1、sum(字段) 字段若存在至少一个非 NULL值的话,sum 的结果值也为非 NULL,若全为NULL,则为NULL。
select sum(j) --NULL
from (select cast(null as int) as j union all select cast(null as int) as j) t
select sum(j) from (select null as j union all select null as j) t ; --NULL
--hive / impala
select sum(j)
from (
select 1 as j
union all
select null as j
) t; --1
1、pipeline etl,如读取日志
2、分析,有两种,一种算力在flink–比较少,一种算力在Holo,如 计算出通用性指标到holo表,分析师再进行个性化统计。
3、事件控制,如 airflow 日志元数据刷新异常监控
3、flink 状态
4、 Python正则表达式之re.match()
5、spark任务调优:任务报错:ERROR : Job failed with org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 14.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 14.0 (TID 209, emr-worker-xx.cluster-xxxxxx, executor 15): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 15 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 15.3 GB of 13.2 GB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead or disabling yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled because of YARN-4714. [2022-04-01 01:49:27,624] {bash_operator.py:128} INFO - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Exception thrown by job [2022-04-01 01:49:27,624] {bash_operator.py:128} INFO - at org.apache.spark.JavaFutureActionWrapper.getImpl(FutureAction.scala:337)
得知 executor memory 不够大,于是从12g 调为了 16g。
一个 core/executor 对应一个 task,总共多少个core 即最大并行度(同一时间运行多少个Task),可通过看任务Log,一行的 +数字 和的范围,如下图一,初始化的时候并行度(一行的+相加)为15,图二为并行度(一行的+相加)最大的行,为25。
图3 sparkhistory 也能看到executor的使用情况,可看出不少空闲executor,executor数配置应该调小点。
- step 1、初始化executor数:initialExecutors 由20调为了8。
- step 2、core 数 :cores 数为2即够用了,2*8(initialExecutors) = 16(大于初始化的时候并行度 15了)
- step 3、maxExecutors数:maxExecutors 调为了 16,16*2(core 数)=32 (大于最大并行度 25了)
ps. minExecutors 数跟着合理配置下就好了。
6、想要看kafka 某个topic 的日志,要自行消费查看,因为运维不开放kibana给数仓同学使用,哭哭,但发现其实消费操作并不难嘛:
- step 1:找到 kafka bin路径
find .* -name kafka-console-consumer.sh
- step2 : 消费命令
bootstrap-server 通过连接kafka的任务脚本可以找到
zookeeper通过find .* -name server.properties
找到脚本后,查询 zookeeper.connect ,取一个 机器:端口号 即可
路径/kafka-console-consumer.sh \ --zookeeper emr-worker-x.cluster-xxxxxx:2181 --bootstrap-server xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:9092,xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:9092,xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:9092 --topic xxx_topic --consumer-property group.id=xxx_group