VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1 - 全新的甘特图控件

DevExpress VCL Controls是Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包,所包含的控件有:数据录入、图表、数据分析、导航、布局等。该控件能帮助您创建优异的用户体验,提供高影响力的业务解决方案,并利用您现有的VCL技能为未来构建下一代应用程序。

DevExpress VCL v21.1已于日前正式发布了,新版本发布了全新的甘特图、TreeView控件等,欢迎下载v21.1版本体验!

DevExpress VCL v21.1最新版下载

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VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图1


  • 项目管理的三个视图:甘特图、资源表和时间表
  • 多种任务、依赖和约束类型
  • 手动和自动任务调度
  • 时间刻度自定义
  • 支持重复任务
  • 工作日和假期跟踪
  • 任务、资源和工作分配的自定义域
  • 可自定义的列
  • 支持项目 XML 文件
  • 拖放
  • 滚动和缩放选项
  • 能在应用程序运行之间保留布局设置
  • 撤消/重做历史记录
  • 支持从右到左 (RTL)
  • DirectX 硬件加速



  • 对话框将加载并显示每个扩展类型最近使用的文件列表,就像标准对话框一样。
  • 广泛的并行计算显着加快了与网络文件夹的交互以及文件夹之间的导航。
  • 地址栏显示最近使用的文件夹列表,就像标准对话框一样。
  • 这些对话框具有与标准对话框相同的一组文件和文件夹视图列,您可以为每个文件夹调整大小、重新排列、隐藏和显示列,对话框会在应用程序运行之间保留这些更改。

VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图2

VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图3


全新的DevExpress VCL TreeView和ListView控件是标准VCL TTreeView和TListView控件的可换肤的高性能对应物。 例如,TdxTreeViewControl和TdxListViewControl创建项目的速度分别比标准VCL对应项快80-240和250-420倍,此外我们的控件支持以下功能:

  • 每像素滚动
  • 混合、触摸友好和经典滚动条
  • 全面的DPI awareness
  • 所有DevExpress皮肤
  • 幻灯片 2 of 6

VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图4

VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图5


技术团队正在发布一个新的轻量级安装程序(大小约 110MB),其中不包括演示和文档文件。 尽管如此,在您进行设置过程时,如果决定需要它们,可以选择单独下载和安装演示/文档。

VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图6

Download Manager供新安装程序作为完整安装程序的单独选项。



此功能于2020年11月首次作为社区技术预览 (CTP) 推出,此更新标志着其正式发布,并具有以下增强功能:

  • 支持打印/导出
  • 智能手机导航
  • 自动单元格高度调整
  • 能够自定义标题后缀
  • 多行单元格编辑器的大小模式
  • 能够指定允许的最小单元格宽度





