调试指南3 堆以及堆上常见的问题

1. Virtual Memory-这个域显示了进程独占的内存量。如果进程将被交换到磁盘,它就显示了在页面文件中占据的存储空间。
2. Memory Usage-这个域显示了进程使用了多少物理内存。有时候它会比Virtual Memory大,这是因为它不仅包含进程独占的内存汉包含与其它进程共享的内存。比如,许多进程使用kernael32.dll,而将同一段执行代码复制到每个进程空间是很浪费的。
1. 通常来说,出自同一个地方的内存分配会有相同的大小。对于固定大小的结构这样是不错的,所以只需找到分配了许多同样内存的地方。但对于动态分配的内存就不是这样了。
2. 出自同一个地方的内存通常有相同或近似的类型或信息。也就是说,比较不同地方的内存分配看它们是否有相似的地方。如果你了解程序的数据结构你就能猜到内存分配出自哪里。这可以帮助你缩小搜索范围。
现在来运行我们的小程序,我们会发现内存增长了。接下来我们看看能不能找到它在哪发生的。首先找到进程的PID,然后运行“CDB –P<PID>”。当然,也可以用WinDbg,从UI中选择这个进程。进入以后,执行“!heap”来显示进程的所有堆。
0:000> !heap
NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for new heaps:    tail checking
    disable coalescing of free blocks
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 2:   00240000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 3:   00250000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 4:   00320000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
0:000> !heap 00140000
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
    Segment at 00140000 to 00240000 (00100000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00510000 to 00610000 (00100000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00610000 to 00810000 (00051000 bytes committed)
 2:   00240000
 3:   00250000
 4:   00320000
0:000> !heap 00240000
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
 2:   00240000
    Segment at 00240000 to 00250000 (00006000 bytes committed)
 3:   00250000
 4:   00320000
0:000> !heap 00250000
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
 2:   00240000
 3:   00250000
    Segment at 00250000 to 00260000 (00001000 bytes committed)
 4:   00320000
0:000> !heap 00320000
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
 2:   00240000
 3:   00250000
 4:   00320000
    Segment at 00320000 to 00330000 (00010000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00410000 to 00510000 (000ee000 bytes committed)
0:000> !heap 00140000 -a
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
    Segment at 00140000 to 00240000 (00100000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00510000 to 00610000 (00100000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00610000 to 00810000 (00051000 bytes committed)
    Flags:                50000062
    ForceFlags:           40000060
    Granularity:          8 bytes
    Segment Reserve:      00400000
    Segment Commit:       00002000
    DeCommit Block Thres: 00000200
    DeCommit Total Thres: 00002000
    Total Free Size:      00000226
    Max. Allocation Size: 7ffdefff
    Lock Variable at:     00140608
    Next TagIndex:        0000
    Maximum TagIndex:     0000
    Tag Entries:          00000000
    PsuedoTag Entries:    00000000
    Virtual Alloc List:   00140050
    UCR FreeList:        00140598
    FreeList Usage:      00040000 00400000 00000000 00000000
    FreeList[ 00 ] at 00140178: 00660118 . 00660118
    Unable to read nt!_HEAP_FREE_ENTRY structure at 00660118
    FreeList[ 12 ] at 00140208: 0023ff78 . 0023ff78
    Unable to read nt!_HEAP_FREE_ENTRY structure at 0023ff78
    FreeList[ 36 ] at 00140328: 0060fe58 . 0060fe58
    Unable to read nt!_HEAP_FREE_ENTRY structure at 0060fe58
    Segment00 at 00140640:
        Flags:           00000000
        Base:            00140000
        First Entry:     00140680
        Last Entry:      00240000
        Total Pages:     00000100
        Total UnCommit: 00000000
        Largest UnCommit:00000000
        UnCommitted Ranges: (0)
    Heap entries for Segment00 in Heap 00140000
        00140000: 00000 . 00640 [01] - busy (640)
        00140640: 00640 . 00040 [01] - busy (40)
        00140680: 00040 . 01818 [07] - busy (1800), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00141e90
        00141e98: 01818 . 00040 [07] - busy (22), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00141ed0
        00141ed8: 00040 . 00020 [07] - busy (5), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00141ef0
        00141ef8: 00020 . 002f0 [07] - busy (2d8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001421e0
        001421e8: 002f0 . 00330 [07] - busy (314), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142510
        00142518: 00330 . 00330 [07] - busy (314), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142840
        00142848: 00330 . 00040 [07] - busy (24), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142880
        00142888: 00040 . 00040 [07] - busy (24), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001428c0
        001428c8: 00040 . 00028 [07] - busy (10), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001428e8
        001428f0: 00028 . 00058 [07] - busy (40), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142940
        00142948: 00058 . 00058 [07] - busy (40), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142998
        001429a0: 00058 . 00060 [07] - busy (44), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001429f8
        00142a00: 00060 . 00020 [07] - busy (1), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142a18
        00142a20: 00020 . 00028 [07] - busy (10), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142a40
        00142a48: 00028 . 00050 [07] - busy (36), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142a90
        00142a98: 00050 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142ca0
        00142ca8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00142eb0
        00142eb8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001430c0
        001430c8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001432d0
        001432d8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001434e0
        001434e8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001436f0
        001436f8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00143900
        00143908: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00143b10
        00143b18: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00143d20
        00143d28: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00143f30
        00143f38: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144140
        00144148: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144350
