C. Fishingprince Plays With Array

博客内容涵盖了编程竞赛如Codeforces Global Round的问题解答,包括数组操作、字符串有效性判断、链表结构、数字处理等算法题。同时,文章还提及了工作求职的相关信息,如公司面试经验、薪资待遇讨论以及个人在不同公司的应聘经历。

题解 | #直角三角形#

var triangle = document.querySelector('.triangle'); // 补全代码


C. Fishingprince Plays With Array

Codeforces Global Round 21 - C. Fishingprince Plays With Array# 题目大意:已知有两个数组a(长度


time_ wait 在那个状态,有什么作用

1.生产者消费者模型,写代码然后问写的代码里面,如果异常没有捕获会怎么样生产者消费者模型的C++代码示例:#include <iostream>#i



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class Solution: def isValidString(self , s: str) -> bool: #前括号-后括号-


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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() { int a = 0; int b


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import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv("Nowcoder.csv

请设计一个类型,提供如下方法 提示 要统计每个单词出现的次数,由于一个方法不能返回2种类型,我们需要把单词和它的出现次数封装到一个类中 去,所以,可以定义一个类型如下: 由于我们统计的有多个单词,所以,我们上面的 countSize 方法的返回类型就可以设计成 WordBean[],如下: public class PatternDemo { //此方法用来统计 content 中的英文单词个数, 请使用正则表达式来做,单词的正则表达式请自行编写, public int countWords(CharSequence content) { ... } //此方法返回一串固定的字符串,已写好,可以直接用。 public StringBuilder getContent() { //此方法的内容如下: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Hooray! It's snowing! It's time to make a snowman.James runs out. He makes a big pile of snow. He puts a big snowball on top. He adds a scarf and a hat. He adds an orange for the nose. He adds coal for the eyes and buttons.In the evening, James opens the door. What does he see? The snowman is moving! James invites him in. The snowman has never been inside a house. He says hello to the cat. He plays with paper towels.A moment later, the snowman takes James's hand and goes out.They go up, up, up into the air! They are flying! What a wonderful night!The next morning, James jumps out of bed. He runs to the door.He wants to thank the snowman. But he's gone."); // return builder; } //此方法统计出每个单词[不考虑大小写]出现的次数,数据结构请自行定义,设计如下: public ? countSize(CharSequence content) { //TODO ... } //注:? 处是你需要去思考,该设计什么结构来存放结
果的占位符,可以使用 Map<String, Integer> 来存储每个单词和它的出现次数。然后,我们可以将每个单词和它的出现次数封装到一个类 WordBean 中,最终返回一个 WordBean[] 数组。具体实现如下: public class WordBean { private String word; private int count; public WordBean(String word, int count) { this.word = word; this.count = count; } public String getWord() { return word; } public int getCount() { return count; } } public class PatternDemo { //此方法用来统计 content 中的英文单词个数, 请使用正则表达式来做,单词的正则表达式请自行编写, public int countWords(CharSequence content) { //匹配英文单词的正则表达式 String regex = "\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); int count = 0; while (matcher.find()) { count++; } return count; } //此方法统计出每个单词[不考虑大小写]出现的次数,数据结构请自行定义 public WordBean[] countSize(CharSequence content) { //将 content 转换为小写 String lowerContent = content.toString().toLowerCase(); //匹配英文单词的正则表达式 String regex = "\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(lowerContent); //使用 Map 来存储每个单词和它的出现次数 Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); while (matcher.find()) { String word = matcher.group(); if (map.containsKey(word)) { map.put(word, map.get(word) + 1); } else { map.put(word, 1); } } //将每个单词和它的出现次数封装到 WordBean 中,并添加到数组中 WordBean[] wordBeans = new WordBean[map.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) { wordBeans[i++] = new WordBean(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return wordBeans; } //此方法返回一串固定的字符串,已写好,可以直接用。 public StringBuilder getContent() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Hooray! It's snowing! It's time to make a snowman.James runs out. He makes a big pile of snow. He puts a big snowball on top. He adds a scarf and a hat. He adds an orange for the nose. He adds coal for the eyes and buttons.In the evening, James opens the door. What does he see? The snowman is moving! James invites him in. The snowman has never been inside a house. He says hello to the cat. He plays with paper towels.A moment later, the snowman takes James's hand and goes out.They go up, up, up into the air! They are flying! What a wonderful night!The next morning, James jumps out of bed. He runs to the door.He wants to thank the snowman. But he's gone."); return builder; } }




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