A Game

A Game
IOI'96 - Day 1
Consider the following two-player game played with a sequence of N positive integers (2 = N = 100) laid onto a game board. Player 1 starts the game. The players move alternately by selecting a number from either the left or the right end of the sequence. That number is then deleted from the board, and its value is added to the score of the player who selected it. A player wins if his sum is greater than his opponents.
Write a program that implements the optimal strategy. The optimal strategy yields maximum points when playing against the best possible opponent. Your program must further implement an optimal strategy for player 2.
Line 1     N, the size of the board
Line 2-etc     N integers in the range (1..200) that are the contents of the game board, from left to right
SAMPLE INPUT (file game1.in)
4 7 2 9
5 2
Two space-separated integers on a line the score of Player 1 followed by the score of Player 2.
SAMPLE OUTPUT (file game1.out)
18 11
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Sure, here's a possible implementation of the game using the classes described: ```python import random class Die: """Class representing a 6-sided die.""" def __init__(self): self.value = None def roll(self): """Rolls the die and sets its value to a random integer between 1 and 6.""" self.value = random.randint(1, 6) class DiceCup: """Class representing a cup containing five dice.""" def __init__(self): self.dice = [Die() for _ in range(5)] self.banked_dice = [] def roll(self): """Rolls all non-banked dice in the cup.""" for die in self.dice: if die not in self.banked_dice: die.roll() def bank(self, index): """Banks the die at the specified index.""" self.banked_dice.append(self.dice[index]) del self.dice[index] def release(self, index): """Releases the die at the specified index from the bank.""" self.dice.append(self.banked_dice[index]) del self.banked_dice[index] class ShipOfFoolsGame: """Class representing the game logic.""" def __init__(self, winning_score): self.winning_score = winning_score def play_round(self, players): """Plays one round of the game with the given players.""" for player in players: player.play_round(self) winner = max(players, key=lambda p: p.score) print(f"Player {winner.id} wins the round with a score of {winner.score}") if winner.score >= self.winning_score: print(f"Player {winner.id} wins the game with a total score of {winner.score}") return True else: return False class Player: """Class representing a player.""" def __init__(self, id): self.id = id self.score = 0 def play_round(self, game): """Plays one round of the game.""" cup = DiceCup() cup.roll() for i in range(5): if i in [0, 1, 2] and cup.dice[i].value == i+4: cup.bank(i) elif i == 3 and cup.dice[i].value == 5: cup.bank(i) elif i == 4 and cup.dice[i].value == 6: cup.bank(i) cup.roll() self.score += sum(cup.banked_dice) class PlayRoom: """Class representing a room with multiple players and a game.""" def __init__(self, num_players, winning_score): self.players = [Player(i+1) for i in range(num_players)] self.game = ShipOfFoolsGame(winning_score) def play_game(self): """Plays the game until a player reaches the winning score.""" while not self.game.play_round(self.players): pass ``` In this implementation, the `Die` class represents a 6-sided die and has a `roll()` method that generates a random value between 1 and 6. The `DiceCup` class represents a cup containing five dice and has methods for rolling all non-banked dice, banking and releasing individual dice, and calculating the score of the banked dice. The `ShipOfFoolsGame` class represents the game logic and has a `play_round()` method that lets each player play a round of the game, calculates the winner, and checks if the game has been won. The `Player` class represents a player and has a `play_round()` method that plays a round of the game for that player, using a `DiceCup` object and following the game rules. Finally, the `PlayRoom` class represents a room with multiple players and a `ShipOfFoolsGame` object, and has a `play_game()` method that plays the game until a player reaches the winning score.


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