[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 1



Computers, People, and Programming 计算机,人和编程

Specialization is for insects. 专业化是为昆虫准备的。(而人应该什么都会做)
——R. A. Heinlein 罗伯特 · 海因莱因 1

In this chapter, we present some of the things that we think make programming important, interesting, and fun.

We also present a few fundamental ideas and ideals. We hope to debunk a couple of popular myths about programming and programmers.

This is a chapter to skim for now and to return to later when you are struggling with some programming problem and wondering if it’s all worth it.

1.1 Introduction 介绍

Like most learning, learning how to program is a chicken and egg problem: We want to get started, but we also want to know why what we are about to learn matters.

We want to learn a practical skill, but also make sure it is not just a passing fad. We want to know that we are not going to waste our time, but don’t want to be bored by still more hype and moralizing.

For now, just read as much of this chapter as seems interesting and come back later when you feel the need to refresh your memory of why the technical details matter outside the classroom.

This chapter is a personal statement of what we find interesting and important about programming. It explains what motivates us to keep going in this field after decades.

This is a chapter to read to get an idea of possible ultimate goals and an idea of what kind of person a programmer might be.

A beginner’s technical book inevitably contains much pretty basic stuff. In this chapter, we lift our eyes from the technical details and consider the big picture: Why is programming a worthwhile activity? What is the role of programming in our civilization? Where can a programmer make contributions to be proud of? Where does programming fit into the greater world of software development, deployment, and maintenance? When people talk about “computer science,” “software engineering,” “information technology,” etc., where does programming fit into the picture? What does a programmer do? What skills does a good programmer have?

To a student, the most urgent reason for understanding an idea, a technique, or a chapter may be to pass a test with a good grade — but there has to be more to learning than that!

To someone working in the software industry, the most urgent reason for understanding an idea, a technique, or a chapter may be to find something that can help with the current project and that will not annoy the boss who controls the next paycheck, promotions, and firings — but there has to be more to learning than that!

We work best when we feel that our work in some small way makes the world a better place for people to live in. For tasks that we perform over a period of years (the “things” that professions and careers are made of ), ideals and more abstract ideas are crucial.

Our civilization runs on software. Improving software and finding new uses for software are two of the ways an individual can help improve the lives of many. Programming plays an essential role in that.

1.2 Software 软件

Good software is invisible. You can’t see it, feel it, weigh it, or knock on it. Software is a collection of programs running on some computer.

Sometimes, we can see the computer. Often, we can see only something that contains the computer, such as a telephone, a camera, a bread maker, a car, or a wind turbine.

We can see what that software does. We can be annoyed or hurt if it doesn’t do what it is supposed to
do. We can be annoyed or hurt if what it is supposed to do doesn’t suit our needs.

How many computers are there in the world? We don’t know; billions at least. There may be more computers in the world than people. We need to count servers, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and computers embedded in “gadgets.”

How many computers do you (more or less directly) use every day? There are more than 30 computers in my car, two in my cell phone, one in my MP3 player, and one in my camera.

Then there is my laptop (on which the page you are reading is being written) and my desktop machine. The air-conditioning controller that keeps the summer heat and humidity at bay is a simple computer.

There is one controlling the computer science department’s elevator. If you use a modern television, there will be at least one computer in there somewhere

A bit of web surfing gets you into direct contact with dozens — possibly hundreds — of servers through a telecommunications system consisting of many thousands of computers — telephone switches, routers, and so on.

No, I do not drive around with 30 laptops on the backseat of my car! The point is that most computers do not look like the popular image of a computer (with a screen, a keyboard, a mouse, etc.); they are small “parts” embedded in the equipment we use.

So, that car has nothing that looks like a computer, not even a screen to display maps and driving directions (though such gadgets are popular in other cars).

However, its engine contains quite a few computers, doing things like fuel injection control and temperature monitoring.

The power-assisted steering involves at least one computer, the radio and the security system contain some, and we suspect that even the open/close controls of the windows are computer controlled. Newer models even have computers that continuously monitor tire pressure

How many computers do you depend on for what you do during a day? You eat; if you live in a modern city, getting the food to you is a major effort requiring minor miracles of planning, transport, and storage.

The management of the distribution networks is of course computerized, as are the communication
systems that stitch them all together. Modern farming is highly computerized; next to the cow barn you find computers used to monitor the herd (ages, health, milk production, etc.), farm equipment is increasingly computerized, and the number of forms required by the various branches of government can make any honest farmer cry.

If something goes wrong, you can read all about it in your newspaper; of course, the articles in that paper were written on computers, set on the page by computers, and (if you still read the “dead tree edition”) printed by computerized equipment — often after having been electronically transmitted
to the printing plant. Books are produced in the same way.

