编程的Web。其关键就在于REST,它是驱动Web的架构样式。本书包括以下内容:\r\n   ·强调Web基础技术的力量 —— HTTP应用协议、URI命名标准与XML标记语言\r\n  ·介绍面向资源的架构(ROA),设计RESTful Web Services的常识规则集合\r\n  ·揭示RESTful的设计如何比远程过程调用(RPC)更为简单、具有更多功能以及扩展性\r\n  ·包含RESTful Web services的真实案例,如Amazon的简单存储服务与Atom发布协议等\r\n  ·探讨各种流行编程语言的Web services客户端\r\n  ·展示如何用三种流行框架实现RESTful services —— Ruby on Rails、Restlet(基于Java)和Django(基于Python)\r\n  ·关注实际问题,诸如怎样设计和实现RESTful Web services与客户端等\r\n  《RESTful Web Services》是对真实Web services运用REST设计哲学的第一本书。它为你的成功设计树立了最佳实践典范,也为你提供了将设计转化为代码所需的技术。你不妨充分利用可编程 Web的力量——只要与Web合作,而不是与之抵抗。本书将教会你一切。



SQL DELTA 简易教程 在项目开发中,我们通常会建两个数据库,“开发数据库”和“发布数据库”。  开发数据库:提供给Team 成员开发代码时候,测试、调试数据使用;  发布数据库:软件发布时,提交给客户的数据库; 在发布代码的时候,也会发布配套的数据库sql script 给客户。通常情况下,我们就只 发布一个差异数据库sql script 给客户运行一次,保持两边数据库结构的同步。


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