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原创 菜单栏的制作

电气一班  杨建 15050341036菜单栏的制作1.打开VB2.右击’Form1‘空白处,单击’菜单编辑器‘。3.在‘菜单编辑器’中  标题为“文件(&E)”名称为“file”,单击‘下一个’;  标题为“编辑(&)”,名称为“compile”;  选中’编辑‘,单击‘插入’,单击'右箭头图标',标题为“新建工程(&N)”,名称为“NewProject”,快捷键

2016-06-22 18:00:41 347

原创 求出二维数组中m*n的鞍点

姓名:杨健专业:电气工程及其自动化 学号:15050341036                                    求出二维数组中m*n的鞍点一、实验目的: 1.掌握数组的声明和数组元素的引用  2.掌握定长数组和动态数组的使用  3.掌握数组的基本操作算法  4.掌握过程的定义和调用  二、实验内容    找一个n*m的二维数组的“鞍点”。“鞍点”

2016-06-22 17:59:08 2068

原创 制作登录窗口

姓名:杨健 专业:电气工程及其自动化 学号:15050341036                                         制作登录窗口一、    实验目的1、     掌握在窗体上添加控件的方法;2、     了解窗体等基本对象属性的设置方法;3、     掌握可视化数据管理器的使用方法;4、     掌握数据控件及绑定控件的使用方法;5、    

2016-06-22 17:57:40 620

原创 为什么要判断k<m,k>m+1

Option Base 1Dim anma() As IntegerDim m As Byte, n As BytePrivate Sub Command1_Click()ClsMe.Font.Size = 30m = 5: n = 6ReDim anma(m, n)Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerFor i = 1 To m  

2016-06-16 17:22:09 719

原创 1到100随机数

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a(1 To 100) As LongDim i As LongDim j As LongDim t As LongFor i = 1 To 100    a(i) = 10 + Rnd() * 100Next iFor i = 1 To 100    Print a(i)Next

2016-06-16 17:19:58 5919

原创 10个随机数

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Cls    Dim a(1 To 10) As Integer    Dim i As Byte    Dim j As Byte    Dim t As Byte        For i = 1 To 10        a(i) = 10 + Rnd() * 100    Next i 

2016-06-16 17:18:37 447

原创 23的.16进制

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 60Print erjinzhi(23)End SubPrivate Function erjinzhi(m As Byte) As StringDim n As Byten = mConst er As Byte = 16Dim returns As StringDim

2016-05-07 17:48:27 1399

原创 数乘

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a() As ByteDim r() As ByteDim b As StringDim c As ByteDim i As LongDim L As LongL = Len(Me.Text1.Text)ReDim a(L)For i = 1 To L    b = Mid(Me.Te

2016-04-21 17:26:53 378

原创 十的阶乘

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsPrint 阶乘(10)End SubPrivate Function 阶乘(n As Integer) As LongIf n = 1 Then阶乘 = 1Else阶乘 = n * 阶乘(n - 1)End IfEnd Function

2016-04-14 17:38:51 1001

原创 用计数器计算1至100的和

Option ExplicitDim i As IntegerDim sum As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()ClsFont.Size = 70End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()sum = sum + ii = i + 1If i > 100 ThenMe.Timer1.Enab

2016-04-14 17:08:52 827

原创 余数和商

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n1 As ByteDim n2 As ByteDim yushu As ByteDim shang As ByteDim tempresult As Byten1 = Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text))n2 = Int(Val(Me.Text2.Text))tempresult = n1

2016-04-14 17:07:42 512

原创 VB上课心得体会


2016-04-07 17:33:24 854

原创 n个随机数排列

Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()    Cls    Dim x As Integer    x = Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text))    Dim n As Integer    Dim A() As Integer    ReDim A(x)        n = LBound(A)   

2016-04-07 16:20:18 476

原创 十个数按大小排列

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim x(15) As Integer, n As Integern = 1While n x(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)n = n + 1WendDim swap As Integer, m As Integerm = 1While m n = 1While n If

2016-03-31 17:35:39 639

原创 VB中列出十个数

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Cls    Font.Size = 30    Dim n As Integer        Dim sierdun(10) As Integer    n = 1    While n         sierdun(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)        n = n + 1

2016-03-31 17:34:16 419

原创 十五个数随机排序

Private Sub cmdSort_Click()   Dim A(14) As Integer   Dim I, J As Integer   Dim Temp As Integer   Form1.Cls   Randomize   For I = 0 To 14   A(I) = Int(Rnd * 1000)   Next I   For I = 0

2016-03-31 16:15:06 790

原创 红白糖水变换

Private Sub 变换_Click()Dim a As Stringa = Me.Label1.CaptionMe.Label1.Caption = Me.Label2.CaptionMe.Label2.Caption = aDim b As Stringb = Me.Label1.ForeColorMe.Label1.ForeColor = Me.Label2.

2016-03-24 17:39:17 430

原创 数据变换

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim b As Integer, c As IntegerDim d As Integerc = Int(Rnd() * 1000)b = Int(Rnd() * 1000)Print "b=" & bPrint "c=" & cd = cc = bb = d

2016-03-24 16:22:03 613

原创 将a与b的值进行交换

将a与b的值进行交换Private Sub Form_Load()      Cls      Dim  a  As  Integer,  b  As  Integer,  c  As  Integer      a  =  10:  b  =  20      Print  "a="  &  a      Print  "b="  &  b      c  =  a:

2016-03-17 17:27:23 1128



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