带你走进Impala query profile第一篇

我为什么会写Impala query profile系列文章呢?


在日日顺三期项目上,在跟客户做报表时,发现执行一个sql很慢,只select count(*) 就要花费15分钟左右,如果加上逻辑处理,关联配置表,速度会更慢。



[rrs-hdp-dn01:25003] > select count(*) from bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t where check_flag in (4,-1) and ledger_status = 2 and is_delete = 0 and module in (1,2) and account_date >= '2020-06-01' and industry_code != '';

Query: select count(*) from bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t where check_flag in (4,-1) and ledger_status = 2 and is_delete = 0 and module in (1,2) and account_date >= '2020-06-01' and industry_code != ''

Query submitted at: 2020-07-03 11:58:47 (Coordinator: http://rrs-hdp-dn04:25000)

Query progress can be monitored at: http://rrs-hdp-dn04:25000/query_plan?query_id=2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000


| count(*) |


| 6100865  |


Fetched 1 row(s) in 848.91s



很多Impala用户不知道如何阅读Impala query profile来了解一个查询背后正在执行的操作,从而在此基础上对查询进行调优以充分发挥查询的性能。因此我想写一篇简单的文章来分享我的经验,并希望它可以对希望了解更多信息的人有所帮助。

这是本系列的第1篇,我将介绍一些Impala query profile的基础知识和查看Profile时特别要注意的内容。

获取Impala query profile

首先,获取Impala query profile有两种方法,最简单的方法是在impala-shell中运行查询后执行“PROFILE”语句,如下所示:后面2篇会详细介绍这个profile


[ip:25003] > profile;

Query Runtime Profile:

Query (id=2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000):


    Session ID: 24abae22c723db5:2c0a25a81814e8a8

    Session Type: BEESWAX

    Start Time: 2020-07-03 11:58:47.317039000

    End Time: 2020-07-03 12:12:56.216137000

    Query Type: QUERY

    Query State: FINISHED

    Query Status: OK

    Impala Version: impalad version 2.10.0-cdh5.13.3 RELEASE (build 15a453e15865344e75ce0fc6c4c760696d50f626)

    User: root

    Connected User: root

    Delegated User:

    Network Address:

    Default Db: default

    Sql Statement: select count(*) from bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t where check_flag in (4,-1) and ledger_status = 2 and is_delete = 0 and module in (1,2) and account_date >= '2020-06-01' and industry_code != ''

    Coordinator: rrs-hdp-dn04:22000

    Query Options (set by configuration):

    Query Options (set by configuration and planner): MT_DOP=0



Max Per-Host Resource Reservation: Memory=0B

Per-Host Resource Estimates: Memory=20.00MB

WARNING: The following tables are missing relevant table and/or column statistics.


F01:PLAN FRAGMENT [UNPARTITIONED] hosts=1 instances=1

|  Per-Host Resources: mem-estimate=10.00MB mem-reservation=0B


|  mem-estimate=0B mem-reservation=0B



|  output: count:merge(*)

|  mem-estimate=10.00MB mem-reservation=0B spill-buffer=2.00MB

|  tuple-ids=1 row-size=8B cardinality=1



|  mem-estimate=0B mem-reservation=0B

|  tuple-ids=1 row-size=8B cardinality=1


F00:PLAN FRAGMENT [RANDOM] hosts=16 instances=16

Per-Host Resources: mem-estimate=10.00MB mem-reservation=0B


|  output: count(*)

|  mem-estimate=10.00MB mem-reservation=0B spill-buffer=2.00MB

|  tuple-ids=1 row-size=8B cardinality=1


00:SCAN KUDU [bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t]

   predicates: industry_code != ''

   kudu predicates: is_delete = 0, ledger_status = 2, check_flag IN (4, -1), module IN (1, 2), account_date >= '2020-06-01'

   mem-estimate=0B mem-reservation=0B

   tuple-ids=0 row-size=15B cardinality=unavailable


    Estimated Per-Host Mem: 20971520

    Tables Missing Stats: bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger

    Per Host Min Reservation: rrs-hdp-dn03:22000(0) rrs-hdp-dn04:22000(0) rrs-hdp-dn05:22000(0) rrs-hdp-dn08:22000(0) rrs-hdp-dn11:22000(0) rrs-hdp-dn13:22000(0)

