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		      	<h4>ChuJian <small>the 1</small></h4>
		      	<p>Hebei Normal University campus is very large, the environment is particularly good,When I first entered the university, I liked it very much. This year, air conditioning was installed in our dormitory.</p>
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		      	<h4>XueYuan <small>the 2</small></h4>
		      	<p>The teachers of our software institute are all very good. Every teacher has profound knowledge and is very good to us. When we have learning problems, the teachers will patiently answer for us</p>
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		      	<h4>YuanJing <small>the 3</small></h4>
		      	<p>I hope to have a good job when I graduate from my senior year. I can afford my four-year university and work in our industry.</p>
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		      		<h4>Here are some nice photos. Do you want to see them?Come with me.</h4>
		      		<p>Today is the first time that I use bootstrap to make a web page. The time is very short, and the technical self-feeling is also a little deficient. But I hope it will get better and better.</p>
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		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
		      		<p>There are aircraft carriers in this picture</p>
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					<p>Here are three pictures, accounting for 7/12 of the grid system</p>
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