        00144358: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144560
        00144568: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144770
        00144778: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144980
        00144988: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144b90
        00144b98: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144da0
        00144da8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00144fb0
        00144fb8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001451c0
        001451c8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001453d0
        001453d8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001455e0
        001455e8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 001457f0
        001457f8: 00210 . 00210 [07] - busy (1f4), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00145a00
为了将列表缩短,我点击了几下“Control Break”来跳出列表。我们可以注意到,后面的内存分配都是一样的大小,而且都比较大。列表每一个域的意义如下:
<ADDRESS>: <Current Size> . <PREVIOUS Size>
0:000> dd 001457f8
001457f8 00420042 001c0700 00006968 00000000
00145808 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145818 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145828 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145838 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145848 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145858 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00145868 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0:000> dc 001457f8
001457f8 00420042 001c0700 00006968 00000000 B.B.....hi......
00145808 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145818 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145828 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145838 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145848 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145858 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00145868 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0:000> !heap
NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for new heaps:    tail checking
    disable coalescing of free blocks
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 2:   00240000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 3:   00250000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
 4:   00320000                 tail checking free checking validate parameters
0:000> !heap 00320000 -a
Index   Address Name      Debugging options enabled
 1:   00140000
 2:   00240000
 3:   00250000
 4:   00320000
    Segment at 00320000 to 00330000 (00010000 bytes committed)
    Segment at 00410000 to 00510000 (000ee000 bytes committed)
    Flags:                50001062
    ForceFlags:           40000060
    Granularity:          8 bytes
    Segment Reserve:      00200000
    Segment Commit:       00002000
    DeCommit Block Thres: 00000200
    DeCommit Total Thres: 00002000
    Total Free Size:      000000b3
    Max. Allocation Size: 7ffdefff
    Lock Variable at:     00320608
    Next TagIndex:        0000
    Maximum TagIndex:     0000
    Tag Entries:          00000000
    PsuedoTag Entries:    00000000
    Virtual Alloc List:   00320050
    UCR FreeList:        00320598
    FreeList Usage:      00000800 00000000 00000000 00000000
    FreeList[ 00 ] at 00320178: 004fdac8 . 004fdac8
    Unable to read nt!_HEAP_FREE_ENTRY structure at 004fdac8
    FreeList[ 0b ] at 003201d0: 0032ffb0 . 0032ffb0
    Unable to read nt!_HEAP_FREE_ENTRY structure at 0032ffb0
    Segment00 at 00320640:
        Flags:           00000000
        Base:            00320000
        First Entry:     00320680
        Last Entry:      00330000
        Total Pages:     00000010
        Total UnCommit: 00000000
        Largest UnCommit:00000000
        UnCommitted Ranges: (0)
    Heap entries for Segment00 in Heap 00320000
        00320000: 00000 . 00640 [01] - busy (640)
        00320640: 00640 . 00040 [01] - busy (40)
        00320680: 00040 . 01818 [07] - busy (1800), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00321e90
        00321e98: 01818 . 000a0 [07] - busy (88), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00321f30
        00321f38: 000a0 . 00498 [07] - busy (480), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003223c8
        003223d0: 00498 . 00098 [07] - busy (80), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322460
        00322468: 00098 . 00028 [07] - busy (d), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322488
        00322490: 00028 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322568
        00322570: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322648
        00322650: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322728
        00322730: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322808
        00322810: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003228e8
        003228f0: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003229c8
        003229d0: 000e0 . 000e8 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322ab0
        00322ab8: 000e8 . 00238 [07] - busy (220), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322ce8
        00322cf0: 00238 . 000a8 [07] - busy (90), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322d90
        00322d98: 000a8 . 00058 [07] - busy (3e), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322de8
        00322df0: 00058 . 00060 [07] - busy (41), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322e48
        00322e50: 00060 . 00050 [07] - busy (31), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322e98
        00322ea0: 00050 . 00038 [07] - busy (1b), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322ed0
        00322ed8: 00038 . 00040 [07] - busy (26), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322f10
        00322f18: 00040 . 00030 [07] - busy (11), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322f40
        00322f48: 00030 . 00030 [07] - busy (17), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322f70
        00322f78: 00030 . 00028 [07] - busy (d), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322f98