    Request Pool: root.default

    Admission result: Admitted immediately


Operator       #Hosts   Avg Time   Max Time  #Rows  Est. #Rows   Peak Mem  Est. Peak Mem  Detail


03:AGGREGATE        1  316.053us  316.053us      1           1   40.00 KB       10.00 MB  FINALIZE

02:EXCHANGE         1      14m8s      14m8s      6           1          0              0  UNPARTITIONED

01:AGGREGATE        6    2.746ms    5.205ms      6           1   67.00 KB       10.00 MB

00:SCAN KUDU        6      2m33s      14m8s  6.10M          -1  299.00 KB              0  bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t


    Planner Timeline: 21.773ms

       - Analysis finished: 1.432ms (1.432ms)

       - Equivalence classes computed: 1.478ms (46.487us)

       - Single node plan created: 21.005ms (19.526ms)

       - Runtime filters computed: 21.020ms (14.599us)

       - Distributed plan created: 21.096ms (76.103us)

       - Lineage info computed: 21.156ms (59.924us)

       - Planning finished: 21.773ms (617.260us)

    Query Timeline: 14m8s

       - Query submitted: 250.799us (250.799us)

       - Planning finished: 24.359ms (24.108ms)

       - Submit for admission: 25.375ms (1.016ms)

       - Completed admission: 25.565ms (189.521us)

       - Ready to start on 6 backends: 26.997ms (1.432ms)

       - All 6 execution backends (7 fragment instances) started: 33.022ms (6.024ms)

       - Rows available: 14m8s (14m8s)

       - First row fetched: 14m8s (695.112ms)

       - Unregister query: 14m8s (5.330ms)

     - ComputeScanRangeAssignmentTimer: 110.741us


     - ClientFetchWaitTimer: 697.276ms

     - RowMaterializationTimer: 3.129ms

  Execution Profile 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000:(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)

    Number of filters: 0

    Filter routing table:

 ID  Src. Node  Tgt. Node(s)  Target type  Partition filter  Pending (Expected)  First arrived  Completed   Enabled


    Backend startup latencies: Count: 6, min / max: 3ms / 5ms, 25th %-ile: 3ms, 50th %-ile: 3ms, 75th %-ile: 4ms, 90th %-ile: 4ms, 95th %-ile: 5ms, 99.9th %-ile: 5ms

    Per Node Peak Memory Usage: rrs-hdp-dn03:22000(162.18 KB) rrs-hdp-dn04:22000(383.19 KB) rrs-hdp-dn05:22000(213.18 KB) rrs-hdp-dn08:22000(213.18 KB) rrs-hdp-dn11:22000(213.18 KB) rrs-hdp-dn13:22000(213.18 KB)

     - FiltersReceived: 0 (0)

     - FinalizationTimer: 0.000ns

    Averaged Fragment F01:(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 696.183ms, % non-child: 0.08%)

      split sizes:  min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0, stddev: 0

      completion times: min:14m8s  max:14m8s  mean: 14m8s  stddev:0.000ns

      execution rates: min:0.00 /sec  max:0.00 /sec  mean:0.00 /sec  stddev:0.00 /sec

      num instances: 1

       - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00

       - BloomFilterBytes: 0

       - PeakMemoryUsage: 48.02 KB (49168)

       - PeakReservation: 0

       - PeakUsedReservation: 0

       - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 383.19 KB (392387)

       - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

       - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 14m8s

       - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0.000ns

       - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns

       - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)

       - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 14m8s

         - TotalThreadsSysTime: 1.000ms

         - TotalThreadsUserTime: 0.000ns

       - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 8 (8)

      Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

         - ExecTime: 695.216ms

           - ExecTreeExecTime: 8.846us

         - OpenTime: 14m8s

           - ExecTreeOpenTime: 14m8s

         - PrepareTime: 40.847ms

           - ExecTreePrepareTime: 145.192us


         - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

      CodeGen:(Total: 39.850ms, non-child: 39.850ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

         - CodegenTime: 0.000ns

         - CompileTime: 0.000ns

         - LoadTime: 0.000ns

         - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

         - NumFunctions: 0 (0)

         - NumInstructions: 0 (0)

         - OptimizationTime: 0.000ns

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

         - PrepareTime: 38.755ms

      AGGREGATION_NODE (id=3):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 316.053us, % non-child: 0.00%)

         - BuildTime: 15.909us

         - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

         - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

         - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

         - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

         - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

         - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

         - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.00 KB (40960)

         - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

         - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

         - RowsReturnedRate: 0

         - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

      EXCHANGE_NODE (id=2):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 14m8s, % non-child: 100.00%)

         - ConvertRowBatchTime: 24.499us

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

         - RowsReturned: 6 (6)

         - RowsReturnedRate: 0


           - BytesReceived: 96.00 B (96)

           - DeserializeRowBatchTimer: 146.930us

           - FirstBatchArrivalWaitTime: 5s982ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 4.02 KB (4112)

           - SendersBlockedTimer: 0.000ns

           - SendersBlockedTotalTimer(*): 0.000ns

    Coordinator Fragment F01:

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000 (host=rrs-hdp-dn04:22000):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 696.183ms, % non-child: 0.08%)

        MemoryUsage(16s000ms): 26.75 KB, 40.01 KB, 42.13 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB, 44.01 KB

         - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 48.02 KB (49168)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 383.19 KB (392387)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 14m8s

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 14m8s

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 1.000ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 8 (8)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 695.216ms

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 8.846us

           - OpenTime: 14m8s

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 14m8s

           - PrepareTime: 40.847ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 145.192us


           - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

        CodeGen:(Total: 39.850ms, non-child: 39.850ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 0.000ns

           - CompileTime: 0.000ns

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 0 (0)

           - NumInstructions: 0 (0)

           - OptimizationTime: 0.000ns

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

           - PrepareTime: 38.755ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=3):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 316.053us, % non-child: 0.00%)

           - BuildTime: 15.909us

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.00 KB (40960)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        EXCHANGE_NODE (id=2):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 14m8s, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - ConvertRowBatchTime: 24.499us

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 0

           - RowsReturned: 6 (6)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0


            BytesReceived(16s000ms): 29.00 B, 64.00 B, 72.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B, 80.00 B

             - BytesReceived: 96.00 B (96)

             - DeserializeRowBatchTimer: 146.930us

             - FirstBatchArrivalWaitTime: 5s982ms

             - PeakMemoryUsage: 4.02 KB (4112)

             - SendersBlockedTimer: 0.000ns

             - SendersBlockedTotalTimer(*): 0.000ns

    Averaged Fragment F00:(Total: 2m33s, non-child: 2.541ms, % non-child: 0.00%)

      split sizes:  min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0, stddev: 0

      completion times: min:6s025ms  max:14m8s  mean: 2m33s  stddev:5m10s

      execution rates: min:0.00 /sec  max:0.00 /sec  mean:0.00 /sec  stddev:0.00 /sec

      num instances: 6

       - AverageThreadTokens: 1.98

       - BloomFilterBytes: 0

       - PeakMemoryUsage: 225.68 KB (231099)

       - PeakReservation: 0

       - PeakUsedReservation: 0

       - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 233.02 KB (238609)

       - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

       - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

       - TotalNetworkSendTime: 635.297us

       - TotalStorageWaitTime: 2m33s

       - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

       - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 5m7s

         - TotalThreadsSysTime: 22.496ms

         - TotalThreadsUserTime: 189.971ms

       - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.31K (1311)

      Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

         - ExecTime: 1.013ms

           - ExecTreeExecTime: 7.958us

         - OpenTime: 2m33s

           - ExecTreeOpenTime: 2m33s

         - PrepareTime: 41.091ms

           - ExecTreePrepareTime: 133.511us

      DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 461.521us, non-child: 461.521us, % non-child: 100.00%)

         - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

         - NetworkThroughput(*): 265.91 KB/sec

         - OverallThroughput: 34.96 KB/sec

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

         - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

         - SerializeBatchTime: 15.124us

         - TransmitDataRPCTime: 63.344us

         - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

      CodeGen:(Total: 68.504ms, non-child: 68.504ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

         - CodegenTime: 693.533us

         - CompileTime: 6.554ms

         - LoadTime: 0.000ns

         - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

         - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

         - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

         - OptimizationTime: 21.630ms

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

         - PrepareTime: 39.283ms

      AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 2m33s, non-child: 2.746ms, % non-child: 0.00%)

         - BuildTime: 2.726ms

         - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

         - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

         - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

         - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

         - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

         - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

         - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

         - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

         - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

         - RowsReturnedRate: 0

         - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

      KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 2m33s, non-child: 2m33s, % non-child: 100.00%)