VCL组件DevExpress VCL v21.1新版亮点 - 图7


将新的 'CellBorders' 属性设置为 False 以隐藏布局视图、非模式编辑表单和自定义行布局字段中的单元格边框。



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=====注意:一共2个压缩分卷,这是第1个!===== DevExpress VCL v2012 vol 1.6 Delphi VCL. 包含所有源码、例子、帮助 支持Metro啦! What's New in DevExpress VCL 12.1.6 Release Notes The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 12.1.6. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated. New Features/Changes ExpressLayout Control S170028 - Documentation - Describe runtime object access capabilities in the "On-Form Object Access" topic S170040 - Documentation - Update the "ExpressLayout Control: Resource Strings" topic with resource strings used in customization context menus ExpressTile Control S170009 - Add the capability to determine if a specific point corresponds to a tile control's title using HitTest information Resolved Issues VCL Subscription Q434991 - Data-aware container controls - Format settings are not applied to cells ExpressBars Suite Q440463 - Ribbon - TdxBarApplicationMenu - Check marks displayed for TdxBarLargeButton items appear highly pixelated Q441061 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView opened in a new Ribbon Form created in an application remains visible on screen if this Ribbon Form is closed via its Close button Q425185 - Ribbon Form - Incorrect text color is applied to a maximized form's caption B219006 - TcxBarEditItem - LookupComboBox - An error occurs when moving focus from one lookup bar item to another ExpressDocking Library Q440931 - TdxDockPanel is not activated by clicking the panel's tab in TdxTabContainerDockSite ExpressLayout Control Q434679 - A layout group fires the OnTabChanging event twice if the event's handler calls Application.ProcessMessages Q433283 - A layout group with a label layout item that is set to occupy the entire client area of its group has an incorrect width B218895 - Documentation - Incorrect topic navigation due to a corrupt HLP file (Delphi 7 only) ExpressPrinting System Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly validated for character-based number formats B218627 - TBasedxReportLink descendants - Customized values of the TimeFormat, DateFormat and PageFormat properties are reset to their default values in some cases if default formats have been customized at the TdxComponentPrinter level Q440453 - TdxComponentPrinter - The Date And Time dialog cannot be re-opened after the last time format has been selected in the Available Time Formats list Q435027 - The Print Preview window freezes when invoked from a window located in a DLL file B219022 - TreeList Report Link - Rich text formatting is missing when printing cxRichEdit columns ExpressQuantumGrid Suite Q404033 - An exception is thrown when the selection is modified within the View's OnSelectionChanged event handler Q430561 - Assigning a Table View column to a Layout View data item or Card View row modifies the assignee's GroupIndex property Q434910 - Compilation errors occur after the View's Navigator.InfoPanel.OnClick event handler has been created at design time due to the missing cxNavigator unit in the 'uses' clause Q437880 - Data-aware Views - The "RecordIndex out of range" exception is thrown when removing a record if the View contains unbound columns Q433982 - Data-aware Views - The "RowIndex out of range" exception is thrown when updating the TClientDataSet bound to the View within a form's OnDestroy event handler using EmptyDataSet, etc. B218884 - Layout View - Card captions and currently focused items are incorrectly painted in selected cards B218883 - Layout View - Cell content areas are hot-tracked regardless of the View's OptionsBehavior.ItemHotTrack property value B218885 - Layout View - The text color specified in the View's Styles.OnGetItemStyle event handler is not applied to card layout items Q438267 - Server Mode - Clicking a Filter Row cell in a column containing Null values throws the "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)" exception Q435475 - Tabular and Layout Views - The View does not synchronize edit value changes with the data controller in the OnEditChanged event handler if DataController.Options includes dcoImmediatePost, and a grid item's Properties.ImmediatePost property is set to True ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite Q434260 - TcxDBTreeList refreshes all data if a bound dataset was edited via the TreeList control when the OptionsData.SmartRefresh property is set to True Q435693 - TcxTreeList - An AV occurs when adding nodes in RAD Studio XE3 at design time ExpressScheduler Suite Q431232 - cxDateNavigator - The date navigator does not maintain the number of selected weeks always visible on screen when scrolling months backwards Q433746 - Day View - Resizing an event that lasts more than one day past 11:59pm increases the event's duration by one day if the ShowAllDayEventsInContentArea property is set to True ExpressSkins Library Q435604 - TdxBevel - Additional colors are not defined for the control in the Blueprint, DevExpressStyle, Seven, SevenClassic, VS2010, and Whiteprint skins Q436337 - The Skin Editor does not generate skin packages for RAD Studio XE3 ExpressSpreadSheet B218380 - The TcxSSViewInfoData record fields in the cxSSViewInfo.hpp file generated by a C++Builder application have an invalid alignment ExpressTile Control Q432087 - cxDateEdit controls are not displayed on a detail page when activating this page for the second and subsequent times in Windows XP B218389 - Focus does not move to the previous/next row when it passes the first/last tile within the current row if a tile control's OptionsBehavior.FocusItemOnCycle property is set to True ExpressVerticalGrid Suite Q439250 - Closing the Customization form does not disable the customization mode in error Common Libraries ExpressEditors Library Q431767 - TdxDBBreadcrumbEdit does not update its content after a new record is inserted into a database table in XE2 Update 4 Q434043 - Background and text colors are not applied to a read-only editor if its Properties.ReadOnly property is set via RepositoryItem Q434045 - cxMemo - Scrollbars are not shown if the editor is the last object in a DFM file, the editor has no text, and its Properties.ScrollBars property is set to ssBoth at design time B218869 - dxBreadCrumbEdit - A node's DeleteChildren method does not update the node's HasChildren property Q437728 - dxBreadcrumbEdit - An AV occurs when clicking the Root in a node's drop-down window when the selected node's children are repopulated within an OnPathSelect event handler B213307 - ExpressEditors are erroneously painted by VCL styles, as if they are standard VCL editors Q436036 - Some editors discard changes to the edit value if these changes were made by pasting data from the clipboard, using the Backspace key, etc. Q433948 - TcxImage - Intersections with other transparent DevExpress editors may appear distorted Q440954 - TcxScrollBox - The Create method does not use the GetViewInfoClass method Q436691 - TcxShellBrowserDialog - Memory leaks when selecting a file or folder in the dialog and clicking the OK button Q432788 - TcxSplitter - In Delphi 2010 and later, changes to the AlignSplitter property erroneously cause form resizing Q434498 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit - An AV occurs when selecting a file in a linked shell tree view B218303 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit - Files selected in a linked shell tree view are added as nodes (folders) to the breadcrumb editor ExpressLibrary Q432285 - TdxScreenTip - An AV occurs when displaying hints for ExpressQuantumGrid cells after ScreenTips have been shown by hint controllers located on other forms


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