Trumb/ARM 指令模式


  • ARM 指令集是一组提供一整套运算的 32 位指令。


  • ARMv4T 及更高版本定义了一个名为 Thumb 指令集的 16 位指令集。 32 位 ARM指令的多数功能都可用,但有些运算需要与其他指令结合使用。 Thumb 指令集提供了更好的代码密度,但会损害性能。


  • ARMv6T2 定义了 Thumb-2,它与 Thumb 指令集相比有了重大改进。 Thumb-2 提供了几乎与 ARM 指令集完全相同的功能。 它同时具有 16 位和 32 位指令,并可同时实现类似于 ARM 的性能以及类似于 Thumb 的代码密度。.
  • 在 ARMv6 及更高版本中,所有 ARM 和 Thumb 指令都是小端的。 在 ARMv6T2及更高版本中,所有 Thumb-2 指令获取也都是小端的。


  • ARMv7 定义了 Thumb-2 执行环境 (Thumb-2EE)。 Thumb-2EE 指令集基于的是Thumb-2,但与后者相比有一些变更和补充,从而可以更好地适用于动态生成的代码,即就在执行前或执行期间在设备上编译的代码。


  • 较新的ARM处理器有一种16-bit指令模式,叫做Thumb,也许跟每个条件式运行指令均耗用4位的情形有关。
  • 在Thumb模式下,较小的opcode有更少的功能性。例如,只有分支可以是条件式的,且许多opcode无法访问所有CPU的寄存器。
  • 然而,较短的opcode提供整体更佳的编码密度(注:意指代码在存储器中占的空间),即使有些运算需要更多的指令。特别在存储器端口或总线宽度限制在32以下的情形时,更短的Thumb opcode能更有效地使用有限的存储器带宽,因而提供比32位代码更佳的性能。
  • 典型的嵌入式硬件仅具有较小的32-bit datapath定址范围以及其他更窄的16 bits定址(例如Game Boy Advance)。在这种情形下,通常可行的方案是编译成Thumb代码,并自行最优化一些使用(非Thumb)32位指令集的CPU相关程序区,因而能将它们置入受限的32-bit总线宽度的存储器中。
  • 首颗具备Thumb技术的处理器是ARM7TDMI。所有ARM9和后来的家族,包括XScale,都纳入了Thumb技术。


  • Thumb-2技术首见于“ARM1156核心”,并于2003年发表。Thumb-2扩展了受限的16位Thumb指令集,以额外的32位指令让指令集的使用更广泛。因此Thumb-2的预期目标是要达到近乎Thumb的编码密度,但能表现出近乎ARM指令集在32位存储器下的性能。
  • Thumb-2至今也从ARM和Thumb指令集中衍伸出多种指令,包含位段操作、分支建表和条件运行等功能。

Thumb Execution Environment(ThumbEE)

  • ThumbEE,也就是所谓的Thumb-2EE,业界称为Jazelle RCT技术,于2005年发表,首见于“Cortex-A8”处理器。ThumbEE提供从Thumb-2而来的一些扩展性,在所处的运行环境下,使得指令集能特别适用于运行阶段的编码产生(例如即时编译)。Thumb-2EE是专为一些语言如LimboJavaC#PerlPython,并能让即时编译器能够输出更小的编译码却不会影响到性能。
  • ThumbEE所提供的新功能,包括在每次访问指令时自动检查是否有无效指针,以及一种可以运行数组范围检查的指令,并能够分支到分类器,其包含一小部分经常调用的编码,通常用于高级语言功能的实现,例如对一个新对象做存储器配置。

注:若要在 ARM 和 Thumb 状态之间进行转换,必须切换汇编程序模式,以便使用ARM 或  THUMB 指令生成正确的操作代码。

ultimedia Services ___________________ The /mnt-pnt/Multimedia_Services/kit directory contains the following software subsets: MMERELNOTES3xx, MMEMANRT3xx, MMERT3xx, MMECDE3xx, MMERTSMPLDAT3xx, MMEDRVMSB3xx, MMEDRMMSESS3xx, and MMEDRVENSONIQ3xx. Follow the instructions in the Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide to install this product. Multimedia Services Version 3.3 for this operating system brings audio and video capabilities to supported workstations and provides a full programming library for use by developers of new applications. Installing the reference pages for Multimedia Services (MMEMANRT3xx) automatically updates the whatis database. Ready-to-use applications included in Multimedia Services are: o compaqsound -- an audio record, playback, and edit utility. o AlphaVCR -- a video and audio playback and record utility. AlphaVCR can play back AVI files with JPEG, Intel's Indeo, or YUV data and MPEG-1 audio/video files. o Audio Control -- a utility to control volume and port selection for all audio devices. Multimedia Services supports standard Microsoft Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) file I/O in AVI and WAVE file formats. This allows sharing of many audio and some video files between PCs and Alpha systems. Users can play back video and audio clips from the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), from MIME enabled mailers, and from the Netscape browser. Users may record audio messages to send, and if their systems contain a supported video capture device, they may record full audio and video messages. Multimedia Services also enables such tools as presentation authoring and teleconferencing. No additional video hardware is needed to play back video clips. If your system is configured with an audio card, you can play back full video and audio clips as well as record audio messages. Multimedia Services consists of the following subsets: o MMERELNOTES3xx -- Release Notes. Contains product release notes, the Software Product Description (SPD) and a cover letter. Files are installed in /usr/opt/MMERELNOTES3xx. o Run-Time Kit: - MMEMANRT3xx -- Run-Time Reference Pages. This subset contains the reference pages for run-time applications and commands. It requires the OSFDCMT3xx (Doc. Preparation Tools) subset. - MMERT3xx -- Run-Time. This subset contains the static and shared versions of the run-time libraries, the multimedia server, mmeserver, the server device libraries for the software video and audio CODECs, and audio and video capture and playback utilities. This subset is required for all other subsets listed below. - MMERTCDE3xx -- CDE Integration. This subset contains the icons and action files to enable multimedia integration with the Common Desktop Environment (CDE). Requirements: MMERT3xx and OSFCDEEDTxxx. - MMERTSMPLDAT3xx -- Sample Data. This subset contains sample audio and video clips. Requirements: MMERT3xx and OSFCDEEDxxx. o Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines: - MMEDRVENSONIQ3xx -- Creative Ensoniq Sound Board Device Support. This subset contains the device support files for the Creative Ensoniq option module. Requirements: MMERT3xx, PCI bus machine. Installation does not require a kernel rebuild. This board is compatible with the Microsoft Sound Board. - MMEDRVMSB3xx -- Microsoft Sound Board Device Support. This subset contains the device support files for the Microsoft Sound Board option module. Requirements: MMERT3xx, ISA or EISA bus machine. Installation requires a kernel rebuild. - MMEDRVMMSESS3xx -- Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support. This subset contains the support files for Personal Workstation audio devices. Installation requires a kernel rebuild. _______________________________________________________________ Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Tru64 is a trademark of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Indeo and Intel are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and/or other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Confidential commercial computer software. Valid license required. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.




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