
本文翻译自:Using async/await for multiple tasks

I'm using an API client that is completely asynchrounous, that is, each operation either returns Task or Task<T> , eg: 我使用的是完全异步的API客户端,也就是说,每个操作都返回TaskTask<T> ,例如:

static async Task DoSomething(int siteId, int postId, IBlogClient client)
    await client.DeletePost(siteId, postId); // call API client
    Console.WriteLine("Deleted post {0}.", siteId);

Using the C# 5 async/await operators, what is the correct/most efficient way to start multiple tasks and wait for them all to complete: 使用C#5 async / await运算符,启动多个任务并等待所有任务完成的正确/最有效方法是什么:

int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Parallel.ForEach(ids, i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient).Wait());

or: 要么:

int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Task.WaitAll(ids.Select(i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient)).ToArray());

Since the API client is using HttpClient internally, I would expect this to issue 5 HTTP requests immediately, writing to the console as each one completes. 由于API客户端在内部使用HttpClient,因此我希望它可以立即发出5个HTTP请求,并在每个请求完成时写入控制台。




int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Parallel.ForEach(ids, i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient).Wait());

Although you run the operations in parallel with the above code, this code blocks each thread that each operation runs on. 尽管您与上述代码并行运行这些操作,但是此代码阻止了每个操作在其上运行的每个线程。 For example, if the network call takes 2 seconds, each thread hangs for 2 seconds w/o doing anything but waiting. 例如,如果网络调用花费2秒钟,则每个线程将挂起2秒钟,而不执行任何其他操作(除了等待)。

int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Task.WaitAll(ids.Select(i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient)).ToArray());

On the other hand, the above code with WaitAll also blocks the threads and your threads won't be free to process any other work till the operation ends. 另一方面,上面的带有WaitAll代码也会阻塞线程,并且线程将无法自由处理任何其他工作,直到操作结束。

Recommended Approach 推荐方法

I would prefer WhenAll which will perform your operations asynchronously in Parallel. 我希望WhenAll可以在Parallel中异步执行您的操作。

public async Task DoWork() {

    int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    await Task.WhenAll(ids.Select(i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient)));

In fact, in the above case, you don't even need to await , you can just directly return from the method as you don't have any continuations: 实际上,在上述情况下,您甚至不需要await ,因为没有任何继续,您可以直接从方法中返回:

 public Task DoWork() { int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; return Task.WhenAll(ids.Select(i => DoSomething(1, i, blogClient))); } 

To back this up, here is a detailed blog post going through all the alternatives and their advantages/disadvantages: How and Where Concurrent Asynchronous I/O with ASP.NET Web API 作为支持,这是一篇详细的博客文章,介绍了所有其他选择以及它们的优点/缺点: 如何以及在何处使用ASP.NET Web API进行并发异步I / O


Since the API you're calling is async, the Parallel.ForEach version doesn't make much sense. 由于您正在调用的API是异步的,因此Parallel.ForEach版本没有多大意义。 You shouldnt use .Wait in the WaitAll version since that would lose the parallelism Another alternative if the caller is async is using Task.WhenAll after doing Select and ToArray to generate the array of tasks. 你不应该使用.WaitWaitAll版本,因为那样会丧失并行的另一种选择,如果来电者是异步使用Task.WhenAll后做SelectToArray生成任务的阵列。 A second alternative is using Rx 2.0 第二种选择是使用Rx 2.0


I was curious to see the results of the methods provided in the question as well as the accepted answer, so I put it to the test. 我很好奇看到问题中提供的方法的结果以及可接受的答案,因此我将其进行了测试。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AsyncTest
    class Program
        class Worker
            public int Id;
            public int SleepTimeout;

            public async Task DoWork(DateTime testStart)
                var workerStart = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} started on thread {1}, beginning {2} seconds after test start.",
                    Id, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, (workerStart-testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));
                await Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(SleepTimeout));
                var workerEnd = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} stopped; the worker took {1} seconds, and it finished {2} seconds after the test start.",
                   Id, (workerEnd-workerStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"), (workerEnd-testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var workers = new List<Worker>
                new Worker { Id = 1, SleepTimeout = 1000 },
                new Worker { Id = 2, SleepTimeout = 2000 },
                new Worker { Id = 3, SleepTimeout = 3000 },
                new Worker { Id = 4, SleepTimeout = 4000 },
                new Worker { Id = 5, SleepTimeout = 5000 },

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Parallel.ForEach...");
            PerformTest_ParallelForEach(workers, startTime);
            var endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Task.WaitAll...");
            PerformTest_TaskWaitAll(workers, startTime);
            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Task.WhenAll...");
            var task = PerformTest_TaskWhenAll(workers, startTime);
            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));


        static void PerformTest_ParallelForEach(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            Parallel.ForEach(workers, worker => worker.DoWork(testStart).Wait());

        static void PerformTest_TaskWaitAll(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            Task.WaitAll(workers.Select(worker => worker.DoWork(testStart)).ToArray());

        static Task PerformTest_TaskWhenAll(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            return Task.WhenAll(workers.Select(worker => worker.DoWork(testStart)));

And the resulting output: 以及结果输出:

Starting test: Parallel.ForEach...
Worker 1 started on thread 1, beginning 0.21 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 5, beginning 0.21 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 3, beginning 0.21 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 6, beginning 0.21 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 4, beginning 0.21 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.90 seconds, and it finished 2.11 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 3.89 seconds, and it finished 4.10 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 5.89 seconds, and it finished 6.10 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 5.90 seconds, and it finished 6.11 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 8.89 seconds, and it finished 9.10 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 9.10 seconds.

