Icarnegie SSD4 Exercise1 Answer

Tablet PC Intuos4

Recent weeks, I have done a profound research on the aspect of new facilities of industry designing. Now, with a respectful heart, let me introduce and analyze the advantages and disadvantages in graphical interface designing to you.

This tool, which is called Tablet PC, is manufactured by Japanese company---Wacom. When the first time this idea came across the Wacom engineers’ mind, the professional who design complicated graph has a feeling that they just find a road when they miss themselves in the forest. Giving birth to Tablet PC, the Wacom is the Christ to designers, because those guys enjoy a comfortable time when they do designing by this production. Available in four different wide-format sizes, S. M, L, XL and a wireless model, you can pick the perfect one to fit your specific working style and workflow needs.

Intuos4 has great significance in the facet of designing. The whole effective square is 223.5 *139.7  and the mass is just 1KG. The expanse and lightness is more suitable for us both in psychology and physiology. In addition, the design style, just as you have seen, follows the fashion of simpleness. When users give the first glance on it, the pattern will give him/her a deep impression. Not only the slippery and flown-line interface but the arc of the edge gives you a comfortable feeling.

Besides, radial menu in the left which can be defined by yourself represents your characters. Work smarter not harder. Set-up the Intuos4 ExpressKeys to activate your own unique, time-saving shortcuts and modifiers in each of your applications. With Intuos4, remembering shortcut settings is now as easy as casting a quick glance at the tablet. Each ExpressKey is now equipped with an accompanying illuminated display providing a constant reminder of the key's application-specific function. There has another feature that the finger-sensitive Touch Ring allows you to control up to four different functions in each application for on-the-fly adjustments such as zooming, scrolling, brush size, canvas rotation, and more. Intuos4 has many innovations that let you, as soon as you can, capture every nuance of a stroke, the new precision mode, or the added levels of pressure sensitivity to dynamically adjust exposure, brush size, line weight, and opacity, but not make you feel that users’ graph is tedious. Intuos4 has intimated that they will exceed your every expectation.

The last but not least, the innovative, ambidextrous design of Intuos4 allows you to maximize the productivity of both your hands. By locating all of the ExpressKeys and the Touch Ring on the same side of the tablet, they are in the perfect position for use with the hand that is not holding the pen. Simply rotate the tablet 180° degrees, and change a single control panel setting, to adjust the tablet from a right-handed to a left-handed configuration.


With the powerful function, also the Intuos4 has a lot of disadvantages in graphical interface designing. Now, let me tell you and give you some advice.1First of all, this series just has one style of the shape profile or the color and the pen has same matter. From the Psychology side, this will give the customers or the users an ordinary emotion, so the perceptual processor will not be processed smoothly. Let us have a try: In order to change the design pattern, we should not use the pure linear and black. We can fabricate different tablet which is up to the user’s preferences For example, Ladies like peak or sky blue, but the girls are fond of something cartoons.2Secondly, the effective area maybe too lager to notice. Considering the psychology theory, the fovea, people can only see detail with a very small area, sees only about 2 degrees of visual angle. In another words, when you guys use this tool and see more than 2 degrees of visual angle you have to move your eyes, furthermore, visual perception takes time and effects the design inspiration. After take a research, 157.5*58.4mm (6.2*3.9inch) is the best choice.3Also, switching the common designing model, we can append a base, which will give customer more facilities.4Moreover, I have considered the different time to use it. When person need to drew something in the lightless condition, we use the luminous light which is inserted in the button. Of course, it is much beautiful than before.

By researching, 89% Industry Design students have a good impression to my reform.

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