(JavaCard)JavaCard222VM Spec(JavaCard 2.2.2 虚拟机规范-中英文对照,第四章)

Binary Representation


This chapter presents information about the binary representation of Java Card
programs. Java Card technology-based binaries (“Java Card binaries”) are usually
contained in files, therefore this chapter addresses binary representation in terms of
this common case.


Several topics relating to binary representation are covered. The first section
describes the basic organization of program representation in export and CAP files,
as well as the use of the Java? Archive (JAR) file containers. The second section
covers how Java Card applets and packages are named using unique identifiers. The
third section presents the scheme used for naming and linking items within Java
Card API packages. The fourth and fifth sections describe the constraints for upward
compatibility between different versions of a Java Card technology-based binary
(“Java Card binary”) program file, and versions assigned based upon that
关于数据结构的若干个话题会被涉及,第一章描述了类似于java JAR文件的EXP和CAP文件的基本组织结构。第二章涉及到java卡应用和包使用唯一标志命名的方法。第三章描述了用于java卡API中命名和链接的方案。


4.1 Java Card Platform File Formats
4.1 java卡平台文件格式


Java programs are represented in compiled, binary form as class files. Java class files
are used not only to execute programs on a Java virtual machine, but also to provide
type and name information to a Java compiler. In the latter role, a class file is
essentially used to document the API of its class to client code. That client code is
compiled into its own class file, including symbolic references used to dynamically
link to the API class at runtime.
Java Card technology uses a different strategy for binary representation of
programs. Executable binaries and interface binaries are represented in two separate
files. These files are respectively called CAP files (for converted applet) and export


4.1.1 Export File Format
4.1.1 导出文件格式


Export files are not used directly on a device that implements a Java Card virtual
machine. However, the information in an export file is critical to the operation of the
virtual machine on a device. An export file can be produced by a Java Card
converter when a package is converted. This package’s export file can be used later
to convert another package that imports classes from the first package. Information
in the export file is included in the CAP file of the second package, then is used on
the device to link the contents of the second package to items imported from the first


A Java Card technology-based export file (“Java Card export file”) contains the
public interface information for an entire package of classes. This means that an
export file only contains information about the public API of a package, and does
not include information used to link classes within a package.
The name of an export file is the last portion of the package specification followed
by the extension ‘.exp’. For example, the name of the export file of the
javacard.framework package must be framework.exp. Operating systems that
impose limitations on file name lengths may transform an export file’s name
according to their own conventions.
For a complete description of the Java Card export file format, see Chapter 5, “The
Export File Format”.


4.1.2 CAP File Format
4.1.2 CAP文件结构


A Java Card CAP file contains a binary representation of a package of classes that
can be installed on a device and used to execute the package’s classes on a Java Card
virtual machine.
A CAP file is produced by a Java Card converter when a package of classes is
converted. A CAP file consists of a set of components, each of which describes a
different aspect of the contents. The set of components in a CAP file can vary,
depending on whether the file contains a library or applet definition(s).
For a complete description of the Java Card CAP file format, see Chapter 6, “The
CAP File Format”.


4.1.3 JAR File Container
4.1.3 JAR文件容器

The JAR file format is used as the container format for CAP files. What this
specification calls a “CAP file” is just a JAR file that contains the required set of CAP
components (see Chapter 6, “The CAP File Format”).

CAP file components are stored as files in a JAR file. Each CAP file component is
located in a subdirectory called javacard that is in a directory representing the
package. For example, the CAP file components of the package com.sun.framework
are located in the directory com/sun/framework/javacard.
An export file may also be contained in a JAR file, whether that JAR file contains
CAP file components or not. If an export file is included, it must be located in the
same directory as the components for that package would be.
The name of a JAR file containing CAP file components is not defined as part of this
specification. Other files, including CAP file components for another package, may
also reside in a JAR file that contains CAP file components.


4.2 AID-based Naming
4.2 AID基础的命名

This section describes the mechanism used for naming applets and packages in Java
Card CAP files and export files, and custom components in Java Card CAP files.
Java class files use Unicode strings to name Java packages. As the Java Card
platform does not include support for strings, an alternative mechanism for naming
is provided.
ISO 7816 is a multipart standard that describes a broad range of technology for
building smart card systems. ISO 7816-5 defines the AID (application identifier) data
format to be used for unique identification of card applications (and certain kinds of
files in card file systems). The Java Card platform uses the AID data format to
identify applets and packages. AIDs are administered by the International Standards
Organization (ISO), so they can be used as unique identifiers.
ISO 7816是一个用来描述构建智能卡系统很广阔范围知识的一个多部分规范。ISO7816-5定义了AID(应用标识)数据格式来唯一的标识卡片应用(和卡片内特定类型的文件)。AID由ISO国际规范组织统一管理,所以它可以用来作为唯一标识。


4.2.1 The AID Format
4.2.1 AID格式


This section presents a minimal description of the AID data format used in Java
Card technology. For complete details, refer to ISO 7816-5, AID Registration
Category ‘D’ format.