Starting test: Task.WaitAll...
Worker 1 started on thread 1, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 1, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 1, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 1, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 1, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.00 seconds, and it finished 1.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 2.00 seconds, and it finished 2.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 3.00 seconds, and it finished 3.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 4.00 seconds, and it finished 4.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 5.00 seconds, and it finished 5.01 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 5.01 seconds.

Starting test: Task.WhenAll...
Worker 1 started on thread 1, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 1, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 1, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 1, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 1, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.00 seconds, and it finished 1.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 2.00 seconds, and it finished 2.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 3.00 seconds, and it finished 3.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 4.00 seconds, and it finished 4.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 5.00 seconds, and it finished 5.00 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 5.00 seconds.


You can use Task.WhenAll function that you can pass n tasks; 您可以使用Task.WhenAll函数来传递n个任务; Task.WhenAll will return a task which runs to completion when all the tasks that you passed to Task.WhenAll complete. Task.WhenAll将返回一个任务,当您传递给Task.WhenAll所有任务完成时,该任务将运行至完成。 You have to wait asynchronously on Task.WhenAll so that you'll not block your UI thread: 您必须在Task.WhenAll异步等待,以免阻塞UI线程:

   public async Task DoSomeThing() {

       var Task[] tasks = new Task[numTasks];
       for(int i = 0; i < numTask; i++)
          tasks[i] = CallSomeAsync();
       await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
       // code that'll execute on UI thread


Parallel.ForEach requires a list of user-defined workers and a non-async Action to perform with each worker. Parallel.ForEach需要一个用户定义的工作程序列表和一个与每个工作程序一起执行的非异步 Action

Task.WaitAll and Task.WhenAll require a List<Task> , which are by definition asynchronous. Task.WaitAllTask.WhenAll需要一个List<Task> ,这在定义上是异步的。

I found RiaanDP 's response very useful to understand the difference, but it needs a correction for Parallel.ForEach . 我发现RiaanDP响应对于理解差异非常有用,但是需要对Parallel.ForEach进行更正。 Not enough reputation to respond to his comment, thus my own response. 没有足够的声誉来回应他的评论,因此是我自己的回应。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AsyncTest
    class Program
        class Worker
            public int Id;
            public int SleepTimeout;

            public void DoWork(DateTime testStart)
                var workerStart = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} started on thread {1}, beginning {2} seconds after test start.",
                    Id, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, (workerStart - testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));
                var workerEnd = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} stopped; the worker took {1} seconds, and it finished {2} seconds after the test start.",
                   Id, (workerEnd - workerStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"), (workerEnd - testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

            public async Task DoWorkAsync(DateTime testStart)
                var workerStart = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} started on thread {1}, beginning {2} seconds after test start.",
                    Id, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, (workerStart - testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));
                await Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(SleepTimeout));
                var workerEnd = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Worker {0} stopped; the worker took {1} seconds, and it finished {2} seconds after the test start.",
                   Id, (workerEnd - workerStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"), (workerEnd - testStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var workers = new List<Worker>
                new Worker { Id = 1, SleepTimeout = 1000 },
                new Worker { Id = 2, SleepTimeout = 2000 },
                new Worker { Id = 3, SleepTimeout = 3000 },
                new Worker { Id = 4, SleepTimeout = 4000 },
                new Worker { Id = 5, SleepTimeout = 5000 },

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Parallel.ForEach...");
            PerformTest_ParallelForEach(workers, startTime);
            var endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Task.WaitAll...");
            PerformTest_TaskWaitAll(workers, startTime);
            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test: Task.WhenAll...");
            var task = PerformTest_TaskWhenAll(workers, startTime);
            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Test finished after {0} seconds.\n",
                (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));


        static void PerformTest_ParallelForEach(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            Parallel.ForEach(workers, worker => worker.DoWork(testStart));

        static void PerformTest_TaskWaitAll(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            Task.WaitAll(workers.Select(worker => worker.DoWorkAsync(testStart)).ToArray());

        static Task PerformTest_TaskWhenAll(List<Worker> workers, DateTime testStart)
            return Task.WhenAll(workers.Select(worker => worker.DoWorkAsync(testStart)));

The resulting output is below. 结果输出如下。 Execution times are comparable. 执行时间是可比的。 I ran this test while my computer was doing the weekly anti virus scan. 我的计算机每周进行一次防病毒扫描时,我进行了此测试。 Changing the order of the tests did change the execution times on them. 改变测试的顺序确实改变了它们的执行时间。

Starting test: Parallel.ForEach...
Worker 1 started on thread 9, beginning 0.02 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 10, beginning 0.02 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 11, beginning 0.02 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 13, beginning 0.03 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 14, beginning 0.03 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.00 seconds, and it finished 1.02 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 2.00 seconds, and it finished 2.02 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 3.00 seconds, and it finished 3.03 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 4.00 seconds, and it finished 4.03 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 5.00 seconds, and it finished 5.03 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 5.03 seconds.

Starting test: Task.WaitAll...
Worker 1 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 9, beginning 0.01 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.00 seconds, and it finished 1.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 2.00 seconds, and it finished 2.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 3.00 seconds, and it finished 3.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 4.00 seconds, and it finished 4.01 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 5.00 seconds, and it finished 5.01 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 5.01 seconds.

Starting test: Task.WhenAll...
Worker 1 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 2 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 3 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 4 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 5 started on thread 9, beginning 0.00 seconds after test start.
Worker 1 stopped; the worker took 1.00 seconds, and it finished 1.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 2 stopped; the worker took 2.00 seconds, and it finished 2.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 3 stopped; the worker took 3.00 seconds, and it finished 3.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 4 stopped; the worker took 4.00 seconds, and it finished 4.00 seconds after the test start.
Worker 5 stopped; the worker took 5.00 seconds, and it finished 5.01 seconds after the test start.
Test finished after 5.01 seconds.




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