实验六 Web前端综合应用


  1. 综合应用html、css完成页面布局
  2. 结合jQuery、Ajax实现数据请求与提交
  3. 了解web程序的发布


  1. 应用CSS或你所学习的前端UI美化实验5所完成的应用程序。
  2. 借助web服务器发布步骤1所完成的程序。Tomacat、Apache、nginx、IIS等任一种方式均可。











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    <title>Student Manager</title>

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                    <h1>学生信息管理系统 Student Information Manage System</h1>

                <div class="head_title_1">
                    <h2>SOUTHWEST PEROLEUM UNIVERSITY</h2>

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                <div class="body_table">
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                        <div class="body_table_head">
                                <h3>学生信息 Student Informations</h3>
                            <div class="body_table_version">
                                version:1.0 developer:Barincy_Liang
                        <div class="body_input">
                            <div class="input">
                                <label for="">学号:</label>
                                <input type="text" id="stuNo" placeholder="请输入学生学号">
                            <div class="input">
                                <label for="">姓名:</label>
                                <input type="text" id="stuName" placeholder="请输入学生姓名">
                            <div class="input">
                                <label for="">专业:</label>
                                <input type="text" id="stuMajor" placeholder="请输入学生专业">
                            <div id="submit" onclick="stuSubmit()" class="submitDiv">
                                <i class="uil uil-save submit"></i>
                        <div class="body_table_table_table">
                            <div class="table_div">
                                <table id="stuTable">
                                    <thead class="table_information_title">



/* ================ Developer:Barincy_Liang ===================== */
/* ================ Google Fonts ===================== */
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/* ================= Variables CSS =================== */

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    /* ================ Developer:Barincy_Liang ===================== */
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/* ================ Developer:Barincy_Liang ===================== */

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/* ============REUSABLE CSS CLASSES ====================*/
/* ================ Developer:Barincy_Liang ===================== */
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// var deleteId = null;

//get stuinformation from database
function getData() {
        function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

            var stuList = data.data;        //从后端get的数据里面拿到信息列表。

            // 列表为空时添加测填充数据,方便还未写插入的同学写删除部分。

            // if (Object.keys(stuList).length == 0) {
            //     var stuNo = '空表格数据填充';            //初始化填充数据样式
            //     var stuName = '空表格数据填充';
            //     var stuMajor = '空表格数据填充';
            //     $.post("", { stuNo: stuNo, stuName: stuName, stuMajor: stuMajor },
            //         function (data) {
            //             deleteId = data.data;
            //             if (data.msg == '成功') {
            //                 $("tr[name = 'tablebody']").remove();
            //                 $.get("",
            //                     function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            //                         var stuList = data.data;
            //                         for (var v in stuList) {
            //                             var newRow = "<tr name = 'tablebody'> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuNo + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuName + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuMajor + "</div></td> <td><div><button name = 'update' onclick = 'updateByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>修改</button><span> | </span><button name = 'delete' onclick = 'deleteByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>删除</button></div></td></tr>"
            //                             $("tr:last").after(newRow);
            //                         }
            //                     }
            //                 );
            //                 $("input").val("");
            //             }
            //         }
            //     )

            // // 列表不为空时删除填充数据,由于为经过优化,对后端服务器压力比较大,并且对自身实验没任何作用所以属下,也懒得优化。

            // }else {
            //     $.ajax({
            //         type: "POST",
            //         url: '' + deleteId,
            //         success: function (response) {
            //         }
            //     });
            // }
            $("tr[name = 'tablebody']").remove();       //remove all tr which named tablebody

            //foreach the stuList
            for (var v in stuList) {

                //if the stuList[v] have any information is null or empty then delete it from database.
                if (stuList[v].stuNo == '' || stuList[v].stuNo == null || stuList[v].stuName == '' || stuList[v].stuName == null || stuList[v].stuMajor == '' || stuList[v].stuMajor == null) {
                        type: "POST",
                        url: '' + stuList[v].stuId,
                        success: function (response) {
                } else { //if the information is not null add it into table

