










  • 获取滤波开关和滤波强度阈值参数:根据P块和Q块两侧的Qp值计算索引值,根据索引查表获得参数Tc和β
  • 滤波开关决策,计算边界两侧像素的变化率dL(调用deriveLADFShift函数推导重建像素的平均亮度级)
  • 如果dL小于β,表明该边界需要进行滤波。
  • 对于需要滤波的边界,进行滤波强度决策,通过xUseStrongFiltering函数判断是否使用强滤波
  • 调用xPelFilterLuma函数进行滤波过程


void LoopFilter::xEdgeFilterLuma( const CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir, const int iEdge )
  const CompArea&  lumaArea = cu.block(COMPONENT_Y);
  const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cu.cs->pcv;

  PelBuf        picYuvRec = m_enc ? m_encPicYuvBuffer.getBuf( lumaArea ) : cu.cs->getRecoBuf( lumaArea );
  Pel           *piSrc    = picYuvRec.buf;
  const int     iStride   = picYuvRec.stride;
  Pel           *piTmpSrc = piSrc;
  const PPS     &pps      = *(cu.cs->pps);
  const SPS     &sps      = *(cu.cs->sps);
  const Slice   &slice    = *(cu.slice);
  const bool    spsPaletteEnabledFlag          = sps.getPLTMode();
  const int     bitDepthLuma                   = sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
  const ClpRng& clpRng( cu.cs->slice->clpRng(COMPONENT_Y) );

  int          iQP          = 0;
  // 4x4区域数
  unsigned     uiNumParts   = ( ( ( edgeDir == EDGE_VER ) ? lumaArea.height / pcv.minCUHeight : lumaArea.width / pcv.minCUWidth ) );
  int          pelsInPart   = pcv.minCUWidth; // 4
  unsigned     uiBsAbsIdx   = 0, uiBs = 0;
  int          iOffset, iSrcStep;

  bool  bPartPNoFilter  = false;
  bool  bPartQNoFilter  = false;
  int   betaOffsetDiv2  = slice.getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2();//beta
  int   tcOffsetDiv2    = slice.getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2();//tC
  int   xoffset, yoffset;

  Position pos;

  if (edgeDir == EDGE_VER) //垂直滤波所需信息
    xoffset   = 0;
    yoffset   = pelsInPart;
    iOffset   = 1;
    iSrcStep  = iStride;
    piTmpSrc += iEdge * pelsInPart;
    pos       = Position{ lumaArea.x + iEdge * pelsInPart, lumaArea.y - yoffset };
  else  // (edgeDir == EDGE_HOR)
    xoffset   = pelsInPart;
    yoffset   = 0;
    iOffset   = iStride;
    iSrcStep  = 1;
    piTmpSrc += iEdge*pelsInPart*iStride;
    pos       = Position{ lumaArea.x - xoffset, lumaArea.y + iEdge * pelsInPart };

  const int iBitdepthScale = 1 << (bitDepthLuma - 8);

  // dec pos since within the loop we first calc the pos 遍历所有的minCU
  // 对于垂直边界,遍历该垂直边界中的所有长度为4的区域,因此iSrcStep=iStride;
  // 垂直边界滤波处理的是水平方向的像素,因此iOffset=1
  // 对于水平边界,遍历该水平边界中的所有长度为4的区域,因此iSrcStep=1
  // 水平边界滤波处理的是垂直方向的像素,因此iOffset=iStride
  for( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < uiNumParts; iIdx++ )
    pos.x += xoffset;
    pos.y += yoffset;

