

1. 简单句:主语+谓语+宾语
  • 主语:动作的发出者
  • 谓语:动作
  • 宾语:动作的承受者
2. 并列句:简单句+并列词+简单句
  • 并列词:如and, or, but等
3. 复合句:简单句+从句引导词+简单句
  • 从句引导词:如which, who, when, where等


1. 主语+谓语+宾语(其中谓语是及物动词)
  • 及物动词就是有承受者
  • 例:I do homework.
2. 主语+谓语(其中谓语是不及物动词)
  • 不及物动词就是没有承受者
  • 例:I swim.
3. 主语+系动词+表语
  • 系动词有4类:

    • be动词:am, is, are, was, were
    • 感官动词:sound(听起来), look(看起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), feel(摸起来,感觉起来)
    • 变化动词:become, turn, go, get, grow
    • 静止动词:stay, remain, keep(保持)
  • 表语:名词, 形容词, 不定式(to do), 介宾(介词+名词)

  • 例:

    • I am a boy.
    • The meal tastes delicious.
    • Jack stays in the room.
4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语(主谓双宾)
  • 谓语是及物动词,宾语都是名词
  • 例:
    • I give you a book.(you是宾语,a book也是宾语)
    • I tell you a story.
5. 主语+谓语+宾语+补语(宾补)
  • 补语是不定式或形容词。前面的简单句意思不完整,用来补充说明
  • 例:
    • Mom tells me to do my homework.(不定式)
    • The music makes me sad.(形容词)
6. There be 句型
  • There be 表示‘存在’,与 have不同
  • There be + 名词(所存在的东西)
    例:There is a dog.
  • There be + 名词 + 介宾短语(东西存在的地方)
    例:There is a dog under the tree.


1. 名词性从句:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句
  • 一模一样的句子,放置位置不同,所以名称不同
  • 例:that(引导词) he likes football.
1.1 主语从句:从句放在主语部分
  • 例:That he likes football surprised us.(主谓宾)
1.2 宾语从句:从句放在宾语部分
  • 例:He said that he likes football.(主谓宾)
1.3 表语从句:从句放在表语部分
  • 例:The fact is that he likes football.(主系表)
1.4 同位语从句:从句放在同位语部分
  • 同位语:是名词,对其他名词起解释说明作用,和其所解释的名词相等
  • 句子结构:
    • 主语,同位语,谓语 宾语(解释主语)
    • 主语 谓语 宾语,同位语(解释宾语)
  • 例:
    • Jack, a romantic man, likes flowers.
    • Mary loves spring, one of the four seasons.
    • The fact that he likes football surprised us.
    • He states the fact that he likes football.
2. 定语从句
  • 定语:修饰限定名词,例如:汉语中的“美丽的花”中的“美丽的”
  • 定语类型:
    • 形容词(短一些)
    • 短语或从句(长一些)
  • 例:
    • A beautiful girl shared a fascinating story.
    • A girl from Mars shared a story about her people.
    • A task to tackle is the potential crisis.
    • A beautiful girl from Mars who likes spring shared a fascinating story about her people which moved us.
3. 状语从句
  • 状语:
    • 副词,修饰动词,例如:walk slowly; 修饰形容词或定语,例如:slightly higher
    • 起副词作用的句子(状语从句)
    • 按作用分类:
      • 时间状语:何时?
      • 地点状语:何地?
      • 原因状语:为什么? 常见:因为…
      • 条件状语:在什么条件下? 常见:如果…, 只要…, 只有…
      • 目的状语:目的是什么? 常见:为了…, 这样就能…
      • 结果状语:结果是什么? 常见:结果…, 以至于…
      • 让步状语:转折的前奏. 常见:虽然…, 尽管…, 即使…
      • 方式状语:怎么做的,怎么产生的? 常见:用…方法, 通过…方式
  • 例 1:
    • Jack smiles happily. 副词修饰动词,出现在动词之后
    • Jack quickly understood. 副词修饰动词,出现在动词之前
    • Mary is strikingly beautiful. 副词修饰形容词,表示程度:强
    • Mary is pretty tall. 副词修饰形容词,表示程度:弱
  • 例 2:
    • 时间状语:时间副词,位置灵活
      • He came yesterday.
      • Yesterday he came.
      • He called me when I was sleeping.(从句)
    • 地点状语:地点副词,位置灵活
      • He celebrated his birthday at school.
      • At school he celebrated his birthday.
      • We met where we used to go for a walk.(从句)
    • 原因状语:除了since前后都可以之外,其他的都靠后
      • He likes spring for its beauty.
      • He likes spring for it is beautiful.(从句)
      • He likes spring because it is beautiful.(从句)
      • He likes spring as it is beautiful.(从句)
      • He likes spring since it is beautiful.(从句)
    • 条件状语
      • If you win, there will be a reward.
      • As long as you win, where will be a reward.
    • 目的状语
      • I study for my well-being.
      • I don’t spend extra to save money.
      • I don’t spend extra in order to save money.
      • I don’t spend extra so that I can savemoney.(从句)
    • 结果状语
      • He tried so hard that he finally succeeded.(从句)
    • 让步状语
      • Although you have a point there, I don’t agree with your proposal.(从句)
    • 方式状语
      • I learned English through an online course.
      • I contact my friends via Wechat.
      • I draw with my pen.
      • I found differences by contrasting the two.
      • She looks at me as if she knows me.(从句)
      • He finished the work **as I told him to **.(从句)
4. 三类特殊句式
4.1 强调句
  • 结构:It is + 强调部分 + that + 其他
    • It is + 名词 + that + 动词或名词
    • It is + 介宾短语 + that + 句子
  • 例:
    • He hit me. → \rightarrow It was him that hit me. (就是打了我)
    • I learned about this project through this site. → \rightarrow It was through this site that I learned about this project. (就是通过这个网站我才了解了这个项目)
4.2 倒装句
  • 倒装是起到强调、加强语气的作用
  • 正常:主+谓 (+宾)
    倒装:谓+主 (+宾)
  • 例:
    • 正常:We can win only when we try harder.
      倒装:Only when we try harder can we win.
    • 正常:The bus comes.
      倒装:Here comes the bus.
    • 正常:The Queen live long!
      倒装:Long live the Queen!(经常说)
4.3 虚拟语气
  • 假设一件有可能发生的事 → \rightarrow 条件状语
    • 例:If it rains, the event will be canceled.
  • 假设一件不可能发生的事 → \rightarrow 虚拟语气
    • 现在不可能发生:
      • If I were a boy, I would be a soldier.
      • 用过去式,没有was,使用were
    • 已经发生,但既成事实相反:
      • If I had studied English, it would have been easier now.
      • If I hadn’t had that extra cafe, I wouldn’t have been feeling guilty.
      • 用过去完成时