The AID format used by the Java Card platform is an array of bytes that can be
interpreted as two distinct pieces, as shown in TABLE 4-1. The first piece is a 5-byte
value known as a RID (resource identifier). The second piece is a variable length
value known as a PIX (proprietary identifier extension). A PIX can be from 0 to 11
bytes in length. Thus an AID can be from 5 to 16 bytes in total length.

ISO controls the assignment of RIDs to companies, with each company obtaining its
own unique RID from the ISO. Companies manage assignment of PIXs for AIDs
using their own RIDs.


4.2.2 AID Usage
4.2.2 AID使用


In the Java platform, packages are uniquely identified using Unicode strings and a
naming scheme based on internet domain names. In the Java Card platform,
packages and applets are identified using AIDs.
Any package that is represented in an export file must be assigned a unique AID.
The AID for a package is constructed from the concatenation of the company’s RID
and a PIX for that package. This AID corresponds to the string name for the package,
as shown in FIGURE 4-1.


Each applet installed on a Java Card technology enabled device must also have a
unique AID. This AID is constructed similarly to a package AID. It is a
concatenation of the applet provider’s RID and PIX for that applet. An applet AID
must not have the same value as the AID of any package or the AID of any other
applet. The RID of each applet in a package must be the same as the RID of the

Custom components defined in a CAP file are also identified using AIDs. Like AIDs
for applets and packages, component AIDs are formed by concatenating a RID and a


4.3 Token-based Linking
4.3 基于令牌的链接


This section describes a scheme that allows downloaded software to be linked
against APIs on a Java Card technology enabled device. The scheme represents
referenced items as opaque tokens, instead of Unicode strings as are used in Java
class files. The two basic requirements of this linking scheme are that it allows
linking on the device, and that it does not require internal implementation details of
APIs to be revealed to clients of those APIs. Secondary requirements are that the
scheme be efficient in terms of resource use on the device, and have acceptable
performance for linking. And of course, it must preserve the semantics of the Java


4.3.1 Externally Visible Items
4.3.1 外部可见对象


Classes (including Interfaces) in Java packages may be declared with public or
package visibility. A class’s methods and fields may be declared with public,
protected, package or private visibility. For purposes of this document, we define
public classes, public or protected fields, and public or protected methods to be
externally visible from the package.


Each externally visible item must have a token associated with it to enable references
from other packages to the item to be resolved on a device. There are six kinds of
items in a package that require external identification.
■ Classes (including Interfaces)
■ Static Fields
■ Static Methods
■ Instance Fields
■ Virtual Methods
■ Interface Methods
■ 类(包含接口)
■ 静态属性
■ 静态方法
■ 实例属性
■ 虚方法
■ 接口方法


4.3.2 Private Tokens
4.3.2 私有令牌

Items that are not externally visible are internally visible. Internally visible items are
not described in a package’s export file, but some such items use private tokens to
represent internal references. External references are represented by public tokens.
There are three kinds of items that can be assigned private tokens.
■ Instance Fields
■ Virtual Methods
■ Packages
■ 实例属性
■ 虚方法
■ 包


4.3.3 The Export File and Conversion
4.3.3 导出文件和转化


An export file contains entries for externally visible items in the package. Each entry
holds the item’s name and its token. Some entries may include additional
information as well. For detailed information on the export file format, see
Chapter 5, “The Export File Format”.


The export file is used to map names for imported items to tokens during package
conversion. The Java Card converter uses these tokens to represent references to
items in an imported package.


For example, during the conversion of the class files of applet A, the export file of
javacard.framework is used to find tokens for items in the API that are used by the
applet. Applet A creates a new instance of framework class OwnerPIN. The
framework export file contains an entry for javacard.framework.OwnerPIN that
holds the token for this class. The converter places this token in the CAP file’s
constant pool to represent an unresolved reference to the class. The token value is
later used to resolve the reference on a device.