    // Deblock luma boundaries on 4x4 grid only 只以亮度4x4网格作为边界,否则不滤波
    if (edgeDir == EDGE_HOR && (pos.y % 4) != 0)
    if (edgeDir == EDGE_VER && (pos.x % 4) != 0)
    uiBsAbsIdx = getRasterIdx( pos, pcv );//获取网格索引
    uiBs = BsGet(m_aapucBS[edgeDir][uiBsAbsIdx], COMPONENT_Y);//获取对应边界的边界强度

    if( uiBs )
      const CodingUnit& cuQ =  cu; //当前CU
      // 相邻CU
      const CodingUnit& cuP = *cu.cs->getCU(pos.offset(xoffset - pelsInPart, yoffset - pelsInPart), cu.chType);
      // Derive neighboring PU index
      if (edgeDir == EDGE_VER)
        if (!isAvailableLeft(cu, cuP, !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag(), !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag(),
          !( pps.getSubPicFromCU(cu).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag() && pps.getSubPicFromCU(cuP).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag())))
          m_aapucBS[edgeDir][uiBsAbsIdx] = uiBs = 0;
      else  // (iDir == EDGE_HOR)
        if (!isAvailableAbove(cu, cuP, !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag(), !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag(),
          !( pps.getSubPicFromCU(cu).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag() && pps.getSubPicFromCU(cuP).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag())))
          m_aapucBS[edgeDir][uiBsAbsIdx] = uiBs = 0;

      iQP = (cuP.qp + cuQ.qp + 1) >> 1;//获取QP作为第一维索引,后面还要加一个shift

      if ( sps.getLadfEnabled() )
        int iShift = 0;
        deriveLADFShift( piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx*pelsInPart), iStride, iShift, edgeDir, sps );
        iQP += iShift;

      bool sidePisLarge   = false;
      bool sideQisLarge   = false;
      // P和Q的最大滤波长度
      int maxFilterLengthP = m_maxFilterLengthP[COMPONENT_Y][pos.x-m_ctuXLumaSamples][pos.y-m_ctuYLumaSamples];
      int maxFilterLengthQ = m_maxFilterLengthQ[COMPONENT_Y][pos.x-m_ctuXLumaSamples][pos.y-m_ctuYLumaSamples];
      if (maxFilterLengthP > 3)
        sidePisLarge = true;
        if ( maxFilterLengthP > 5 )
          // restrict filter length if sub-blocks are used (e.g affine or ATMVP)如果使用子块,则限制过滤器长度(例如,affine或ATMVP)
          if (cuP.affine)
            maxFilterLengthP = std::min(maxFilterLengthP, 5);
      if (maxFilterLengthQ > 3)
        sideQisLarge = true;

      if (edgeDir == EDGE_HOR && pos.y % slice.getSPS()->getCTUSize() == 0)
        sidePisLarge = false;
      /**************** 获取查表得到的tc,beta数值 ****************/
      const int iIndexTC  = Clip3(0, MAX_QP + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET, int(iQP + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET*(uiBs - 1) + (tcOffsetDiv2 << 1)));
      const int iIndexB   = Clip3(0, MAX_QP, iQP + (betaOffsetDiv2 << 1));

      const int iTc = bitDepthLuma < 10 ? ((sm_tcTable[iIndexTC] + (1 << (9 - bitDepthLuma))) >> (10 - bitDepthLuma)) : ((sm_tcTable[iIndexTC]) << (bitDepthLuma - 10));
      const int iBeta     = sm_betaTable[iIndexB ] * iBitdepthScale;
      const int iSideThreshold = ( iBeta + ( iBeta >> 1 ) ) >> 3;
      const int iThrCut   = iTc * 10;

      const unsigned uiBlocksInPart = pelsInPart / 4 ? pelsInPart / 4 : 1;

