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原创 NOIP OIer光荣退役记


2017-11-13 18:25:51 1160 1

原创 Python——简单的TCP & UDP 服务器 和 相应的客户端编程

Python——简单的TCP & UDP 服务器 和 相应的客户端编程前言 :本文参考了一些da lao的博客和其他学习网站,这里加以我自己的理解,总结出此文。欢迎大佬们指点。。ps: csdn 莫名其妙会吞我制表符和空格,所以若排版看着不爽,,,忍着吧。。。BEFORE WE CODING--------------

2017-10-28 11:02:57 578

原创 C++&Pascal——用DEV C++/free pascal制作dll,并用C++/Pascal调用

dll代码:library DllNames;procedure ShowHelloWorld;stdcall;begin assign(output,'DLL.out'); rewrite(output); write('hello world'); close(output);end;exports

2017-08-19 11:19:52 1074

原创 總結——關於2017 11 6測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟11 6T1:题目:点击回复即可查看——正解思路:基础数据结构体,队列操作。——我的乱搞:诶WC,第一反应是数论,,然后推了很久很久,,最后果断 bitset 大暴力DP。——tips:真的勇士,敢于直面惨淡

2017-11-06 21:28:09 508

原创 NOIP 2017 赛前集训总结 C++版


2017-11-05 21:26:15 2977

原创 總結——關於2017 11 3測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟11 3T1:题目:难以置信这竟然会是T1。天呐,我到底参加的是NOI in Provinces还是NOI Plus 啊啊啊。。——正解思路:——我的乱搞:暴力匹配,n * n * m大暴力。。。——ti

2017-11-04 14:13:13 397 1

原创 總結——關於2017 11 2測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟11 2T1:题目:——正解思路:动态规划 / 贪心——我的乱搞:tnnd动态规划写炸了,,,,,,,——tips:我能怎么办,,手动对拍了几组都没卡bug,,,,,你

2017-11-02 18:44:53 1221

原创 C++——【USACO 5.4.3】——Telecowmunication

TelecowmunicationFarmer John's cows like to keep in touch via email so they have created a network of cowputers so that they can intercowmunicate. These machines route email so that if there exi

2017-11-01 21:48:20 532

原创 總結——關於2017 10 31測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 31T1 :题目:这道题很像 NOIP2014 提高组 day 2 T 1,但是数据范围更大,需要用矩阵前缀和预处理。——正解思路:矩阵前缀和。。。——我的乱搞:**没有乱搞,同正解。代码:#pragma GCC optimize("

2017-11-01 08:10:15 473 1

原创 C++——【USACO 5.4.2】——Character Recognition

Character RecognitionThis problem requires you to write a program that performs character recognition.Each ideal character image has 20 lines of 20 digits. Each digit is a `0' or a `1'. See Fi

2017-10-30 22:01:29 567

原创 總結——關於2017 10 30測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 30T1:题目:——正解思路:先把所有人升序排列,然后从大到小找到第一个满足 v[ i ] - v[ i - 1 ] > k 的地方,那么 i , i + 1 ....... N 都有可能获胜。——我的乱搞:**没有乱搞,但题目表意很容易被理解错,差点被样例阴到

2017-10-30 18:25:58 265

原创 總結——關於2017 10 27測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 27前言:学校运动会,而我等蒟蒻又被困在机房考试,不亦悲乎。。。。T1 :题目:——正解思路:——我的乱搞:和很多同学一样,第一题卡到十点,然后打个暴力走人。——tips:第一题以后还是不要花太多时

2017-10-28 09:32:56 358

原创 總結——關於2017 10 26測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 26前言:虽然今天是学校运动会,但作为一名蒟蒻,被困在机房,闻耳旁萧萧声,望眼前坑爹题,,不亦悲乎。。。。。T1: 首先,这道题充满了坑,题目中的某种情况,连出题人都没考虑到。。。。。。gyr da lao 独自在风中凌乱。。。——正解思路:——我的乱搞:

2017-10-27 07:53:54 273

原创 C++&Python——【USACO 5.4.1】——Canada Tour

Canada TourYou have won a contest sponsored by an airline. The prize is a ticket to travel around Canada, beginning in the most western point served by this airline, then traveling only from wes

2017-10-25 20:53:21 1488

原创 C++&Pascal&Python——【USACO 5.3.4】——Big Barn

Big BarnA Special TreatFarmer John wants to place a big square barn on his square farm. He hates to cut down trees on his farm and wants to find a location for his barn that enables him to bui

2017-10-25 16:54:46 375

原创 C++——【USACO 5.3.3】——Network of Schools

Network of SchoolsIOI '96 Day 1 Problem 3A number of schools are connected to a computer network. Agreements have been developed among those schools: each school maintains a list of schools to w

2017-10-25 15:35:50 605

原创 C++——【USACO 5.3.2】——Window Area

Window AreaIV Balkan OlympiadYou've just be assigned the project of implemented a windowing interface. This windowing interface is fairly simple, and fortunately, you don't have to display the a

2017-10-25 09:57:53 466

原创 C++——【USACO 5.3.1】——Milk Measuring

Milk MeasuringHal BurchFarmer John must measure Q (1 Farmer John has always been frugal. He is at the cow hardware store where he must purchase a set of pails with which to measure out Q quart

2017-10-24 20:58:51 547

原创 總結——關於2017 10 24測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 24T1:题目:——正解思路:首先我们用tarjan求出图中的所有的双连通分量,然后我们把每个分量看成一个点,就得到了一棵树。使这棵树变成一个边双连通的,需要添加的边树 = ( 叶子数目 + 1 ) / 2。——我的乱搞:40 % 的求入度暴力,剩下的嘛,,,,,感受那种知道该

2017-10-24 18:54:23 301

原创 C++——【USACO 5.2.1】——Snail Trails

Snail TrailsAll Ireland ContestSally Snail likes to stroll on a N x N square grid (1 <n <= 120). She always starts in the upper left corner of the grid. The grid has empty squares (denoted below

2017-10-23 21:35:01 579

原创 C++——【USACO 5.1.3】——Musical Themes

Musical ThemesBrian DeanA musical melody is represented as a sequence of N (1 <= N <= 5000) notes that are integers in the range 1..88, each representing a key on the piano. It is unfortunate bu

2017-10-23 20:22:41 385

原创 總結——關於2017 10 23測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 23T1 :题目:——正解思路:因为斐波那契数列增长很快,所以1e+9以内的数不超过50个,先预处理再O( 1 )判断即可。——我的乱搞:**没有乱搞,同正解。tips:珍惜这些弱智题,毕竟明天凯爷又要   hehehe   了。。。。代码:#include

2017-10-23 16:07:43 202

原创 C++——【USACO 5.1.2】——Starry Night

Starry NightIOI 98High up in the night sky, the shining stars appear in clusters of various shapes. A cluster is a non-empty group of neighbouring stars, adjacent in horizontal, vertical or diagon

2017-10-21 16:16:17 439

原创 C++&Pascal——【USACO 5.1.1】——Fencing the Cows

Fencing the CowsHal BurchFarmer John wishes to build a fence to contain his cows, but he's a bit short on cash right. Any fence he builds must contain all of the favorite grazing spots for his c

2017-10-20 21:30:11 369

原创 總結——關於2017 10 20測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 20T1 :题目:——正解思路:对 Ci 做个前缀合,显然从前缀和最小的地方开始买就能买完所有刮刮卡。真是一道NOIP良心签到题。——我的乱搞:**没有乱搞,同正解。tips:难得碰到良心题。。。。好好珍惜,说不定那天做T1脑子又崩了呢。。。正解:#in

2017-10-20 16:01:38 305

原创 C++11——【USACO 4.4.3】——Frame Up

Frame UpConsider the following five picture frames shown on an 9 x 8 array:........ ........ ........ ........ .CCC....EEEEEE.. ........ ........ ..BBBB.. .C.C....E....E..