4.3.4 References – External and Internal
4.3.4 引用-外部引用和内部引用


In the context of a CAP file, references to items are made indirectly through a
package’s constant pool. References to items in other packages are called external,
and are represented in terms of tokens. References to items in the same CAP file are
called internal, and are represented either in terms of tokens, or in a different
internal format.


An external reference to a class is composed of a package token and a class token.
Together those tokens specify a certain class in a certain package. An internal
reference to a class is a 15-bit value that is a pointer to the class structure’s location
within the CAP file.


An external reference to a static class member, either a field or method, consists of a
package token, a class token, and a token for the static field or static method. An
internal reference to a static class member is a 16-bit value that is a pointer to the
item’s location in the CAP file.


References to instance fields, virtual methods and interface methods consist of a
class reference and a token of the appropriate type. The class reference determines
whether the reference is external or internal.


4.3.5 Installation and Linking
4.3.5 安装和链接


External references in a CAP file can be resolved on a device from token form into
the internal representation used by the virtual machine.
A token can only be resolved in the context of the package that defines it. Just as the
export file maps from a package’s externally visible names to tokens, there is a set of
link information for each package on the device that maps from tokens to resolved


4.3.6 Token Assignment
4.3.6 令牌分配


Tokens for an API are assigned by the API’s owner and published in the package
export file(s) for that API. Since the name-to-token mappings are published, an API
owner may choose any order for tokens (subject to the constraints listed below).
A particular device platform can resolve tokens into whatever internal
representation is most useful for that implementation of a Java Card virtual
machine. Some tokens may be resolved to indices. For example, an instance field
token may be resolved to an index into a class instance’s fields. In such cases, the
token value is distinct from and unrelated to the value of the resolved index.
API的令牌由API的拥有者分配,并发布在API包的export file目录中。因为名称到令牌的映射已经发布,一个API拥有者可以选择任何令牌的顺序(服从下面的约束)。


4.3.7 Token Details
4.3.7 令牌细节


Each kind of item in a package has its own independent scope for tokens of that
kind. The token range and assignment rules for each kind are listed in TABLE 4-2.
TABLE 4-2  Token Range, Type and Scope
Token Type Range Type Scope

包中每种类型的对象都拥有独立的令牌范围。下表是每种类型的令牌范围和访问限制。 Package 包
All package references from within a CAP file are assigned private package tokens.
Package token values must be in the range from 0 to 127, inclusive. The tokens for all
the packages referenced from classes in a CAP file are numbered consecutively
starting at zero. The ordering of package tokens is not specified.
在CAP中所有的包引用都被指派了私有包令牌。包令牌的值必须是0-127。类引用的所有包在CAP文件中连续编号,从0开始。包令牌的顺序没有指定。 Classes and Interfaces 类和接口

All externally visible classes and interfaces in a package are assigned public class
tokens. Class token values must be in the range from 0 to 254, inclusive. The tokens
for all the public classes and interfaces in a package are numbered consecutively
starting at zero. The ordering of class tokens is not specified.
Package-visible classes and interfaces are not assigned tokens.
包可见的类和接口不分配令牌。 Static Fields 静态属性


All externally visible static fields in a package are assigned public static field tokens.
The tokens for all externally visible static fields in a class are numbered
consecutively starting at zero. Static fields token values must be in the range from 0
to 255, inclusive. The ordering of static field tokens is not specified.
Package-visible and private static fields are not assigned tokens. In addition, no
tokens are assigned for final static fields that are initialized to primitive, compile-
time constants, as these fields are never represented as fields in CAP files.
包可见和私有的静态属性不分配令牌。而且被初始化为基本类型的final static属性也不分配令牌,编译期常量相当于从来没有出现在CAP的属性中。(直接把常量转化为字节码了) Static Methods and Constructors 静态属性和构造函数

All externally visible static methods and constructors in a package are assigned
public static method tokens. Constructors are included in this category because they
are statically bound. Static method token values must be in the range from 0 to 255,
inclusive. The tokens for all the externally visible static methods and constructors in
a class are numbered consecutively starting at zero. The ordering of static method
tokens is not specified.
Package-visible and private static methods as well as package-visible and private
constructors are not assigned tokens.
包可见和私有的静态方法和包可见和私有的构造函数不分配令牌。 Instance Fields 实例属性