        00322fa0: 00028 . 00048 [07] - busy (2f), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00322fe0
        00322fe8: 00048 . 000d0 [07] - busy (b1), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003230b0
        003230b8: 000d0 . 00080 [07] - busy (61), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323130
        00323138: 00080 . 00038 [07] - busy (1c), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323168
        00323170: 00038 . 00048 [07] - busy (2d), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003231b0
        003231b8: 00048 . 00040 [07] - busy (22), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003231f0
        003231f8: 00040 . 00030 [07] - busy (17), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323220
        00323228: 00030 . 00028 [07] - busy (e), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323248       
        00323250: 00028 . 00168 [07] - busy (149), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003233b0
        003233b8: 00168 . 00058 [07] - busy (39), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323408
        00323410: 00058 . 00038 [07] - busy (1b), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323440
        00323448: 00038 . 00060 [07] - busy (43), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003234a0
        003234a8: 00060 . 00030 [07] - busy (12), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003234d0
        003234d8: 00030 . 00030 [07] - busy (18), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323500
        00323508: 00030 . 00038 [07] - busy (1e), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323538
        00323540: 00038 . 00028 [07] - busy (c), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323560
        00323568: 00028 . 00030 [07] - busy (14), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323590
        00323598: 00030 . 00028 [07] - busy (f), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003235b8
        003235c0: 00028 . 00030 [07] - busy (18), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003235e8
        003235f0: 00030 . 00040 [07] - busy (28), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323628
        00323630: 00040 . 00040 [07] - busy (27), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323668
        00323670: 00040 . 00038 [07] - busy (19), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003236a0
        003236a8: 00038 . 00030 [07] - busy (17), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003236d0
        003236d8: 00030 . 00050 [07] - busy (34), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323720
        00323728: 00050 . 00030 [07] - busy (11), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323750
        00323758: 00030 . 00030 [07] - busy (14), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00323780
        00323788: 00030 . 00068 [07] - busy (4a), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003237e8
        003237f0: 00068 . 00818 [07] - busy (800), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324000
        00324008: 00818 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003240e0
        003240e8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003241c0
        003241c8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003242a0
       003242a8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324380
        00324388: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324460
        00324468: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324540
        00324548: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324620
        00324628: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324700
        00324708: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003247e0
        003247e8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003248c0
        003248c8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003249a0
        003249a8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324a80
        00324a88: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324b60
        00324b68: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324c40
        00324c48: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324d20
        00324d28: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324e00
        00324e08: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324ee0
        00324ee8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00324fc0
        00324fc8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 003250a0
        003250a8: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00325180
        00325188: 000e0 . 000e0 [07] - busy (c8), 
            tail fill - unable to read heap entry extra at 00325260
0:000> dc 00325188
00325188 001c001c 00180700 66647361 61667361 ........asdfasfa
00325198 73666473 73666461 73666461 61666164 sdfsadfsadfsdafa
003251a8 61736673 73616664 61736664 73616664 sfsadfasdfsadfas
003251b8 66736166 73666473 66736661 66647361 fasfsdfsafsfasdf
003251c8 00617364 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d dsa.............
003251d8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
003251e8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
003251f8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
 char *p, *x;
     p = malloc(200);
     strcpy(p, "asdfasfasdfsadfsadfsdafasfsadfasdfsadfasfasfsdfsafsfasdfdsa");
     x = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, 500);
     strcpy(x, "hi");
非常简单的代码,而且显然它会导致快速的内存泄漏。请注意一下:实际内存分配是224字节而不是200字节。这是因为分配的尺寸中包括了2 DWORD的头,它也是8字节边界的。
0:000> dc 0325188 + e0
00325268 001c001c 00180700 66647361 61667361 ........asdfasfa
00325278 73666473 73666461 73666461 61666164 sdfsadfsadfsdafa
00325288 61736673 73616664 61736664 73616664 sfsadfasdfsadfas
00325298 66736166 73666473 66736661 66647361 fasfsdfsafsfasdf
003252a8 00617364 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d dsa.............
003252b8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
003252c8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
003252d8 baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d baadf00d ................