      for( int iBlkIdx = 0; iBlkIdx < uiBlocksInPart; iBlkIdx++ ) //遍历每个minCU中的4x4的块
        /****************** 1.2 根据像素的变化率,来进行一次滤波开关决策,与QP找到的beta有关 ******************/
        const int dp0 = xCalcDP(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0), iOffset);
        const int dq0 = xCalcDQ(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0), iOffset);
        const int dp3 = xCalcDP(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3), iOffset);
        const int dq3 = xCalcDQ(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3), iOffset);
        int dp0L = dp0;//对大块变化率的初始化
        int dq0L = dq0;
        int dp3L = dp3;
        int dq3L = dq3;
        if (sidePisLarge)//如果P是大块
          dp0L = (dp0L + xCalcDP(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0) - 3 * iOffset, iOffset) + 1) >> 1;
          dp3L = (dp3L + xCalcDP(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3) - 3 * iOffset, iOffset) + 1) >> 1;
        if (sideQisLarge)//如果Q是大块
          dq0L = (dq0L + xCalcDQ(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0) + 3 * iOffset, iOffset) + 1) >> 1;
          dq3L = (dq3L + xCalcDQ(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3) + 3 * iOffset, iOffset) + 1) >> 1;
        bool useLongtapFilter = false;
        /****************** 大块:双线性强滤波 ******************/
        if (sidePisLarge || sideQisLarge)//如果其中一个是大块
          int d0L = dp0L + dq0L;
          int d3L = dp3L + dq3L;

          int dpL = dp0L + dp3L;
          int dqL = dq0L + dq3L;

          int dL = d0L + d3L;//总变化率

          bPartPNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter = false;
          if (spsPaletteEnabledFlag)
            // check if each of PUs is palette coded
            bPartPNoFilter = bPartPNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuP);
            bPartQNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuQ);
          /****************** 1.3 根据像素的变化率,来进行一次滤波强弱选择,与beta和tc都有关 ******************/
          if (dL < iBeta) //滤波开关判断
            const bool filterP = (dpL < iSideThreshold);
            const bool filterQ = (dqL < iSideThreshold);

            Pel* src0 = piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0);
            Pel* src3 = piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3);

            // adjust decision so that it is not read beyond p5 is maxFilterLengthP is 5 and q5 if maxFilterLengthQ is 5
            // 调整决策,使其读数不超过p5为maxFilterLengthP为5,如果maxFilterLengthQ为5,则为q5
            const bool swL = xUseStrongFiltering(src0, iOffset, 2 * d0L, iBeta, iTc, sidePisLarge, sideQisLarge, maxFilterLengthP, maxFilterLengthQ)
              && xUseStrongFiltering(src3, iOffset, 2 * d3L, iBeta, iTc, sidePisLarge, sideQisLarge, maxFilterLengthP, maxFilterLengthQ);
            if (swL) //更强滤波
              useLongtapFilter = true;
              // 对于垂直边界,滤波四行的像素
              // 对于水平边界,滤波四列的像素
              for (int i = 0; i < DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK / 2; i++)
                xPelFilterLuma(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep*(iIdx*pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + i), iOffset, iTc, swL, bPartPNoFilter, bPartQNoFilter, iThrCut, filterP, filterQ, clpRng, sidePisLarge, sideQisLarge, maxFilterLengthP, maxFilterLengthQ);

        if (!useLongtapFilter)
          const int d0 = dp0 + dq0;
          const int d3 = dp3 + dq3;

          const int dp = dp0 + dp3;
          const int dq = dq0 + dq3;
          const int d  = d0 + d3;

          bPartPNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter = false;
          if (spsPaletteEnabledFlag)
            // check if each of PUs is palette coded
            bPartPNoFilter = bPartPNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuP);
            bPartQNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuQ);

          if (d < iBeta) //滤波开关决策
            bool bFilterP = false;
            bool bFilterQ = false;
            if (maxFilterLengthP > 1 && maxFilterLengthQ > 1)
              bFilterP = (dp < iSideThreshold);
              bFilterQ = (dq < iSideThreshold);
            bool sw = false; //滤波强度决策
            if (maxFilterLengthP > 2 && maxFilterLengthQ > 2)
              sw = xUseStrongFiltering(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx * pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 0), iOffset, 2 * d0,
                                       iBeta, iTc)
                   && xUseStrongFiltering(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx * pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + 3), iOffset, 2 * d3,
                                          iBeta, iTc);
            for (int i = 0; i < DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK / 2; i++)
              xPelFilterLuma(piTmpSrc + iSrcStep * (iIdx * pelsInPart + iBlkIdx * 4 + i), iOffset, iTc, sw,
                             bPartPNoFilter, bPartQNoFilter, iThrCut, bFilterP, bFilterQ, clpRng);