All instance fields defined in a package are assigned either public or private instance
field tokens. The scope of a set of instance field tokens is limited to the class that
declares the instance fields, not including the fields declared by superclasses of that
Instance field token values must be in the range from 0 to 255, inclusive. Public and
private tokens for instance fields are assigned from the same namespace. The tokens
for all the instance fields in a class are numbered consecutively starting at zero,
except that the token after an int field is skipped and the token for the following
field is numbered two greater than the token of the int field.
Within a class, tokens for externally visible fields must be numbered less than the
tokens for package and private fields. For public tokens, the tokens for reference
type fields must be numbered greater than the tokens for primitive type fields. For
private tokens, the tokens for reference type fields must be numbered less than the
tokens for primitive type fields. Beyond that, the ordering of instance field tokens in
a class is not specified.
在类中,公有令牌的值必须小于私有令牌。对于公有类型令牌,索引类型的令牌的值必须大于基本类型令牌的值。对私有类型令牌,索引类型的令牌的值必须大于基本类型令牌的值。除此之外,没有别的限制。 Virtual Methods 虚方法


Virtual methods are instance methods that are resolved dynamically. The set
includes all public, protected and package-visible instance methods. Private instance
methods and all constructors are not virtual methods, but instead are resolved
statically during compilation.

All virtual methods defined in a package are assigned either public or private virtual
method tokens. Virtual method token values must be in the range from 0 to 127,
inclusive. Public and private tokens for virtual methods are assigned from different
namespaces. The high bit of the byte containing a virtual method token is set to one
if the token is a private token.

Public tokens for the externally visible (public or protected) introduced virtual
methods in a class are numbered consecutively starting at one greater than the
highest numbered public virtual method token of the class’s superclass. If a method
overrides a method implemented in the class’s superclass, that method is assigned
the same token number as the method in the superclass. The high bit of the byte
containing a public virtual method token is always set to zero, to indicate it is a
public token. The ordering of public virtual method tokens in a class is not specified.

Private virtual method tokens are assigned to package-visible virtual methods. They
are assigned differently from public virtual method tokens. If a class and its
superclass are defined in the same package, the tokens for the package-visible
introduced virtual methods in that class are numbered consecutively starting at one
greater than the highest numbered private virtual method token of the class’s
superclass. If the class and its superclass are defined in different packages, the
tokens for the package-visible introduced virtual methods in that class are numbered
consecutively starting at zero. If a method overrides a method implemented in the
class’s superclass, that method uses the same token number as the method in the
superclass. The definition of the Java programming language specifies that
overriding a package-visible virtual method is only possible if both the class and its
superclass are defined in the same package. The high bit of the byte containing a
virtual method token is always set to one, to indicate it is a private token. The
ordering of private virtual method tokens in a class is not specified.
如果一个方法重载了父类实现的方法,则复用它父类的令牌值。从java语言规范的定义,包可见重载只会发生在父类和子类同包的情况。私有令牌的最高bit永远是1,来和公有令牌区分。私有令牌的令牌排序没有规定。 Interface Methods 接口方法


All interface methods defined in a package are assigned public interface method
tokens, as interface methods are always public. Interface methods tokens values
must be in the range from 0 to 127, inclusive. The tokens for all the interface
methods defined in or inherited by an interface are numbered consecutively starting
at zero. The token value for an interface method in a given interface is unrelated to
the token values of that same method in any of the interface’s superinterfaces. Each
interface includes its own token values for all the methods inherited from super-
interfaces as well as its defined methods. The high bit of the byte containing an
interface method token is always set to zero, to indicate it is a public token. The
ordering of interface method tokens is not specified.


4.4 Binary Compatibility
4.4 数据兼容
In the Java programming language the granularity of binary compatibility can be
between classes since binaries are stored in individual class files. In Java Card
systems Java packages are processed as a single unit, and therefore the granulari
of binary compatibility is between packages. In Java Card systems the binary of
package is represented in a CAP file, and the API of a package is represented in
export file.

