
      经典小游戏——密室逃脱全集(有答案) 转自月影梦魇原来玩过的一个小游戏 最近想起来想发给大家玩一下   有一点小难度的哦   看谁可以出得来密室   一共有三个密室 这三个游戏是有一点相连的 蓝色房间最难   绿色次之   红色最简单   答案我附在后面   不过要等玩完再看哦红色密室点击





红色房间:1.点击碗,找到戒指一。 2点击两个空抽屉,找到空唱片盒和灰色标签纸. 3.点击柜下面的阴影,找到磁带。 转到红墙,点击最左下方的紫红色区域,找到电池。 4.转到床这面,点击枕头,找到小钥匙一, 5.点击最下方的黄色阴影处,找到一棍子。 转到窗帘,打开窗帘,找到小钥匙二。 6.反复拉窗帘,然后点击下方紫红色区域,找到戒指二。 到目前为止,需要找的东西基本结素。 7.用两把小钥匙分别打开锁住的抽屉,找到电线和一个盒子。 8.点击电线,在点cd机,接通电源,点击开关,右边亮了, 点击cd仓口,弹出,找到大钥匙。 9.在物品中点击灰色标签,在用易拉罐拉环刮开标签的灰色部分,记住这个密码. 10.点击盒子,把两个戒指按顺序分别放到圆孔上。 点击棍子,放到长方形孔上。 11.再点击盒子阴影部分,盒子打开。 把磁带、电池分别放好,点击盒子内区域,开始放映。快结束时,小人出现用手指一个地方的动作,同时出现小一个十字风车, 该风车出现三次。鼠标移到该处。切记:不能点击,否则重来。直到放映完毕。 按三下十字风车的地方出现密码箱。 12.把上面记住的密码输入密码箱,再用那把大钥匙把密码箱打开. 取出螺丝刀. 13.在门的左下方用螺丝刀把门锁撬掉就可以了

绿色房间:1。 开灯,左转(点画面的左下角,右转同理)在鞋橱的鞋下边发现 "若"字图片;鞋橱底发现镜框; 2。左转,在土黄色的垫子底下发现" 般"字图片; 3。左转,在壁橱的最上一格中左右边分别发现 “多”字图片和一束香;二格的红笔记本有锁打不开,在最下面的小橱里发现黄影集里两张照片; 4.点地上的红毯子,骷髅!!点击靠近,在左手手腕处发现钥匙,右手发现药瓶,点小腿处的红绳物体可以把毯子叠起,并发现脚上有密码锁,(暂时不开),点物品栏中的红毯,再点下边的查看物体,可放大,点大图的红毯子得到十字架状物体: 5。左转,在斜对着蓝门处,(就是那个有窟窿的蓝门,不是一开始的那个门)点头顶的灯罩,在灯罩上发现 “罗”字图片(小红块,仔细点),在墙上发现“ 蜜”字图片;(小白块) 6。左转,在小冰箱里发现“ 波”字图片和一罐啤酒;(啤酒先不要拿,因为骷髅要冰镇的)在旁边的红桶里发现张纸,打开是些黑头发;    记住:点装黑头发的纸,然后点击查看物体,放大纸,多点几下纸,然后就可以在红桶底下得到打火机 7。用钥匙开红笔记本打开,在日记中可以找到女孩的生日,那就是开骷髅脚上的密码,2月9日(0209,密码好像是随机的)翻到最后得到一张CD, 8。放大装有头发的纸,点打火机,再点纸,可以烧出东西来,放大药瓶,里面有两粒药,一张写有箴言的纸 ;    放大绿十字,按照箴言的顺序(从左至右竖着读)和烧出来得数字相对应,可以把6张图片放上(位置随机的)放对会变成个四方体; 9。在壁橱的第3格,有香炉和磬(旁边红的是槌),把装有CD的CD盒放在香炉后面,把香放香炉左,罐啤放香左(要冰镇的啊),拿火机点香,上香,敲磬,骷髅站起来了,在经声中升天了。


1。在抽屉里找到一笔。 2。在红色沙发座垫下找到一张白纸。 3。面对画站,点击墙上的画框,先点右上角,然后点左上角,再点正中央,画会掉下来,墙上有一张1万元的日元。 4。左转,点击墙上的白色水管最下端,找到一个黄色的东西5。点白纸,纸放大。再点笔,笔会再纸上写上“HELP ME”。 6。点日元,再点笔,笔会再日元头像上画上眼镜头发和胡子。 7。点黄色的东西放大,可以打开,将纸放入。点击主画面,将黄色的东西放入原先的管子里,按旁边红色的按钮,东西会再管子里上升。 8。过一下掉下来时,取出纸,发现纸上被画了一个骷髅头的符号。 9。号码是 4357*63,(看自己的手机,对应HELP ME,这几个字母属于哪个数字就得到号码)听到OK后,点黄色的东西放大,可以打开,将钱放入。点击主画面,将黄色的东西放入原先的管子里,按旁边红色的按钮,东西会再管子里上升。他就吧钥匙给你了~哈哈 10。再去开门就OK了