         - BytesRead: 0

         - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

         - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 151.50 KB (155136)

         - RowsRead: 1.02M (1016810)

         - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1016810)

         - RowsReturnedRate: 88.06 K/sec

         - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

         - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

         - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 2m33s

           - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 2m33s

           - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 17.996ms

           - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 145.810ms

         - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 315 (315)

         - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 293 (293)

         - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

    Fragment F00:

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000005 (host=rrs-hdp-dn04:22000):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 2.048ms, % non-child: 0.00%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(16s000ms): 83.61 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(16s000ms): 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 2.00

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 339.18 KB (347323)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 383.19 KB (392387)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 262.704us

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 14m7s

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 28m16s

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 55.991ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 364.945ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 2.66K (2658)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 532.246us

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 7.588us

           - OpenTime: 14m8s

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 14m8s

           - PrepareTime: 43.153ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 147.736us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 492.978us, non-child: 492.978us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 225.75 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 31.69 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 13.202us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 69.212us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 70.631ms, non-child: 70.631ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 639.905us

           - CompileTime: 6.523ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 21.608ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 41.281ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 5.205ms, % non-child: 0.00%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 3.851ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 14m8s, non-child: 14m8s, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(16s000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 299.00 KB (306176)

           - RowsRead: 1.02M (1016239)

           - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1016239)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 1.20 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 14m8s

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 14m8s

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 49.992ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 313.952ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.67K (1669)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 1.56K (1560)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000002 (host=rrs-hdp-dn13:22000):(Total: 39s554ms, non-child: 3.704ms, % non-child: 0.01%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(1s000ms): 44.18 KB, 73.68 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(1s000ms): 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 2.00

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 1.901ms

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 39s355ms

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 3 (3)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 1m18s

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 10.998ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 183.972ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.09K (1094)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 2.249ms

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 10.310us

           - OpenTime: 39s511ms

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 39s480ms

           - PrepareTime: 41.037ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 139.531us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 317.413us, non-child: 317.413us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 179.50 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 49.23 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 11.384us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 87.047us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 70.153ms, non-child: 70.153ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 761.527us

           - CompileTime: 7.312ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 22.364ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 39.409ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 39s480ms, non-child: 2.999ms, % non-child: 0.01%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 2.742ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 39s477ms, non-child: 39s477ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(1s000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 122.00 KB (124928)

           - RowsRead: 1.02M (1016532)

           - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1016532)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 25.75 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 3 (3)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 39s478ms

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 39s474ms

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 6.998ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 137.979ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 100 (100)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 89 (89)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000006 (host=rrs-hdp-dn05:22000):(Total: 10s311ms, non-child: 2.554ms, % non-child: 0.02%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(500.000ms): 139.50 KB, 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 69.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(500.000ms): 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 1.95

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 451.701us

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 10s123ms

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 20s504ms

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 23.996ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 154.976ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.03K (1034)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 760.590us

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 8.396us

           - OpenTime: 10s268ms

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 10s237ms

           - PrepareTime: 42.298ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 126.204us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 576.789us, non-child: 576.789us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 202.79 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 27.09 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 18.201us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 77.049us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 70.739ms, non-child: 70.739ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 686.682us

           - CompileTime: 6.655ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 22.799ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 40.260ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 10s237ms, non-child: 2.163ms, % non-child: 0.02%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 2.634ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 10s235ms, non-child: 10s235ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(500.000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 122.00 KB (124928)

           - RowsRead: 1.02M (1017341)

           - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1017341)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 99.39 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 10s235ms

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 10s231ms

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 20.996ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 107.983ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 34 (34)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 31 (31)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000001 (host=rrs-hdp-dn03:22000):(Total: 9s700ms, non-child: 2.187ms, % non-child: 0.02%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(500.000ms): 28.00 KB, 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(500.000ms): 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 1.95

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 162.18 KB (166075)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 162.18 KB (166075)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 403.863us

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 9s524ms

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 19s294ms

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 16.997ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 147.977ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.03K (1034)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 834.047us

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 7.554us

           - OpenTime: 9s660ms

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 9s634ms

           - PrepareTime: 38.618ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 109.881us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 457.379us, non-child: 457.379us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 260.60 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 34.16 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 17.881us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 59.957us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 63.064ms, non-child: 63.064ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 627.375us

           - CompileTime: 5.744ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 19.537ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 36.839ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 9s634ms, non-child: 1.772ms, % non-child: 0.02%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 2.204ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 9s632ms, non-child: 9s632ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(500.000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 122.00 KB (124928)

