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原创 linux 下面的 7z和7za的区别

linux 下面的 7z和7za的区别,区别参照下面的man文件: 7z(1) 7z(1)NAME 7z - A file archiver with highest compression ratioSYNOPSIS

2009-04-06 13:54:00 7587 1

原创 linux windows 硬件时间,系统时间,时区处理全过程,实践出真知 ^_^

【原创】linux windows 硬件时间,系统时间,时区处理全过程,实践出真知 ^_^          对于一个操作系统是时间能够在开关机后正确显示,处理好两点要点就可以了,一是要在关机时候系统存储一个秒数(按理说存储一个毫秒数应该更精确呀,但是也许是太占存储空间了把 ^_^ 反着现在业界形成的规定就是秒数啦)然后在关机的时候由主板上的电池每隔一秒钟就加一下它的数值就好啦 ^_^ 这

2009-03-28 15:49:00 1449

The Control Handbook

The Control Handbook Control 控制论


IIS 6: The Complete Reference

IIS 6: The Complete Reference IIS 6 Administration (同类图书) Administration and Manageability in IIS 6.0 (同类图书)



500页 完全版 不缺页 500页 完全版 不缺页


数据仓库 中文官方教程

信息系统领域是一个“不成熟”的领域。“不成熟”这个词通常具有消极的含义,因而公 开使用这个词不得不多加小心。但是从历史的观点来看的确如此。如果我们将信息处理的历 史与其他技术领域的历史进行比较的话,就没有争议了。我们知道古埃及的象形文字主要是 当时的帐房先生用来表示所欠法老谷子的多少。当漫步在罗马市区,我们就置身于两千多年 前土木工程师所设计的街道与建筑物之间。同样,许多其他的领域也可追溯到远古时代。 因为信息处理领域只是从6 0年代初期才出现的,所以,历史地来看,信息处理领域是不 成熟的。 信息处理领域的年轻性表现之一就是其倾向于面面俱到。有这样一种说法,如果细节都 正确了,那么我们就可以坐享其成。这就好象是说,若我们知道如何铺水泥、如何钻孔、如 何安装螺母与螺栓,就不必操心桥梁的外型与用途了。如此态度会驱使一个成熟的土木工程 师发疯的。 数据仓库的历史是伴随某种发展过程开始的,在此发展过程中,业界中人士所考虑的是 投入更大的力量。更大规模的体系结构正在被勾勒出来—在这种体系结构中数据仓库处于 中心地位。最好从一种广阔的视角去观察这个体系结构,而不是从某种细节去认识。


Building The DataWarehouse

Databases and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of databases centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community—from transaction to batch processing to analytical processing. In most cases, the primary focus of the early database systems was operational—usually transactional—processing. In recent years, a more sophisticated notion of the database has emerged—one that serves operational needs and another that serves informational or analytical needs. To some extent, this more enlightened notion of the database is due to the advent of PCs, 4GL technology, and the empowerment of the end user. The split of operational and informational databases occurs for many reasons: ■■ The data serving operational needs is physically different data from that serving informational or analytic needs. ■■ The supporting technology for operational processing is fundamentally different from the technology used to support informational or analytical needs. ■■ The user community for operational data is different from the one served by informational or analytical data. ■■ The processing characteristics for the operational environment and the informational environment are fundamentally different. Because of these reasons (and many more), the modern way to build systems is to separate the operational from the informational or analytical processing and data. This book is about the analytical [or the decision support systems (DSS)] environment and the structuring of data in that environment. The focus of the book is on what is termed the “data warehouse” (or “information warehouse”), which is at the heart of informational, DSS processing. The discussions in this book are geared to the manager and the developer. Where appropriate, some level of discussion will be at the technical level. But, for the most part, the book is about issues and techniques. This book is meant to serve as a guideline for the designer and the developer. PREFACE FOR THE SECOND EDITION xiii


O'Reilly SQL and Relational Theory, 1st Edition

Understanding SQL's underlying theory is the best way to guarantee that your SQL code is correct and your database schema is robust and maintainable. On the other hand, if you're not well versed in the theory, you can fall into several traps. In SQL and Relational Theory, author C.J. Date demonstrates how you can apply relational theory directly to your use of SQL. With numerous examples and clear explanations of the reasoning behind them, you'll learn how to deal with common SQL dilemmas, such as: Should database access granted be through views instead of base tables? Nulls in your database are causing you to get wrong answers. Why? What can you do about it? Could you write an SQL query to find employees who have never been in the same department for more than six months at a time? SQL supports "quantified comparisons," but they're better avoided. Why? How do you avoid them? Constraints are crucially important, but most SQL products don't support them properly. What can you do to resolve this situation? Database theory and practice have evolved since Edgar Codd originally defined the relational model back in 1969. Independent of any SQL products, SQL and Relational Theory draws on decades of research to present the most up-to-date treatment of the material available anywhere. Anyone with a modest to advanced background in SQL will benefit from the many insights in this book.



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debian5.0_硬盘安装的启动文件_initrd.gz和boot.img.gz等.part2(共4份) 测试过了 绝对可用



debian5.0_硬盘安装的启动文件_initrd.gz和boot.img.gz等.part3(共4份) 测试过了绝对可用



debian5.0_硬盘安装的启动文件_initrd.gz和boot.img.gz等.part1(共4份) 测试过了 绝对可用



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