 - Decision between strong and weak filter 滤波强度决策
 \param offset         offset value for picture data
 \param d               d value
 \param beta            beta value
 \param tc              tc value
 \param piSrc           pointer to picture data
inline bool LoopFilter::xUseStrongFiltering(Pel* piSrc, const int iOffset, const int d, const int beta, const int tc, bool sidePisLarge, bool sideQisLarge, int maxFilterLengthP, int maxFilterLengthQ, bool isChromaHorCTBBoundary) const
  const Pel m4 = piSrc[ 0          ];//          **             **   **             ** 
  const Pel m3 = piSrc[-iOffset    ];//          m0   m1   m2   m3   m4   m5   m6   m7     
  const Pel m7 = piSrc[ iOffset * 3];//                              |
  const Pel m0 = piSrc[-iOffset * 4];//                    **    当前起始位置[0](Q块)
  const Pel m2 = piSrc[-iOffset * 2];
  int       sp3 = abs(m0 - m3);//最左边的位置减去左侧边缘
  if (isChromaHorCTBBoundary)//如果是色度CTU边缘,则看相邻边缘
    sp3 = abs(m2 - m3);
  int       sq3      = abs(m7 - m4);//最右边的位置减去右侧边缘
  const int d_strong = sp3 + sq3; // 两者的差距

  if (sidePisLarge || sideQisLarge)//对于大块,进一步增加长度
    Pel mP4;
    Pel m11;
    if (sidePisLarge) //如果P是大块
      if (maxFilterLengthP == 7) //如果P块滤波长度为7,则扩展到左侧第七个像素
        const Pel mP5 = piSrc[-iOffset * 5];
        const Pel mP6 = piSrc[-iOffset * 6];
        const Pel mP7 = piSrc[-iOffset * 7];;
        mP4 = piSrc[-iOffset * 8];
        sp3 = sp3 + abs(mP5 - mP6 - mP7 + mP4);
        mP4 = piSrc[-iOffset * 6];
      sp3 = (sp3 + abs(m0 - mP4) + 1) >> 1;
    if (sideQisLarge) //如果Q是大块
      if (maxFilterLengthQ == 7)
        const Pel m8 = piSrc[iOffset * 4];
        const Pel m9 = piSrc[iOffset * 5];
        const Pel m10 = piSrc[iOffset * 6];;
        m11 = piSrc[iOffset * 7];
        sq3 = sq3 + abs(m8 - m9 - m10 + m11);
        m11 = piSrc[iOffset * 5];
      sq3 = (sq3 + abs(m11 - m7) + 1) >> 1;
    return ((sp3 + sq3) < (beta * 3 >> 5)) && (d < (beta >> 4)) && (abs(m3 - m4) < ((tc * 5 + 1) >> 1));
    return ((d_strong < (beta >> 3)) && (d < (beta >> 2)) && (abs(m3 - m4) < ((tc * 5 + 1) >> 1)));



inline void LoopFilter::xPelFilterLuma(Pel* piSrc, const int iOffset, const int tc, const bool sw, const bool bPartPNoFilter, const bool bPartQNoFilter, const int iThrCut, const bool bFilterSecondP, const bool bFilterSecondQ, const ClpRng& clpRng, bool sidePisLarge, bool sideQisLarge, int maxFilterLengthP, int maxFilterLengthQ) const
  int delta;
  /******** 初始化像素位置、像素值 *******/
  const Pel m4  = piSrc[ 0          ];
  const Pel m3  = piSrc[-iOffset    ];
  const Pel m5  = piSrc[ iOffset    ];
  const Pel m2  = piSrc[-iOffset * 2];
  const Pel m6  = piSrc[ iOffset * 2];
  const Pel m1  = piSrc[-iOffset * 3];
  const Pel m7  = piSrc[ iOffset * 3];
  const Pel m0  = piSrc[-iOffset * 4];