5. 时态

5.1 一般时态(习惯性)
  • 一般现在时:do 或 does, 表示通常做
    • I do my homework. 我做作业。
  • 一般过去时:did, 表示做了
    • I did my homework yesterday. 我昨天做了作业。
  • 一般将来时:will do 或 be going to do, 表示将要做
    • I will do my homework tomorrow. 我明天将要做作业。
5.2 进行时态(正在发生)
  • 现在进行时:be doing, 表示现在正在做
    • I am doing my homework now. 我正在做作业。
  • 过去进行时:was/were doing, 表示过去正在做
    • I was doing my homework when my mom got home yesterday. 昨天,妈妈到家的时候我正在做作业。
  • 将来进行时:will be doing 或 be going to be doing, 表示将来正在做
    • I will be doing my homework when my mom get home tomorrow. 明天,妈妈到家的时候我会正在做作业。
5.3 完成时态(有结果)
  • 现在完成时:have done, 表示事情发生在过去,对现在有影响
    • I have finished my homework, so please let me play games. 我已经完成了作业,所以请让我玩游戏吧。
  • 过去完成时:had done, 表示事情发生在过去的过去
    • I had finished my homework **by yesterday.**昨天前我就完成了作业。
  • 将来完成时:will have done, 表示事情在将来某一时间前已经完成或一直持续下去
    • I promise that I will have finished my homework by tomorrow. 我保证明天之前,将已经完成我的作业。

6. 语态

  • 主动语态:I finished my homework.
  • 被动语态:My homework is finished. (be + done过去分词)

7. 非谓语

  • 现在分词(doing): 和主句主语为主动关系

    • The boy was lost, failing to find the way back home. 男孩走丢了,没能找到回家的路。
  • 过去分词(done): 和主句主语为被动关系

    • The boy was lost, failed by his poor memory. 男孩走丢了,被他的坏记性给害的。


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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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