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转载 各种机器学习的应用场景


2017-05-02 17:16:43 1577

转载 A summary: how to use bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently

转载自: https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/50315/a-summary-how-to-use-bit-manipulation-to-solve-problems-easily-and-efficientlyWIKIBit manipulation is the act of algorithmically manipulat

2017-05-02 17:13:49 498

转载 机器学习算法集锦:从贝叶斯到深度学习及各自优缺点


2017-05-02 17:11:42 1214

原创 LeetCode Summary Tree

============================= Tree ===============================先中后->树105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal(先序+中序->树)先序遍历第一个是根,中序遍历用这个根分成左右子树106. Construct Binar

2017-02-10 17:10:29 590

原创 LeetCode Summary STL Stack Queue

--------------------------------- map/set/vector -----------------------------------------380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)(设计一个数据结构,可以插入、删除、随机返回元素)381. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates a

2017-02-10 17:09:59 423

原创 LeetCode Summary Sort

============================ Sort =================================------------------------- Merge Sort --------------------------88. Merge Sorted Array(合并2个有序数组):朴素315. Count of Smaller

2017-02-10 17:09:26 376

原创 LeetCode Summary Search

=========================== Search ===================================------------------------------ Backtracking  ----------------------------------------找到所有子集39. Combination Sum 40. Combi

2017-02-10 17:08:55 382

原创 LeetCode Summary Math

============================ Math ====================================343. Integer Break(给定一个数n,拆成乘积最大的一堆数)要三不要二 要二不要一约数倍数365. Water and Jug Problem(容器量出指定水)Discuss: 转换成了GCD400.

2017-02-10 17:08:08 450

原创 LeetCode Summary Linked List

============================== Linked List ============================复制138. Copy List with Random Pointer(复制一个乱七八糟的链表)S1(Mine): 用递归,指向什么,就新生成一个node,让这个node等于递归当前点指向的东西         用hash记录节点地

2017-02-10 17:07:29 313

原创 LeetCode Summary Hash Table

============================= Hash Table =============================36. Valid Sudoku(判断一个表格是不是数独)S1(Mine): 每行每列分别计数即可49. Group Anagrams(使用相同字母的单词分在同一组)S1(Mine): 每个单词排序,排好序后相同的字符串,用map记录在an

2017-02-10 17:06:51 338

原创 LeetCode Summary Graph

========================================== Graph =========================================------------------------------------ Topological Sort ------------------------------------207. Course

2017-02-10 17:06:05 373

原创 LeetCode Summary Dynamic Programming

============================ Dynamic Programming ===============================斐波那契f[i]:第i个的值70. Climbing Stairs(1或2步爬楼梯)f[i]=f[i-1]+f[i-2];91. Decode Ways(编码方式的个数)int tmp=((s[i-1]-'0

2017-02-10 17:05:32 363

原创 LeetCode Summary Array and Matrix

=========================================== Array ========================================中位数4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays(两有序数列,求他们的中位数,O(log (m+n)).)S1:最朴素,两个数列归并排序,选取中间位置。S2:two pointe

2017-02-10 17:03:57 449

原创 LeetCode 2016 132,68,71,97,10,44

132 Palindrome Partitioning II// ----------------Seeing Discuss-----------/* copying codes url https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/2840/my-solution-does-not-need-a-table-for-palindrome-is-it-rig

2016-12-29 16:19:23 404

原创 LeetCode 2016 37,65,212,84,130,218

37 Sudoku Solver// ----------------Seeing Discuss-----------/* copying codes url https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/5002/a-simple-dfs-solution Analysis: */class Solution {public: bool is

2016-12-29 16:16:21 124549 4

原创 LeetCode 2016 273,233,174,149,146

273 Integer to English Words/* My thoughts 1. 写一个专门处理三个数字的函数,注意应对001等Leading zeros的问题 2. 空格的处理:当要写入ans时,若ans.size()!=0,加空格后再写入 3. 注意单词不要拼写错误 4. 有负数*/class Solution {public: vector Wo

2016-12-27 17:15:44 425

原创 LeetCode 2016 85,124,355,126,306

85 Maximal Rectangle// -----------------See Discuss------------------// url:// https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/6650/share-my-dp-solution// Analysis/* The DP solution proceeds row by row, st

2016-12-27 17:12:06 1168

原创 LeetCode 2016 385,365,211,115

385 Mini Parser// -------------------- Seeing Discuss -----------// I really have no idea about this kind of problem// I just retyped the codes from discuss// url:// https://discuss.leetcode.co

2016-12-27 17:09:53 380

原创 LeetCode 2016 295,188,321,135,335

295 Find Median from Data Stream// I thought maybe can use two heaps, one is min heap, one is max heap. // keep the balance of the two heaps, the size equall, or min is 1 greater than max// min-he

2016-12-21 23:22:08 6090

原创 LeetCode 2016 391,297,87,93

391 Perfect Rectangle// -------------------Seeing Discuss & Searching the Solutions// Analysis:/* 任意一个矩形均有4个顶点,当出现Perfect Rectangle时,在最大覆盖矩形内部, 所有其它矩形的任意一个顶点均会出现偶数次(因为一个矩形旁边应当有一个或三个矩形 和它紧密相连,那么

2016-12-21 23:21:34 343

原创 LeetCode 2016 373,322,324,316

373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sumsclass Solution {public: struct Node { int sum,i,j; Node(int s,int x,int y):sum(s),i(x),j(y){}; }; vector sums; static bool cmp

2016-12-21 23:16:53 531

原创 LeetCode 2016 134

134 Gas Station// ----------Seeing Discuss---------------// Here is the Analysis from the Discuss// """ 1. If car starts at A and can not reach B. Any station between A and B// can not reach B.

