





        话说main()->…->PostmasterMain()->…->reset_shared() ->CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores()>…->XLOGSHmemInit(),初始化控制文件data/global/pg_control相关数据结构及事务日志xlog相关数据结构,相关结构定义在下面。

typedef struct ControlFileData



        * Unique system identifier --- to ensure wematch up xlog files with the

        * installation that produced them.


       uint64           system_identifier;



        * Version identifier information.   Keep these fields at the same offset,

        * especially pg_control_version; they won't bereal useful if they move

        * around.   (Forhistorical reasons they must be 8 bytes into the file

        * rather than immediately at the front.)


        * pg_control_version identifies the format ofpg_control itself.

        * catalog_version_no identifies the format ofthe system catalogs.


        * There are additional version identifiers inindividual files; for

        * example, WAL logs contain per-page magic numbersthat can serve as

        * version cues for the WAL log.


       uint32           pg_control_version;         /* PG_CONTROL_VERSION */

       uint32           catalog_version_no;        /* see catversion.h */



        * System status data


       DBState        state;                   /*see enum above */

       pg_time_t    time;                    /*time stamp of last pg_control update */

       XLogRecPtr  checkPoint;        /*last check point record ptr */

       XLogRecPtr  prevCheckPoint; /* previous check point recordptr */


       CheckPoint checkPointCopy; /* copy of last check pointrecord */



        * These two values determine the minimum pointwe must recover up to

        * before starting up:


        * minRecoveryPoint is updated to the latestreplayed LSN whenever we

        * flush a data change during archive recovery.That guards against

        * starting archive recovery, aborting it, andrestarting with an earlier

        * stop location. If we've already flushed datachanges from WAL record X

        * to disk, we mustn't start up until we reachX again. Zero when not

        * doing archive recovery.


        * backupStartPoint is the redo pointer of thebackup start checkpoint, if

        * we are recovering from an online backup andhaven't reached the end of

        * backup yet. It is reset to zero when the endof backup is reached, and

        * we mustn't start up before that. A booleanwould suffice otherwise, but

        * we use the redo pointer as a cross-checkwhen we see an end-of-backup

        * record, to make sure the end-of-backuprecord corresponds the base

        * backup we're recovering from.


       XLogRecPtr  minRecoveryPoint;

       XLogRecPtr  backupStartPoint;



        * Parameter settings that determine if the WALcan be used for archival

        * or hot standby.


       int                 wal_level;

       int                 MaxConnections;

       int                 max_prepared_xacts;

       int                 max_locks_per_xact;



        * This data is used to check for hardware-architecturecompatibility of

        * the database and the backendexecutable.  We need not check endianness

        * explicitly, since the pg_control versionwill surely look wrong to a

        * machine of different endianness, but we doneed to worry about MAXALIGN

        * and floating-point format.  (Note: storage layout nominally also

        * depends on SHORTALIGN and INTALIGN, but inpractice these are the same

        * on all architectures of interest.)


        * Testing just one double value is not a verybulletproof test for

        * floating-point compatibility, but it willcatch most cases.


       uint32           maxAlign;           /* alignment requirement for tuples */

       double         floatFormat;       /* constant 1234567.0 */

#define FLOATFORMAT_VALUE      1234567.0



        * This data is used to make sure that configurationof this database is

        * compatible with the backend executable.


       uint32           blcksz;                 /* data block size for this DB */

       uint32           relseg_size;   /* blocks per segment of large relation */


       uint32           xlog_blcksz; /* block size within WAL files */

       uint32           xlog_seg_size;     /* size of each WAL segment */


       uint32           nameDataLen;  /* catalog name field width */

       uint32           indexMaxKeys;   /* max number of columns in an index */


       uint32           toast_max_chunk_size;   /* chunk size in TOAST tables */


       /*flag indicating internal format of timestamp, interval, time */

       bool             enableIntTimes; /* int64 storageenabled? */


       /*flags indicating pass-by-value status of various types */

       bool             float4ByVal; /* float4 pass-by-value? */

       bool             float8ByVal; /* float8, int8, etc pass-by-value? */


       /*CRC of all above ... MUST BE LAST! */

       pg_crc32     crc;

} ControlFileData;



 * Bodyof CheckPoint XLOG records.  This isdeclared here because we keep

 * acopy of the latest one in pg_control for possible disaster recovery.

 *Changing this struct requires a PG_CONTROL_VERSION bump.


typedef struct CheckPoint


       XLogRecPtr  redo;                   /*next RecPtr available when we began to

                                                         * create CheckPoint (i.e. REDO start point) */

       TimeLineID    ThisTimeLineID; /* current TLI */

       uint32           nextXidEpoch;   /* higher-order bits of nextXid */

       TransactionIdnextXid;           /* next free XID */

       Oid               nextOid;             /* next free OID */

       MultiXactIdnextMulti;            /* next freeMultiXactId */

       MultiXactOffsetnextMultiOffset;  /* next free MultiXactoffset */

       TransactionIdoldestXid;  /* cluster-wide minimumdatfrozenxid */

       Oid               oldestXidDB;       /* database with minimum datfrozenxid */

       pg_time_t    time;                    /*time stamp of checkpoint */



        * Oldest XID still running. This is onlyneeded to initialize hot standby

        * mode from an online checkpoint, so we onlybother calculating this for

        * online checkpoints and only when wal_levelis hot_standby. Otherwise

        * it's set to InvalidTransactionId.



