The Preliminary Contest for ICPC China Nanchang National Invitational C题 Angry FFF Party(大数+矩阵快速幂打表)

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题意:定义F(X)为一个斐波那契函数(F(1) = F(2) = 1),给定一个整型大数w,若满足w = F(F(s1))+F(F(s2))+....F(F(sk))且任意si\neqsj(1<=i,j<=k,且i\neqj),则输出所有解中字典序最小的序列S,若不满足则输出-1



def mut(x,y):
    c = [[0,0],[0,0]]
    c[0][0] = x[0][0]*y[0][0]+x[0][1]*y[1][0]
    c[0][1] = x[0][0]*y[0][1]+x[0][1]*y[1][1]
    c[1][0] = x[1][0]*y[0][0]+x[1][1]*y[1][0]
    c[1][1] = x[1][0] * y[0][1] + x[1][1] * y[1][1]
    return c

def power(y):
    p = [[1,1],[1,0]]
    q = [[1,0],[0,1]]
        if (y%2==1):
            y -=1
            q = mut(p,q)
            p =mut(p,p)
    return mut(p,q)

p = [[1,1],[1,0]]
a = [0,1,1,1]
for i in range(4,30):
    y = power(i-2)
    x = y[0][0]+y[1][0]
    y = power(x-2)
    x = y[0][0]+y[1][0]

t = int(input())
for i in range(t):
    w = int(input())
    ans = []
    for j in range(29,5,-1):
        if w>=a[j]:
    v = len(ans)
    if w>10:
    if w==1:
    if w==2:
        ans = ans+[2,1]
    if w==3:
        ans = ans+[3,2,1]
    if w==4:
        ans = ans+[4,2,1]
    if w==5:
        ans = ans+[4,3,2,1]
    if w==6:
        ans = ans+[5,1]
    if w==7:
        ans = ans+[5,2,1]
    if w==8:
        ans = ans+[5,3,2,1]
    if w==9:
        ans = ans+[5,4,2,1]
    if w==10:
        ans = ans+[5,4,3,2,1]
    v = len(ans)
    for i in range(v-1,0,-1):
        print(ans[i],end=' ')


import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Main {
	static Matrix mul(Matrix a, Matrix b) {
		Matrix c = new Matrix();
		for(int i = 0;i<2;i++) {
			for(int j = 0;j<2;j++) {
				c.m[i][j] = BigInteger.ZERO;
				for(int k = 0;k<2;k++)
				    c.m[i][j] = (c.m[i][j].add(a.m[i][k].multiply(b.m[k][j])));
		return c;
	static Matrix cal(Matrix a, BigInteger exp) {
		Matrix p = new Matrix(), q = new Matrix();
		p = a;
		for(int i = 0;i<2;i++) {
			for(int j = 0;j<2;j++) {
				q.m[i][j] = BigInteger.ZERO;
			q.m[i][i] = BigInteger.ONE;
		while(exp.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)!=0) {
			if(exp.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(2)).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)==0) {
				exp = exp.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
				q = mul(p,q);
			else {
				exp = exp.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
			    p = mul(p,p);
		return mul(p,q);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int f[] = new int[100];
		f[1] = f[2] = 1;
		Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
		int ans[] = new int[40];
		int cnt = 0;
		BigInteger res[] = new BigInteger[40];
		for(int i = 5;i<30;i++) {
			Matrix x = new Matrix();
			x.m[0][0] = x.m[0][1] = x.m[1][0] = BigInteger.ONE;
			x.m[1][1] = BigInteger.ZERO;
			Matrix a = new Matrix();
			a = cal(x,BigInteger.valueOf(i-2));
			BigInteger y;
			y = a.m[0][0].add(a.m[1][0]);
			a = cal(x,y.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(2)));
			y = a.m[0][0].add(a.m[1][0]);
            res[i] = y;
		int t = cin.nextInt();
		while(t>0) {
			BigInteger w;
			cnt = 0;
			w = cin.nextBigInteger();
			for(int i = 29;i>=6;i--) {
				BigInteger y;
				y = res[i];
				if(w.compareTo(y)>=0) {
					w = w.subtract(y);
					ans[cnt] = i;
			if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(10))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 5;
				ans[cnt++] = 4;
				ans[cnt++] = 3;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(9))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 5;
				ans[cnt++] = 4;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(8))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 5;
				ans[cnt++] = 3;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(7))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 5;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(6))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 5;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(5))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 4;
				ans[cnt++] = 3;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(4))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 4;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(3))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 3;
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(2))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 2;
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			else if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(1))==0) {
				ans[cnt++] = 1;
				w = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			if(w.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(0))==0) {
				for(int i = cnt-1;i>0;i--) {
					System.out.print(ans[i]+" ");
			else {
class Matrix{
	BigInteger m[][] = new BigInteger[5][5];


Sure, I'd be happy to give you some ideas for organizing a speech contest. Here are some suggestions: 1. Determine the theme and rules: Decide on the theme of the contest and the rules for participants. Will it be an open topic, or will there be a specific theme? What is the maximum length of the speech? Will there be any specific guidelines for language or content? 2. Decide on the judging criteria: Determine how the speeches will be evaluated. Will judges be looking for content, delivery, or both? Will there be a score sheet or rubric that judges will use to score the speeches? 3. Recruit judges: Find people who are qualified to judge the speeches. Ideally, they should have experience in public speaking or have a background in the theme of the contest. 4. Promote the contest: Advertise the contest to potential participants, such as students, professionals, or members of a specific community. Use social media, flyers, and other methods to get the word out. 5. Registration and selection: Set a deadline for registration and selection of participants. Consider having a preliminary round to narrow down the field before the final competition. 6. Prepare the venue: Ensure that the venue is suitable for the contest. Make sure that there is adequate seating, sound equipment, and lighting for the speakers. 7. Hold the contest: Set a date and time for the contest, and make sure that all participants and judges are aware of the schedule. Encourage audience participation and provide refreshments. 8. Award ceremony: After the contest, hold an award ceremony to recognize the winners and participants. Provide certificates or other prizes to the top performers. I hope these ideas help you in organizing a successful speech contest!




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