ECM技术学习:单向局部光照补偿(unidirectional local illumination compensation)

局部光照补偿 (local illumination compensation,LIC)技术基于光照变化的线性模型,认为当前块和参考块之间存在线性关系,表示为α*p[x]+β,其中p[x]是当前块单向预测MV指向的参考块,α和β是分别是缩放因子和偏移项,通过当前块模板和参考块模板(下图蓝色区域)推导得到,如下图所示。


  • 仅用于帧间单向预测
  • 对亮度样本少于32的块禁用 LIC
  • 参考块模板的样本是通过使用当前块MV运动补偿生成的,无需将其舍入到整数像素精度
  • 不和CIIPIBC共同使用
  • LIC用于亮度、色度分量


(1)对于非子块模式,LIC 参数推导是基于当前CU对应的模板块样本,如下图所示,LIC的参数是通过当前CU的模板样本(左图的蓝色像素点)和参考CU的模板样本(右图的黄色像素点)通过最小二乘法推导得到。

 (2)对于子块模型(Affine),LIC 参数基于边界子块导出,导出的单个模型应用于整个块,如下图所示,由于每个子Pu的MV各不相同,因此参考块的模板样本是通过边界各个子PU的MV各自进行运动补偿后得到的样本拼接而成(右图黄色像素点)。




  • 调用xGetSublkTemplate函数获取重建模板和参考模板
  • xGetLICParamGeneral函数计算线性参数alpha和beta
  • linearTransform函数进行线性变换
void InterPrediction::xLocalIlluComp(const PredictionUnit& pu,
                                     const ComponentID     compID,
                                     const Picture&        refPic,
                                     const Mv&             mv,
                                     const bool            biPred,
                                     PelBuf&               dstBuf
  Pel* refLeftTemplate  = m_pcLICRefLeftTemplate; // 左侧参考模板
  Pel* refAboveTemplate = m_pcLICRefAboveTemplate; // 上参考模板
  Pel* recLeftTemplate  = m_pcLICRecLeftTemplate; // 左相邻重建模板
  Pel* recAboveTemplate = m_pcLICRecAboveTemplate; // 上相邻重建模板
  int numTemplate[2] = { 0 , 0 }; // 0:Above 上侧模板可用像素数, 1:Left左侧模板可用像素数
  // 获取重建模板和参考模板
  xGetSublkTemplate(*, compID, refPic, mv, pu.blocks[compID].width, pu.blocks[compID].height, 0, 0, numTemplate, refLeftTemplate, refAboveTemplate, recLeftTemplate, recAboveTemplate);

  // 计算线性参数alpha和beta
  int shift = 0, scale = 0, offset = 0;
  xGetLICParamGeneral(*, compID, numTemplate, refLeftTemplate, refAboveTemplate, recLeftTemplate, recAboveTemplate, shift, scale, offset);

  const ClpRng& clpRng =>cs->slice->clpRng(compID);
  dstBuf.linearTransform(scale, shift, offset, true, clpRng); 


void InterPrediction::xGetSublkTemplate(const CodingUnit& cu,
                                        const ComponentID compID,
                                        const Picture&    refPic,
                                        const Mv&         mv,
                                        const int         sublkWidth,
                                        const int         sublkHeight,
                                        const int         posW,
                                        const int         posH,
                                        int*              numTemplate,
                                        Pel*              refLeftTemplate,
                                        Pel*              refAboveTemplate,
                                        Pel*              recLeftTemplate,
                                        Pel*              recAboveTemplate)
  const int       bitDepth = cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID));
  const int       precShift = std::max(0, bitDepth - 12);

  const Picture&  currPic = *cu.cs->picture; // 当前重建图
  const CodingUnit* const cuAbove = cu.cs->getCU(cu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(0, -1), toChannelType(compID)); 
  const CodingUnit* const cuLeft = cu.cs->getCU(cu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(-1, 0), toChannelType(compID));
  const CPelBuf recBuf = cuAbove || cuLeft ? currPic.getRecoBuf(cu.cs->picture->blocks[compID]) : CPelBuf();
  const CPelBuf refBuf = cuAbove || cuLeft ? refPic.getRecoBuf(refPic.blocks[compID]) : CPelBuf();

  std::vector<Pel>& invLUT = m_pcReshape->getInvLUT();

  // above 上侧模板
  if (cuAbove && posH == 0)
    // 通过运动补偿获取上参考模板
    xGetPredBlkTpl<true>(cu, compID, refBuf, mv, posW, posH, sublkWidth, refAboveTemplate);
    // 当前块相邻重建像素
    const Pel*    rec = recBuf.bufAt(cu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(0, -1));

    for (int k = posW; k < posW + sublkWidth; k++)
      int refVal = refAboveTemplate[k];
      int recVal = rec[k];

      if (isLuma(compID) && cu.cs->picHeader->getLmcsEnabledFlag() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag())
        recVal = invLUT[recVal];

      recVal >>= precShift;
      refVal >>= precShift;

      refAboveTemplate[k] = refVal;
      recAboveTemplate[k] = recVal;
      numTemplate[0]++; // 上侧模板计数 + 1