在这里我不会详细介绍标志位,因为我从来没有亲自使用过它。这里面最重要的标志是告诉你当前内存是否被分配了。也就是使用!heap <heap> -a时所看到的,“busy”说明这块内存被使用了,“free”说明内存是空闲的。上面可以看到当内存被分配时标志位的值是“00180700”而被释放时,它的值是“00180400”。你可以自己做一个试验。有一点需要小心的是,在你释放掉内存观察标志位之前确保不要有其它线程再次申请同一块内存。
PVOID MyAllocationRoutine(DWORD dwSize)
 PVOID pMem = malloc(dwSize + sizeof(_DEBUG_STRUCTURE));
    /* Fill In Your Debug Information Here */
    /* Make Sure You Give the Application the memory AFTER your debug structure */
    pMem = pDebugStruc + 1; 
return pMem;
一定要记得创建自己的free函数。这个函数首先减掉自定义的结构的大小,然后再调用free API。
C:/programs/DirectX/Games/src/Games/temp/bin>cdb temp 
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.3.0005.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 
CommandLine: temp
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:/symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols 
Executable search path is:
ModLoad: 0040000000404000   temp.exe
ModLoad: 77f50000 77ff7000   ntdll.dll
ModLoad: 77e60000 77f46000   C:/WINDOWS.0/system32/kernel32.dll
ModLoad: 77c10000 77c63000   C:/WINDOWS.0/system32/MSVCRT.dll
(a20.710): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00241eb4 ebx=7ffdf000 ecx=00000004 edx=77f51310 esi=00241eb4 edi=00241f48
eip=77f75a58 esp=0012fb38 ebp=0012fc2c iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000             efl=00000202
77f75a58 cc               int     3
0:000> g
(a20.710): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=61736664 ebx=00000004 ecx=73616664 edx=00142ab8 esi=00142ab8 edi=00140000
eip=77f8452d esp=0012f7e4 ebp=0012f9fc iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000             efl=00010246
77f8452d 8901             mov     [ecx],eax         ds:0023:73616664=????????
0:000> kb
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
0012f9fc 77f9d959 00140000 50140169 00000006 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x6bd
0012fa80 77f83eb1 00140000 50140169 00000006 ntdll!RtlDebugAllocateHeap+0xaf
0012fcac 77f589f2 00140000 40140068 00000006 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x41
0012fee4 77e7a6d4 00140000 40140068 00000006 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0xe44
0012ff30 00401024 00000040 00000006 00000000 kernel32!LocalAlloc+0x58
0012ff4c 0040113b 00000001 00322470 00322cf8 temp!main+0x24
0012ffc0 77e814c7 00000000 00000000 7ffdf000 temp!mainCRTStartup+0xe3
0012fff0 00000000 00401058 00000000 78746341 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23
0:000> u eip - 20
77f8450d 058845b356       add     eax,0x56b34588
77f84512 8b7de4           mov     edi,[ebp-0x1c]
77f84515 57               push    edi
77f84516 e85eeaffff       call    ntdll!RtlpUpdateIndexRemoveBlock (77f82f79)
77f8451b 8b4608           mov     eax,[esi+0x8]
77f8451e 89855cffffff     mov     [ebp-0xa4],eax
77f84524 8b4e0c           mov     ecx,[esi+0xc]
77f84527 898d58ffffff     mov     [ebp-0xa8],ecx
0:000> u
77f8452d 8901             mov     [ecx],eax
这里好像是一个类似链表的结构。我将我们感兴趣的部分用黑体标识了。首先可以看到,ECX被当作一个指针来用,象前面文章所提到的,[ecx]等价于C语言的DWORD *pECX; *pECX = EAX;所以要看一下ECX来自于哪里。可以看到“ECX,[ESI+0Ch]”,含义如下:
DWORD *pECX, *pESI; pECX = pESI[12/4]; 
0:000> dc esi + c
00142ac73616664 66736166 73666473 66736661 dfasfasfsdfsafsf
00142ad4 66647361 00617364 feeefeee feeefeee asdfdsa.........
00142ae4 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
00142af4 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
00142b04 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
00142b14 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
00142b24 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
00142b34 feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee feeefeee ................
77f8452d 8901 mov [ecx],eax ds:0023:73616664=????????
x = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, 5);
strcpy(x, "asdfasfasdfsadfsadfsdafasfsadfasdfsadfasfasfsdfsafsfasdfdsa");
p = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, 6);
strcpy(p, "hi");
断点是个很好的工具。“ba r1 xxxx”表示当有人试图读写这块内存时就中断到这里。当地址是个常量时,这样是很有效的。还有其它方法也是有效的,比如,减少导致问题的函数的功能、使能全局标志等。
Performance Monitor
这个工具是Windows perfomon 类工具之一。这个工具允许我们使用特定的选项来查看系统的运行状况。它可以帮你了解进程在内存中整个的运行状况。对于慢速的内存泄漏来说,这是比任务管理器更好的工具。
Bounds Checker
Global Flags
QuickView: System Explorer




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