In a Java Card system, a change to a type in a Java package results in a new CAP file.
A new CAP file is binary compatible with (equivalently, does not break
compatibility with) a preexisting CAP file if another CAP file converted using the
export file of the preexisting CAP file can link with the new CAP file without errors.

shows an example of binary compatible CAP files, p1 and p1’. The preconditions for
the example are: the package p1 is converted to create the p1 CAP file and p1 export
file, and package p1 is modified and converted to create the p1’ CAP file. Package p2
imports package p1, and therefore when the p2 CAP file is created the export file of
p1 is used. In the example, p2 is converted using the original p1 export file. Because
p1’ is binary compatible with p1, p2 may be linked with either the p1 CAP file or the
p1’ CAP file.
以下例子展示了数据兼容的CAP文件,p1和p1'。例子的前提是包p1转化后生成p1 CAP文件和p1 export文件,包p1修改后并且转化产生p1' CAP文件。包p2导入了包p1,因此p2生成CAP的时候使用了p1的export文件。
在例子中,p2是使用原始的p1的导出文件。因为p1'和p1数据兼容,p2可以链接到p1 CAP或者p1' CAP文件。

Any modification that causes binary incompatibility in the Java programming
language also causes binary incompatibility in Java Card systems. These
modifications are described as causing a potential error in The Java Language

Specification. Any modification that does not cause binary incompatibility in the
Java programming language does not cause binary incompatibility in a Java Card
system, except under the following conditions:
■ The value of a token assigned to an element in the API of a package is changed.
■ The value of an externally visible final static field (compile-time constant) is
■ An externally visible virtual method that does not override a preexisting method
is added to a non-final public class.
■ An externally visible interface method that does not override a preexisting
method is added to a public interface.
■ API包中某对象关联的令牌值发生了变化。
■ 外部可见静态常量属性(编译期常量)的值发生了变化。
■ 在一个非最终公有类上增加了(而不是重载)一个外部可见虚方法。
■ 在一个公有接口中增加了(而不是重载)一个外部可见接口方法。

Tokens are used to resolve references to imported elements of a package. If a token
value is modified, a linker on a device is unable to associate the new token value
with the previous token value of the element, and therefore is unable to resolve the
reference correctly.

Compile-time constants are not stored as fields in CAP files. Instead their values are
recorded in export files and placed inline in the bytecodes in CAP files. These values
are said to be pre-linked in a CAP file of a package that imports those constants.
During execution, information is not available to determine whether the value of an
inlined constant is the same as the value defined by the binary of the imported

As described above, tokens assigned to public and protected virtual methods are
scoped to the hierarchy of a class. Tokens assigned to public and protected virtual
methods introduced in a subclass have values starting at one greater than the
maximum token value assigned in a superclass. If a new, non-override, public or
protected virtual method is introduced in a superclass it is assigned a token value
that would otherwise have been assigned in a subclass. Therefore, two unique
virtual methods could be assigned the same token value within the same class
hierarchy, making resolution of a reference to one of the methods ambiguous.

The addition of an externally visible, non-override method to a public interface is a
binary incompatible change. It allows classes which are not themselves abstract to
contain an abstract method. For example, consider the case of an interface I
implemented by a class C that is not abstract, where I and C reside in different
packages. If a new method is added to I, creating I’, then C cannot link with the new
version of I’ because this would result in the class C containing an abstract method
without the class C being abstract. The fact that C can not link with I’ means that I
and I’ are not binary compatible.


4.5 Package Versions
4.5 包版本


Each implementation of a package in a Java Card system is assigned a pair of major
and minor version numbers. These version numbers are used to indicate binary
compatibility or incompatibility between successive implementations of a package.


4.5.1 Assigning
4.5.1 分配


The major and minor versions of a package are assigned by the package provider. It
is recommended that the initial implementation of a package be assigned a major
version of 1 and a minor version of 0. However, any values may be chosen. It is also
recommended that when either a major or a minor version is incremented, it is
incremented exactly by 1.


A major version must be changed when a new implementation of a package is not
binary compatible with the previous implementation. The value of the new major
version must be greater than the major version of the previous implementation.
When a major version is changed, the associated minor version must be assigned the
value of 0.


When a new implementation of a package is binary compatible with the previous
implementation, it must be assigned a major version equal to the major version of
the previous implementation. The minor version assigned to the new
implementation must be greater than the minor version of the previous


4.5.2 Linking
4.5.2 链接


Both an export file and a CAP file contain the major and minor version numbers of
the package described. When a CAP file is installed on a Java Card technology-
enabled device a resident image of the package is created, and the major and minor
version numbers are recorded as part of that image. When an export file is used
during preparation of a CAP file, the version numbers indicated in the export file are
recorded in the CAP file.


During installation, references from the package of the CAP file being installed to an
imported package can be resolved only when the version numbers indicated in the
export file used during preparation of the CAP file are compatible with the version
numbers of the resident image. They are compatible when the major version
numbers are equal and the minor version of the export file is less than or equal to
the minor version of the resident image.

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