首先把四张表格Cj Student Course Class的信息插入
create database test;
use test;
create table Student
( Sno char(7) not null primary key,
Sname char(10)not null,
Ssex char(2) not null check(Ssex='男' or Ssex='女') default('男'),
Sage smallint check(Sage>=14 and Sage<=65),
Clno char(5) not null,
create table Course
( Cno char(1) not null primary key,
Cname char(20) not null,
Credit smallint check(Credit>=1 and Credit<=6)
create table Class
( Clno char(5) not null primary key,
Speciality char(20) not null,
Inyear datetime not null,
Number smallint not null check(Number>=1 and Number<=60),
Monitor char(7)
create table Cj
(Sno char(7) not null,
Cno char(1),
Grade decimal(4,1) check(Grade>0 and Grade<100),
primary key(Sno,Cno)
alter table Course add unique(Cname);
insert into Student values
insert into Course values
insert into Class values
insert into Cj values
- 使用insert命令向Student表种插入一条新的学生记录(2000105,刘辉,男,20,00311)
insert into Student values ('2000105','刘辉','男',20,'00311');
- 使用insert命令向Student表中从插入一条新的学生纪录(2001105,范冰冰,女,01311)。
insert into Student values ('2001105','范冰冰','女',20,'01311');
- 范冰冰同学,“数据库“考了85分,”管理信息系统“考了92分,将两门课成绩登记到数据库中。
insert into Cj values ('2001105','1',85); insert into Cj values ('2001105','3',85);
- 将学号为“2000105“的学生的班级号改为”01312”。
update Student set Clno='01312' where Sno='2000105';
- 将选秀“6”号课程的学生成绩加5分。
update Cj set Grade+=5 where Cno='6';
- 删除学号为“2000105”的学生记录。
delete from Student where Sno='2000105';
- 删除学分为2分的所有课程记录。
delete from Course where Credit=2;