  const Pel mP1 = piSrc[-iOffset * 5];
  const Pel mP2 = piSrc[-iOffset * 6];
  const Pel mP3 = piSrc[-iOffset * 7];
  const Pel m8  = piSrc[ iOffset * 4];
  const Pel m9  = piSrc[ iOffset * 5];
  const Pel m10 = piSrc[ iOffset * 6];
  const char tc3[3] = { 3, 2, 1};
  if (sw) //强滤波
    if (sidePisLarge || sideQisLarge) //如果是大块,那么进行双线性滤波
      xFilteringPandQ(piSrc, iOffset, sidePisLarge ? maxFilterLengthP : 3, sideQisLarge ? maxFilterLengthQ : 3, tc);
    else // 普通的强滤波
      piSrc[-iOffset]     = Clip3(m3 - tc3[0] * tc, m3 + tc3[0] * tc, ((m1 + 2 * m2 + 2 * m3 + 2 * m4 + m5 + 4) >> 3));
      piSrc[0]            = Clip3(m4 - tc3[0] * tc, m4 + tc3[0] * tc, ((m2 + 2 * m3 + 2 * m4 + 2 * m5 + m6 + 4) >> 3));
      piSrc[-iOffset * 2] = Clip3(m2 - tc3[1] * tc, m2 + tc3[1] * tc, ((m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + 2) >> 2));
      piSrc[iOffset]      = Clip3(m5 - tc3[1] * tc, m5 + tc3[1] * tc, ((m3 + m4 + m5 + m6 + 2) >> 2));
      piSrc[-iOffset * 3] = Clip3(m1 - tc3[2] * tc, m1 + tc3[2] * tc, ((2 * m0 + 3 * m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + 4) >> 3));
      piSrc[iOffset * 2]  = Clip3(m6 - tc3[2] * tc, m6 + tc3[2] * tc, ((m3 + m4 + m5 + 3 * m6 + 2 * m7 + 4) >> 3));
    /* Weak filter 弱滤波 */
    delta = ( 9 * ( m4 - m3 ) - 3 * ( m5 - m2 ) + 8 ) >> 4;

    if ( abs(delta) < iThrCut ) //如果不满足该条件,说明不连续可能是内容导致的
      delta = Clip3( -tc, tc, delta );
      piSrc[-iOffset] = ClipPel( m3 + delta, clpRng);
      piSrc[0]        = ClipPel( m4 - delta, clpRng);

      const int tc2 = tc >> 1;
      if( bFilterSecondP )
        const int delta1 = Clip3( -tc2, tc2, ( ( ( ( m1 + m3 + 1 ) >> 1 ) - m2 + delta ) >> 1 ) );
        piSrc[-iOffset * 2] = ClipPel( m2 + delta1, clpRng);
      if( bFilterSecondQ )
        const int delta2 = Clip3( -tc2, tc2, ( ( ( ( m6 + m4 + 1 ) >> 1 ) - m5 - delta ) >> 1 ) );
        piSrc[iOffset] = ClipPel( m5 + delta2, clpRng);

    piSrc[-iOffset    ] = m3;
    piSrc[-iOffset * 2] = m2;
    piSrc[-iOffset * 3] = m1;
    if (sidePisLarge)
      piSrc[-iOffset * 4] = m0;
      piSrc[-iOffset * 5] = mP1;
      piSrc[-iOffset * 6] = mP2;
      piSrc[-iOffset * 7] = mP3;