If you have to commute, the traffic flows are monitored by computers in a (usually vain) attempt to avoid traffic jams. You prefer to take the train? That train will also be computerized; some even operate without a driver, and the train’s subsystems, such as announcements, braking, and ticketing, involve lots of computers.

Today’s entertainment industry (music, movies, television, stage shows) is among the largest users of computers. Even non-cartoon movies use (computer) animation heavily; music and photography are also digital (i.e., using computers) for both recording and delivery.

Should you become ill, the tests your doctor orders will involve computers, the medical records are often computerized, and most of the medical equipment you’ll encounter if you are sent to a hospital to be cured contains computers

Unless you happen to be staying in a cottage in the woods without access to any electrically powered gadgets (including light bulbs), you use energy.

Oil is found, extracted, processed, and distributed through a system using computers every step along the way, from the drill bit deep in the ground to your local gas (petrol) pump.

If you pay for that gas with a credit card, you again exercise a whole host of computers. It is the same story for coal, gas, solar, and wind power

The examples so far are all “operational”; they are directly involved in what you are doing.

Once removed from that is the important and interesting area of design. The clothes you wear, the telephone you talk into, and the coffee machine that dispenses your favorite brew were designed and manufactured using computers.

The superior quality of modern photographic lenses and the exquisite shapes in the design of modern everyday gadgets and utensils owe almost everything to computer-based design and production methods.

The craftsmen/designers/artists/engineers who design our environment have been freed from many physical constraints previously considered fundamental. If you get ill, the medicines given to cure you will have been designed using computers.

Finally, research — science itself — relies heavily on computers. The telescopes that probe the secrets of distant stars could not be designed, built, or operated without computers, and the masses of data they produce couldn’t be analyzed and understood without computers

An individual biology field researcher may not be heavily computerized (unless, of course, a camera, a digital tape recorder, a telephone, etc. are used), but back in the lab, the data has to be stored, analyzed, checked against computer models, and communicated to fellow scientists.

Modern chemistry and biology — including medical research — use computers to an extent undreamed of a few years ago and still unimagined by most people. The human genome was sequenced by computers. Or — let’s be precise — the human genome was sequenced by humans using computers.

In all of these examples, we see computers as something that enables us to do something we would have had a harder time doing without computers.

Every one of those computers runs software. Without software, they would just be expensive lumps of silicon, metal, and plastic: doorstops, boat anchors, and space heaters.

Every line of that software was written by some individual. Every one of those lines that was actually executed was minimally reasonable, if not correct. It’s amazing that it all works!

We are talking about billions of lines of code (program text) in hundreds of programming languages. Getting all that to work took a staggering amount of effort and involved an unimaginable number of

We want further improvements to essentially every service and gadget we depend o

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《计算机图形学:原理与实践》第21章-动画 动画在计算机图形学中起着重要的作用,它可以通过计算机生成逼真的运动图像来模拟现实世界中的动态效果。第21章详细介绍了动画的原理和实践。 动画的目标是通过序列帧的播放来创造出连续的运动感。本章介绍了两种常见的动画制作方法:关键帧动画和插值动画。 关键帧动画是通过在时间轴上选择关键帧来定义动画的开始和结束状态,然后计算机会自动填充中间帧。这种方法可以减少制作动画的工作量,但帧与帧之间的过渡可能不够平滑。 插值动画则通过在关键帧之间插入中间帧来创建流畅的动画效果。其中,线性插值是最简单的方法,通过计算两个关键帧之间的过渡来生成中间帧。其他的插值方法还包括贝塞尔曲线插值和样条插值等,它们能够更好地保持物体的形态和运动特性。 此外,本章还介绍了动画中的常见技术,如运动模糊和骨骼动画。运动模糊通过在连续帧之间模糊对象来模拟物体的运动轨迹,使动画更加真实。骨骼动画则是通过在物体上添加骨骼和关节来模拟物体的形变和动作,从而实现更加灵活和逼真的动画效果。 此外,本章还介绍了动画中使用的额外技术,如动画蒙皮和递归动画。动画蒙皮是将物体的外表表面贴上一个虚拟的模型,使其能够更好地跟随物体的运动。递归动画则是通过将一个物体分解成多个部分,然后对每个部分进行独立的动画处理,最终合成整个物体的动画。 总而言之,《计算机图形学:原理与实践》第21章详细介绍了动画的原理和实践,包括关键帧动画、插值动画、运动模糊、骨骼动画、动画蒙皮和递归动画等技术。通过学习本章内容,读者可以更好地理解和应用计算机图形学中的动画技术。




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