           - RowsRead: 1.02M (1017071)

           - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1017071)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 105.58 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 9s632ms

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 9s628ms

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 10.998ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 110.983ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 33 (33)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 31 (31)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000004 (host=rrs-hdp-dn11:22000):(Total: 8s165ms, non-child: 2.354ms, % non-child: 0.03%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(500.000ms): 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 69.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 154.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(500.000ms): 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 2.00

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 385.908us

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 7s980ms

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 16s215ms

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 12.998ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 163.975ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.03K (1030)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 861.953us

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 7.334us

           - OpenTime: 8s123ms

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 8s093ms

           - PrepareTime: 40.960ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 145.679us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 469.050us, non-child: 469.050us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 328.30 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 33.31 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 14.939us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 47.593us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 69.192ms, non-child: 69.192ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 761.541us

           - CompileTime: 6.639ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 22.322ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 39.278ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 8s093ms, non-child: 3.025ms, % non-child: 0.04%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 3.004ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 8s090ms, non-child: 8s090ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(500.000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 122.00 KB (124928)

           - RowsRead: 1.02M (1018748)

           - RowsReturned: 1.02M (1018748)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 125.92 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 8s091ms

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 8s085ms

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 9.998ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 114.982ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 31 (31)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 28 (28)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

      Instance 2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000003 (host=rrs-hdp-dn08:22000):(Total: 6s024ms, non-child: 2.396ms, % non-child: 0.04%)

        Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>):

        MemoryUsage(500.000ms): 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 44.18 KB, 69.18 KB, 69.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB, 103.18 KB

        ThreadUsage(500.000ms): 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

         - AverageThreadTokens: 2.00

         - BloomFilterBytes: 0

         - PeakMemoryUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - PeakReservation: 0

         - PeakUsedReservation: 0

         - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 213.18 KB (218299)

         - RowsProduced: 1 (1)

         - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns

         - TotalNetworkSendTime: 406.573us

         - TotalStorageWaitTime: 5s867ms

         - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)

         - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 11s935ms

           - TotalThreadsSysTime: 13.997ms

           - TotalThreadsUserTime: 123.981ms

         - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 1.02K (1021)

        Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:

           - ExecTime: 839.894us

             - ExecTreeExecTime: 6.566us

           - OpenTime: 5s982ms

             - ExecTreeOpenTime: 5s954ms

           - PrepareTime: 40.479ms

             - ExecTreePrepareTime: 132.040us

        DataStreamSender (dst_id=2):(Total: 455.519us, non-child: 455.519us, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - BytesSent: 16.00 B (16)

           - NetworkThroughput(*): 398.54 KB/sec

           - OverallThroughput: 34.30 KB/sec

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - SerializeBatchTime: 15.141us

           - TransmitDataRPCTime: 39.206us

           - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 16.00 B (16)

        CodeGen:(Total: 67.243ms, non-child: 67.243ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

           - CodegenTime: 684.171us

           - CompileTime: 6.448ms

           - LoadTime: 0.000ns

           - ModuleBitcodeSize: 1.95 MB (2041444)

           - NumFunctions: 17 (17)

           - NumInstructions: 223 (223)

           - OptimizationTime: 21.152ms

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 111.50 KB (114176)

           - PrepareTime: 38.632ms

        AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1):(Total: 5s954ms, non-child: 1.312ms, % non-child: 0.02%)

          ExecOption: Codegen Enabled

           - BuildTime: 1.922ms

           - GetResultsTime: 0.000ns

           - HTResizeTime: 0.000ns

           - HashBuckets: 0 (0)

           - LargestPartitionPercent: 0 (0)

           - MaxPartitionLevel: 0 (0)

           - NumRepartitions: 0 (0)

           - PartitionsCreated: 0 (0)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 67.00 KB (68608)

           - RowsRepartitioned: 0 (0)

           - RowsReturned: 1 (1)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 0

           - SpilledPartitions: 0 (0)

        KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 5s952ms, non-child: 5s952ms, % non-child: 100.00%)

          BytesRead(500.000ms): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

           - BytesRead: 0

           - KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0 (0)

           - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)

           - PeakMemoryUsage: 122.00 KB (124928)

           - RowsRead: 1.01M (1014934)

           - RowsReturned: 1.01M (1014934)

           - RowsReturnedRate: 170.50 K/sec

           - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)

           - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)

           - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 5s952ms

             - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 5s948ms

             - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 8.998ms

             - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 88.986ms

           - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 25 (25)

           - TotalKuduScanRoundTrips: 22 (22)

           - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec

[rrs-hdp-dn01:25003] >

也可以在CDH的Web页面(Cloudera Manager Web UI)上点击CM > Impala > Queries,找到刚刚运行的查询,然后点击Query Details:

接着向下滚动找到“Download Profile”按钮:


你也可以到执行查询的Impala Daemon(impalad节点,该节点在Impala集群中为coordinator角色)节点的Web界面来下载query profile信息:



然后点击对应SQL后的“Details”链接转到“Profile” tab页:




Query Runtime Profile:

Query (id=2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000):


    Session ID: 24abae22c723db5:2c0a25a81814e8a8

    Session Type: BEESWAX

    Start Time: 2020-07-03 11:58:47.317039000

    End Time: 2020-07-03 12:12:56.216137000

    Query Type: QUERY

    Query State: FINISHED

    Query Status: OK

    Impala Version: impalad version 2.10.0-cdh5.13.3 RELEASE (build 15a453e15865344e75ce0fc6c4c760696d50f626)

    User: root

    Connected User: root

    Delegated User:

    Network Address:

    Default Db: default

    Sql Statement: select count(*) from bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t where check_flag in (4,-1) and ledger_status = 2 and is_delete = 0 and module in (1,2) and account_date >= '2020-06-01' and industry_code != ''

    Coordinator: rrs-hdp-dn04:22000

    Query Options (set by configuration):

    Query Options (set by configuration and planner): MT_DOP=0





Query (id=2945a77ff619defe:b658730000000000):

该ID唯一标识在Impala中运行过的SQL,这对于从Impala Daemon日志中用ID查询相关的信息很有用,只需搜索此查询ID,就可以了解SQL运行细节和相关的错误信息。


Session Type: BEESWAX

这可以告诉我们连接来自哪里。BEESWAX意味着查询是从impala-shell客户端运行的。如果从Hue运行,类型将是HIVESERVER2,因为Hue是通过HIVESERVER2 thrift连接的。


Start Time: 2020-07-03 11:58:47.317039000

End Time: 2020-07-03 12:12:56.216137000

这可以告诉我们查询运行了多长时间,此时间包括会话空闲时间(session idle time)。因此,如果你看到在Hue运行一个简单的查询用了几秒钟返回结果,是由于Hue会保持会话打开直到会话关闭或用户运行另一个查询,因此此处的时间可能比正常显示的时间更长。如果通过impala-shell运行,则开始时间和结束时间应与运行时间完全匹配,因为impala-shell在查询完成后会立即关闭查询处理程序。


Query Status: OK

这表明查询是否成功完成。OK表示查询成功执行完成。如果有错误,通常会在此处显示,例如,被用户取消(cancelled by user)、会话超时(session timeout)、异常(Exceptions)等。


Impala Version: impalad version 2.10.0-cdh5.13.3 RELEASE (build 15a453e15865344e75ce0fc6c4c760696d50f626)



User: root

Connected User: root

Delegated User:



Default Db: default



Sql Statement: select count(*) from bms_ldgdb.ldg_690marketization_ledger t where check_flag in (4,-1) and ledger_status = 2 and is_delete = 0 and module in (1,2) and account_date >= '2020-06-01' and industry_code != ''



Coordinator: rrs-hdp-dn04:22000

该信息显示运行查询的Impala daemon服务的主机,通常被称为Coordinator,这有助于我们选择从哪个主机查找INFO、WARNING和ERROR级别的日志。


Query Options (set by configuration):

Query Options (set by configuration and planner): MT_DOP=0

该信息显示当前查询使用了哪些查询选项(QUERY OPTIONS),这有助于我们判断是否在用户级别(user level)或池级别(pool level)覆盖了查询选项。一个示例是将Impala Daemon的内存设置为120GB,但小查询仍然失败,并抛出OutOfMemory异常,通过该信息可以帮助我们验证用户是否在会话中将MEM_LIMIT参数设置了太小的值(可能导致OutOfMemory异常)。


本系列的第1篇介绍了查询的摘要(Summary)部分以帮助我们了解Query Profile的基本信息,在本系列的下一部分,将详细介绍查询计划以及Profile的执行摘要(Execution Summary)部分。





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