    piSrc[ 0          ] = m4;
    piSrc[ iOffset    ] = m5;
    piSrc[ iOffset * 2] = m6;
    if (sideQisLarge)
      piSrc[iOffset * 3] = m7;
      piSrc[iOffset * 4] = m8;
      piSrc[iOffset * 5] = m9;
      piSrc[iOffset * 6] = m10;



void LoopFilter::xEdgeFilterChroma(const CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir, const int iEdge)
  const Position lumaPos   = cu.Y().valid() ? cu.Y().pos() : recalcPosition( cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.blocks[cu.chType].pos() );
  const Size     lumaSize  = cu.Y().valid() ? cu.Y().size() : recalcSize( cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.blocks[cu.chType].size() );

  const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cu.cs->pcv;
  unsigned  rasterIdx      = getRasterIdx( lumaPos, pcv );
  PelBuf     picYuvRecCb = m_enc ? m_encPicYuvBuffer.getBuf(cu.block(COMPONENT_Cb)) : cu.cs->getRecoBuf(cu.block(COMPONENT_Cb));
  PelBuf     picYuvRecCr = m_enc ? m_encPicYuvBuffer.getBuf(cu.block(COMPONENT_Cr)) : cu.cs->getRecoBuf(cu.block(COMPONENT_Cr));
  Pel       *piSrcCb       = picYuvRecCb.buf;
  Pel       *piSrcCr       = picYuvRecCr.buf;
  const int  iStride       = picYuvRecCb.stride;
  const SPS &sps           = *cu.cs->sps;
  const PPS &pps           = *cu.cs->pps;
  const Slice  &slice      = *cu.slice;
  const ChromaFormat nChromaFormat   = sps.getChromaFormatIdc();
  const unsigned uiPelsInPartChromaH = pcv.minCUWidth  >> ::getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, nChromaFormat);
  const unsigned uiPelsInPartChromaV = pcv.minCUHeight >> ::getComponentScaleY(COMPONENT_Cb, nChromaFormat);

  int       iOffset, iSrcStep;
  unsigned  uiLoopLength;

  bool      bPartPNoFilter  = false;
  bool      bPartQNoFilter  = false;
  const int tcOffsetDiv2[2]   = { slice.getDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2(), slice.getDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2() };
  const int betaOffsetDiv2[2] = { slice.getDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2(), slice.getDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2() };

  // Vertical Position 垂直位置
  unsigned uiEdgeNumInCtuVert = rasterIdx % pcv.partsInCtuWidth + iEdge;
  unsigned uiEdgeNumInCtuHor  = rasterIdx / pcv.partsInCtuWidth + iEdge;

  if( ( uiPelsInPartChromaH < DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK ) && ( uiPelsInPartChromaV < DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK ) &&
        ( ( uiEdgeNumInCtuVert % ( DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK / uiPelsInPartChromaH ) ) && ( edgeDir == EDGE_VER ) ) ||
        ( ( uiEdgeNumInCtuHor  % ( DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK / uiPelsInPartChromaV ) ) && ( edgeDir == EDGE_HOR ) )

  unsigned uiNumParts =  ( edgeDir == EDGE_VER ) ? lumaSize.height / pcv.minCUHeight : lumaSize.width / pcv.minCUWidth ;
  int   uiNumPelsLuma = pcv.minCUWidth;
  unsigned uiBsAbsIdx;
  unsigned bS[2];

  Pel* piTmpSrcCb = piSrcCb;
  Pel* piTmpSrcCr = piSrcCr;
  int xoffset, yoffset;
  Position pos( lumaPos.x, lumaPos.y );