2016-12-21 23:13:41 23787

原创 LeetCode 2016 307

307 Range Sum Query - Mutable// Segment Tree with build, update, query// Pay attention to the size of segTree[], may cause REclass NumArray{public: NumArray(vector &nums) { num=n

2016-12-21 23:12:36 1442

原创 LeetCode 2016 139,140,220

139 Word Break// Thought:// After several fails, I finally made it!// Core thought: convert the dic words according to the string s to vector of intervals// then, sort the intervals, and mark

2016-12-17 10:27:40 45410

原创 LeetCode 2016 327,315,372,368,363,330,239

327 Count of Range Sum// See the discuss// See the analysis and using the code from:// http://www.cnblogs.com/jdneo/p/5388501.html// It is a solution combining the two pointers & merge sort// Th

2016-12-15 23:16:27 596

原创 LeetCode 2016 400,398,397,396,393,352,284

400 Nth Digitclass Solution {public: vector f; vector g; vector tens; int dUpper = 10; int th = 9; void countNumbers() { long long ten = 1; long long nin

2016-12-15 23:12:32 287

原创 LeetCode 2016 5,214,336,76,30,32,60

5 Longest Palindromic Substringclass Solution{public: string str; int len; string longestPalindrome(string s) { str = s; len = s.size()-1; return force();

2016-12-15 23:08:48 265

原创 LeetCode 2016 332,127,25,23,143,114

332 Reconstruct Itineraryclass Solution {public: bool sign; vector ans; vector anstmp; int n; int ntickets; vector >used; vector > road; map relation; map itosre

2016-12-15 23:05:11 252

原创 LeetCode 2016 310,304,145,98,301,388,99

310 Minimum Height Treesclass Solution{public: vector findMinHeightTrees(int n, vector >& edges) { vector > grid; int len=edges.size(); grid.clear(); grid.r

2016-12-15 22:59:42 490

原创 LeetCode 2016 123,381,331,375,86,207,210

123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIIclass Solution {public: int maxProfit(vector& prices) { int len=prices.size(); if (len<2) return 0; int release2=0,hold2=INT_M

2016-12-15 22:56:02 365

原创 LeetCode 2016 45,57,414,413,289,106,105

45 Jump Game IIclass Solution {public: int jump(vector& nums) { int len=nums.size(); if (len==1) return 0; int ans=0,maxPos=0,lastmax=0; for(int i=0;i<len-1;

2016-12-15 22:51:15 508

原创 LeetCode 2016 380,42,11,4,438,229,56,312

380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)class RandomizedSet {public: /** Initialize your data structure here. */ RandomizedSet() { s.clear(); } /** Inserts a value to the set.

2016-12-15 22:47:58 311

原创 LeetCode 2016 424,187,200,376,390,354,15,18,419

424 Longest Repeating Character Replacementclass Solution {public: int characterReplacement(string s, int k) { int ans=0; int ls=s.size(); vector letters; in

2016-12-15 22:42:08 293

原创 LeetCode 2016 423,412,409,89,29,166,91,79

423 Reconstruct Original Digits from Englishclass Solution{public: void makeSch(vector > &sch) { sch.push_back(make_pair('g'-'a',8)); sch.push_back(make_pair('u'-'a',4));

2016-12-15 22:37:57 316

原创 LeetCode 2016 406,386,404,394,399

406 Queue Reconstruction by Heightclass Solution {public: vector > reconstructQueue(vector >& people) { int len=people.size(); vector > ans; ans.clear(); sor

2016-12-15 22:33:31 290

原创 LeetCode 2016 392,337,309,201,416

392 Is Subsequenceclass Solution {public: bool isSubsequence(string s, string t) { int ls = s.length(), lt= t.length(); if (ls==0) return true; int ps=0; boo

2016-12-15 22:27:16 316

原创 LeetCode 2016 8,357,367,69,378

8 String to Integer (atoi)class Solution {public: int myAtoi(string str) { int ans=0,len=str.length(),flag=1; if (len==0) return ans; int st=0; bool cntflag=

2016-12-15 22:23:31 279

原创 LeetCode 2016 349, 383, 387, 384, 350, 374, 377

349 Intersection of Two Arraysclass Solution {public: vector intersection(vector& nums1, vector& nums2) { settmpans; vector ans; int ln1=nums1.size(),ln2=nums2.size(

2016-12-15 22:20:13 374

原创 LeetCode 2016 167,382

167 Two Sum II - Input array is sortedclass Solution {public: vector twoSum(vector& numbers, int target) { vector ans; ans.clear(); int len=numbers.size(); i

2016-12-15 22:13:36 240

原创 LeetCode 2016 338,347,343

338 Counting Bitsclass Solution {public: vector countBits(int num) { vector ans; ans.clear(); ans.resize(num+1); ans[0]=0; int p; if (num<=0)

2016-05-13 15:47:10 513



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