                    //add data in a loop,note that i store the id of each student in the div of the modification and deletion tags to facilitate the deletion and update functions
                    var newRow = "<tr name = 'tablebody'> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuNo + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuName + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuMajor + "</div></td> <td><div><button name = 'update' onclick = 'updateByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>修改</button><span> | </span><button name = 'delete' onclick = 'deleteByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>删除</button></div></td></tr>"

//add information to database
function addStuData (stuNo, stuName, stuMajor) {
    var data = '';
    $.post("", { stuNo: stuNo, stuName: stuName, stuMajor: stuMajor },
        function (data) {
            if (data.msg == '成功') {
                $("tr[name = 'tablebody']").remove();
                    function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                        var stuList = data.data;
                        for (var v in stuList) {
                            var newRow = "<tr name = 'tablebody'> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuNo + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuName + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuMajor + "</div></td> <td><div><button name = 'update' onclick = 'updateByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>修改</button><span> | </span><button name = 'delete' onclick = 'deleteByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>删除</button></div></td></tr>"
    return data;

//delete stu by stuId
function deleteByStuId(e) {
    var stuid = e.value;
        type: "POST",
        url: '' + stuid,
        success: function (response) {


//update student information by stuId
function stuUpdate(stuId) {
    //get the new stu information
    var stuNo = $("#stuNo").val();
    var stuName = $("#stuName").val();
    var stuMajor = $("#stuMajor").val();

    //post new data to update database data
    $.post("", { stuId: stuId, stuNo: stuNo, stuName: stuName, stuMajor: stuMajor },
        function (data) {
            if (data.msg == '成功') {   //if update database success,update the table's information
                $("tr[name = 'tablebody']").remove();   //detele old table's tr
                    function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                        var stuList = data.data;
                        for (var v in stuList) {
                            var newRow = "<tr name = 'tablebody'> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuNo + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuName + "</div></td> <td><div>" + stuList[v].stuMajor + "</div></td> <td><div><button name = 'update' onclick = 'updateByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>修改</button><span> | </span><button name = 'delete' onclick = 'deleteByStuId(this)' value = '" + stuList[v].stuId + "'>删除</button></div></td></tr>"
    $("#submit").attr("onclick", "stuSubmit()");

//add data when the page is rendered
$(document).ready(function () {
    getData();  //function getData() :add tr

    //get box information of theme boxes
    var boxArray = $("div[name = 'color_box']");

    //Render the background color by the value of the color div's value
    $.each(boxArray, function (indexInArray, valueOfElement) {
        var color = valueOfElement.getAttribute("value");
        var colorStyle = 'background-color: hsl(' + color + ',40%, 90%)';
        valueOfElement.setAttribute('style', colorStyle);

    //every 1000ms refersh the table'data
    setInterval('getData()', '1000');

//add data after clicking submit button
function stuSubmit() {

    //get stu's data from input boxes
    var stuNo = $("#stuNo").val();
    var stuName = $("#stuName").val();
    var stuMajor = $("#stuMajor").val();

    var data = addStuData (stuNo, stuName, stuMajor);
    if(data.msg == '成功'){

//get old student information from the table
function updateByStuId(e) {
    var stuid = e.value;    //Get the value of stuid from the value of the modified tag
    var stuNo = $(e).parent().parent().parent("tr").children().eq(0).text();        //get the old stu information in table
    var stuName = $(e).parent().parent().parent("tr").children().eq(1).text();
    var stuMajor = $(e).parent().parent().parent("tr").children().eq(2).text();
    // console.log(stuNo);      //Check if the acquisition is successful
    // console.log(stuName);
    // console.log(stuMajor);
    $("#stuNo").val(stuNo);     //populate the value into the input box
    $("#submit").attr("onclick", "stuUpdate(" + stuid + ")");

//show and hide the theme selection div
function showThemeDisplay() {
    if ($("div[class = 'theme_body']").css("display") === 'none') {
        $("div[class = 'theme_body']").css("display", "block");
    else if ($("div[class = 'theme_body']").css("display") === 'block') {
        $("div[class = 'theme_body']").css("display", "none");


//change the page's background-color
function changeThemeColor(e) {
    var color = e.getAttribute("value");
    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--hue-color', color);


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