  if( edgeDir == EDGE_VER ) //垂直边界
    xoffset      = 0;
    yoffset      = uiNumPelsLuma;
    iOffset      = 1;
    iSrcStep     = iStride;
    piTmpSrcCb  += iEdge*uiPelsInPartChromaH;
    piTmpSrcCr  += iEdge*uiPelsInPartChromaH;
    uiLoopLength = uiPelsInPartChromaV;//滤波长度
    pos          = Position{ lumaPos.x + iEdge*uiNumPelsLuma, lumaPos.y - yoffset };
  else  // (edgeDir == EDGE_HOR) 水平边界
    xoffset      = uiNumPelsLuma;
    yoffset      = 0;
    iOffset      = iStride;
    iSrcStep     = 1;
    piTmpSrcCb  += iEdge*iStride*uiPelsInPartChromaV;
    piTmpSrcCr  += iEdge*iStride*uiPelsInPartChromaV;
    uiLoopLength = uiPelsInPartChromaH;
    pos          = Position{ lumaPos.x - xoffset, lumaPos.y + iEdge*uiNumPelsLuma };

  const int iBitdepthScale = 1 << (sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) - 8);

  // 遍历该色度块边界的所有长度为2的区域
  for( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < uiNumParts; iIdx++ )
    pos.x += xoffset;
    pos.y += yoffset;

    uiBsAbsIdx = getRasterIdx( pos, pcv );
    unsigned tmpBs = m_aapucBS[edgeDir][uiBsAbsIdx];

    tmpBs = m_aapucBS[edgeDir][uiBsAbsIdx];
    bS[0] = BsGet(tmpBs, COMPONENT_Cb);
    bS[1] = BsGet(tmpBs, COMPONENT_Cr);

    if (bS[0] > 0 || bS[1] > 0)
      const CodingUnit& cuQ =  cu;
      CodingUnit& cuP1 = *cu.cs->getCU( recalcPosition( cu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.chType, pos.offset( xoffset - uiNumPelsLuma, yoffset - uiNumPelsLuma ) ), cu.chType );
      CodingUnit& cuP  = *cu.cs->getCU( recalcPosition( cu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, (cuP1.isSepTree() ? CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA : cu.chType), pos.offset( xoffset - uiNumPelsLuma, yoffset - uiNumPelsLuma ) ), (cuP1.isSepTree() ? CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA : cu.chType));

      if (edgeDir == EDGE_VER)
        CHECK(!isAvailableLeft(cu, cuP, !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag(), !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag(),
          !( pps.getSubPicFromCU(cu).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag() && pps.getSubPicFromCU(cuP).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag())), "Neighbour not available");
      else  // (iDir == EDGE_HOR)
        CHECK(!isAvailableAbove(cu, cuP, !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag(), !pps.getLoopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag(),
          !( pps.getSubPicFromCU(cu).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag() && pps.getSubPicFromCU(cuP).getloopFilterAcrossEnabledFlag())), "Neighbour not available");

      bPartPNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter = false;
      if ( sps.getPLTMode())
        // check if each of PUs is palette coded
        bPartPNoFilter = bPartPNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuP);
        bPartQNoFilter = bPartQNoFilter || CU::isPLT(cuQ);

      const int maxFilterLengthP = m_maxFilterLengthP[COMPONENT_Cb][(pos.x-m_ctuXLumaSamples)>>m_shiftHor][(pos.y-m_ctuYLumaSamples)>>m_shiftVer];
      const int maxFilterLengthQ = m_maxFilterLengthQ[COMPONENT_Cb][(pos.x-m_ctuXLumaSamples)>>m_shiftHor][(pos.y-m_ctuYLumaSamples)>>m_shiftVer];
      bool largeBoundary         = false;
      bool isChromaHorCTBBoundary = false;
      if ( maxFilterLengthP >= 3 && maxFilterLengthQ >= 3 ) //长边界
        largeBoundary = true;

      if (edgeDir == EDGE_HOR && pos.y % cuP.slice->getSPS()->getCTUSize() == 0)
        isChromaHorCTBBoundary = true;

      for( int chromaIdx = 0; chromaIdx < 2; chromaIdx++ )
        // 如果边界强度为2或者边界强度为1且为大块边界
        if ((bS[chromaIdx] == 2) || (largeBoundary && (bS[chromaIdx] == 1)))
          const ClpRng &clpRng(cu.cs->slice->clpRng(ComponentID(chromaIdx + 1)));
          Pel *         piTmpSrcChroma = (chromaIdx == 0) ? piTmpSrcCb : piTmpSrcCr;

