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原创 python准备systrace环境
python -m pip install --upgrade pip --default-timeout=100pip install pypiwin32 --default-timeout=100python 安装six
2019-12-09 11:39:20 252
原创 LowMemoryKiller机制简析
LowMemoryKiller概述LowMemoryKiller是Android基于Linux的OOM killer定制的进程管理功能,通过对进程的管理来保证Android系统可以流畅运行。避免出现一些由于内存不足造成系统异常。所有应用进程都是从zygote孵化出来的,记录在AMS中mLruProcesses列表中,由AMS进行统一管理,AMS中会根据进程的状态更新进程对应的oom_adj...
2019-11-08 13:55:25 1942
转载 【转载】Gradle sync failed: Unable to start the daemon process.This problem might be caused by incorrect
Gradle sync failed: Unable to start the daemon process.This problem might be caused by incorrect con2018年05月07日 16:20:46阅读数:163一、Android studio3.0.1启动的报错问题描述Gradle sync failed: Unable to start...
2018-08-03 23:09:37 473
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