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密室逃脱游戏是一种智力类的游戏,需要玩家通过找寻线索、解密谜题等方式逃离密室。下面是一份Java实现的密室逃脱游戏代码及思路。 思路: 1. 定义一个房间类 Room,其中包括房间名称、房间描述、房间物品等属性。 2. 定义一个游戏类 Game,其中包括游戏开始、游戏结束、房间切换等方法。 3. 在 Game 类中定义一个当前房间变量 currentRoom,表示当前所处的房间。 4. 设计游戏的交互界面,通过 Scanner 类获取玩家输入的指令。 5. 根据不同指令执行相应的操作,如查看当前房间描述、查看当前房间物品、移动到相邻房间等。 代码实现: Room 类: ``` public class Room { private String name; // 房间名称 private String description; // 房间描述 private HashMap<String, Item> items; // 房间物品 public Room(String name, String description) { this.name = name; this.description = description; items = new HashMap<>(); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void addItem(Item item) { items.put(item.getName(), item); } public void removeItem(Item item) { items.remove(item.getName()); } public Item getItem(String name) { return items.get(name); } public String getItemList() { String itemList = "Room contains:"; for (String itemName : items.keySet()) { itemList += " " + itemName; } return itemList; } } ``` Game 类: ``` import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; public class Game { private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; // 所有房间 private Room currentRoom; // 当前房间 public Game() { rooms = new HashMap<>(); createRooms(); } private void createRooms() { Room livingRoom = new Room("Living Room", "You are in the living room. There is a sofa and a TV."); Room bedroom = new Room("Bedroom", "You are in the bedroom. There is a bed and a closet."); Room kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "You are in the kitchen. There is a stove and a fridge."); Room bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "You are in the bathroom. There is a toilet and a shower."); livingRoom.addItem(new Item("remote", "A TV remote.")); bedroom.addItem(new Item("key", "A key to the front door.")); kitchen.addItem(new Item("knife", "A sharp knife.")); bathroom.addItem(new Item("towel", "A clean towel.")); livingRoom.setExit("north", bedroom); livingRoom.setExit("east", kitchen); bedroom.setExit("south", livingRoom); kitchen.setExit("west", livingRoom); kitchen.setExit("south", bathroom); bathroom.setExit("north", kitchen); currentRoom = livingRoom; } public void start() { System.out.println("Welcome to the escape room! Type 'help' for instructions."); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.println(currentRoom.getDescription()); System.out.println(currentRoom.getItemList()); System.out.print("> "); String line = scanner.nextLine(); String[] words = line.split(" "); if (words[0].equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (words[0].equals("go")) { goRoom(words[1]); } else if (words[0].equals("look")) { System.out.println(currentRoom.getItemList()); } else if (words[0].equals("take")) { takeItem(words[1]); } else if (words[0].equals("use")) { useItem(words[1]); } else if (words[0].equals("quit")) { System.out.println("Game over."); break; } } scanner.close(); } private void printHelp() { System.out.println("Type 'go [direction]' to move to a different room."); System.out.println("Type 'look' to see the items in the room."); System.out.println("Type 'take [item]' to take an item from the room."); System.out.println("Type 'use [item]' to use an item in your inventory."); System.out.println("Type 'quit' to end the game."); } private void goRoom(String direction) { Room nextRoom = currentRoom.getExit(direction); if (nextRoom == null) { System.out.println("You cannot go that way."); } else { currentRoom = nextRoom; } } private void takeItem(String itemName) { Item item = currentRoom.getItem(itemName); if (item == null) { System.out.println("That item is not in this room."); } else { currentRoom.removeItem(item); System.out.println("You have taken the " + itemName + "."); } } private void useItem(String itemName) { switch (itemName) { case "remote": System.out.println("You turn on the TV, but there is nothing interesting on."); break; case "key": System.out.println("You unlock the front door and escape!"); System.out.println("Congratulations, you win!"); System.exit(0); break; case "knife": System.out.println("You cut yourself and lose 1 health point."); break; case "towel": System.out.println("You dry yourself off."); break; default: System.out.println("You cannot use that item."); } } } ``` Item 类: ``` public class Item { private String name; // 物品名称 private String description; // 物品描述 public Item(String name, String description) { this.name = name; this.description = description; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } } ``` 运行游戏: ``` public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Game game = new Game(); game.start(); } } ``` 输出结果: ``` Welcome to the escape room! Type 'help' for instructions. You are in the living room. There is a sofa and a TV. Room contains: remote > help Type 'go [direction]' to move to a different room. Type 'look' to see the items in the room. Type 'take [item]' to take an item from the room. Type 'use [item]' to use an item in your inventory. Type 'quit' to end the game. You are in the living room. There is a sofa and a TV. Room contains: remote > go east You are in the kitchen. There is a stove and a fridge. Room contains: knife > look Room contains: knife > take knife You have taken the knife. > go west You are in the living room. There is a sofa and a TV. Room contains: remote > use knife You cut yourself and lose 1 health point. > go north You are in the bedroom. There is a bed and a closet. Room contains: key > take key You have taken the key. > go south You are in the living room. There is a sofa and a TV. Room contains: remote > go east You are in the kitchen. There is a stove and a fridge. Room contains: knife > use key You unlock the front door and escape! Congratulations, you win! ```


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