          const TransformUnit &tuQ = *cuQ.cs->getTU(
            recalcPosition(cu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, pos), CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA);
          const TransformUnit &tuP =
            *cuP.cs->getTU(recalcPosition(cu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA,
                                          (edgeDir == EDGE_VER) ? pos.offset(-1, 0) : pos.offset(0, -1)),

          const QpParam cQP(tuP, ComponentID(chromaIdx + 1), -MAX_INT, false);
          const QpParam cQQ(tuQ, ComponentID(chromaIdx + 1), -MAX_INT, false);

          const int qpBdOffset = tuP.cs->sps->getQpBDOffset(toChannelType(ComponentID(chromaIdx + 1)));
          int       baseQp_P   = cQP.Qp(0) - qpBdOffset;
          int       baseQp_Q   = cQQ.Qp(0) - qpBdOffset;
          int       iQP        = ((baseQp_Q + baseQp_P + 1) >> 1);

          const int iIndexTC =
            Clip3<int>(0, MAX_QP + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET,
                       iQP + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET * (bS[chromaIdx] - 1) + (tcOffsetDiv2[chromaIdx] << 1));
          const int bitDepthChroma = sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA);
          const int iTc            = bitDepthChroma < 10
                            ? ((sm_tcTable[iIndexTC] + (1 << (9 - bitDepthChroma))) >> (10 - bitDepthChroma))
                            : ((sm_tcTable[iIndexTC]) << (bitDepthChroma - 10));
          bool useLongFilter = false;
          if (largeBoundary) //强滤波
            const int indexB = Clip3<int>(0, MAX_QP, iQP + (betaOffsetDiv2[chromaIdx] << 1));
            const int beta   = sm_betaTable[indexB] * iBitdepthScale;

            const int dp0 =
              xCalcDP(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 0), iOffset, isChromaHorCTBBoundary);
            const int dq0 = xCalcDQ(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 0), iOffset);

            const int subSamplingShift = (edgeDir == EDGE_VER) ? m_shiftVer : m_shiftHor;

            const int dp3 =
              (subSamplingShift == 1)
                ? xCalcDP(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 1), iOffset, isChromaHorCTBBoundary)
                : xCalcDP(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 3), iOffset, isChromaHorCTBBoundary);
            const int dq3 = (subSamplingShift == 1)
                              ? xCalcDQ(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 1), iOffset)
                              : xCalcDQ(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 3), iOffset);

            const int d0 = dp0 + dq0;
            const int d3 = dp3 + dq3;
            const int d  = d0 + d3;

            if (d < beta)
              useLongFilter = true;
              const bool sw = xUseStrongFiltering(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + 0), iOffset,
                                                  2 * d0, beta, iTc, false, false, 7, 7, isChromaHorCTBBoundary)
                              && xUseStrongFiltering(
                                piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (iIdx * uiLoopLength + ((subSamplingShift == 1) ? 1 : 3)),
                                iOffset, 2 * d3, beta, iTc, false, false, 7, 7, isChromaHorCTBBoundary);

              for (unsigned step = 0; step < uiLoopLength; step++)
                xPelFilterChroma(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (step + iIdx * uiLoopLength), iOffset, iTc, sw,
                                 bPartPNoFilter, bPartQNoFilter, clpRng, largeBoundary, isChromaHorCTBBoundary);
          if (!useLongFilter)
            for (unsigned step = 0; step < uiLoopLength; step++)
              xPelFilterChroma(piTmpSrcChroma + iSrcStep * (step + iIdx * uiLoopLength), iOffset, iTc, false,
                               bPartPNoFilter, bPartQNoFilter, clpRng, largeBoundary, isChromaHorCTBBoundary);






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