2017-10-20 07:48:46 349

原创 總結——關於2017 10 19測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟10 19T1 :题目:呃。。乍一看有点像15年的斗地主。。(WC,这尼玛是今天的T1啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。。)不过这个打牌规矩简单多了,然而并没有太多人Ac。。——正解思路:贪心,记录每种数字有多少个,1和2直接组成对子,3~n判断能不能先和前两个组成顺子,然后剩余的组

2017-10-19 18:53:11 265

原创 C++——【USACO 4.4.2】——Pollutant Control

Pollutant ControlHal BurchIt's your first day in Quality Control at Merry Milk Makers, and already there's been a catastrophe: a shipment of bad milk has been sent out. Unfortunately, you didn't

2017-10-18 21:05:14 385

原创 總結——關於2017 10 8測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 8T1 :题目:——正解思路:将乘法问题转化为log相加问题,比较大小即可。——我的乱搞:变成除法问题,并剪枝,最后竟然Ac了。。。。tips:生命不息,数学不止。。。。#includein

2017-10-18 16:03:46 236

原创 總結——關於2017 10 9測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 9T1 :题目:AHOI 2003显而易见这是一道简单的字符串处理题。毫无悬念的Ac。代码:#include#include#include#define pow4(x) x*x*x*xusing namespace s

2017-10-18 15:49:06 212

原创 總結——關於2017 10 11測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 11T1 :题目 :大意:用最少的长度为1和根号2的边围出一个多边形使面积大于等于给定值。——正解思路:手动计算找规律。显然要用最少的边围出最大的面积。当边为偶数时,我们需要找一个最接近正方形的矩形,此时边都在对角线上。当边为奇数时,我

2017-10-18 15:24:19 196

原创 總結——關於2017 10 13測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 13T1 :题目:——正解思路:可以证明答案不超过K,直接模拟。——我的乱搞:**没有乱搞,同正解。tips:难得如此稳得一逼.........代码:#include #incl

2017-10-18 15:06:08 199

原创 總結——關於2017 10 14測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 14T1 : machine题目:——正解思路 :从后往前预处理出时间就好了。——我的乱搞:诶WC,逗比得被边界坑了。tips:注意边界,注意边界。NOIP赛场上一定要保持头脑清醒啊!!(成绩的文档我没有存,来来来,直接

2017-10-18 14:47:54 197

原创 總結——關於2017 10 16測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟2017 10 16T1 : match题目 :——正解思路 :可以证明, 求最小值时打开绝对值之后符号是确定的。——我的乱搞 :**没有乱搞!!同正解。tips : 一般noip第一题都不会太难,tm去年day2t

2017-10-18 14:11:35 201

原创 C++——【USACO 4.4.1】——Shuttle Puzzle

Shuttle PuzzleTraditionalThe Shuttle Puzzle of size 3 consists of 3 white marbles, 3 black marbles, and a strip of wood with 7 holes. The marbles of the same color are placed in the holes at the

2017-10-18 11:00:39 92605

原创 C++——【USACO 4.3.3】——Letter Game

Letter GameIOI 1995Figure 1: Each of the 26 lowercase letters and its valueLetter games are popular at home and on television. In one version of the game, every letter has a value,

2017-10-18 09:26:52 498

原创 C++——【USACO 4.3.2】——Street Race

Street RaceIOI'95Figure 1 gives an example of a course for a street race. You see some points, labeled from 0 to N (here, N=9), and some arrows connecting them. Point 0 is the start of the race;

2017-10-17 20:19:10 530

原创 總結——關於2017 10 17測試的分析總結

NOIP 2017 模拟 :----10.17T1 : chair题目 :  *************************************************************************************************************************************

2017-10-17 16:50:34 212

原创 C++——【USACO 4.3.1】——Buy Low, Buy Lower

Buy Low, Buy LowerThe advice to "buy low" is half the formula to success in the stock market. But to be considered a great investor you must also follow this problems' advice:"Buy low, buy low

2017-10-16 21:51:31 341

原创 C++——【USACO 4.2.3】——Job Processing

Job ProcessingIOI'96A factory is running a production line that requires two operations to be performed on each job: first operation "A" then operation "B". Only a certain number of machines are

2017-10-16 21:30:20 389



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