A1095 Cars on Campus (30 分)

using namespace std;
struct record
	char id[10];
	int time;
	bool s;//in/out
}rec[10010], valid[10010];

map<string, int> parktime;//车牌号-总停留时间

bool cmp(record a, record b)
	if (strcmp(a.id, b.id) != 0) return strcmp(a.id, b.id) < 0;
	else  return a.time < b.time;

bool cmpt(record a, record b)
	return a.time < b.time;
int time(int hh, int mm, int ss)//化为秒计算时间的函数
	return hh * 3600 + mm * 60 + ss;
int main()
	int n, k;//n-records k-queries
	scanf("%d %d", &n, &k);
	char temp[20];
	int hh, mm, ss;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)//input records
		scanf("%s", rec[i].id);
		scanf("%d:%d:%d", &hh, &mm, &ss);
		scanf("%s", temp);
		rec[i].time = time(hh, mm, ss);
		if (strcmp(temp, "in") == 0) rec[i].s = 1;//in时为1,out为0
		else rec[i].s = 0;
	sort(rec, rec + n, cmp);//第一次对全体sort 按照车牌号时间sort
	//输入完记录 开始整理有效记录
	int num = 0;//有效记录的计数
	int maxstay = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
		if (rec[i].s == 1 && rec[i + 1].s == 0 && strcmp(rec[i].id, rec[i + 1].id) == 0)
			valid[num++] = rec[i];
			valid[num++] = rec[i + 1];//最后的num为有效记录数
			int stay = rec[i + 1].time - rec[i].time;//停留时间
			if (parktime.count(rec[i].id) == 0) { parktime[rec[i].id] = 0; }//键id第一次出现时候,置零 count为小括号
			parktime[rec[i].id] += stay;
			maxstay = max(maxstay, parktime[rec[i].id]);
	sort(valid, valid + num, cmpt);//第二次按照时间先后顺序sort 方便后面按照时间确定进出车数量
	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
		scanf("%d:%d:%d", &hh, &mm, &ss);
		int nowtime = time(hh, mm, ss);
		int parknum = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < num&&nowtime >= valid[j].time; j++)
			if (valid[j].s == 1) parknum++;//当是in时候,停车数加一
			else parknum--;
		printf("%d\n", parknum);
	map<string, int>::iterator it;
	for (it = parktime.begin(); it != parktime.end(); it++)//新学到的map用法
		if (it->second == maxstay) printf("%s ", it->first.c_str());
		//第一次见到.c_str()的用法(注意str后面还有括号) string里面的输出,要在c下输出需要加这个,还可以加iostream的头文件,然后用cout输出
	printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", maxstay / 3600, maxstay % 3600 / 60, maxstay % 60);
	return 0;

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Sure, I can generate an English speech on the topic of modern technology for you. Here it is: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The topic for my speech today is modern technology. Technology has transformed our lives in many ways, and it is difficult to imagine a world without it. One of the most significant technological advancements has been the internet. The internet has enabled us to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world, and has made the world a smaller place. It has also revolutionized industries such as e-commerce, social media, and online education. Another technological advancement that has changed the way we live our lives is smartphones. These pocket-sized devices have become an indispensable part of our daily routine, allowing us to stay connected on the go, take photos and videos, and access information at our fingertips. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have also transformed the way we live and work. Self-driving cars, virtual assistants, and chatbots are just some of the ways in which AI is making our lives easier and more efficient. However, with every new technological development, there are also concerns about privacy, security, and the impact on jobs. It is important that we continue to investigate these issues and ensure that technology is used ethically. In conclusion, modern technology has had a tremendous impact on our lives, and it will continue to do so in the future. It is up to us to embrace these advancements while also being mindful of their potential effects. Thank you.


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