  // left 左侧模板
  if (cuLeft && posW == 0)
    xGetPredBlkTpl<false>(cu, compID, refBuf, mv, posW, posH, sublkHeight, refLeftTemplate);
    const Pel*    rec = recBuf.bufAt(cu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(-1, 0));

    for (int k = posH; k < posH + sublkHeight; k++)
      int refVal = refLeftTemplate[k];
      int recVal = rec[recBuf.stride * k];

      if (isLuma(compID) && cu.cs->picHeader->getLmcsEnabledFlag() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag())
        recVal = invLUT[recVal];

      recVal >>= precShift;
      refVal >>= precShift;

      refLeftTemplate[k] = refVal;
      recLeftTemplate[k] = recVal;
      numTemplate[1]++; // 左侧模板计数 + 1


void InterPrediction::xGetLICParamGeneral(const CodingUnit& cu,
                                          const ComponentID compID,
                                          int*              numTemplate,
                                          Pel*              refLeftTemplate,
                                          Pel*              refAboveTemplate,
                                          Pel*              recLeftTemplate,
                                          Pel*              recAboveTemplate,
                                          int&              shift,
                                          int&              scale,
                                          int&              offset
  const int       cuWidth = cu.blocks[compID].width; // CU的宽度
  const int       cuHeight = cu.blocks[compID].height; // CU的高度

  const int       bitDepth = cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID));
  const int       precShift = std::max(0, bitDepth - 12);
  const int       maxNumMinus1 = 30 - 2 * std::min(bitDepth, 12) - 1;
  const int       minDimBit = floorLog2(std::min(cuHeight, cuWidth));
  const int       minDim = 1 << minDimBit; // 最小的维度尺寸(宽度和高度较小的尺寸)

  int       minStepBit = minDim > 8 ? 1 : 0;
  while (minDimBit > minStepBit + maxNumMinus1) { minStepBit++; } //make sure log2(2*minDim/tmpStep) + 2*min(bitDepth,12) <= 30
  const int       numSteps = minDim >> minStepBit; // 上模板和左侧模板选取相同数目的像素
  const int       dimShift = minDimBit - minStepBit;

  //----- get correlation data -----
  int x = 0, y = 0, xx = 0, xy = 0, cntShift = 0;

  // above
  if (numTemplate[0] != 0)
    for (int k = 0; k < numSteps; k++)
      CHECK(((k * cuWidth) >> dimShift) >= cuWidth, "Out of range");

      int refVal = refAboveTemplate[((k * cuWidth) >> dimShift)];
      int recVal = recAboveTemplate[((k * cuWidth) >> dimShift)];

      x += refVal;
      y += recVal;
      xx += refVal * refVal;
      xy += refVal * recVal;

    cntShift = dimShift;

  // left
  if (numTemplate[1] != 0)
    for (int k = 0; k < numSteps; k++)
      CHECK(((k * cuHeight) >> dimShift) >= cuHeight, "Out of range");

      int refVal = refLeftTemplate[((k * cuHeight) >> dimShift)];
      int recVal = recLeftTemplate[((k * cuHeight) >> dimShift)];

      x += refVal;
      y += recVal;
      xx += refVal * refVal;
      xy += refVal * recVal;

    cntShift += (cntShift ? 1 : dimShift);

  //----- determine scale and offset -----
  shift = m_LICShift;
  if (cntShift == 0)
    scale = (1 << shift);
    offset = 0;

  const int cropShift = std::max(0, bitDepth - precShift + cntShift - 15);
  const int xzOffset = (xx >> m_LICRegShift);
  const int sumX = x << precShift;
  const int sumY = y << precShift;
  const int sumXX = ((xx + xzOffset) >> (cropShift << 1)) << cntShift;
  const int sumXY = ((xy + xzOffset) >> (cropShift << 1)) << cntShift;
  const int sumXsumX = (x >> cropShift) * (x >> cropShift);
  const int sumXsumY = (x >> cropShift) * (y >> cropShift);
  int a1 = sumXY - sumXsumY;
  int a2 = sumXX - sumXsumX;
  int scaleShiftA2 = getMSB(abs(a2)) - 6;
  int scaleShiftA1 = scaleShiftA2 - m_LICShiftDiff;
  scaleShiftA2 = std::max(0, scaleShiftA2);
  scaleShiftA1 = std::max(0, scaleShiftA1);
  const int scaleShiftA = scaleShiftA2 + 15 - shift - scaleShiftA1;
  a1 = a1 >> scaleShiftA1;
  a2 = Clip3(0, 63, a2 >> scaleShiftA2);
  scale = int((int64_t(a1) * int64_t(m_LICMultApprox[a2])) >> scaleShiftA); // scale = a1 /  a2,此处应该是为了避免除法将a2映射到小数了
  scale = Clip3(0, 1 << (shift + 2), scale);

  const int maxOffset = (1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - 1;
  const int minOffset = -1 - maxOffset;
  offset = (sumY - ((scale * sumX) >> shift) + ((1 << (cntShift)) >> 1)) >> cntShift;
  offset = Clip3(minOffset, maxOffset, offset);

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