} CheckPoint;



 * Total shared-memorystate for XLOG.


typedef struct XLogCtlData


    /* Protected byWALInsertLock: */



    /* Protected byinfo_lck: */



    uint32      ckptXidEpoch;   /* nextXID & epoch of latest checkpoint */


    XLogRecPtr  asyncXactLSN;   /*LSN of newest async commit/abort */

    uint32      lastRemovedLog; /* latest removed/recycledXLOG segment */

    uint32      lastRemovedSeg;


    /* Protected byWALWriteLock: */

    XLogCtlWrite Write;



     * These values do not change after startup,although the pointed-to pages

     * and xlblocks values certainly do.  Permission to read/write the pages

     * and xlblocks values depends on WALInsertLockand WALWriteLock.


    char      *pages;          /* buffers forunwritten XLOG pages */

    XLogRecPtr*xlblocks;       /* 1st byte ptr-s +XLOG_BLCKSZ */

    int         XLogCacheBlck;  /* highest allocated xlog buffer index */

    TimeLineID  ThisTimeLineID;

    TimeLineID  RecoveryTargetTLI;



     * archiveCleanupCommand is read fromrecovery.conf but needs to be in

     * shared memory so that the bgwriter processcan access it.


    char        archiveCleanupCommand[MAXPGPATH];



     * SharedRecoveryInProgress indicates if we'restill in crash or archive

     * recovery. Protected by info_lck.


    bool        SharedRecoveryInProgress;



     * SharedHotStandbyActive indicates if we'restill in crash or archive

     * recovery. Protected by info_lck.


    bool        SharedHotStandbyActive;



     * recoveryWakeupLatch is used to wake up thestartup process to continue

     * WAL replay, if it is waiting for WAL toarrive or failover trigger file

     * to appear.


    Latch       recoveryWakeupLatch;



     * During recovery, we keep a copy of thelatest checkpoint record here.

     * Used by the background writer when it wantsto create a restartpoint.


     * Protected by info_lck.


    XLogRecPtr  lastCheckPointRecPtr;

    CheckPoint  lastCheckPoint;


    /* end+1 of the lastrecord replayed (or being replayed) */

    XLogRecPtr  replayEndRecPtr;

    /* end+1 of the lastrecord replayed */

    XLogRecPtr  recoveryLastRecPtr;

    /* timestamp of lastCOMMIT/ABORT record replayed (or being replayed) */


    /* Are we requestedto pause recovery? */

    bool        recoveryPause;


    slock_t     info_lck;       /*locks shared variables shown above */

} XLogCtlData;



 * Shared state datafor XLogInsert.


typedef struct XLogCtlInsert


    XLogwrtResultLogwrtResult; /* a recent value of LogwrtResult */

    XLogRecPtr  PrevRecord;     /*start of previously-inserted record */

    int         curridx;        /* current block index in cache */

    XLogPageHeadercurrpage;    /* points to header of blockin cache */

    char      *currpos;        /* currentinsertion point in cache */

    XLogRecPtr  RedoRecPtr;     /*current redo point for insertions */

    bool        forcePageWrites;    /* forcing full-page writes for PITR? */



     * exclusiveBackup is true if a backup startedwith pg_start_backup() is

     * in progress, and nonExclusiveBackups is acounter indicating the number

     * of streaming base backups currently inprogress. forcePageWrites is set

     * to true when either of these is non-zero.lastBackupStart is the latest

     * checkpoint redo location used as a startingpoint for an online backup.


    bool        exclusiveBackup;

    int         nonExclusiveBackups;

    XLogRecPtr  lastBackupStart;

} XLogCtlInsert;


        XLOGSHmemInit()调用ShmemInitStruct(),在其中调用hash_search()在哈希表索引"ShmemIndex"中查找"XLOGCtl",如果没有,就在shmemIndex中给"XLOG Ctl"分一个HashElement和ShmemIndexEnt(entry),在其中的Entry中写上"XLOG Ctl"。返回ShmemInitStruct(),再调用ShmemAlloc()在共享内存上给"XLOG Ctl"相关结构(见下面“XLog相关结构图”)分配空间,设置entry(在这儿及ShmemIndexEnt类型变量)的成员location指向该空间,size成员记录该空间大小,最后返回XLOGShmemInit(),让XLogCtlData *类型静态全局变量XLogCtl指向在shmem里给"XLOG Ctl"相关结构分配的内存地址,设置其中XLogCtlData结构类型的成员值。初始化完成后数据结构如下图。



       为了精简上图,把创建shmem的哈希表索引"ShmemIndex"时创建的HCTL结构删掉了,这个结构的作用是记录创建可扩展哈希表的相关信息。增加了左边灰色底的部分,描述共享内存/shmem里各变量物理布局概览,由下往上,由低地址到高地址。其中的"Control File"即ControlFileDate和"XLOG Ctl"即xlog的相关结构图下面分别给出,要不上面的图太大了。










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